满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 参加英语角的益处;

2. 坚持写英语日记的作用;

3. 英文阅读网站(EnjoyReading)对你的帮助。


1. 词数:120左右;

2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。


One possible version: As a high school student, I consider English a very important subject. In order to learn it well, apart from English class, I took an active part in English corner and other after-class English activities, which benefit me a lot. In the English corner, I meet many friends, who share the same interest with me. Besides, sometimes, some foreigners are glad to join us. By talking with them, my oral English improved a lot. I also find it useful to keep English diaries. I keep on doing it these years and it is helpful to my English. As a saying goes, practice makes perfect. Only by practice will we make more progress. Finally, some good English study websites contribute a lot to my improvement. Through these websites, I can read some classic English passages, poems and stories. What’s more, I can learn some learning skills and methodologies, which play an important part in my study process. All in all, every road leads to Roma, but I believe hard work pays off. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇说明性文章的写作,要点已给出,考生根据所给要点进行展开,写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化,是文章表现比较丰富。 考点:考查语言组织能力。








My brother Tom was very selfish when he was a little boy. He did not want share things with other people. For example,when he bought a chocolate cake, he put them in a secret place where I couldn’t find. Then he ate it all by himself. He never helped other. He said he is busy. That is, a game of tennis making him very busy. He did not care if something he did made people angrily. For instance, on one night he played strong and loudly music till four o’clock in the morning. But he is difference now. He often helps grandma with housework, helps mum with cooking and helps his classmates with their lessons.



How to Make Friends

Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and promotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leaves us without a friend.   71 . But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.

1.  Associate with others.

The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.

2. Start a conversation

Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends.  72   You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people. 

3. 73   

Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together, Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.

4. Let it grow.

It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend. 74  .  The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.

5. Enjoy your friendship

The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves.     75  Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you.

A. Be cheerful.

B. Do things together.

C. Do not wait to be spoken to.

D. Try not to find fault with your friends.

E.  Making new friends comes easy for some people.

F.  For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.

G.  So you will need to give your friend time to react to you.



About twenty of us had been fortunate enough to receive invitations to a film-studio(影棚)to take part in a crowd-scene. Although our “act" would last only for a short time, we could see quite a number of interesting things.

We all stood at the far end of the studio as workmen prepared the scene, setting up trees at the edge of a winding path. Very soon, bright lights were turned on and the big movie-camera was wheeled into position. The director shouted something to the camera operator and then went to speak to the two famous actors nearby. Since it was hot in the studio, it came as a surprise to us to see one of the actors put on a heavy overcoat and start walking along the path. A big fan began blowing tiny white feathers down on him, and soon the trees were covered in “snow". Two more fans were turned on, and a "strong wind" blew through the trees. The picture looked so real that it made us feel cold.

The next scene was a complete contrast (对比). The way it was filmed was quite unusual. Pictures in front taken on an island in the Pacific were shown on a glass screen (幕). An actor and actress stood of the scene so that they looked as if they were at the water’s edge on an island. By a simple trick like this, palm trees(棕榈树), sandy beaches, and blue, clear skies had been brought into the studio!

Since it was our turn next, we were left wondering what scene would be prepared for us. For a full three minutes in our lives we would be experiencing the excitement of being film "stars"!

1.Who is the author?

A.A cameraman.

B.A film director.

C.A crowd-scene actor.

D.A workman for scene setting.

2.What made the author feel cold?

A.The heavy snowfall.

B.The man-made scene.

C.The low temperature.

D.The film being shown.

3. What would happen in the "three minutes" mentioned in the last paragraph?

A.A new scene would be filmed.

B.More stars would act in the film.

C.The author would leave the studio.

D.The next scene would be prepared.



Honey(蜂蜜)from the African forest is not only a kind of natural sugar, it is also delicious. Most people, and many animals, like eating it. However, the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees' nest(巢)and take the honey from it. Often, these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, people and animals looking for honey have a strange and unexpected helper一a little bird called a honey guide.

The honey guide does not actually like honey, but it does like the wax (蜂蜡) in the beehives (蜂房). The little bird cannot reach this wax, which is deep inside the bees’ nest. So, when it finds a suitable nest, it looks for someone to help it. The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people. Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, waiting from time to time for the curious animal or people as it leads them to the nest. When they

finally arrive at the nest, the follower reaches in to get at the delicious honey as the bird patiently waits and watches. Some of the honey, and the wax, always falls to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share.

Scientists do not know why the honey guide likes eating the wax, but it is very determined in its efforts to get it. The birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long distance away. They will quickly arrive whenever a beekeeper is taking honey from his beehives, and will even enter churches when beeswax candles are being lit.

1.Why is it difficult to find a wild bees' nest?

A.It's small in size.

B.It's hidden in trees.

C.It's covered with wax.

D.It's hard to recognize.

2. What do the words "the follower" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.A bee.

B.A bird.

C.A honey seeker.

D.A beekeeper.

3.The honey guide is special in the way________.

A.it gets its food

B.it goes to church

C.it sings in the forest

D.it reaches into bees' nests

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Wild Bees

B.Beekeeping in Africa

C.Wax and Honey

D.Honey-Lover's Helper



Three Boys and a Dad

Brad closed the door slowly as Sue left home to visit her mother. Expecting a whole day to relax, he was thinking whether to read the newspaper or watch his favourite TV talk show on his first day off in months. “This will be like a walk in the park,” he’d told his wife. “I’ll look after the kids, and you can go visit your mom.”

Things started well, but just after eight o’clock, his three little “good kids”—Mike, Randy, and Alex—came down the stairs in their night clothes and shouted “breakfast, daddy.” When food had not appeared within thirty seconds, Randy began using his spoon on Alex’s head as if it were a drum. Alex started to shout loudly in time to the beat(节拍). Mike chanted “Where’s my toast, where’s my toast” in the background. Brad realized his newspaper would have to wait for a few seconds.

Life became worse after breakfast. Mike wore Randy’s underwear on his head. Randy locked himself in the bathroom, while Alex shouted again because he was going to wet his pants. Nobody could find clean socks, although they were before their very eyes. Someone named “Not Me” had spilled a whole glass of orange juice into the basket of clean clothes. Brad knew the talk show had already started.

By ten o’clock, things were out of control. Alex was wondering why the fish in the jar refused his bread and butter. Mike was trying to show off his talent by decorating the kitchen wall with his colour pencils. Randy, thankfully, appeared to be reading quietly in the family room,but closer examination showed that he was eating apple jam straight from the bottle with his hands. Brad Realized that the talk show was over and reading would be impossible.

At exactly 11:17, Brad called the daycare centre (日托所).“I suddenly have to go into work and my wife’s away. Can I bring the boys over in a few minutes?” The answer was obviously “yes” because Brad was smiling.

1.When his wife left home, Brad expected to ______            .

A.go out for a walk in the park.

B.watch TV talk show with his children.

C.enjoy his first day off work.

D.read the newspaper to his children.

2.Which of the following did Randy do?

A.Drawing on the wall.

B.Eating apple jam.

C.Feeding the fish.

D.Reading in a room.

3.Why did Brad ask the daycare centre for help?

A.Because he wanted to clean up his house.

B.Because he suddenly had to go to his office.

C.Because he found it hard to manage his boys home.

D.Because he had to take his wife back.

4.This text is developed______       

A.by space.

B.by comparison.

C.by process.

D.by time.



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