满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Although he is one of China's most famou...

Although he is one of China's most famous scientists, he considers himself a farmer. (英译汉)


尽管他是中国最著名的科学家之一,他仍然认为自己是农民。 【解析】 考查让步状语从句和时态。此处陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,主语为he,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。Although尽管;he他;is是,one of…为固定短语,意为“……之一”,后面加复数名词;China's most famous scientists中国最著名的科学家;he他,consider认为;himself他自己;a farmer一位农民。故翻译为:尽管他是中国最著名的科学家之一,他仍然认为自己是农民。  

He couldn't have his fiend getting away with telling people lies. (英译汉)



Some festivals are held to honor the dead or to satisfy the ancestors.(英译汉)




1.He stepped into the interview room with a c_________ (自信的) smile.

2.The photo always r__________(提醒) me of those good days we spent together.

3.He felt sorry for his v__________ (粗暴的) behavior.

4.It's a t__________(传统) to eat mooncakes in the Mid- Autumn Festival.

5.China is wealthier and more p_________(强有力的)than ever before.

6.Mr. Smith made many c___________(评论) on the subject at the meeting.

7.Students had better keep a b__________(平衡) between life and study.

8.Every one of us should show r________ (尊敬) for the old.

9.There are a lot of mysteries in space waiting for us to e_________(探索).

10.The work asks for great care and p___________(耐心).



Her parents are proud that she has a gift________ music. (补全句子)



    One day, I was taking a nap (打盹) in the chair in my office as usual when I_________ up to the sound of a car crash. I sat up and looked out of my window. Across the street, in a parking lot, a car had just___________into a fence (栅栏) . The car must have been moving fast, because the fence was_________and the car was totally in bad _________

I couldn't believe I was seeing this on a(n)_________ weekday morning. The driver got out of the car. I was_________ about what the vulgar-looking (长相粗俗的) man would do next. After a few seconds of_______ , he tried to draw the ruined fence back into_________ , but it wouldn't move.

I sat in my chair, looking out of my window, silently ___________.

The man tried to fix the fence. He pulled against it with his full weight, but the entire fence turned out to ________top of him.

I think I laughed out loud. The______________of this terrible man was making my whole day enjoyable. I________the man leave the parking lot. That, I thought, would be the ____________of it. The man was going to leave all the mess behind for someone else to __________up.

__________ , the man appeared a few minutes later with some____________ . He got to work immediately. For the next hour, he carefully fixed the fence. He even ____________it. Now the fence would be safer and stronger than before.

This unpleasant man was____________a hero while I was the lazy one. What I had thought, I realized, were all about____________ . I would have run away____________ fixing that fence. My window had woken me up from a nap to teach me a lesson in humility (谦逊).

1.A.got B.woke C.sat D.stood

2.A.dropped B.turned C.pulled D.knocked

3.A.gone B.affected C.damaged D.burned

4.A.luck B.shape C.color D.size

5.A.ordinary B.special C.terrible D.busy

6.A.angry B.worried C.excited D.curious

7.A.wandering B.imagining C.regretting D.observing

8.A.order B.control C.place D.work

9.A.praying B.sleeping C.cheering D.weeping

10.A.fall B.lie C.break D.hang

11.A.loss B.failure C.sadness D.pain

12.A.helped B.watched C.had D.heard

13.A.end B.best C.truth D.worst

14.A.pick B.set C.clean D.make

15.A.Therefore B.However C.Finally D.Moreover

16.A.repairmen B.supplies C.friends D.tools

17.A.improved B.decorated C.mended D.removed

18.A.possibly B.especially C.hopefully D.actually

19.A.myself B.others C.safety D.responsibility

20.A.in addition to B.because of C.instead of D.in case of



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