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Willa Nicoletta, Genuine relaxation Some...

Willa Nicoletta, Genuine relaxation

Somewhere in the world, there’s a place where stress isn’t allowed and peace and genuine relaxation are the only demands of the day.If you could go there, you would thoroughly enjoy yourself.There are not too many places in the world like this...but this is one of them.It’s luxurious.It’s ultra-private.

Welcome to Villa Nicoletta.

Villa Nicoletta is a 4 bedroom luxury villa and an oasis(绿洲) of rest and rejuvenation(恢复活力) in a land of unspoiled peace.Located on a 70-foot cliff overlooking the north shore of the Island of St.Thomas and the pretty waters of Caret Bay, Villa Nicoletta offers some the finest accommodations in the Caribbean for those seeking a vacation of elegance, peace and privacy.You’ll see how the sun blankets the landscape and water in shimmering brilliance by day and how the sky twinkles like billions of flawless diamonds at night.

Completed in 2000, the 3,300-square-foot  Villa Nicoletta is fully equipped with state-of-the-art electronics, including: 6 High Defintion flat-screen TVs all with 120-channel satellite television and four Dell computers with 19-inch flat-screen monitors, wireless broadband Internet and printer/scanner/fax capability. There are also 6 DVD players to go with the TVs, as well as CD players, radios and video games.

When you book Villa Nicoletta, you shall book the entire villa.

Off Season: April 16 to December 14

★4 bedrooms—$5700 /week (8 people max)

Sleep sofa can add additional 2 people $ 200/night

Peak Season: December 15 to April 15

★4 bedrooms—$6300/week(8 people max)

Sleep sofa can add additional 2 people $ 200/night

1.The villa can be rented to a maximum of           people at a time.

A.five              B.eight             C.thirteen           D.ten

2.If a family with 6 people spends a two-week Christmas holiday in the villa, how much will they pay?

A.$12,600.          B.$15,400.          C.$11,400.          D.$13,200.

3.Villa Nicoletta is most likely to be popular with tourists who     .

A.like adventure

B.want to escape the noisy life of the city

C.enjoy the winter sports

D.seek excitement in the sea

4.We can infer that        .

A.you have to share the villa with other tourists

B.the Island of St. Thomas is famous for the ocean theme amusement park

C.fewer tourists stay in Villa Nicoletta in autumn than in spring

D.you can go in for extreme sports in Villa Nicoletta

5.The underlined word “twinkles” here means       .

A.shines with a light                       B.falls like snow

C.burns with a spot                        D.cries in surprise


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文实际上一是一则广告,介绍了Willa Nicoletta这个度假胜地。 1.D 细节题。根据文章倒数4,5行bedrooms—$5700 /week (8 people max)和Sleep sofa can add additional 2 people $ 200/night原来有8人,加床2人,那么一共10人,故D正确。 2.A 计算题。根据倒数第二行★4 bedrooms—$6300/week(8 people max)可知8口之家一个星期6300。那么2个星期就是$12,600,故A正确。 3.B 推理题。根据第二段1,2行Villa Nicoletta is a 4 bedroom luxury villa and an oasis(绿洲) of rest and rejuvenation(恢复活力) in a land of unspoiled peace.说明这个地方很安静祥和,故B正确。 4.C 推断题。根据Off Season: April 16 to December 14说明在4月到12月是不营业的,故春天也就是1月到4月是开放季节,故C正确。 5.A 推理题。根据本句how the sky twinkles like billions of flawless diamonds at night.说明像钻石一样璀璨,那么该词应该是指A正确。 考点:考查广告类短文

Now let me tell you about the work I have been doing with the UN. My job with the UN is not paid but voluntary, and  1.  I said before, I visit countries where the UN has programmes to help people. So,  2.do I help by visiting these countries? Well,  3. I visit these countries, the television and press will follow and record my visits. This will increase people’s knowledge of the work of the UN. In addition, my visits will encourage people   4.  are working on the projects and draw local people’s attention 5.  the situation.

I have visited many countries in Africa. Recently, I was fortunate 6. to travel to South Africa, where I met some women who have organized themselves into a group. They collect approximately 1.35 yuan per day from each member and add  7. to some money contributed by the government. With this, the women have enough money to acquire materials to make baskets. They then sell these at the market for  8. profit. With luck their group will be able to expand and maybe set up a shop. Such programmes can transform people’s lives by giving them the ability to provide for themselevs and their families.



 For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father!

Lydia M. Child

When I was a little girl, my father had a time-honored tradition. Following my bedtime story, he would give me a nose  36  , and whisper the most wonderful words into my ear. “Michelle, of all the little girls in the whole wide world . . .” he would pause.

“ Yes, Daddy?”

“ How did your mommy and I get so  37  to get the best one?”

 38  he had time to finish, I would say, “You got me!” And then he would continue , “The best little girl in the whole wide world, and we got you.” He would end with a bear hug and  39  kiss to my forehead.

Years passed and my father never missed a night, even when I thought he should have. After my basketball team was  40  , he came into my room.

“ Michelle, of all the basketball players in the whole wide world,” he paused.

“ Yes, Daddy?” I stared at the floor.

“ How did your mom and I get so lucky to get the best one?”

“ You didn’t.”

“ Of course we did, Michelle. We have you.”

After I  41  from college, I became engaged. My father never missed a night to call or leave a message  42  me how special I was to him. I even wondered if he would continue calling after I got  43  , but he didn’t. The daily calls I had taken for granted all my life ended the day he died from cancer, only weeks before my wedding. I deeply missed  44  the days with my father.

Standing behind the white church doors, I waited for the wedding march to begin. Before we walking down the aisle, my brother  45  inside his pocket and handed me an ivory napkin. Inscribed (题写) were the words:

Of all the precious  46  in the whole wide world, how did Mark get so lucky to marry the best one? He married you, Michelle, and he is so lucky! I am so proud of you, my little girl.



Without doubt , it was the best wedding gift I  47 , One I would never forget. My father showered me with his gifts every day of his life. How did I get so lucky?

1.                A.bite           B.kiss            C.touch    D.beat


2.                A.fortunate       B.unlucky         C.angry D.calm


3.                A.Since          B.After           C.When    D.Before


4.                A.other          B.either          C.another  D.each


5.                A.won           B.lost            C.gained   D.defeated


6.                A.entered        B.graduated       C.drove    D.returned


7.                A.criticizing       B.warning         C.reminding D.encouraging


8.                A.excited         B.depressed       C.divorced  D.married


9.                A.washing        B.sharing         C.forgetting D.cutting


10.               A.reached        B.went           C.jumped   D.fell


11.               A.wives          B.daughters       C.mothers   D.kids


12.               A.bought         B.sold           C.received  D.sent




People often have this belief _______economic development is bad for the environment, but this does not have to be true.

A.what             B.which            C.that              D.when



I don’t think Susan will be sad but I’ll go and comfort her ______ she is.

A.in case           B.even though       C.as if              D.unless



China Business Daily reported the 60% discounts on some Beijing-shanghai flights have now slipped back to 20% _______ one day in advance.

A.when books       B.when to book      C.when booking      D.when booked



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