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When I was in the 8th grade in Ohio, a g...

When I was in the 8th grade in Ohio, a girl named Helen in my class had a terrible accident. As she was   36  to the bus in order not to miss it, she slipped on the ice and fell under the back wheels of the bus. She   37  the accident but was paralyzed from the waist down. I went to see her, in my 13-year-old   38  thinking that she wouldn’t live   39  from then on.

Over the years, I   40  and didn’t think much about Helen after that. Three years ago, in Florida, my oldest son was hit by a car while riding his bike,   41  a terrible brain injury. While I was looking after my son, a lady who said she was the hospital’s social worker called. It was a (an)   42  trying day. I burst into tears for no reason and rang   43 .

A short time 1ater, a beautiful woman, in a wheelchair,   44  into my son’s room with a box of   45 . After 16 years, I still   46  Helen. She smiled, handed me the tissues and hugged me. I told her who I was, and after we both went through the shock of that, she began to tell me about   47  since we last saw each other. She married, had children and got her degree so that she   48  the path for those people who were less   49  than her. She told me that if there was anything she could give me, it would be   50 .

Looking at this wonderful, giving person, I felt   51 . But I also felt the first hope I had since learning that my son was   52 . From this person that I thought would have no   53  of life, I learned that where there is life, there is hope. My son miraculously   54  and we moved north, but I owe Helen   55  that I can never repay.

1.                A.walking         B.riding          C.running   D.driving


2.                A.lived           B.survived        C.existed   D.escaped


3.                A.mind           B.brain           C.head D.thought


4.                A.equally         B.calmly          C.quietly   D.normally


5.                A.studied         B.moved         C.worked   D.1ived


6.                A.suffering        B.causing         C.bearing   D.catching


7.                A.normally        B.particularly      C.necessarily    D.eventually


8.                A.up            B.off             C.back D.down


9.                A.ran            B.walked         C.rolled    D.moved


10.               A.tissues         B.presents        C.pills  D.candies


11.               A.realized        B.knew          C.recognized D.reminded


12.               A.her life         B.her son         C.her family  D.her work


13.               A.cleared        B.smoothed       C.cleaned   D.opened


14.               A.rich           B.healthy         C.strong D.fortunate


15.               A.money         B.hope          C.pity  D.medicine


16.               A.small          B.pitiful          C.weak D.shameless


17.               A.admitted       B.beaten         C.hurt  D.hospitalized


18.               A.use            B.value          C.meaning   D.quality


19.               A.treated         B.worsened       C.relieved   D.recovered


20.               A.some money    B.some tissues     C.a debt D.a hope



1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.D 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了作者的儿子因车祸而受伤,这令他很难过,但他的同样遭受过车祸的儿时的同学海伦的生活态度感染了他,给他了希望,最后他的儿子奇迹般的康复了。 1.根据句意她为了不错过汽车而跑过去以至于滑到,故选C. 2.lived生活;survived幸存;existed存在;escaped逃跑,句意是她在这场车祸中幸存了下来。故选B。 3.句意是以一个13岁孩子的思维认为从此她不可能再正常生活了。故选mind思维。 4.equally平等地;calmly平静地;quietly安静地;normally正常地,句意同上。故选D。 5.句意是几年后我离开了,并且古语海伦再没想那么多。故选moved离开。 6.suffering遭受;causing导致;bearing忍受;catching抓住,句意是车祸导致脑子受伤。故选B。 7.normally正常地;particularly特别地;necessarily必须地;eventually最终,句意是那是特别难受的一天。故选B。 8.ring off挂断电话,句意是我无原因的流泪了并挂断了电话。 9.因为是坐着轮椅所以用roll,滚动。 10.tissues纸巾;presents礼物;pills药片;candies糖果,因为作者遇到的是很痛苦的事情,她是来安慰他的所以带的是纸巾。 11.realized意识到;knew知道;recognized认出;reminded记得。句意是过去16年了,我仍认出了海伦。 12.由下面的内容可知她介绍了她的生活。故选A her life。 13.clear清晰的;smoothed使平静;cleaned干净的;opened打开,句意是她使那些比她更不幸的人平静下来。故选B。 14.fortunate幸运,句意同上。 15.根据上下文的意思海伦给作者的应该是精神上的安慰,希望,故选B hope。 16.跟海伦比作者感到自己很渺小,故选small,渺小的。 17.admitted承认;beaten打击;hurt受伤;hospitalized住院,句意是但是自从知道儿子受伤后我第一次感到有了希望。故选C。 18.句意是从这个人身上我学到了生活不能没有质量。故选D. 19.treated对待;worsened恶化;relieved救济;recovered恢复,康复。句意是我儿子奇迹般的康复了,我们搬到了北方。故选D。 20.a debt债务,这里应指人情债,句意是我欠海伦一个永远都无法偿还的人情债。故选C。 考点:记叙文的阅读。

-----John hit me, Mum!

------__________. You shouldn’ t have been that rude to him.

A.You are as strong as a horse               B.Forget it

C.You are as cool as a cucumber              D.It serves you right



With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth __________ each year, which __________ that our environment is suffering.

A.are washing away, suggest

B.is being washed away, suggest

C.have been washed away, suggests

D.are being washed away, suggests



It is known to us __________ it was not until 1938 ________ the first colour TV programme began to be broadcast in the world.

A.that, which        B./, /               C.that, that          D.which, that



In China when caught, those corrupt(腐败的) officials are sometimes limited to __________ in a certain place, only __________ their problems within an appointed time(规定的时间).

A.living, to report                         B.living, reporting

C.live, reporting                          D.live, to report



In modern society, alternative energies __________ traditional ones are playing an important role in our daily life. That’s just because scientists have made great breakthroughs _________ the development of science and technology.

A.for, during         B.of, during          C.by, in             D.to, in



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