满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It helps us understand the world better ...

It helps us understand the world better if we know a little geography and have some maps at hand. But with maps in Chinese only, misunderstanding is possible in studying world events. Chinese names are long, hard to pronounce and without meaning to a foreigner. For the opening of the country maps are important and helpful and needed badly.

I wish maps various languages, such as those used in the United Nations, would come out and be sold in all bookstores open to Chinese.

1.The writer is mainly talking about ____.

A.geography                            B.maps

C.Chinese names                         D.the opening of the country

2.Knowing a little geography and having some maps in Chinese only, a foreigner ____.

A.can study world events easily

B.can study world events without misunderstanding

C.can’t study world events without misunderstanding

D.will fell joy in studying world events

3.What are the difficulties for a foreigner to use a map in Chinese?

A.A foreigner has nowhere to buy a map

B.All the bookstores only open to Chinese.

C.The names of Chinese people are long, hard to pronounce and without meaning.

D.The names of places on a map in Chinese are long, hard to pronounce and without meaning.

4.In the United Nations people use maps in ____.

A.foreign languages only                   B.Chinese only

C.various languages                       D.English only

5.According to the passage maps in foreign language are badly needed ____.

A.in a country open to other parts of the world

B.if a country is going to join the United Nations

C.when we are learning geography

D.if there are no maps in bookstores open to Chinese


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讨论了在中国地图上要用多种语言标出具体的名字,方便外国人使用。 1.B 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段第二行But with maps in Chinese only, misunderstanding is possible in studying world events.可知本文是关于地图的使用的问题,故B正确。 2.C 细节题。根据2,3行But with maps in Chinese only, misunderstanding is possible in studying world events. Chinese names are long, hard to pronounce and without meaning to a foreigner.说明只有中文的地图,外国人是很难理解的,很容易引起误解。故C正确。 3.D 细节题。根据文章3,4行Chinese names are long, hard to pronounce and without meaning to a foreigner.说明中文太长,而且中文名也没有什么实际的意义,D正确。 4.C 推理题。根据第二段第1行I wish maps various languages, such as those used in the United Nations,说明在联合国的地图上,使用了很多的语言,故C正确。 5.A 推理题。根据文章最后一段I wish maps various languages, such as those used in the United Nations, would come out and be sold in all bookstores open to Chinese.说明在一个对外开放的国家,地图上有多种语言是必要的。故A正确。 考点:考查人生百态类短文阅读

An experimental treatment that causes AIDS patients to develop a dangerously high fever has shown promise as a way of prolonging and improving the patients’ life.Called the Biologic-HT System, the new treatment lets doctors extract the blood of a patient and heat it before circulating it back into the body. The heated blood causes the patient’s body temperature to rise above 42 degrees Celsius. In people with AIDS, that increase in temperature kills some heat-sensitive HIV, the virus, most doctors say, causes AIDS.

Heating the blood of AIDS patients has been tried before, say doctors. But during previous attempts, the treatment induced deadly chemical changes in the blood. The Biologic-HT System prevents those changes from happening, allowing the heat to kill viruses with few ill side effects.

The new heat treatment cannot be considered a cure for Aids, says president of the company that makes the system. He says the treatment doesn’t kill all traces of the virus. However, it kills enough virus particles to give a patient’s immune system a reprieve in its deadly duel with HIV.

Tests of the Biologic-HT treatment began on 36 patients earlier this year. The treatment takes about four hours, and the patient normally feels well enough to leave the hospital or clinic the following morning.

So far, the patients who have had the treatment say they feel better and have developed no new opportunistic infections—disease that strike people with damaged immune systems. The patients also have experienced about a 50 percent increase in the number of T cells in their bodies. T cells are key disease-fighting cells of the immune system and the main target of HIV.

1.This passage is mainly concerned with ____________.

A. a way for treating AIDS

B. a heat-sensitive virus

C. the immune system of the human body

D. the function of high temperature

2.The blood of the patient___________.

A. is heated with a single injection

B. is heated by being circulated at a higher rate

C. is taken out from the body and then circulated through a heating system.

D.is taken out from the body, heated outside and then put back into the body.

3.The previous attempts to use high temperature for treating AIDS failed because they_________.

A.caused chemical changes

B.could not kill HIV effectively

C.resulted in deaths

D.killed both HIV and healthy cells

4.According to the passage, the new treatment___________.

A.can kill all the HIV viruses

B.cannot eliminate the viruses completely

C. can double the number of disease-fighting cells

D.can reconstruct the patient’s immune system.

5.The result of the experiment seems to be ___________.

A.disappointing      B.incomplete        C.successful         D.surprising



It is easy to find your way about in New York. It is laid out so regularly. Instead of streets winding and twisting (迂回) as they do in London, they are all regular and well planned. The streets running north and south are called “avenues” and are numbered, e.g. 1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue, etc. The streets going east and west are called “streets” and are also numbered, e.g. 51st Street, 63rd Street. It is all much more logical (合理的) than London’s street names. But I couldn’t help thinking how much more interesting than these dull cold numbers are London’s illogical but colorful names of streets, e.g. “Bishopgate” (which is not a gate and hasn’t a Bishop in it); “Haymarket” or “Corn market” (where you won’t see any hey or corn) or “Poultry” (without a living chicken anywhere in sight) or “Thread needle Street” (where you won’t find little girls learning to sew).

1.In the second sentence of the passage, “laid out” means ______.

A.built             B.be put            C.designed          D.cut down

2.The streets running from north to south are called _______.

A.avenues in London                      B.streets in America

C.avenues in New York                     D.streets in London

3.According to the writer’s opinion, ______.

A.avenues and streets are the same

B.streets in America are better than avenues in England

C.streets in New York are better than those in London

D.the writer didn’t agree with the London streets planners

4.The names of streets both in London and New York ______.

A.are quite good                         B.are interesting

C.are not practical                        D.differ greatly in form

5.The writer tells his readers that he prefers (更喜欢) _____.

A.London streets                         B.New York streets

C.both                                 D.neither



Mr Smith is an English man. He teaches English well. His English classes are very interesting. He likes us and we like him, too. Mr Smith has two children-Tom and Mary. Tom is seven and his sister, Mary, is four. Tom goes to school but Mary doesn't. Mr Smith likes wearing a T-shirt and jeans(牛仔裤). Football is his favorite sport. After school we often have a baseball match. Sometimes Mr Smith watches and joins us. He plays baseball just for fun.

1.Mr Smith is ______.

A.a Chinese teacher                       B.an English driver

C.a Japanese teacher                      D.an English teacher

2.How many sons does Mr Smith have?

A.Only one.         B.Two.              C.Three.            D.Not many.

3.Mary doesn't go to school because ______.

A.she looks beautiful                      B.she is seven

C.she is only four                         D.she doesn't like school

4.______ is Mr Smith's favorite sport.

A.Baseball           B.Football           C.Running           D.Volleyball

5.The story (故事) is about ______.

A.Mr Smith's son      B.Mr Smith          C.Tom and Mary      D.a basketball



Parks provide people 1.     a place to amuse2.       for a while. In recent decades,however,many parks have been designed to provide 3.   (entertain).We call them theme parks. The new parks are usually huge places and have a 4.     of things to see and do. Theme parks have a certain idea—a certain theme—that the whole parks is based 5. . The6.     (old) theme park in the world is Disneyland. It seemed like a magical world which can make your dream come true. But if you are interested in traditional culture and history,go to Dollywood,7. you can have fun 8.  (learn) all about America‘s historical southeastern culture,9.    you can go to Camelot Park,10. world of fantasy about ancient England.



"Everything happens for the best, "my mother said whenever I faced disappointment, "If you on, something good will happen some day." Mother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college. I had   2  myself for a sports announcer. So I went to Chicago to knock on the door of every station and was  3 every time. In one station, a kind lady told me that  4 stations wouldn't employ a person without   5   since I had just graduated. "Go out in the town and find a small station that might give you a chance, "she said.

I returned to Dixon, where I had finished my high school education and had   6  in the school football team. My father said that our town had built a store and wanted a man to manage its sports department. The job sounded just  7 for me but I wasn't hired.

My disappointment had  8 as if by design. "Everything happens for the best," Mum  9 me. Dad lent me his car to look for a job. I tried WOC Radio Davenport. The program director told me they had already hired an announcer.  10 I left his office,! asked aloud,"  11 can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?" Suddenly, I heard the director  12  . "Do you know anything about football? " Then he asked me to  13 an imaginary game. It was easy, and I did it without difficulty. The director was  14 and told me I would be broadcasting a game on the   15   Saturday.

1.                A.put            B.take            C.move D.carry


2.                A.devoted        B.designed        C.found    D.enjoyed


3.                A.invited         B.promised       C.refused   D.accepted


4.                A.large           B.all             C.no   D.small


5.                A.experience      B.examination     C.agreement    D.college


6.                A.played         B.joined          C.taken    D.fought


7.                A.possible        B.successful       C.right     D.important


8.                A.shown         B.disappeared     C.resulted  D.turned


9.                A.woke          B.advised         C.demanded D.reminded


10.               A.While          B.After          C.Before    D.So


11.               A.What          B.How           C.Whenever D.Wherever


12.               A.calling          B.answering       C.broadcasting    D.announcing


13.               A.make          B.act            C.broadcast  D.play


14.               A.moved         B.sorry          C.thankful   D.satisfied


15.               A.future          B.coming         C.last   D.later




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