满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Recently, a group of scientists decided ...

    Recently, a group of scientists decided to find out what the funniest joke in the world was. This was obviously a difficult task, as no two people really agree about what is funny and what is not—especially when they are from different countries.

Here is the joke which the experts decided was the funniest joke in the world

Two hunters were out in the woods. One of them fell to the ground. He didn’t seem to be breathing; his eyes were closed. The other hunter took out his mobile phone and called the emergency services.

“My friend is dead!” he cried to the operator. “What can I do”The operator said“Don’t worry. First, make sure he’s dead.” There was a silence, and then a shot was heard. Bang! The hunter’s voice came back on the line. He said, “OK, now what?”

This is perhaps amusing. Culturally, it depends on us knowing that often hunters are not considered to be very intelligent people, and that often they are quite violent. But perhaps this is not so all over the world. It’s also quite a “black” joke—a joke about something which isn’t really a funny subject. The experts also found the second funniest joke in the world. Here it is

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After dinner, they went to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes woke up. “Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.” “I see millions of stars, Holmes,” replied Watson.

“And what do you infer from that? ”

“Well, there are billions of stars ... we are a small part of the universe ...”

“Watson, you idiot!” he said. “Someone has stolen our tent!” I personally think this is better.

Can scientists in the end decide what is funny? Some things are much too complicated, even for scientists.

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Few jokes can make scientists laugh.

B.Only scientists can find out the funniest joke.

C.There are different jokes in different countries.

D.People hold different opinions about what is funny.

2.What does the author think of the first joke?

A.It is not so funny as the experts thought.

B.It is really the funniest joke he has ever heard.

C.It can greatly affect readers’ attitudes toward hunters.

D.It shows that not all hunters are brave and intelligent.

3.We can learn that a person’s understanding of a joke can be affected by ________.

A.the reader’s feeling B.the length of the joke

C.the reader’s cultural background D.the language that the teller uses

4.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.Uninteresting jokes B.Different kinds of jokes

C.The funniest jokes in the world D.Tips on how to make others laugh


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。一些科学家试图找到世界上最好笑的笑话,但实际上由于人们判断笑话好笑的标准不一样,找出最好笑的笑话是很难做到的。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段第二句This was obviously a difficult task, as no two people really agree about what is funny and what is not—especially when they are from different countries.“这显然是一项艰巨的任务,因为没有两个人能够就什么好笑什么不好笑达成一致——尤其是当他们来自不同的国家时。”可知,人们对笑话是否好笑持有不同的观点。故选D。 2.推理判断题。根据第四段中的This is perhaps amusing. Culturally, it depends on us knowing that often hunters are not considered to be very intelligent people, and that often they are quite violent. But perhaps this is not so all over the world. It’s also quite a “black” joke—a joke about something which isn’t really a funny subject.“这也许很有趣。从文化上来说,这取决于我们知道猎人通常被认为不是很聪明的人,而且他们通常很暴力。但也许并非全世界都是如此。这也是一个相当“黑色”的笑话——关于一些并不有趣的话题的笑话。”可知,作者认为第一个笑话不如专家认为的那样好笑,它充其量只是个“黑色幽默”。故选A。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段中的Culturally, it depends on us knowing that often hunters are not considered to be very intelligent people, and that often they are quite violent.“从文化上来说,这取决于我们知道猎人通常被认为不是很聪明的人,而且他们通常很暴力。”可知,一个人对某个笑话的理解受其文化背景的影响。故选C。 4.主旨大意题。本文主要讲的是科学家试图找出世界上最好笑的笑话,但是不同的人持有不同的观点。所以C项The funniest jokes in the world“世界上最有趣的笑话”为最佳标题。故选C。

    Foods to Eat to Burn More Calories


Watermelon is brimming with B vitamins which boost your energy levels and curb your need to munch on an extra snack. A cup of diced watermelon contains 46 calories and virtually no fat. Watermelon is a rich source of potassium, dietary fiber, protein, vitamin A, magnesium, vitamin C, and iron.

Watermelon is one of powerful foods to eat to burn more calories. Watermelon is also high in lycopene, the antioxidant that lower your risk of macular degeneration, heart disease, and cancer. With 90 percent water, watermelon is filling you up but are not filling you out. Enjoy fresh watermelon juice, smoothie, or use it any summer fruit salad you like.


Grapefruits speed up your metabolism and help burn a lot of calories. This fruit will help feel full faster and longer. According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database, one half of a grapefruit contains around 53 calories. Moreover, grapefruit is rich in fiber that may help stabilize your blood glucose levels. You can add grapefruit to your fruit salad, smoothies or drink a grapefruit juice.


The secret of celery is very simple it contains less calories and helps burn more than you eat. Celery mostly consists of water and that's why it is good as a part of a balanced diet

However, this food is not suitable for celery diet only as your body won't get the necessary minerals and nutrients. So the best decision will be to combine it with some other foods.


Studies show that whole grains are healthier than refined grains and that they lower the risk of getting a chronic disease. This type of grains is also a good part of a diet as it takes more time to digest and you won't get hungry for a longer period of time. Whole grains are rich in various vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates but low in fat.


Rich in antioxidants green tea boosts your metabolism and helps lose weight, which is just fantastic for ladies, isn't it? Simply enjoy a cup of hot fragrant green tea and do a great favor to your body.

1.To balance blood glucose levels, you'd better take            in regularly.

A.green tea B.whole grains

C.watermelon D.grapefruit

2.From the passage we can know that _______.

A.grapefruit contains more calories than watermelon.

B.whole grains are healthier because they contain more water and various minerals.

C.both grapefruit and green tea can help speed up metabolism for those who are eager to lose weight.

D.having celery diet before a cup of green tea can help get enough nutrients to lose weight.

3.Which column can we read this passage in the newspaper?

A.Book Review B.Health

C.Entertainment D.Learning Kit










参考词汇:兵马俑terracotta warriors

Dear David,





Mr. Ellet gave George a bright silver dollar for a New-year gift . Little George thought of all the fine things he might buy with it. The ground was all covered with snow; but the sun shone out bright, and everything looked beautiful. So he put on his hat , and ran out of home. As he went skipping along, he met some boys throwing snowballs. George soon engaged in the sport, He sent a ball at James Mason, but it missed him, and broke a window on the other side of the street. George feared someone would come out of the house and find him. So he ran off as fast as he could. As soon as he got round the next corner, George stopped, because be was very sorry for what he had done. He said to himself, “I have no right to spend my silver dollar, now. I ought to go back, and pay for the glass I broke with my snowball. I will go and pay for it. If it takes all my money, I will try not to be sorry. I do not think the man will hurt me if I pay for the what I have done.”

He went up and down the street, and felt very sad. He wished very much to buy something nice. He also wished to pay for the broken glass. At last he said, “It was wrong to break the window, though I did not mean to do it. It is only fair to pay the gentleman for his loss” George started off, and felt much happier for having made up his mind to do what was right. He rang the doorbell. When a gentleman came out, George said, “Sir, I threw a snowball through your window. But I did not intend to do it. I am very sorry, and wish to pay you. Here is the dollar my father gave me as a New Year gift.” The gentleman took the dollar, and asked George if he had no more money. George said he had not.






Paragraph l: 

So, after asking George his name, and where he lived, the gentleman called him an honest boy, and shut the door, 


Paragraph 2:

George very honestly told his father all about the broken window. 




    Not long ago, Linda was sting by a hospital bed in Houston, Beside her _______ her 88-yearold father. His heart was _______ It needed surgery. What _______ her as much as his heath was that all day the two of them bad _______ in nothing but depressing small talks. They had always had good _______. But now he seemed to be _______ with the hospital, talking about the disappointing food, the _______ tests, and the demanding doctors. His once wide-ranging _______ seemed to have been limited to the size of the room. “It is really _______  to sit with a person in a hospital” Linda said. One day, something __________ the eye. It was a book that some friend had __________ as a gift. Her father had always been a __________ but lately he didn't have the energy or focus to read. She __________ the book and started to read it out loud. “ __________ it changed the atmosphere and __________”she said. That afternoon, Linda read to her father for an hour. It was a __________ and a pleasure for both of them. Reading gave the daughter away to __________ with her father and help him in a situation that was otherwise out of her __________. Listening allowed the father to __________ on the sound of her voice out of the hospital and back to the intellectual engagement.

“When I was a kid, he would read to me, it became opportunities to repay a debt of __________ “Linda said.

1.A.lay B.followed C.stood D.waited

2.A.breaking B.beating C.weakening D.recovering

3.A.troubled B.attracted C.astonished D.moved

4.A.believed B.taken C.joined D.engaged

5.A.relationship B.conversations C.friends D.manners

6.A.dissatisfied B.careful C.popular D.generous

7.A.impressive B.simple C.practical D.endless

8.A.collections B.interests C.diets D.visitors

9.A.traditional B.enjoyable C.hard D.worthwhile

10.A.covered B.met C.blinded D.rolled

11.A.accepted B.held C.read D.brought

12.A.patient B.reader C.listener D.doctor

13.A.picked up B.looked up C.put up D.made up

14.A.Usually B.Generally C.Immediately D.Occasionally

15.A.habit B.idea C.surroundings D.mood

16.A.challenge B.relief C.talent D.pity

17.A.connect B.agree C.chat D.live

18.A.mind B.sight C.hands D.heart

19.A.travel B.reflect C.call D.put

20.A.honor B.money C.service D.gratitude




When Chinese researchers successfully figured out the genetic structure of the novel coronavirus in January, many people thought a vaccine(疫苗) would soon follow.  1.  

First, scientists must work together to understand the structure of the virus and develop potential vaccines to fight against it.  2.  After passing animal tasting, clinical trials of the vaccine are then done on humans. Finally the vaccine needs to be approved by officials before it can be made available to the public. All of the steps are necessary to make sure that the new vaccine is safe for people to use.  3.  With technological advancements and government funding (资金), the time it takes to develop vaccines can be reduce.

CEPI, an international organization that develops vaccine, for example, is funding programs that focus on making a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. About 35 companies and academic institutions, including the US company Moderna, funded by CEPI, are searching for a COVID-19 vaccine.  4.  Once a vaccine is ready, 100 million doses (剂量) could be made within a year, according to Modena’s CEO Stephane Bancel.

 5.  Not only do they help to save individual lives, but they also help the local and even the global community.

A.This is why a vaccine is developed.

B.But that’s a lot easier said than done.

C.However, experts say vaccines are unlikely to be available

D.Once these first vaccines are made, they are tested on animals.

E.Sometimes, this process can take as long as 10 to 15 years to complete.

F.Even though vaccines take a long time to develop, they are very important.

G.A few have begun testing in animals, while Moderna’s attempt has started human trials.



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