Chinn’s second aircraft carrier, _________construction took more than six years, entered service at the end of 2019.

A.whose B.which C.where D.that


— John graduated from college at a very young age.

— Oh, he _________a very smart boy then.

A.could have been B.must have been C.should be D.might be


—Why don't we go for a swim? I hear there are lots of tropical fish.

—_________. I can use my new video camera; it's waterproof.

A.My pleasure B.Good idea

C.It doesn't matter D.You are welcome


After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to _________among the candidates and survive the test alone.

A.figure out B.put out C.stand out D.give out


Children have a natural _________about the world around them and they tend to keep asking questions about it.

A.phenomenon B.atmosphere C.appreciation D.curiosity


_________we relieve pressure in a proper way, we can relax ourselves and keep away from its bad effects.

A.So that B.As long as C.Even if D.As though


Catherine, along with two other boys in our school, _________to New York to pick up the prizes the other day.

A.are invited invited C.were invited D.was invited


Most schools nowadays prefer to use continuous_________, because it gives a fairer picture of how the student has done during the whole year.

A.arrangement B.assessment C.argument D.approach


— Tommy, you seem to be overjoyed!

—_____ ? I have just received the offer from the Sydney University.

A.Guess what B.What for C.What if D.So what


假定你是李华,你班同学打算本周日去远足。 请你用英语给班里新来的交换生Anna写一封邮件,邀请她到时间一同前往,内容包括:

1. 活动时间及地点;

2. 注意事项;

3. 远足的益处。











My teacher Mr. Bush is the most positive person I’ve ever been met. He serves for a great teacher because of his ability to passing on positiveness to young students. Mr. Bush have been my teacher since kindergarten. He always smiles and never gets madly at students. At that time, I always felt overshadowed by my brother, which seemed to be doing better in every way. Hopelessness drowned us. But when Mr. Bush found I lost confident in myself, he just keeps encouraging me, and an unexpected warmth rushed through me as though I had been refueled. This made me ready go! Because of Mr Bush, my world was filled with sunshine and power.



1.The past few years have ________ (目睹)great changes throughout China.

2.Let's ________ (思考)on what we did.

3.She made a d_________ of $5,000 to the Children’s Hospital.

4.Since you have settled down in a new country, you have to make an a_________ to the new environment.

5.He was willing to participate in the _________ (自愿的) activity.



Scientists said that slower walkers who are 1.their forties and fifties could get older 2.(quickly) than faster walkers. They could age both 3.(physical) and mentally. Doctors already knew that older people who walked slowly were more likely 4.(have) health problems. They wanted to find out if this was 5.same for younger people.

The researchers conducted a study. The participants had medical records of health checks throughout their lives. For some, these records went back to when they 6.(be) three years old. The researchers used data on the 7.(intelligent) of the participants. They looked at 8.quickly people could calculate things. They also did tests on the participants at 9.(differ) walking speeds. The participants were requested to say the alphabet while 10.(walk) at a normal speed and fast speed. They found that people who walked more slowly showed less brain activity when they were reciting the alphabet.


    An Aussie family vacation has been saved thanks to a kind-hearted stranger. He helped the stranded (陷于困境的) travelers after learning about their _______on social media.

The Melrose family had been in the middle of a 2, 500-mile road trip across Australia last week when their car_______in the middle of the Northern Territory.

Daryn Melrose, his wife, and two daughters had _______their home in Gippsland with two boats in tow (拖在后面) so they could _______in the national minnow sailing championships in Darwin.

Since the youngsters had spent all year_______for the tournament, they were_______when they realized that all of their efforts would be in vain — with 620 miles standing between them and Darwin, it seemed as if they had no _______ but to give up their _______of competing.

Upon learning about their _______, ABC News made a social media post in the ________ that one of their readers would be willing to________ the Melrose family.

Darwin resident Rodney Sims had been ________ his news feed when he saw the appeal for help and recalled (回想起) a time when he had been in the same situation.

“About 30 years ago, strangely enough, I was in a ________situation with a broken-down car and someone helped me out...this was my time to________,” Sims said.

Sims then jumped in his truck and ________all the way down to where the family was staying in a Tenant Creek motel. After fastening their boats to his ________, he brought the Melroses all the way back to Darwin, ________to a shocking 1,250-mile round-trip journey.

Needless to say, the Melroses were extremely ________by the stranger’s act of kindness.

“What a fantastic effort,” Daryn said.“My daughters and I could not be more________for his efforts,” he added. “They got here ________and are hoping for good results after their competitions.”

1.A.disadvantages B.troubles C.conversations D.purposes

2.A.caught up B.turned up C.fell down D.broke down

3.A.left B.lost C.shared D.abandoned

4.A.serve B.survive C.compete D.develop B.arguing C.designing D.searching

6.A.determined B.independent C.heartbroken D.ashamed

7.A.reason B.choice C.question D.doubt B.hobbies C.members D.dreams

9.A.instruction B.dilemma C.behavior D.preference

10.A.manner B.theory C.hope D.order B.expect C.beat D.admit

12.A.preparing for B.caring about C.checking with D.looking through

13.A.similar B.defensive C.common D.particular

14.A.speak out B.give back C.hold on D.set out

15.A.ran B.cycled C.walked D.drove

16.A.pole B.machine C.truck D.boat

17.A.exposing B.increasing C.spreading D.amounting

18.A.amused B.touched C.confused D.embarrassed

19.A.silent B.responsible C.grateful D.anxious time turn secret short


    These days, many people participate in talent shows because they want to be famous.1.Would you believe that an entire town once entered a game show so it could become famous?

In the 1950s, Hot Springs, New Mexico, was a small town known for its hot springs.2.

At that time, the citizens of Hot Springs liked to listen to the radio. One program they enjoyed was called “Truth or Consequences”.3.In the show, contestants(参赛者) would answer a challenging question. If they answered the question correctly, they were rewarded with a prize.

In 1950s, Ralph Edwards announced that he would visit and perform his radio show from the first town in America to change its name to Truth or Consequences.4.True to his word, Ralph Edwards visited the town and performed his show. So the town is known as Truth or Consequences.

Today, not many people remember the radio show “ Truth or Consequences”.5.The first weekend in May is the date of their yearly festival.

A.It was hosted by Ralph Edwards.

B.They hold a big celebration every year.

C.Hot Springs seized the opportunity.

D.They would reunite with friends or family.

E.It was home to over forty natural hot springs.

F.Other people enter game shows so they can win money.

G.The citizens of Truth or Consequences remember though.


    Summer is the season of mosquitoes. And mosquito bites are truly the worst-not only are they huge and painful, but they itch(发痒) like nothing else. And once you start scratching (), it’s hard to stop.

You can blame female mosquitoes for the trouble we all face. There is something that enters the skin while the mosquito is enjoying its blood meal. This is the protein that leads to the allergic reaction and itching. Basically, our immune systems see the protein as an enemy. This causes the local reaction we see as the bug bite. Our bodies are just particularly sensitive to mosquito bites. Other bug bites may not have the same effect on your immune system. Bees for example, are likely to produce more pain than an itch.

Scratching a mosquito bite is a double-edged sword. It feels so good, but it also makes the itch way worse. When you scratch, you may release more local histamine, the chemical in the skin that causes the itching, and you may also be spreading the allergen under the skin. If you tend to scratch until you bleed you’re putting yourself at risk for skin infections.

You’re not imagining it -mosquito bites do itch more at night. Most people itch more at night because we are less distracted as we try to fall asleep.

If you’ve ever wondered why some mosquito bites itch more than others, it totally depends on your body. Everyone responds differently to mosquito bites. While some people may have a minimal reaction, others may experience serious reaction. It just depends on your body’s immune system. People with so-called atopic traits, who are highly sensitive, are more likely to develop more serious local reactions after the mosquito bites.

1.What accounts for the itch you feel after a mosquito bite?

A.The blood type. B.The sensitivity of our skin.

C.The change of temperature. D.The protein from mosquitoes.

2.Why do mosquito bites itch more when scratch them?

A.Scratching them helps the blood to flow quicker.

B.Your skin will be infected after you scratch them.

C.Scratching them causes a special chemical to let out.

D.You focus more on mosquito bites when you are scratching them.

3.Why are some people bothered less by mosquito bites than others?

A.Their body’s immune system is less sensitive to the bites.

B.They pay less attention to the mosquito bites.

C.Their skin is thicker than others.

D.They get used to the bites.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The cure for mosquito bites. B.The itch caused by mosquito bites.

C.Why mosquito bites itch less than bee bites. D.How people respond to mosquito bites differently.


    We all know that forests-especially rainforests-absorb carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen that all living things depend on. It’s no wonder that they have been named the lungs of the planet. Today, after the big fires in the Amazon, Alaska, Greenland, and even Siberia, it’s very clear that we need to grow a forest that is fireproof. That’s not an impossible dream. We can grow seaweed forests that are fireproof because they are underwater.

Seaweed can store carbon and help reduce the influence of global warming. Now, seaweed is being farmed in small ocean farms to be used for food, medicines, and beauty products. If seaweed can be grown on a large scale(大规模地), it could help to fight against global warming.

“Seaweed is finally having its moment in the spotlight,” said Halley Froehlich, a scientist at the University of California. She is the lead author of a new study published in Current Biology. The study shows that large-scale seaweed farming could be used to cancel out land-based carbon emissions and it mapped the areas of the oceans where seaweed could be grown.

Now, only 3.8 percent of the US waters off the coast of California are being used to grow seaweed but that is just 0.065 of the ocean that can be farmed. In fact, 48 square kilometers of the world’s oceans can be used for seaweed farming.

For seaweed farms to be part of the global solution, they will have to be much larger. To create underwater forests, seaweed would have to be grown, harvested and then sunk into the deep ocean so that the trapped carbon could be buried for years to come.

While it sounds like a good plan on paper, “The technology doesn’t yet exist” to keep seaweed in the deep ocean, said Froehlich. “Hopefully this paper encourages conversation among engineers and economists about what it would take for the actual tools to be put in place.”

1.What makes people put forward the idea of growing seaweed forests?

A.The burning of forests.

B.Seaweed’s economic and medical value.

C.Uncontrollable carbon dioxide emissions.

D.Their long-lasting dream of underwater exploration.

2.Why can seaweed be used to fight against global warming?

A.It doesn’t burn. B.It doesn’t pollute.

C.It can take in carbon. D.It can break down plastics.

3.What does the underlined part “having its moment in the spotlight”in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.Breaking silence. B.Taking a bad turn.

C.Drawing people’s attention. D.Making room for other products.

4.What does Frochlich say about the idea of growing seaweed forests in the last paragraph?

A.It has a long way to go. B.It has been put into practice.

C.It needs lots of money to carry out. D.It needs enough evidence to support.


    One piece of advice I give young people is that they don't have to decide what they want to do for the rest of their life at age 22. Just think of all the jobs that didn’t exist 10 years ago and what might exist 10 years from now.

My daughter is a nurse practitioner(从业者). But she didn’t start there when she went to college. She got her undergraduate degree in hotel and restaurant management with a minor(辅修课程) in business. She wanted to find a job in travel and tourism and see the world. On graduation day she looked at me and said, “Mom, I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life that’s meaningful, but I don’t think it' s travel and tourism”. I looked at her and said, “Just get a job and then figure it out.”

She struggled for a year or two after college with a couple of different jobs including work in the travel industry for a short time. But she started thinking early on after graduation about becoming a nurse. Whenever she talked to me about it, I told her she’d be a great nurse-super organized, able to multitask better than anyone I knew, with amazing people skills. But I also told her that she’d have to work hard and study the sciences if she wanted to be a nurse.

She considered her choices and decided to enter a combined nursing/nurse practitioner program getting her second bachelor’s degree then her master’s. She had found her passion(热衷的爱好)!Her nursing career since 2005 has progressed. She now has a mix of leadership, administrative, and clinical work.

Do you know what your passion is? Have you found it in your work or are you still searching for it?

1.How did the author react to her daughter’s words on graduation day?

A.She recommended a job to her daughter.

B.She was worried about her daughter’s future.

C.She was angry about her daughter’s uncertainty.

D.She advised her daughter to find answers in practice.

2.What was the author’s attitude toward her daughter’s decision to become a nurse?

A.Cautious. B.Favorable.

C.Unconcerned. D.Disappointed.

3.What do we know about the author’s daughter?

A.She has traveled around the world.

B.She has figured out what she loves to do.

C.She was unsuccessful in her nursing career.

D.She was unwilling to follow her mother’s suggestion.

4.How does the author support her main idea?

A.By listing facts. B.By analyzing causes.

C.By making a comparison. D.By providing a typical example.


Finland is offering free trips to people in need of happiness lessons

For the past two years, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world. Its citizens are relaxed and cheerful, enjoying life in a technologically advanced society. The Finns themselves owe(归功于) this to their connection with nature and their instinct(本能) to go outside whenever anxiety appears: “When others go to therapy(治疗), Finns put on a pair of rubber boots and head to the woods. A project called Rent A Finn will send a select number of guests to live in Finland for three days this summer. All travel and accommodation costs are covered, but you must be willing to be filmed throughout the experience.

Guest’s activities

Experience anything from visiting a national park to spending a weekend fishing at a real summer cottage berry picking in the wilderness, enjoying a proper Finnish sauna(桑拿浴) basically all the things that we Finns love to do in nature and what makes Finland the happiest country worldwide.

Esko, mayor(市长) of a small town, will take you boating and teach you to play molkky, a Finnish throwing game. If you stay with Hanna, an IT professional, you’ll travel to her grandmother’s lakeside home outside Helsinki, where you’ll pick blueberries and eat traditional foods. Linda and Niko, who live on Uto, an island with a population of around 40, will take you sailing, show you the lighthouse, and camp out on an island.


Now is the time to apply by filling out an online application form and filming a 3-minute video describing yourself, your connection to nature, and why you want to visit Finland. Submit, breathe deeply, and wait. I know what I’ ll be doing this weekend.

1.What do the Finns think mainly brings them happiness?

A.Getting close to nature.

B.Living in a rich country.

C.Remaining in high spirits.

D.Getting on well with others.

2.Who will lead guests to pick blueberries around a lakeside home?

A.Esko. B.Linda.

C.Hanna. D.Niko

3.What should you do if you want to join the project?

A.Complete a form online.

B.Make a video about Finland.

C.Pay the activity expenses in advance.

D.Learn how to make traditional Finnish food.



1. 告知你将选择中医专业;

2. 解释你选择此专业的原因。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Peter,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Sunday, I went to Tian'anmen Square with my cousin, a boy of nine year old. Because it was the first time that he has come to Beijing, so everything could interest him. He took many photos, saying they would be showing to his friends, most of who had never visited Beijing. Then a foreigner in the fifties caught our attention. To my greatly surprise, before I could react, my cousin went up. With fluent English, he asked if she needed any help. Knowing her passport missing, we immediately helped her got in touch with the police. What a kind boy!



Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish climate change activist, 1. (elect) as 2019's ''Person of The Year'' last week.

In August 2018, tired of the ''refusal'' of world leaders 2. (take) action, the young girl started camping in front of the Swedish Parliament every Friday with 3. sign, which said: ''Schools Strike for Climate''.

The teen's act soon spread quickly, 4. (inspire) kids and adults worldwide to take action. By September, 2018, her 5. (week) strike had become a worldwide climate change movement called ''Fridays for the Future'', 6. tens of thousands of students skipping school on this day to condemn the inaction of the leaders of their respective countries.

The teenager, who has single-handedly helped bring climate change to the forefront of the global conversation, owes her 7. (succeed) to her Asperger's syndrome. She says, ''I see the world in black and white, and I don't like compromising. 8. I were like everyone else, I would have continued on and not seen this.''

Though Thunberg does not have a magical cure for climate change, she 9. (believe) that climate change can be affected at a grassroots level by educating friends and electing 10. (politician) that support the cause.


    More than anything else in the world, Jayden Hairston wanted to learn how to sing. _________, his elementary school in Yonkers didn't _________ the music instruction he needed. So he begged his parents to sign him up for after-school lessons.

His mother said, ''Ever since I could _________, he has been singing and dancing for the family. '' She wanted to help her son to do whatever he loved, but private lessons were too _________ for the family where there was only one breadwinner.

Then Jayden began researching after-school arts _________ on the Internet. Luckily, he soon _________ the website of Harlem School of the Arts (HSA) in New York City. There, he could _________ singing and dancing lessons. It was a bit far from Yonkers. But he _________ his parents to take him for a visit.

That was three years ago. Now Jayden is one of HSA’s most _________ students. He takes singing, dancing, or theater lessons almost every day after school. Last year, he performed in seven productions. ''When I'm at HSA, I don't want to leave, '' he says. ''It's made me more __________. I feel better about myself, '' Jayden says.

Like Jayden, many poor students across the United States have __________ access to arts instruction in schools. HSA is one of many nonprofit groups that __________ this gap (缺口) by offering cheaper online arts classes which most families can __________. These groups are usually funded by donations.

A Harvard University study found that arts instruction does not straightly raise students' __________ in math and English. However, that doesn’t mean arts education isn’t __________. Arts train a set of thinking skills __________ those measured by test scores. It can also offer another __________ for children who may not __________ good scores in such exams. Without it, students might never __________ their strengths and possibly their future occupations.

Jayden Hairston knows this firsthand. He says Harlem School of the Arts has __________ him to go after his professional goals.

1.A.Besides B.Instead C.Therefore D.However

2.A.offer B.hold C.sell D.follow

3.A.imagine B.speak C.remember D.listen

4.A.attractive B.horrible C.troublesome D.expensive

5.A.applications B.programs C.competitions D.technologies

6.A.ran over B.broke into C.set up D.came across

7.A.teach B.perform C.attend D.check

8.A.convinced B.forced C.instructed D.forbade

9.A.friendly C.selfless D.cautious

10.A.confident B.modest C.reasonable D.sensitive B.normal D.broadened

12.A.bridges B.widens C.breaks D.deepens

13.A.advertise B.prepare C.recommend D.afford

14.A.responses B.achievements C.memory D.attention

15.A.exciting B.demanding C.valuable D.reliable

16.A.different from B.regardless of C.similar to D.along with

17.A.challenge B.right C.direction D.destination

18.A.distinguish B.accumulate C.urge D.obtain

19.A.expect C.process D.satisfy

20.A.required B.motivated C.promised D.reminded


How to DIY Your Own Mask

During the outbreak of COVID-19, one of the must-have items is the mask. However, many countries are in bad need of medical masks and other protective equipment. 1. But we can make our own masks which can be used repeatedly. Now, let’s look at the most popular DIY method for soda bottle gas masks.

2. And it doesn’t require huge skills. With necessary materials and a little training, it can be made in 15 minutes.

To make such a mask project, you’ll require a sharp cutting tool, a market, glue, a 2-liter soda bottle, rubberized foam insulation strip (泡沫橡胶绝缘条) and one N95 mask. Total cost may be $5.

First, you’ll have to clean the 2-liter plastic bottle. After that, draw a U-shaped area using the marker. 3. Then start with a smaller cut and work your way up from there. Cut away the bottom of the bottle and you’ll end up with a basic shape.

Next, use the rubberized foam insulation as a seal for the edges of the bottle. 4. This will serve as a resting place for the N95 mask. Then cut off the N95 mask’s edging carefully. And place is inside the neck of the bottle. The elastic bands (橡皮筋) from the N95 mask will be used to secure the gas mask firmly on your face. Then a DIY gas mask is completed.

Do remember to keep the gas mask stored in a well sealed plastic bag. 5.

A.In this way you can make good use of the bag.

B.This can prevent it from getting polluted.

C.The soda bottle gas mask is very simple to make.

D.In this situation it is hard for people to get enough masks.

E.It should be big enough to fit your face and yet not too big.

F.Actually, the idea of DIY gas masks dates back to WW II.

G.You should also make a circle of foam insulation inside the bottle.


    Sometimes, you just can’t say no to another spoonful of ice cream and maybe one more after that. Why not? You deserve it.

There’s no need to beat yourself up about it later. The truth is that you were probably bound to do that from the very first spoonful. That’s because there is a switch in your brain, and for whatever reason, it can get stuck in the “on” position.

According to a new study, this impulse (冲动) control may come down to a very specific circuit (回答) in the brain which occasionally produces melanin-concentrating hormone, or MCH—a chemical linked with our desire for food or drugs. And that circuit always says yes.

By manipulating this circuit, it is possible that we might be able to develop cures for overeating that help people stick to a diet without reducing normal appetite or making delicious foods like donuts less delicious.

For their research, the scientists treated rats to a self-serve buffet. Bur the treats were on a timed delivery system, making tasty food every 20 seconds, and only when a rat pressed a lever (杠杆). Hit that lever too early—as impatient test subjects occasionally did—and the counter would start from scratch. Lever-happy rats would have to wait another cycle before the food became available again.

A second experiment offered the rats two dining options. Push Lever A and get an immediate small reward. Pushing Lever B meants waiting for around40 seconds, but the food reward would be much bigger. Guess which lever those impatient rats were most food of? That’s right. They picked the now-now-now switch.

Their impulsiveness, however, rose sharply when scientists gave the rats MCH. These animals become more impulsive. MCH, it seemed, could talk rats into loosening its inhibitions (拘束). The result? More please.

Researchers can now see where that conversation between the brain’s reward system and its impulse control center takes place. The next step will be to map it—and potentially influence the discussion. It may eventually be possible to control a food-eating impulse.

1.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “manipulating” in paragraph 4?

A.Strengthening. B.Controlling.

C.Classifying. D.Creating.

2.What would happen when a rat pressed a lever earlier than the fixed time?

A.A bigger food reward would appear.

B.Tasty food would be delivered much sooner.

C.Longer time would be needed for food to appear.

D.The lever would be stopped form delivering food.

3.Why did the researchers conduct the experiments?

A.To find out the effect of MCH on animals.

B.To prove rats are also greedy for more food.

C.To study how levers influence rats’ impulse.

D.To show rats and humans have similar impulse for food.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.What Is the Effect of Your Impulse?

B.What Can You Do to Resist More Food?

C.Why Can’t You Say “No” to Your Impulse?

D.Why Do You Always Give in to One More Mouthful?


    We’re drowning in plastic. If you want to reduce your own contribution to the plastic pollution problem, recycling might seem like an easy solution.

But what happens after you clean out those plastic containers and pour them into a recycling bin? Unfortunately, the outcome isn’t as rosy as many people think; recycling is unlikely to give plastic to-go containers new life. “Of all the waste produced in 2017, only 8.4% of it eventually got recycled. It’s not that consumers aren’t motivated to recycle or that they don’t have ready access to recycling programs; the United States simply doesn’t have the proper facilities (设施),” said John Hocevar, a marine biologist with Greenpeace USA.

A recent report surveyed the United States’ 367 materials recovery facilities—the facilities that sort our recycling—and found only plastic bottles were regularly recycled. The fate of most other types of plastic such as packaging usually ends up being buried or burnt.

Not all plastic is created equal. If you turn over a transparent plastic bottle, like those used to hold water, you’ll notice a number “1” inside a triangular recycling symbol. Non-transparent jugs, like the kind that hold milk, get a “2”. At materials recovery facilities, or MRF’s, plastics get sorted based on these numbers, which indicate how recyclable they are.

Numbers 1 and 2 are relatively recyclable. Recycling gets more difficult with higher numbers, called “mixed plastic”. This waste makes up around 69% of all the plastic we use. It’s much more expensive to process than numbers 1 and 2.

So what the United States needs is facilities equipped to process other kinds of plastic. But Hocevar came up with a different solution: “The really simple answer is that we have to stop making so much throwaway plastic.”

That said, is recycling worth it? For bottles labeled (贴标签) “1” or “2”, the answer is “yes”. There’s also a growing market for plastics labeled “5”. For other numbers, Hocevar’s answer was simple: a resounding (响亮的) “no” on numbers 3, 4, 6 and 7.

1.Which problem is the USA facing according to the text?

A.People don’t know the best way to recycle.

B.Ready recycling programs are not accessible.

C.People lack awareness about plastic recycling.

D.There isn’t suitable equipment for plastic recycling.

2.What may John Hocevar think of plastic recycling in the USA?

A.Productive. B.Promising.

C.Unsatisfying. D.Controversial.

3.What information can the numbers on plastic bottles convey?

A.Whether it is easy to recycle them.

B.The recycling technology they need.

C.They places where they were produced.

D.Which dustbin we should put them into.

4.What should we do with plastic according to Hocevar?

A.Give up the use of plastic.

B.Develop more cheaper facilities.

C.Only recycle plastics labeled 1 to 5.

D.Reduce the production of mixed plastic.


    Tyler and I stopped by our corner store. A few police cars caught Tyler’s attention. “Mom, can I use my allowance money and buy the policemen some doughnuts to say ‘thank you’?” he asked.

“Certainly!” I said, feeling proud that I was achieving my aim to raise my children to be grateful, tender-hearted and caring.

After we left the store, Tyler asked a question that would change our lives and the lives of countless others forever.

“Why were the police so happy about the doughnuts?”

I explained some people are not always friendly to police officers. Tyler was very sad to hear this, and instead of shrugging it off, he said that he was going to thank every cop in America and buy them each a doughnut!

I was shocked, but it never occurred to me to say “no”. In fact, I thought it was an excellent but unachievable idea. I suggested many other options, but nothing was enough for him on the newfound mission (使命).

I didn’t know how to put this passion into action, but I knew one thing: Tyler had found his purpose, and it was my duty to help him. I e-mailed our local office and asked if Tyler could host a thank-you event for them. They were delighted. At the event, they called Tyler “The Donut Boy”, a name that has become known throughout the nation.

Then we kept planning thank-you events and many caring people joined in. We were invited to TV stations, and flew to Washington, D.C. for National Police Week. It has been three years since a simple act of kindness sparked a wonderful idea in an eight-year-old boy,

In forty-eight states, more than 90,000 doughnuts have been delivered so far, with no end in sight. We’re made memories that will last a lifetime, but most importantly, we have served those who serve us daily and made our mark on this world.

1.What quality of Tyler made the author feel proud?

A.Kindness. B.Honesty.

C.Confidence. D.Independence.

2.How did the author react to Tyler’s wish to thank all the police at first?

A.She tried to change his idea. B.She told him it was impossible.

C.She praised him for his ambition. D.She expressed her doubt about it.

3.What can we infer about Tyler?

A.He is eight years old. B.He has become world-famous.

C.He’s influenced many people. D.His mission has been completed.

4.What conclusion can we draw from the text?

A.Well begun, half done. B.Strike while the iron is hot.

C.God helps those who help themselves. D.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.


Sweet Bee’s Honey Festival & Country Fair 2020

Sweet Bee’s Honey Festival & Country Fair is a fun and delicious way to celebrate the incredible work of the honeybee on June 14.

Your ticket to Sweet Bee’s Honey Festival & Country Fair includes:

Tastings & sales of local, regional and international honeys

Admission to all of the Museum Village’s exhibits

Live bluegrass music by the Breakneck Annie Band

Meet Museum Village’s farm animals

See Museum Village’s own active beehive

Free face painting for children

Tickets are available online for just $15/adult & $10/child (age 4—12)

VIP Tickets ($35/each) include a Honey Festival bag, a VIP badge, a special surprise Honey Festival gift, a Museum Village souvenir and a VIP guided tour of museum Village at 12 pm & 2 pm.

Tickets purchased at the door are $21/adult & $16/child (ages 4—12)

Children under 4 years old are free at this location.

A “Late Day Special” ticket is available online for just $10/person (all ages, 4 and up) for the last two hours of the Honey Festival between 3 pm and 5 pm when crowds are typically smaller and the atmosphere is more relaxing. Most vendors (摊贩) still have plenty of goods, and plenty of products are typically available for purchase during this later part of the day. “Late Day Special” tickets purchased at the door are $16/person (all ages, 4 and up).

Please note that “Late Day Special” ticket holders will NOT be admitted before 3 pm.

Tickets purchased online will be sent to you electronically in a PDF file. Print out these tickets and bring them to Sweet Bee’s Honey Festival & Country Fair. You may also purchase tickets on your mobile phone using the Eventbrite App. We can scan your ticket barcode directly.

Parking: There is free parking onsite at Museum Village. Free shuttle buses will be available, and there is also a walkway from Lot B to the Museum.

Please visit our website for more information.

1.What can visitors do on Sweet Bee’s Honey Festival & Country Fair?

A.Have a look at some farm animals.

B.Get a chance to perform with a hand.

C.Taste various local and international foods.

D.Appreciate paintings by some famous artists.

2.How much can Mr. Green save if he buys two adult tickets online?

A.$41. B.$30.

C.$15. D.$12.

3.What can we learn about Sweet Bee’s Honey Festival & Country Fair?

A.No public transport can get there.

B.It closes at 5:00 in the afternoon.

C.Visitors must show paper tickets at the gate.

D.It is in honor of the hard-working beekeepers.



Sally had anxiety disorder trouble that made her fail to speak in social situations. I’m a nurse and use Bella to help children in my community, to bring them comfort and confidence the way only a dog can. I thought back to the day when I’d first brought Bella to the school.

That morning in January, her teacher led us to a room. “Sally hasn’t spoken outside her home in two years,” she told me. “Her parents have taken her to doctors, but nothing has worked.” A little girl stood shyly just inside the doorway. Her eyes brightened when she noticed my dog.

“This is Bella,”I said, “She does tricks. Would you like to see?”

Sally nodded. I motioned with my hand. Bella lay down and then rolled over. Sally’s eyes lit up. I showed Sally the hand signals for various commands. She was a natural with Bella, maybe because she couldn’t rely on the spoken word herself. Bella sensed that and responded. Soon Sally was able to put Bella through her paces all on her own. I could see her standing taller, more sure of herself each time we met.

One morning in March when she was working with Bella, I heard a tiny voice, barely a whisper, “Good dog.” Sally didn’t take her eyes off Bella, but I wanted to jump for joy. Sally spoke a little more each week, only to Bella at first, but then to me. Later,she started giving voice commands with her hand signals and her confidence rose.

Now, five-year-old Sally stood nervously in front of her kindergarten class,with Bella, my trained dog, sitting calmly by her side. All the eyes of her classmates were focused on Sally. They were waiting for her to speak. It was June-only one week of school left-but they had never heard her voice. Not once.






Paragraph 1:

But not a word came out.


Paragraph 2:

The next week, she told me she wanted to try again, looking up at me with determination.




1. 用眼存在的问题;

2. 爱护眼睛意义;

3. 提出倡议。



3.参考词汇: 传染病epidemic



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