满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.The teachers are strict _______ their pupils.

2.He got his hair _______( cut) here the day before yesterday.

3. His car _______(break) down on the way, so he had to walk back.

4.I heard some _______(excite) news this morning.

5. ______ is very kind of you to give me such a good chance.

6.Life is limited, ______ there is no limit to learning.

7.The boy is eager _______( ride) his new bicycle.

8.He didn't _______( actual) steal the money.

9.The little boy was absorbed in _______(listen) to the music.

10.She's the student _______ English is the best in my class.

11. _______(give) more time, we would be able to do the work better.

12.Going to Guangzhou by train _______(take) about 12 hours from here.

13.She is _____ attractive girl, so everyone wants to make friends with her. 

14.Most of the people _______(invite) to the party were our old friends.

15.He didn’t take good care of my camera last time, so I am _______(willing) to lend it to her this time.


1.with 2.cut 3.broke 4.exciting 5.It 6.but 7.to ride 8.actually 9.listening 10.whose 11.Given 12.takes 13.an 14.invited 15.unwilling 【解析】 试题分析: 1.考查词组:be strict with对…严格。 2.get one’s hair cut请人剪头发 3.从后面的so he had to walk back可知用过去时 broke 4.修饰news用形容词exciting 5.考查句型:It‘s +adj+of sb to do sth 6.句意:生命是有限的,但学习是无限的。用but 7.考查词组:be eager to do渴望做…。 8.用副词actually修饰整个句子。 9.be absorbed in doing专注于做某事,用listening 10.考查定语从句:whose在定语从句中做定语修饰English。 11.考查过去分词做状语,we和give 是被动关系,用 Given more time="if" we are given more time。 12.动名词做主语,谓语是单数takes 13.考查不定冠词:attractive girl 用an 14.考查过去分词做定语:invite和people是被动关系,用invited 15.考查句意:他不能保管好我的照相机,所以这次我不愿借给他。用unwilling 考点:考查单词填空

Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s very beautiful, I could read lots of books there and I made lots of friends there. But it’s hot in  11 . So I usually returned to my hometown when my   12  began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could   13  in the daytime and have a good sleep at night.

One day I had some problems to solve. But I didn’t take the   14  home. My father told me Charlie, one of my   15 , had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I   16  my middle school. At first he didn’t   17  me. He looked me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred! I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

Of course we were   18  to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and   19 . We also talked about the interesting things at that time. Later on he showed me around his   20 . It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I   21  were in it too. At last I said, “Can you   22  some dictionaries to me, please?”

“I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to others,” said the young man.

“Are you afraid I’ll   23  them?”

“No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t   24  them to me. Look! All the books in my library are not   25 , but borrowed!”

1.                A.spring          B.summer        C.autumn   D.winter


2.                A.birthday        B.Saturday        C.Sunday   D.holiday


3.                A.study          B.play            C.rest  D.work


4.                A.books          B.notebooks       C.dictionaries    D.magazines


5.                A.brothers        B.sisters          C.neighbors D.classmates


6.                A.finished        B.heard of        C.looked at D.visited


7.                A.see            B.hear           C.recognize D.call


8.                A.angry          B.happy          C.worried  D.sad


9.                A.doctors         B.teachers        C.workers  D.drivers


10.               A.factory         B.office          C.library D.house


11.               A.needed        B.read           C.wrote D.liked


12.               A.pass           B.send           C.give  D.lend


13.               A.lose           B.sell            C.throw D.read


14.               A.pay            B.return         C.send  D.give


15.               A.found          B.given          C.won  D.bought





1. SAT考试的时间和主要内容;

2. 应该如何准备阅读、写作等考试项目;

3. 希望对方推荐一些备考资源。




Dear Peter,

How are you doing these days?                                           




                                                                 Li Hua




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The structure and workings of the university are ever changing. The university of the past is not like the university of the present and the university of the present will not be like the university of the future. This “adaptation” to the times is what can make some universities great or make some universities among the worst in the nation.

In the past the university was very set in their ways. They did things the way they wanted them done. They paid no attention to the rest of the society and the way the ones paying the bills wanted them done. In the past the professors would lecture endlessly to the students, which often left the students bored and with no idea what was really said to them in the lecture. This is no way to try and teach students; students need interaction with the professors that are paid to teach them. As Paulo Freire believed there needs to be communication between the students and the professors and the class should not be totally memorization. This is the way that things were done in the past.

In the present many universities have either changed or are changing the way that they run their universities. The universities now are taking on many of the modern educational beliefs in order to make changes in the teaching methods. Universities are breaking down many of the divides between majors that they offer. By breaking these barriers the universities are becoming less specialized and more diverse. This goes along with the ideas of Berry who believes that the schools are over-specialized and that the universities are now just machines that are merely meant to produce workers. In the past few years the colleges have been lowering the standards of admission, which in turn lowers the standards of all the schools below the college level. The universities are now on the right track by increasing the standards of admission into their colleges.

1.In the author’s view, what can decide a university’s quality?

A. What its structure is like.                                   B. How its workings are run.

C. What times it belongs to.                                   D. Whether it’ll adjust itself.

2.Which of the following is NOT a feature of universities in the past?

A. They were run in a fixed way.

B. They ignored the needs of society.

C. They had lower standards of admission.

D. Professors lacked interaction with students.

3.What is the author’s main attitude towards universities in the present?

A. Positive.                  B. Doubtful.                          C. Passive.                   D. Uncertain.

4.What would the author most probably focus on in the following part of this passage?

A. Universities in the future.     

B. The standards of schools.

C. The admission into some colleges.

D. Other changes of teaching methods.



U.S. Bottled Water Sales Are Booming Again Despite Opposition

Despite organized anti-bottled-water campaigns across the country and a noisy debate about bottled water’s environmental impact, Americans are buying more bottled water than ever.

Why do so many people seem to think they should have any input on what other American’s choose to buy or do?

If they want to buy bottled water, let them.

If they want to eat fast food, let them.

If they want to smoke pot, let them.

— Barackalypse

People just get tired of paying for others’ bad behavior. If many people eat excessive fast food, you pay higher insurance premiums. If many people frequently buy bottled water, your trash bills go up and landfills fill up quickly.www.zxxk.com

It’s about personal responsibility, which really should be a cornerstone of libertarianism.

                                                                            — Bdbr

So? This is the price you pay to live in a free society. You want to control the life of another just so you can save a few bucks? What would you say when someone do the same to you?

                                                                                                                         — Norman619

Defend selfish pricks all you like; I’m just glad there are still people who still believe personal responsibility is a good and decent thing. We make your life cheaper and less bothersome.

                                                                                 — Yoyo

What a waste of money! It’s fine when you’re on the road and you need a cold drink, but people who buy cases of bottled water for home are completely crazy.

                                                                          — Agmlauncher

I wish we all can find a way to improve things and benefit from this. The environment needs a lot of help but businesses will always work on what people would need and demand. Is this part of the balance? Hope we can find better ways.

— Skipweis

1.What can we know about bottled water in America?

A. Americans are consuming more bottled water than tap.

B. US bottled water sales have increased for the first time.

C. Activists in several regions have been fighting against it.

D. Some people worry about its bad effect on the environment.

2.Who would agree with Barackalypse on this matter?

A. Bdbr.             B. Norman619.           C. Yoyo.                        D. Agmlauncher.

3.According to the text, Agmlauncher is _____ bottled water.

A. partly supportive of                                   B. extremely against

C. strongly in favor of                                     D. not concerned about

4.Which of the following statements goes with Skipweis’ opinion?

A. The environment is emphasized too much.

B. It’s impossible for people to find a better way.

C. Business is not totally responsible for the problem.

D. At present we can’t benefit from bottled water at all. 



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