满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写。使之构成一个完整的故事。 One Satur...


One Saturday morning, Jeremy woke up to a quiet house. Usually at this time, Mom was making breakfast and cleaning the kitchen, but not today.

Jeremy knocked at her bedroom door. "Mom?" he called anxiously. "Don't come in. Jeremy," answered a weak voice. "I have a terrible cold. I don't want you to get sick. You can have cereal for breakfast and watch cartoons. I'm going to stay in bed."

Jeremy poured some cereal and milk into d bowl and ate breakfast. Mom must feel very bad if she was staying in bed all day. How could he help? Jeremy thought to himself. Saturday was the laundry day. He had watched Mom do laundry many times, so he knew where to find the soap and how to pour it into the machine. Jeremy opened the door to the washer and put all of his clothes inside. Then he closed the door and pressed the big button that said "START". Jeremy looked through the round, glass window. Water was pouring in, and the machine was starting to spin, making this clothing tumble around. That was easy! His eyes twinkled with pleasure.

Jeremy watched cartoons until he heard the washing machine beep. He took out a few damp clothes at a time and moved them into dryers. Everything seemed clean, and Jeremy felt proud. Then he paused in surprise when he pulled out a pink shirt. He didn't own a pink shirt. Where did it come from? He reached further into the washer and took out more pink clothes. And all of his underwear had turn pink! What happened?

The last thing Jeremy pulled out of the washer was a bright sock. When he picked it up, he noticed that the sock turned his hand red. "The sock must have turned all of my white clothes pink!" Jeremy thought.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为 100 左右;

2. 应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1

Jeremy didn't want to bother Mom while she was sick.


Paragraph 2

The next day, Jeremy wore one of his new pink shirts to breakfast.



Paragraph 1 Jeremy didn't want to bother Mom while she was sick. What could he do? Looking around, the 5-year-old boy caught a glimpse of the milk carton he left on the kitchen counter. An idea struck Jeremy. He put the pink clothes back into the washing machine and poured in the milk, hoping the pink clothes would turn white. When he took the clothes out, he found his effort was in vain. Paragraph 2 The next day, Jeremy wore one of his new pink shirts 1o breakfast. When he walked into the kitchen, Mom was making eggs and bacon. “Where did you get that shirt?" she asked.“It looks nice." Jeremy smiled.“I made it yesterday when I did the laundry. It was an accident, but I like it." “I like it too," said Mom. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写作文。通过阅读所给文章可知,文章主要描写周六早上,Jeremy发现妈妈生病了,在自己吃完早餐之后,想着妈妈生病躺在床上一定很不舒服,于是想着帮忙洗衣服。他按照妈妈平时洗衣服的步骤,把衣服洗了。然后他去看卡通片,等衣服洗完之后,本来感到很自豪的他突然发现衣服都变成粉色的了。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:杰里米不想在妈妈生病时打扰她。接下来可以写他能做什么呢?5岁的小男孩环顾四周,瞥见了他放在厨房柜台上的牛奶盒。杰里米灵机一动。他把粉红色的衣服放回洗衣机,然后倒进牛奶,希望粉红色的衣服会变白。当他把衣服拿出来时,他发现他的努力是徒劳的。第二段开头是:第二天,杰里米穿着他的一件粉红色的新衬衫去吃早餐。接下来可以写当他走进厨房时,妈妈正在做鸡蛋和熏肉。“你从哪儿买的那件衬衫?”她问。“它看起来不错。”杰里米笑了。“我昨天洗衣服的时候做到了。这是一个意外,但我喜欢它。”“我也喜欢它,”妈妈说。

假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友 Lucas 发邮件向你询问厦门鼓浪屿的有关景点。请你回复邮件,内容包括:

1. 景点介绍:林巧稚纪念馆、马约翰纪念馆、郑成功雕像、钢琴博物馆(任选 2 )

2. 表达期待。

注意:1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇: 鼓浪屿 Kulangsu;  纪念馆 memorial




    I am enveloped by an instant sweet happiness before falling down in exhaustion. Hands held high, I_______ cross the finishing line, out of_______ . It's a deep and longed-for sense of_______ , coming from handling three sports in one and surviving to tell the sweaty tale. All around me people_______ because they’ve achieved something unforgettable, some smiling, some in tears.

_______still, there is the sense of purpose triathlon (铁人三项赛) offers. Running, swimming and cycling provide a(n)_________from existential anxiety as the demanding training schedules leave little_________for reflection on the   bigger life questions. Ali Hendry-Ballard, 47, first tried triathlon during a_______period in her life. "I really needed something_______to focus on while going through major life changes," she said, "Though I'd never been interested in ________, I started jogging and soon became fascinated. I started doing half marathons and very quickly________ myself training for a triathlon. There's something that________ all sides of my personality. I've never been in tune with my body, or felt so________ of both its strengths and its limitation."

For me too, triathlon has ________ an increased awareness of what is and isn't possible, physically and spiritually. I must fight against the________ of being left behind. The belief carried me through the course of any race that I can ________ whatever comes my way. It has helped me to become a ________ person. Triathlon takes every bit from its   devotees as much as it gives and yet, somehow, you end up giving even more than it________ . It's a greedy pastime and ________  determined types. Yet it's also a social, ________  hobby that can offer fresh chances to travel, experience and dream.

1.A.carefully B.suddenly C.finally D.recently

2.A.breath B.sight C.control D.touch

3.A.satisfaction B.gratitude C.direction D.responsibility

4.A.talk B.chant C.wait D.celebrate

5.A.Easier B.Worse C.Closer D.Deeper

6.A.stage B.feedback C.escape D.image

7.A.doubt B.room C.hope D.reason

8.A.difficult B.rewarding C.stable D.limited

9.A.creative B.positive C.ordinary D.familiar

10.A.music B.sport C.travel D.writing

11.A.prevented B.imagined C.risked D.found

12.A.appeals to B.goes against C.carries away D.takes over

13.A.free B.proud C.aware D.cautious

14.A.broken down B.resulted in C.benefited from D.held back

15.A.anger B.desire C.fear D.injustice

16.A.select B.recognize C.predict D.handle

17.A.thinner B.rougher C.stronger D.kinder

18.A.gains B.avoids C.beats D.requires

19.A.bothers B.attracts C.changes D.spoils

20.A.fun-filled B.time-saving C.new-born D.long-lost



Staying Motivated When Studying

Some people say that the hardest step in studying is to get started. Other people, however, find it difficult to stay motivated, especially when the end seems a long way away. This situation arises. There is no single strategy that will work for everyone. However, 1. and you can see if they work for you in supporting ongoing motivation.

Keep your end goal in mind

One of the best ways to stay motivated is to remember why you are studying in the first place. “Getting good exam results” is not necessarily very motivating. Instead, you need to look beyond that to what the exam results will get you,2. The more detail you can provide for your goal, the easier it will be to keep in mind.

Get into a study routine

It is generally easier to stay motivated if your studying becomes part of your everyday life. For example, you might choose to get up an hour earlier, and spend that hour studying each day. That way, 3., because you know that it is set aside for a purpose. Your friends and family will also get to know when your study time happens, and hopefully avoid you then.


Especially when you first start studying, you will not necessarily know what works for you. It is therefore worth trying different ways of doing, to see which you find most productive. You may find it helpful to vary your style of working. You could, for example, try working in different places. You could also try different types of activities. Options include reading over your notes, writing a mind map, making up songs or poems to help you remember facts.


There are plenty of people to tell you that they have the answer to staying motivated while studying.They may have the answer for them, but only you can work out the answer for you.

A.There is no “one size fits all”

B.Try various study approaches

C.Break the task down into different parts

D.there are plenty of options that you can try

E.it is easier to avoid being distracted during your study time

F.A system of short-term goals and suitable rewards may be needed

G.whether that is a place at your chosen school or university, or a new job



    In recent years, the leaders and islanders of many small-island nations have warned that climate change is an existential threat to their homelands, fearing they could disappear under rising seas as the planet warms. But according to the latest research, small, low-lying islands dotted around the Pacific and the Caribbean—often seen as the places most vulnerable to global warming—can naturally adapt and raise themselves above disturbing waves.

A three-year study led by Britain’s University of Plymouth, which looked at coral reef islands such as the Maldives, found that tides move sediment (沉积物) to create higher altitude, a process that may keep islands habitable. These islands were formed hundreds of thousands of years ago by waves moving and piling up reef material or sediment to create higher ground—a natural defence mechanism that continues.

Low-lying island states are judged to be at greatest risk from increasingly powerful storms and rising oceans, with some making preparations to resettle their people within decades. Many are already building sea walls, appealing for international aid or setting up projects to repair damage caused by climate change impacts. The world’s tens of thousands of coral reef islands are mostly uninhabited, but are home to about one million people who largely rely on fishing or tourism for a living.

Scientists built a model coral reef and island in a laboratory tank with rising water levels and used computer models to reproduce how such islands respond to higher seas in reality. The results suggest that by choosing climate-adaptable infrastructure (基础设施) that allows for occasional flooding, like building on stilts (桩子) and movable houses, islanders with enough space could adapt to their shifting environment. Sea walls, however, are compromising the natural ability of the islands to adjust to rising sea levels. “If you stop the flooding of the islands, you also stop the movement of the sediment on top of the island,” said lead author Gred Masselink, professor of coastal geography at the University of Plymouth.

1.What does the underlined word “vulnerable” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.Unnoticeable. B.Beneficial.

C.Significant. D.Sensitive.

2.What do we learn from the three-year study?

A.Piling-up sediment creates a natural defence for small islands.

B.Disturbing waves keep the islands unlivable.

C.A computer model is used to provide more space for islanders.

D.Sea walls prevent the disappearance of small islands.

3.Which word best describes low-lying island states’ attitude to rising seas?

A.Casual. B.Joyful.

C.Unconcerned. D.Defensive.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Small Islands May Not Disappear Under Rising Sea.

B.Climate Change Poses Threats to Small Islands.

C.The Climate-adaptable Infrastructures of Small Islands.

D.The Perfect Solution to Rising Seas for Small Islands.



    As artificial intelligence (AI) systems become more subtle, we can expect them to be used more often in the world of human medicine and healthcare. AI is designed to imitate the human brain in decision making and learning, so with the computing power to learn tasks in days or even hours, it is possible to create medical AIs that rapidly outperform doctors in certain tasks.

Most of the AI systems working in medicine employ smart algorithms ( ), with the machine and  deep learning techniques, and are supported by speech recognition and computer or machine vision to make their decisions. It will be some time before researchers can develop artificial general intelligence systems capable of abstracting knowledge and developing their own experiences to share with other AIs. But firms like Microsoft, Google, Apple,

IBM and Facebook are preparing themselves up to deliver the most advanced AI personalized healthcare possible for patients around the world.

Data plays a hugely important role in helping AI systems learn about human medicine. AI systems are trained on large data sets gathered from real-life cases. Providing amounts of detailed patient information is a decisive factor for their success.

One of the most important areas for influencing global health is in the field of epidemiology ( 流行病学).

Predicting disease outbreaks can save millions of lives by having resources ready should the worst happen. Another field where medical AIs are making rapid advances is in diagnostics. Doctors base a lot of decisions on information from X-ray, CT and MRI images. Speeding up diagnoses from patient scans can rapidly improve patient care and outcomes.

Cardiologist (心脏病医生) Rima Arnaout developed an AI that beat human experts at correctly interpreting echocardiograms by 92 percent to 79 percent. She said that despite the result there is no hope of AI replacing human doctors any time soon. "As cardiologists, we read the images and then go see the patient," she said. "So we’re both reading images and practicing medicine. I don't think that the second piece will be taken over so quickly."

1.The purpose of this text is to introduce ________.

A.the speech recognition of AI systems

B.the computer vision of AI systems

C.the rise of AI systems in medicine

D.the development of AI in tech firms

2.What is the key to making medical AI systems successful?

A.Arriving at decisions.

B.Providing patient data.

C.Predicting disease outbreaks.

D.Speeding up diagnoses.

3.What can we infer from Rima's words?

A.She prefers practicing medicine to reading images.

B.AIs do better than cardiologists in seeing patients.

C.She is confident in the irreplaceable role of human doctors.

D.AIs are unable to read images with current technology.



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