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Yara Shahidi is an actress. She wants yo...

    Yara Shahidi is an actress. She wants young people to know that little by little, it’s possible to make a _______in the world. She is one of the _______across the globe, who are participating in a movement called LittlexLittle.

There are more than 2 billion people _______ born between the mid-1990s and mid-2000s. These people _______Generation Z. The movement has a goal to _______ as many of them globally as possible to do 2 billion _______acts of good by 2030. These acts should be _______ the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals to make the world more peaceful and healthy.

Participants are encouraged to_______ their own efforts to do good on social media. They should use the tag LittlexLittle and share ideas _______ from reducing meat consumption to abandoning the car and biking __________

It has been two weeks since a “LittlexLittle” video was launched on YouTube __________the project. It’s been __________ more than 15 million times.

Shahidi, 18, says that students can look to the upcoming March for Our Lives assemblies as an example that young people are __________ involved and want to make the world better.She also says there’s a __________ to the large amount of time they spend on their phones.

“Because of our interconnectivity (连通性), we see people that aren’t __________in front of us and understand there’s__________greater to contribute to.”

Another influencer__________ is disabled model Jillian Mercado. She’s posted a video online to remind others that small __________ to slow down climate change can __________ a big difference and that every __________ person has a voice.

1.A.challenge B.fortune C.living D.difference

2.A.influencers B.editors C.actresses D.leaders

3.A.nationwide B.contemporarily C.worldwide D.meanwhile

4.A.take up B.make up C.build up D.set up

5.A.inspire B.amaze C.signal D.recognize

6.A.unique B.practical C.tiny D.official

7.A.in memory of B.in defence of C.in need of D.in support of

8.A.publish B.write C.print D.post

9.A.changing B.developing C.ranging D.coming

10.A.though B.instead C.otherwise D.anyway

11.A.explaining B.monitoring C.multiplying D.operating

12.A.hired B.viewed C.bombed D.designed

13.A.physically B.virtually C.culturally D.socially

14.A.distinction B.trick C.benefit D.function

15.A.directly B.finally C.quickly D.clearly

16.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything

17.A.taking charge B.making progress C.keeping track D.taking part

18.A.plans B.acts C.videos D.groups

19.A.add up to B.come up with C.stand up for D.put up with

20.A.famous B.nice C.single D.fortunate


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了两个著名的具有影响了的女演员,在网上发视频,号召年轻人参与社会,对社会做出影响,一个人做出小小的善举,世界会变得更美好。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她希望年轻人知道,慢慢地,在这个世界上,有影响是可能的。A. challenge挑战;B. fortune运气;C. living生计,生存之道;D. difference不同。根据下文内容可知,Yara Shahidi认为人们是可以做出影响的。make a difference“有影响,起作用”。 故选D。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她是遍及全球最有影响力的女演员之一。A. influencers影响者;B. editors编辑;C. actresses女演员;D. leaders领导者。根据下文who are participating in a movement called LittlexLittle.可知以及下文内容可知,她是非常有影响力的女演员。故选A。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在20世纪90年代中期至21世界中期,全世界有20多亿人出生。A. nationwide全国范围内的;B. contemporarily同时代的;C. worldwide全世界的;D. meanwhile同时。由数字2 billion people可推断,是指全世界有20亿人出生,不可能是全国,同时代或者同时。故选C。 4. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:这些人组成了“Z世代”。A. take up占据;B. make up组成;C. build up增建;D. set up建立。20世纪90年代中期以后出生的人组成了Z世代。故选B。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这项运动有一个目标,在全球范围内鼓舞尽可能多的他们中的许多人到2030年做20亿件小的善事。A. inspire鼓舞;B. amaze使吃惊;C. signal 发信号;D. recognize辨认,认出。根据下文many of them globally as possible to do 2 billion ___6___acts of good by 2030可知,此处是鼓舞Z世代的人做善事。故选A。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. unique独特的;B. practical实际的;C. tiny极小的;D. official官方的。修饰下文的acts of good可知,tiny符合题意。故选C。 7. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:这些行为应当支持联合国的可持续发展目标,使世界更加和平和健康。A. in memory of为了纪念;B. in defence of 保卫;C. in need of需要;D. in support of支持。根据下文the United Nations’Sustainable Development Goals to make the world more peaceful and healthy.可知,善举应该支持联合国可持续发展目标。故选D。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:参与者被鼓励在社交媒体上张贴他们做好事所做的努力。A. publish出版;B. write写;C. print印制;D. post发帖,张贴。根据下文的on social media可知,此处是在社交媒体上发帖子。故选D。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们应该使用标签LittlexLittle,共享从减少肉类消耗到放弃汽车,用自行车代替的想法。A. changing改变;B. developing发展;C. ranging变化;D. coming来。range…to…“从……到……(变化)”。根据上下文可知,指从减少肉类的消耗到放弃汽车的想法。故选C 10. 考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. though然而;B. instead代替;C. otherwise否则;D. anyway无论如何。此处表示骑自行车代替开汽车。故选B。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:自从在YouTube上发布了一段“小不点”视频以来,已经有两周了,视频解释了这项计划。A. explaining解释;B. monitoring监视;C. multiplying乘,增加;D. operating操作,做手术。视频是关于这项计划的,因此用explain符合题意。故选A。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:视频已经被观看超过一千五百万次。A. hired聘用;B. viewed观看;C. bombed轰炸;D. designed设计。根据语境可知,it指代上文提到的视频,故选B。 13. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:沙希迪,18岁,说学生可以期待即将到来的March for Our Lives assemblies,作为一个年轻人参与社会,想要使世界更美好的例子。A. physically身体的,物理的;B. virtually实际上;C. culturally文化意义上;D. socially在社会上。根据下文want to make the world better可知,年轻人参与社会,想要世界更美好。故选D。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她也说对于他们把大量的时间花费在手机上,有益处。A. distinction区别,荣誉;B. trick戏法,把戏;C. benefit益处,好处;D. function功能。根据下文the large amount of time they spend on their phones可知,对于大量的时间花费在手机上,年轻人参与社会是有好处的。故选C。 15. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:因为我们的互联性,我们看到的不是直接在我们面前的人,理解有更伟大的东西可以奉献。A. directly直接地;B. finally最终;C. quickly快速地;D. clearly清楚地。根据上文的Because of our interconnectivity和下文there’s___16___greater to contribute to可知,我们不是直接看到站在我们面前的人。故选A。 16. 考查代词辨析。句意同上。A. nothing没什么;B. everything一切;C. something某些事;D. anything任何事物。根据to contribute to可知,用更伟大的东西可以奉献。故选C。 17. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:参与的另一个影响者是残疾模特Jillian Mercado。A. taking charge掌管;B. making progress进步;C. keeping track跟踪;D. taking part参加。根据下文She’s posted a video online to remind others可知,Jillian Mercado参加了这项计划,是另一个影响者。故选D。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她上传了一段视频到网上,提醒其他人,减缓天气变化的小小的举动加起来是大影响。A. plans计划;B. acts行为,举止;C. videos视频;D. groups团体。根据上文提到的acts of good可知,此处指小小的行为。故选B。 19. 考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. add up to加起来;B. come up with提出,想出;C. stand up for支持,坚持;D. put up with忍受,忍耐。由上文的small和下文的big可推断,小的行为加在一起是大的影响。故选A。 20. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每个人都有一种声音。A. famous著名的;B. nice善良的;C. single单一的;D. fortunate幸运的。此处是对上文的总结,每个人贡献一份力量,小的行为就有大的影响。故选C。

How to Design a Logo

A great logo is more than images and words,and a good logo tells a story about your company-who you are,what you do and what you stand for.1.And it is why it’s important that you take the time to do it right. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone.The steps below will help you design a good logo.

Determine the primary function of your logo.

Being clear on why you need a logo can guide your design.Having a strong logo can help consumers recognize your brand more readily. Consumers shop with their eyes and logos can be easier to remember than names,products and services2.


It’s important to be clear on who your potential customers are and design the look of your logo to appeal to those who will be using your services.A logo for a flower shop could include a unusual character style and a bright color.

Decide whether to include your company’s name into the logo.

Of course,you want to build name recognition for your business,but making the name part of your logo design may not always be a good idea.Include the name if it is reasonably distinctive but not yet a household word.Do not include the name if it is too long,and doesn’t translate well globally or lacks personality.

Be inspired by but don’t copy successful logos.

While it might be easy to create something that looks like your favorite company’s logo,it will leave an impression on consumers that you’re lazy and uninspired. Look at logos of other companies.4.These examples give you ideas of what to do and what to avoid.

Keep it simple.

While it may be easy to try to give a lot of messages with your design,trying to do too much will ruin your logo.5.If there are too many messages in your logo, it will be difficult for the customer to process.

A.Think about your target market.

B.That’s a lot to ask of one piece of art.

C.Ask yourself what you like and don’t like about them.

D.Avoid too many colors, different characters and images.

E.A good logo that conveys your honesty can help put customers at ease.

F.Over time, a customer comes to associate your logo with your company.

G.Show your logo to those connected to you and listen to what they have to say.



    We already know that a lack of sleep will actually prevent your brain from being able to make new memories. You end up feeling as though you’re amnesiac.

A lack of sleep will lead to an increased development of a protein in the brain connected with Alzheimer’s disease because it is during deep sleep at night that a system within the brain starts to wash away this protein. So if you’re not getting enough sleep each and every night, more of that Alzheimer’s-related protein will build up. The more protein that builds up, the greater your risk of developing Alzheimer will be in later life.

What are the effects of the lack of sleep on the body? We know that a lack of sleep impacts your immune system(免疫系统).After just one night of four to five hours of sleep, there is a 70%reduction in immune cells called natural killer cells. And that’s the reason that short sleep predicts your risk for developing many forms of cancer.

In fact, the link between a lack of sleep and cancer is now so strong that recently the World Health Organization decided to classify any form of nighttime shift work as a probable cause of cancer. It is during deep sleep at night that your heart rate drops, your blood pressure goes down. If you’re not getting enough sleep, your blood pressure rises. If you’re getting six hours of sleep or less, you’ll have a 200%increased risk of having a deadly heart attack or stroke in your lifetime.

There is a global experiment that is performed on 1.6 billion people twice a year and it’s called daylight savings time. And we know that in the spring, when we lose one hour of sleep, we see a 24%increase in heart attacks the following day.

Another question, perhaps, is what is the recycle rate of a human being? How long can we actually last without sleep before we start to see worsening in your brain function? And the answer seems to be about 16 hours of wakefulness. Once you get past 16 hours of being awake, that’s when we start to see mental and physical damages in the body. We know that after you’ve been awake for 19 or 20 hours, your mental capacity(心智能力)is so damaged that you would be as slow as someone who was drunk. So if you were to ask me what is the recycle rate of a human being, it does seem to be about 16 hours and we need about eight hours of sleep to repair the damage of wakefulness.

1.The underlined word “amnesiac” in Paragraph 1 probably means

A.sleepy B.tolerant C.relieved D.forgetful

2.According to the article, we can infer that_

A.the more you sleep, the more protein there will be

B.you’re more likely to suffer heart attacks in the spring

C.deep sleep at night protects you from a harmful protein

D.you’ll develop many forms of cancer due to short sleep

3.When you’re awake over 16 hours,        .

A.your brain won’t function in a proper way B.your brain needs at least 8 hours to recover

C.you must have drunk large amounts of wine D.you walk as slowly as the physically disabled

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Sleeping sickness kills B.Enough sleep counts

C.Less sleep causes cancer D.Sleep is necessary for man



    An experiment which saw salad seeds sent into space has given hope for the future of growing food on another planet, according to a recently-published study.

The findings have appeared after two kilograms of seeds spent six months on board the International Space Station(ISS)with British European Space Agency(ESA)astronaut, Tim Peake, as part of his Principia mission.

There, the seeds could have absorbed up to 100 times more radiation(辐射)than on Earth while being influenced by the violent shaking from the stresses of space travel.

When the seeds returned to Earth in 2016,600,000 children from schools across Britain took part in an experiment, supported by the UK Space Agency, to plant them and monitor their growth, comparing it to that of seeds that had remained on Earth.

The results showed that, while the space seeds grew more slowly and were more sensitive to ageing, they were still able to survive.

Peake said, “When humans travel to Mars, they will need to find ways to feed themselves, and this research helps us understand some of the biology of seed storage and germination(发芽) which will be important for future space missions.”

The Royal Horticultural Society(RHS)tasked 8,600 schools and groups across Britain to take part in the controlled study, recording their results as a scientist would.

It was part of a project called Rocket Science, led by the RHS Campaign for School Gardening, in partnership with the UK Space Agency.

RHS manager Alana Cama said, “The Rocket Science experiment opened a window into space biology and allowed young people to be at the forefront of creative research.”

“This research project did more than just inspire; it furthered our understanding of the challenges around growing plants in unusual environments and the possibility of growing food on long-term space missions in the future. Inspiring a new generation of botanists and biologists will remain our goal to enrich everyone’s lives through plants.”

1.The findings of the experiment indicate that      

A.salad seeds sent into space turned out a failure

B.astronauts successfully grew salad seeds on Mars

C.the future of growing plants in space looks bright

D.the radiation makes it impossible for plants to survive

2.Unlike those on Earth, the seeds sent into space       

A.can grow 100 times larger in size B.provide enough food for astronauts

C.stop growing when returning to Earth D.are more likely to show signs of ageing

3.Which word can be filled in the blank to complete the research steps?

A.update B.observe C.protect D.improve

4.What can we learn from what Alana Cama said?

A.Growing plants in unusual environments is no longer a challenging task.

B.A new generation of botanists and biologists takes the lead in the research.

C.The project inspires the interests of the young generation in creative fields.

D.The exploration of growing food in space is the central mission in the future.



    I was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer last June. Finding out that I had breast cancer felt like I’d been locked up in a prison cell, but I later found something unexpected: freedom.

Tests and procedures followed. Once the daily treatments started, I was tired out. The tiredness that came with cancer was not like any kind of tiredness I’d known before.

Then the magic happened.

I started to realize that this life change had brought an unexpected gift. The usual pressures of life gave way to a different kind of stress, but it came with self-discovery. I do what I can and don’t care about the rest. With the disease, decisions come more easily, and things that I’d previously weighted more heavily no longer matter as much. I don’t need a perfect home. What does matter now is having family and friends and a husband who can shoulder this new responsibility with me.

The doctor says my situation is very good and there’s a 91 percent chance that I’ll still be alive in 10 years. I look forward to simple things like my garden this spring, and going back to work when I’m healthy again. I’m also imagining the joy of getting my quiet and modest life back. It’s inspiring and there are lots of people there with me. And the professionals are really good at what they do.

I used to wonder how it would feel to be told I had cancer. Sure, my first reaction was fear, panic, sorrow, and anger. Then I found my strength. The fear is still there, but to my amazement, I am handling it. “You got this,” people say encouragingly.

1.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.She felt as if she had lost her freedom. B.She was unable to walk out of the cell.

C.Cancer gave her something unexpected. D.Cancer cost her the ability to move freely.

2.We can know from the article that during her treatment, the author     

A.was too tired to bear the treatment any more B.found that she could handle the treatment easily

C.grew more peaceful and valued her family more D.learned to be in a good state and free of pressure

3.What is the author’s attitude towards her future life?

A.Positive. B.Hopeless. C.Doubtful. D.Concerned.

4.What is the main purpose of this article?

A.To help people learn to let go of stress in life. B.To remind people to take care of their bodies.

C.To encourage people to shoulder responsibilities. D.To inspire people to learn from her experiences.



The Best Fitness Apps for 2020

Whether you’re looking to slim down, run farther, bike faster or just get healthier, these apps can help you meet your fitness goals in 2020.


59.99 per year;$44.99 per half-year;$19.99 per month for meal plans and more workouts 8fit creates a personalized program for your diet and exercise based on the results you want to see. 8fit covers a lot of details of your fitness plan, such as what time of day you exercise and whether you’re an ambitious cook or just prefer simple meal plans.


0.99 per month for workout calendar;$0.99 for some videos Blogilates offers plenty of workouts on-demand, as well as recipes, fitness recommendations, and a healthy dose of body .The majority of the content in the app is free, although the workout calendar costs you $0.99 per month and some videos are an additional $0.99.

Charity Miles

12.99 per month; two-week free trial Charity Miles donates money to the organization of your choice when you use the app to record miles running, walking,or bicycling. An included calculator(计算器)shows you how much money you can raise if you meet different goals, such as getting 50 people to fund you at0.30 per mile.



1.Which of the following best describes 8fit?

A.It presents users with simple meal recipes.

B.It costs users $19.99 every month for meals.

C.It offers users better and detailed fitness plans.

D.It meets users’ personal needs for diet and exercise.

2.What is special about Charity Miles?

A.You’ll get 50 dollars per mile by using it. B.The calculator in it records your workout.

C.Users raise money for charities through it. D.It provides users with services free of charge.

3.The passage is intended to           

A.help people meet fitness goals B.introduce top fitness apps

C.give suggestions on keeping fit D.promote a positive lifestyle



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