满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

While I was looking out of the window, I...

While I was looking out of the window, I saw an old homeless man crossing the street, carrying a suitcase.

Many times I looked on far away, feeling  36  for the homeless, but did nothing. I did  37 some money to homeless people when I walked by, but never really interacted (互动) with them.

Though we  38  doing something, yet we push it into the deep corners of our heart because we’re too busy, too  39  , or too afraid of strangers.

Today I did what I  40  thought I could. I walked out and ran after the old man. When I  41 him, I asked him if I could buy him  42 . He looked surprised, but accepted it  43 , warning me that he had a good appetite!

I was  44  and excited at the same time. We went to a 45  nearby. I told the waiter to give him whatever he wanted and I would  46  it.

I sat down for a moment asking the old man where he 47 . He told me he was sleeping behind the court house  48  it was warm there. I promised to give him a few jackets to keep him warm. To my surprise, he 49  some inexpensive jewelry on the table and chose a glass necklace for me,  50 someone else had given it to him.

I told him I bought him lunch not to get something  51 . But he insisted on my having it.

When it was time to go back to work, I  52 for not being able to stay with him and promised to sit down with him for lunch next time and  53  more.

1.                A.worried        B.sorry           C.grateful   D.proud


2.                A.throw          B.pay            C.give D.lend


3.                A.think of         B.complain of      C.hear of   D.remind of


4.                A.lazy            B.proud          C.poor D.shy


5.                A.once           B.never          C.always    D.even


6.                A.reached        B.caught          C.arrived   D.got


7.                A.milk           B.clothes         C.lunch D.newspaper


8.                A.easily          B.angrily          C.anxiously D.happily


9.                A.terrified        B.nervous        C.frightened D.amused


10.               A.restaurant      B.cinema         C.store D.station


11.               A.prepare for     B.wait for         C.pay for    D.call for


12.               A.went          B.belonged       C.worked   D.lived


13.               A.unless         B.because        C.until  D.but


14.               A.put            B.covered        C.took  D.bought


15.               A.crying          B.shouting        C.saying D.whispering


16.               A.in need        B.in return        C.in exchange    D.in sight


17.               A.admitted       B.allowed        C.advised   D.apologized


18.               A.chat           B.play           C.drink D.eat


19.               A.everything      B.nothing         C.anything   D.something


20.               A.honest         B.cool           C.patient    D.kind



1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了在一个午后我请一个无家可归的老人吃饭,让我感觉到要同情那些弱势群体,要用善良来对待别人,成功世界才能变得更加美好。 1.B 形容词辨析。A担心B难过C感激D自豪;对那些无家可归的人我根据很难过。 2.C 动词辨析。A扔B付钱C给D借出;当我经过的时候我的确给过他们一些钱。 3.A 短语辨析。A考虑B抱怨C听说D提醒;尽管我们考虑过做某些事情,但是却没有做成。 4.D 形容词辨析。A懒惰B自豪C贫穷D害羞;因为我们太忙,太害羞,或者害怕陌生人。 5.B 副词辨析。A曾经B从未C总是D甚至;今天我做了我从未做过的事情。 6.A 动词辨析。A到达B抓住C到达D得到;这里是我到了他身边,C项后面要接介词。 7.C 上下文串联。根据下文的51空前的lunch说明C正确。 8.D 副词辨析。A容易地B生气地C焦虑地D开心地;他开心地接受了我的好意。 9.B 形容词辨析。A可怕B紧张C害怕D开心;我又紧张又兴奋,因为这是我第一次这样做。 10.A 上下文串联。请对方吃饭,那么应该是去餐厅了 11.C 短语辨析。A准备B等待C付钱D要求;这次是我请对方吃饭,自然我付钱。 12.D 动词辨析。A去B属于C工作D居住;我问他住在哪里。 13.B 连词辨析。A除非B因为C直到D但是;他谁在那个地方是因为那里现在很暖和。 14.A 动词辨析。A放B覆盖C取走D买;他把一些不是很贵的珠宝放在了桌子上。 15.C 动词辨析。A哭B喊叫C说D低声说;他说这是别人给他的东西。 16.B 短语辨析。A需要B回报C交换D在视野之内;我请他吃饭不是为了回报。 17.D 动词辨析。A承认B允许C建议D道歉;我向他道歉因为我要离开起上班了。 18.A 动词辨析。A聊天B玩耍C喝酒D吃;我允诺他下次和他多谈谈。 19.C 句意分析。我认为我并没有给他太多的东西。 20.D 形容词辨析。A诚实的B冷酷的C耐心的D善良的;鼓励着我要对别人更加的善良。 考点:考查情感类短文

Some students were late for class because they had been _________ by the heavy storm.

A.kept             B.stopped           C.slowed           D.delayed



________ you don’t lose heart, I’m sure you can pass the coming examination.

A.Unless            B.If not             C.As long as         D.Although



—How much of the foreign expert’s speech have you understood?

—Almost nothing. I wish I ________ harder at English.

A.worked           B.had worked        C.would work        D.were working



At the crossroads, you have to drive very ________ to avoid traffic accidents.

A.quickly           B.cautiously         C.curiously          D.perfectly



David has to admit the fact ________ he has fallen behind the others in his class.

A.whether          B.that              C.why              D.when



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