满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Mr. Harris used to work in Dover, but th...

Mr. Harris used to work in Dover, but then he changed his work, and he and his wife moved to another town. They did not have many friends there at first, but they soon met a lot of interesting people, and after a few weeks, they often went to dinner or to parties at other people’s houses.

Then Mrs. Harris said to her husband, “We’ve been to a lot of other people’s houses, and now we must invite them to our house, mustn’t we?”

“Yes, certainly,” answered her husband, “A big party will be the easiest thing, won’t it? Then we can start to invite people to dinner in small numbers next month.”

So Mrs. Harris said, “Yes, I’ll invite all our friends here to a big party on 5th December.”

“How many people will you invite?” Mr. Harris asked, “Don’t invite too many.”

Mrs. Harris was beginning to write the invitations when her husband saw that she was writing, “Party: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.”

“That isn’t very nice, is it?” he said. “You’re telling our guests that they must go at 8:30. Maybe it is impolite.” So Mrs. Harris just wrote “Party: 6:30 p.m.”

A lot of guests came, and they all had a good time, so they did not go home at 8:30. In fact they were still there at mid-night when the door bell rang and a policeman arrived. He said, “You must stop making a noise, because someone has complained(抱怨).”

Mr. Harris said he did not want to quarrel with the policeman, so everyone went home. They were sorry to have to go.

When Mr. and Mrs. Harris were alone again, she said to him. “That was a surprise, wasn’t it? Who complained about the noise?”

“I did,” Mr. Harris answered in a tired voice.

1.What made Mr. and Mrs. Harris hold a party at their house?

A.It was easy to hold a big party at home.

B.They could ask people to dinner in small numbers.

C.They had gone to other people’s parties many times.

D.They liked making friends with others.

2.How long would Mrs. Harris like the party to last?

A.From the morning till night.                B.About fourteen hours.

C.About two hours.                       D.Till midnight

3.When did the party end that evening?

A.About twelve o’clock.

B.When the policeman talked with Mr. Harris on the phone.

C.At about 8:30.

D.When someone telephoned the police station.

4.Who telephoned the policeman?

A.One of the guests.                       B.One of the neighbors.

C.Mr. Harris.                             D.Mrs. Harris.

5.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A.Mr. Harris was unfriendly to the guests

B.Mrs. Harris was very angry with his husband

C.the guests were very tired at the party

D.Mr. Harris didn’t want his friends to stay late at the party


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲诉了一个累人的聚会,Larris先生邀请朋友聚会,结果客人玩得很晚,Larris先生不得不报了警。 1.细节题:从第二段的句子:We’ve been to a lot of other people’s houses, and now we must invite them to our house, mustn’t we?”可知Larris夫妇经常参加别人的聚会,所以也要举行一个聚会。选C。 2.细节题:从第六段的句子:“Party: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.”可知Larris太太想要聚会持续两小时。选C 3.细节题:从文章的句子:In fact they were still there at mid-night when the door bell rang and a policeman arrived.可知是持续到12点。选A 4.细节题:从最后一段的句子:“I did,” Mr. Harris answered in a tired voice. 可知是Larris先生打的电话。选C 5.细节题:从最后一段的句子:“I did,” Mr. Harris answered in a tired voice. 可知答案是D 考点:考查故事类短文

Mr. Lang worked in a factory. As a driver, he was busy. Sometimes, he brought some materials to the factory, and most of the time, he had to carry the goods to the customers of the factory. It was not an easy job, but he was paid much. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework to give him a comfortable home for a rest after work. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A few friends of his liked gambling(赌博) and he learned it soon. So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything except gambling. He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife had told him not to do it for many times, but he didn’t listen to her. She had to tell the police. He and his friends were punished for it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of lockup(拘留所), he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him.

It was New Year’s Day. Mr. Lang didn’t go to work. After the meal, he felt very lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his friends and they came soon. But they were afraid the police would come. He told his five-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. They waited for a long time and didn’t think the police would come and began to gamble. Suddenly opened the door and in came a few policemen.

“I saw there weren’t any policemen outside, daddy,” said the boy, “so I went to the crossing and asked some to come.”

1.Mrs. Lang did all housework because _______.

A.she couldn’t find any work

B.she thought her husband was tired

C.her husband spent all time in gambling

D.she wouldn’t stop her husband gambling

2._______, so he was put into lockup.

A.Mr. Lang often gambled

B.Mr. Lang was late for work

C.Mr. Lang didn’t help his wife at home

D.Mr. Lang wasn’t polite to the police

3.The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because _______.

A.he didn’t love her any longer

B.he wouldn’t stop gambling

C.he had been put into lockup

D.he was hardly sent away by the factory

4.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A.the boy hoped his father to be put into lockup again

B.the boy thought his father needed some policemen

C.the boy hoped his father to stop gambling soon

D.the boy hoped his mother to come back

5.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.An able woman                         B.A busy driver

C.The disadvantage of gambling              D.Son’s help




1.The teachers are strict _______ their pupils.

2.He got his hair _______( cut) here the day before yesterday.

3. His car _______(break) down on the way, so he had to walk back.

4.I heard some _______(excite) news this morning.

5. ______ is very kind of you to give me such a good chance.

6.Life is limited, ______ there is no limit to learning.

7.The boy is eager _______( ride) his new bicycle.

8.He didn't _______( actual) steal the money.

9.The little boy was absorbed in _______(listen) to the music.

10.She's the student _______ English is the best in my class.

11. _______(give) more time, we would be able to do the work better.

12.Going to Guangzhou by train _______(take) about 12 hours from here.

13.She is _____ attractive girl, so everyone wants to make friends with her. 

14.Most of the people _______(invite) to the party were our old friends.

15.He didn’t take good care of my camera last time, so I am _______(willing) to lend it to her this time.



Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s very beautiful, I could read lots of books there and I made lots of friends there. But it’s hot in  11 . So I usually returned to my hometown when my   12  began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could   13  in the daytime and have a good sleep at night.

One day I had some problems to solve. But I didn’t take the   14  home. My father told me Charlie, one of my   15 , had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I   16  my middle school. At first he didn’t   17  me. He looked me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred! I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

Of course we were   18  to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and   19 . We also talked about the interesting things at that time. Later on he showed me around his   20 . It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I   21  were in it too. At last I said, “Can you   22  some dictionaries to me, please?”

“I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to others,” said the young man.

“Are you afraid I’ll   23  them?”

“No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t   24  them to me. Look! All the books in my library are not   25 , but borrowed!”

1.                A.spring          B.summer        C.autumn   D.winter


2.                A.birthday        B.Saturday        C.Sunday   D.holiday


3.                A.study          B.play            C.rest  D.work


4.                A.books          B.notebooks       C.dictionaries    D.magazines


5.                A.brothers        B.sisters          C.neighbors D.classmates


6.                A.finished        B.heard of        C.looked at D.visited


7.                A.see            B.hear           C.recognize D.call


8.                A.angry          B.happy          C.worried  D.sad


9.                A.doctors         B.teachers        C.workers  D.drivers


10.               A.factory         B.office          C.library D.house


11.               A.needed        B.read           C.wrote D.liked


12.               A.pass           B.send           C.give  D.lend


13.               A.lose           B.sell            C.throw D.read


14.               A.pay            B.return         C.send  D.give


15.               A.found          B.given          C.won  D.bought





1. SAT考试的时间和主要内容;

2. 应该如何准备阅读、写作等考试项目;

3. 希望对方推荐一些备考资源。




Dear Peter,

How are you doing these days?                                           




                                                                 Li Hua




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