
The Austrian capital, Vienna, is known1.its museums, palaces and ease of living. The city of 2 million people2.(identify) recently as having the world’s highest quality of life for the3.(ten) year in a row. That opinion comes from Mercer, a consulting agency4. does a yearly Quality of Living Ranking.5.(measure) quality of life is not a simple job.

Mercer says the agency looks at many factors (因素). For example, researchers measure how6.(easy) people can use public transport, such as buses and trains.They ask whether drivers can move well on the roads. They ask if houses and apartments 7.(be) available at a good price? and whether children can go to international schools. They think about whether people in the city can enjoy music, theater, restaurants and sports. And, they look for8.healthy political and social climate. In total, the agency has considered 39 factors in 10 areas to name Vienna the9.(win).

Vienna has also been ranked number one on other quality of life measurements, such as the Economist’s Global Liveability Index. Other top 10.(city) on Mercer’s list included Zurich, Auckland, Munich and Vancouver.


    Last February I turned 51. And to be honest, it didn’t make me jump with_______.

Of course, I still_______the face in the mirror. But it certainly didn’t_______my inner me anymore. There are many_______about age-enthusiasts who_______a whole new job? accomplished extraordinary achievements or trained to run a marathon._______they didn’t quite inspire me. It only_______me even more.

Until, three weeks ago, I came across Face App. The app has_______my husband to an 88-year-old man, wow! My husband took my picture and put it into the app. It caught my_______and showed an 88-year-old version of me with deeper________. My teeth were shorter. My neck was seriously sagging (松弛). I________the picture with such a sharp eye that it ________ burnt a hole through the screen. But then I zoomed out and looked at the ________picture. I saw softness on the cheeks; the comfort of a warm smile; a look with a lifetime of extremely rich________. That night I shared both my present and ________me on Facebook. My friends seemed to________the old me. “I think you look pretty cool,” one commented.

Again I studied the older face carefully. Suddenly I felt I________back at that older lady who might be me. I haven’t run a marathon or started a new cool job. My jump forwards is a purely emotional________.I've opened a door within myself and behind it________appreciation and love for myself, regardless of my________. Now, when I see myself in the mirror, I’m sincerely pleased.

1.A.wonder B.caution C.joy D.regret

2.A.remembered B.recognized C.missed D.preferred

3.A.reflect B.hide C.remind D.cover

4.A.comments B.advertisements C.secrets D.stories

5.A.started B.praised C.ruined D.risked

6.A.And B.But C.Because D.So

7.A.angered B.frightened C.surprised D.discouraged

8.A.connected B.introduced C.changed D.recommended

9.A.face B.eye C.breath D.name

10.A.scars B.thought C.wrinkles D.anxiety

11.A.tore B.took C.examined D.enjoyed

12.A.nearly B.immediately C.easily D.completely

13.A.incomplete B.unfamiliar C.beautiful D.whole

14.A.experiences B.collections C.reward D.imagination

15.A.former B.old C.young D.authentic

16.A.support B.trust C.know D.like

17.A.smiled B.stared C.pointed D.glanced

18.A.reaction B.bond C.expression D.victory

19.A.discovered B.showed C.earned D.received

20.A.achievement B.identity C.age D.job


    Successful budgeting is a key to good financial health and it really isn't hard. These steps will help create a realistic and successful budget:

List your expenses.

Make a list of your fixed expenses such as rent payments and insurance payments. Then make a list of your fluctuating (波动的) expenses, such as expenses for dining out, hobbies, and other expenses that don’t have a consistent payment. 1.

Separate your wants and needs.

2.This is especially important to successfully budgeting to pay off debts or save money toward a specific goal. Any place where you see you’re clearly wasting money, get rid of it.

Consider buying budgeting software.

Part of the reason you do this is, of course, for guidance in successful budgeting.3. Another part of it, though, is psychological. By investing (投资) in budgeting software, you mean business when it comes to your budget and saving goals.


For the most successful budgeting possible, everyone in your family needs to know and understand the budget. It won’t do any good to create a budget if your husband or wife isn’t aware of it and continues to spend money in ways you haven’t planned for.5.They need to know that there are limits to how much money they can spend. So the earlier you get them started, the better.

A.Get your family on board.

B.Make sure your expectations are realistic.

C.This is not fundamental to successful budgeting.

D.And it’s never too early for kids to develop money skills.

E.Check those lists you have made for costs you can cut or avoid.

F.Review old bank statements to help you calculate approximate figures for these expenses.

G.It helps you understand the expenses categories and map out plans for successful budgeting.


    By analyzing the movement of the smile across a person’s face, the software developed by researchers at the University of Bradford can determine whether or not the expression is true. The most significant movements detected by the software were around the eyes, supporting popular theories that a true smile is one that can be seen in a person’s eyes.

“A smile is perhaps the most common of facial expressions and is a powerful way of signaling positive emotions (情绪)” says Hassan Ugail, Professor of Visual Computing at the University of Bradford, who led the research. “Techniques for analyzing human facial expressions have advanced a lot in recent years but distinguishing between true and false smiles remains a challenge because humans are not good at picking up the relevant messages.”

The software works by first mapping a person's face from within a video recording, and identifying the mouth, cheeks and eyes of the subject. It then measures how they move through the progress of the smile and calculates the differences in movement between the video pieces showing true and false smiles. They found significant differences in the way the subjects' mouths and cheeks moved when comparing the true and the false expressions. The movements around the subjects’ eyes, however, showed the most striking difference, with true smiles producing at least 10 percent more movement in these muscles (肌肉).

“We use two main sets of muscles when we smile — the zygomaticus major, which is responsible for the movements upwards of the mouth and the orbicularis oculi which causes movements around our eyes,” explains Professor Ugail. In false smiles it is often only the mouth muscles that move but, as humans we often don’t spot the lack of movement around the eyes.

He adds, “An objective way of analyzing whether or not a smile is true could help us develop improved interactions (互动) between computers and humans. It could also be important to scientists aiming to gain more understanding into human behavior and emotion.”

1.Why is it hard for humans to recognize a false smile?

A.Humans are good at hiding their smiles.

B.The relevant details are hard to catch for our eyes.

C.Humans often put on too many facial expressions.

D.Techniques for analyzing facial expressions are hard to develop.

2.What do the researchers find by the software?

A.People usually use two main sets of muscles when smiling.

B.True smiles produce more muscle movement around eyes.

C.Mouths and cheeks move the same for true and false smiles.

D.True smiles are a powerful way of signaling positive emotions.

3.What can we infer from Professor Hassan Ugail?

A.There are different sets of muscles on every human’s face.

B.The software can improve humans’ behavior and emotion.

C.Humans can spot the movement around the eyes in true smiles.

D.The interactions between computers and humans remain to be improved.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Eyes Can Smile

B.Smiles Can Show One's Personality

C.More Smiles, Longer lives

D.True Smiles, False Movements


    Luis Reynoso says he’s always tried to get involved (牵涉) in his children’s education: attending meetings on school-improvement projects and providing classroom food. But when his youngest daughter’s school invited families to attend a nine-week program Let’s Change the Course organized by a leading education advocacy group here to learn about parenting and school participation, he realized his past efforts barely scratched the surface.

Each weekly session touched on different parenting themes, like setting up a special space at home for kids to do homework, like the importance of confidence. One of the most helpful sessions, he recalls, focused on what a child should know academically in each grade and how to talk to teachers about his daughter’s performance. “The workshops really woke me up,”says Mr. Reynoso.

Levels of parental participation in Mexican schools have long been low. Many people commonly believe a child's education is the school s job to get involved. In some parts of the country, a mother's or father's own lack of education can play into a sense that they have nothing to contribute. And even in private schools, where there might be more adults with fixed jobs and the participation is very rare, with some parents viewing their tuition (学费) bill as their educational contribution. There are also cases where the schools themselves ignore the potential of parents in a child's education, discouraging communication between families and schools.

But the importance of family participation is something many non-profit, education advocates and recently the government are starting to home in on Mexico. Part of Mexico’s 2013 national education reform stresses the importance of parents playing a more active role in their child’s education, encouraging an increase in parental-participation programs, including Let’s Change the Course.

Susana Castellanos, headmaster of a school in Mexico City, says, “People are recognizing you have to work together to create happy successful citizens. It’s no longer acceptable to set apart the roles of teacher vs. parent vs. school headmaster.”

1.What does Reynoso mean by the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1?

A.His previous efforts were in vain.

B.He missed the key point of participation.

C.His daughter disagreed with what he did.

D.He failed to catch the importance of school.

2.What did Reynoso find most beneficial about Let’s Change the Course?

A.The necessity to set up a space for kids to do homework.

B.The academic requirements for kids in different periods.

C.The importance of knowing children’s performance.

D.The ways to increase students’ confidence.

3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A.How to contribute more to children’s education.

B.How to know the levels of parental participation in Mexican schools.

C.Why schools failed to provide chances for parents to get involved,

D.Why parents played a less active role in school education in Mexico.

4.What influence did Mexico’s education reform have?

A.The number of parental-participation programs rose.

B.Many non-profit educational organizations were set up.

C.Teachers role in school education started to get increased.

D.Parents began to attach importance to children's education.


    This centuries-old town of stone homes could be any rural (农村的) village in Europe. It reached its maximum population at around the turn of the last century, and since then it has slowly emptied until, in 2007, its public school finally shut its doors.

“They say when a town loses its school it loses its soul,”says the governor of St. -Pierre-de-Frugie, Gilbert Chabaud, who was elected to office the following year. After the village’s only restaurant closed too, Gilbert took up his post with a central question, “What can we do to make it come back to life, to make people come here?”

Gilbert, who himself left St. -Pierre-de-Frugie to work in the automobile industry before retiring, found his answer in sustainability (可持续发展). He opened up a store for local producers to sell their vegetables which were grown without using any artificial chemicals. He opened a community (社区) garden and ongoing ecological workshops that encourage knowledge-sharing among the community.

He has a businessman's knowledge: he is making use of the idea shared across the West by many people looking for an alternative to the high-pace urban life. And after the rapid urbanization of the 1950s and 1960s left many villages across Europe abandoned or only partially used, a mini urban-to-rural flow is under way.

Since taking office, 40 new people have moved here — most of them from the cities, bringing the population up to 400. Last year a new school opened in the village. Gilbert is eyeing a bigger place for a new school.

Just a few months ago, lulia Timofticiuc and her partner Guillaume Bled were living in Paris. They were concerned about global environment and at a more micro level about what foods they were consuming and where they were coming from. “We wanted to live lighter, be productive, and be autonomous,” Timofticiuc says. But they didn’t just want to go anywhere. They wanted to go where things were already happening. So they chose St. -Pierre-de-Frugie.

1.What can we learn about the village St. Pierre-de-Frugie?

A.Its population began to rise at the turn of the 20th century.

B.Its public school was closed for lack of students.

C.It used to be a popular rural village in Europe.

D.It became completely empty in 2007.

2.What did Gilbert do to help his hometown?

A.He quit his job to lead the village.

B.He sold green vegetables to local settlers.

C.He increased people's ecological awareness.

D.He encouraged people to share their harvest.

3.Why did lulia Timofticiuc choose St.-Pierre-de-Frugie?

A.It allows people to grow their own food.

B.It has done a lot to be eco-friendly.

C.It is less crowded.

D.It is autonomous.

4.Which section of a newspaper is the text probably taken from?

A.History. B.Culture.

C.Education. D.Society.


    We’ve prepared several destinations selected from four Asian countries for your adventure. Check them out:


Hardly anyone visits the country, and most people aren’t aware of the amazing potential it has. Head to Mongolia’s best-known national park, Terelji. Here, you can spend a night in a traditional tent to watch performances of archery (射箭) or enjoy outdoor adventures from bird-watching to hiking and climbing or horseback riding through grassy steppes and forest-covered mountains.


With the chance for world-class diving to visit the world’s biggest Buddhist temple, and to see amazing wildlife, Indonesia is a must-visit. A must-visit for anyone in Indonesia is Mount Ijen. It’s in East Java, the highest point of which is home to the most active volcano in the country, Mount Merapi. But the spot we recommend you visit is the Blue Fire Crater.


Want to achieve something great on your next Asian adventure? You should consider climbing one of the highest mountains in Southeast Asia. Kinabalu National Park in Malaysia is home to Mount Kinabalu, the mountain that around 40,000 people from all around the world go to climb every year. The journey normally takes two days.


In Shaanxi province of the country lies the world’s most dangerous hiking trail (路线). It’s up Mount Huashan, which is only 2,155m high. But the dangerous part is not the top, but the narrow, wooden boards you have to climb up to reach the top. They’re fixed onto the mountainside in a way that doesn’t look very secure. Nevertheless, many adventurers try and take a hair-raising picture as they climb up.

1.Where can tourists have access to local life?

A.Terelji. B.Kinabalu National Park.

C.Mount Ijen. D.Mount Huashan.

2.What is special about Mount Huashan?

A.It is very high.

B.It has an amazing scenery.

C.It is perfect for taking pictures.

D.It has the most dangerous route.

3.What do all the destinations have in common?

A.They are all easy to reach.

B.They are all from African countries*

C.They are in mountainous areas.

D.They all offer chances for diving.



Among all the fast growing science and technology, the research of human genes, or biological engineering as people call it, is drawing more and more attention now. Sometimes it is a hot topic discussed by people.

The greatest thing that gene technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at present can almost do nothing with, such as cancer and heart disease. Every year, millions of people are murdered by these two killers. And to date, doctors have not found an effective way to cure them. But if the gene technology is applied, not only these two diseases can be cured completely, bringing happiness and more living days to the patients, but also the great amount of money people spend on curing their diseases can be saved, therefore it benefits the economy as well. In addition, human life span (寿命) can be prolonged.

Gene technology can help people to give birth to more healthy and clever children. Some families have hereditary diseases. This means their children will for sure have the family disease, which is a great trouble for these families. In the past, doctors could do nothing about hereditary diseases. But gene technology can solve this problem perfectly. The scientist just need to find the wrong gene and correct it, and a healthy child will be born.

Some people are worrying that the gene research can be used to manufacture human beings in large quantities. In the past few years, scientists have succeeded in cloning a sheep, therefore these people predict that human babies would soon be cloned. But I believe cloned babies will not come out in large quantities, for most couples in the world can have babies in very normal way and they also believe measures will be taken to control gene technology.







注意:1. 词数80左右;


3. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。




DrBarone has helped many kids smile who were born with defects(缺陷)including meShe did my first operations when I was a babywhich were the most important and1.(effect)

I don’t remember the first two operations very wellbut I do recall2.thirdDrBarone was kind and eased me into the processShe let me choose my sleep medicine3.(make)sure that I was okayI recently saw a picture of me before my operationand I know4.a big job she did

DrBarone5.(operate)on people with all types of birth defectsShe also goes to other countries where people cannot afford this treatment and helps them6.free

Many people benefit from her new ways7.(invent)to fix birth defects of the head and faceShe has won many awardsA few of the most recent8.(be)Best Doctors in America 2013-2014America’s Top Plastic Surgeryand many others

DrBarone was my doctor when I was a kidand even though I was9.(probable) just another patient to herto me she was10.(much)than just my doctorShe was and is my heroand she gave me back my smile


    Ryan Hickman was born in an American family. When he was three years old, Ryan Hickman visited a _________ center in California and found what he wanted to do most. Amazingly, the next day as he greeted his dad, Damion, he made a(n) _________, “I’m going to pick up all the bottles and cans from everyone in the neighborhood. I’ll start a new _________ myself!”

It’s never too _________ to start a business, though there were no other staff but himself when the company was started. Today, Ryan, aged seven, the worlds _________ garbage man, is the CEO, manager and _________ of Ryan’s Recycling Company. Though Ryan says he doesn’t remember what made it all start, he remains _________ about what he is doing. When questioned why he did so, he said, “It’s _________ bottles get to the ocean, and then animals get sick and die.” Ryan’s neighbors have been _________ to the little boy’s knocking for their recycled goods. More and more __________ ones call to ask for a pickup or even lay down bags of bottles and cans at Hickman’s door. At school, Ryan’s favorite activity is helping the dustmen __________ the trash and taking away the recyclable. “My wife and I support him and we told him that whenever he wants to __________, he can,” Damion said. “I want to see him with friends, but the recycling just makes him delighted. He has actually __________ five of his friends to join him.”

According to Damion, Ryan has __________ over $11,000 through recycling bottles and cans. Ryan says he wants to buy a large trash truck to be __________ with enough garbage and become a true garbage man.

1.A.financial B.recycling C.delivering D.industrial

2.A.bet B.announcement C.speech D.explanation

3.A.investigation B.study C.business D.campaign

4.A.old B.early C.weak D.late

5.A.cleverest B.busiest C.wealthiest D.youngest

6.A.customer B.employer C.trainee D.employee

7.A.enthusiastic B.energetic C.unbearable D.comfortable

8.A.why B.how C.because D.when

9.A.opposed B.supposed C.accustomed D.devoted

10.A.supportive B.instructive C.aggressive D.persuasive

11.A.desert B.separate C.circulate D.weed

12.A.start B.continue C.quit D.back

13.A.persuaded B.urged C.forced D.instructed

14.A.raised B.saved C.wasted D.spent

15.A.surrounded B.entertained C.equipped D.loaded


Why we still need to read Dickens

Walk into any bookstore, and you can hardly avoid “bumping into” Charles Dickens. Many of Dickens’ works still sell well today.1.

As someone who teaches Dickens, the question of why we still read him is often on my mind. 2. One day nearly 10 years ago, however, when I was giving a lecture, I was telling the students that for Victorian readers, Dickens’s writing was a “tune-in-next-week” type of thing that generated crazes. 3. “But why should we still read this stuff?” the student asked. The answer I gave was only acceptable, “Because he teacher you how to think,” I said.

The question annoyed me for years, for years, and for years I told myself answers, but never with complete satisfaction. We read Dickens because he is not just a man of his own times, but also a man for our times. We read Dickens because we can learn from experiences of his characters almost as easily as we can learn from our own experiences.

4. But these are not exactly the reason why I read Dickens. My search for an answer continued until one day a text message came from a student of mine. “We still read Dickens’s novels,” she wrote, “because they tell us why we are what we are.” Simple as it was, that’s the explanation I had sought for years.

Dickens shines a light on who we are during the best of times and wrote of times. 5. If you have time, go to pick up one of his many novels, read it and enjoy what it has to tell you about yourself.

A.Then a hand shot up.

B.I know that wasn’t really the reason.

C.And they are placed on outstanding shelves.

D.That question was never more troubling.

E.That’s why we still need to read him today.

F.I already know who it is I’ll meet in those novels.

G.These are all wonderful reasons to read Dickens.


    Some 30,000years ago, artists who lived in caves in Europe painted pictures of the animals around them: panthers, hyenas, rhinos, cave lions, mammoths and other creatures which have been extinct for a long time. The paintings were highly realistic. Some even showed movement.

The artwork, more than a thousand drawings, is considered the oldest group of human cave drawings which have ever been discovered. They were preserved because the cave was sealed--closed off--for more or less 23,000 years.

Fast forward to December 18, 1994, a group of French cave scientists were exploring caves in southern France. Jean-Marie Chauvet, who led the group then, describes the process of discovering the cave paintings.”At that time I was in the front, Eliette just walked behind me, Christian behind. Eliette said she saw two marks made with red ochre and she said, ‘They came here.’And at this very moment everything began. The drawings and everything linked to the parietal art (壁画). That is where it started.”

Cave art expert Jean Clottes reviewed the paintings. “I was amazed at the number of paintings there were and paintings of their quality and particularly in front of the panel of the horses.”

Scientific analysis confirmed the prehistoric date of the artwork. Studies showed the drawings were created tens of thousands of years ago, before human history was written. The United Nations’cultural agency UNESCO lists the cave as a World Heritage Site. They say that the drawings form a remarkable expression of early human artistic creation of grand excellence and variety.

The Chauvet Cave has been named after the explorer who first entered it. However, its environment and drawings are too fragile to be visited by human beings. So the cave is closed, and only people there for scientific purposes can go inside and see the artwork.

However, French authorities asked experts to create an exact copy of the cave, called Pont d’Arc Cavern. The copy, which we also call replica, cost more than 59million dollars to build. It opened at the end of April in France.

Pascal Terrasse is the president of the cavern. He says everyone will be able to experience the thrill of looking at drawings made by the first humans in Europe. He says the place is magic because it is done so well. Authorities say they think as many as 400,000people will be allowed to visit Pont d’Arc Cavern every year.

1.According to the passage, the first scientist to enter the cave was ________.

A.Christian B.Eliette

C.Clottes D.Chauvet

2.According to Jean Clottes’ words in Paragraph 4, the paintings in the cave were ________.

A.abstract B.superior

C.creative D.inspiring

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Chauvet Cave?

A.It was closed off for more than 30, 000years.

B.It is thought to be the origin of modern parietal art.

C.The environment and artwork there are very easy to damage.

D.The majority of drawings there are about the extinct animals.

4.The purpose of creating Pont d’Arc Cavern is to ________.

A.show admiration for the earliest artists in Europe

B.arouse visitors’awareness of protecting ancient art

C.offer visitors chances to view the wonderful artwork

D.collect money for the perseverance of the Chauvet Cave.


    Tyler Skiuzacek’s father, Patrick, could not sleep through the night. It was 2007, and Patrick had just returned from a year in Iraq, where he served in the U. S. Army. Patrick Skluzacek was energetic and happy when he left for Iraq, Tyler says. But when he returned, he was unhappy and drinking alcohol too much. It turned out Patrick was suffering from sleep panic attacks. Patrick would wake up every night. His heart would beat too fast. He would sweat. The nighttime panic attacks prevented Patrick from feeling good the next day, because he was so tired.

Almost 10 years later, Tyler was in a position to help his father. He thought he could make a computer program that might help his father. So he entered a competition in Washington, D. C, trying to solve the problem Tyler’s father and other U. S. war veterans (老兵), were having. People called them”night terrors. ”The students had 36 hours to come up with a program. They called it myBivy—That name comes from bivouac, a military term for a safe place to sleep.

The application uses a smart watch and a smart phone together. The watch tracks the wearer’s heartbeat. It sends the data to the program on the smart phone. Research shows that a person’s heart rate will increase right before a night terror. So if the wearer’s heartbeat started to rise, myBivy would respond. The smart watch would vibrate and gently wake up the sleeping person. That was enough to prevent a night terror from happening.

Patrick wore the watch for two weeks to get used to it. Then, Tyler turned on the application. On the first night, the vibrations from the watch prevented 10 nightmares. Patrick said he had not slept that well in many years. Tyler and his team won the contest in Washington, D. C. The prize was $1,500. Then the group tried to raise more money from investors, and they were surprised when they took in over$25,000. By the spring of 2016, Tyler and his team were testing the app with volunteers, and hoped to make it available to the public soon.

1.What might be the cause of Patrick’s problem?

A.His experience in the war. B.His drinking habit.

C.His family troubles. D.His sleeping disorder.

2.We can learn from the second paragraph that ________.

A.the US government tries to help war veterans

B.people look down upon the night terrors

C.many other veterans suffer similar problems

D.myBivy was named after a great soldier

3.What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A.How effective the app is. B.How to download the app.

C.How to design the app. D.How the app works.

4.What does the author probably think of the future of myBivy?

A.Valueless. B.Promising.

C.Tough. D.Controversial.


    The minute you start talking about what you’re going to do if you lose, you have lost.

Some people have a great fear of losing. In fact, fear is not the best description of what they have. It is more like a crazy phobia(恐惧症) that they cannot keep away from. Day after day, these people allow their fear of losing to control everything in their lives. They are so afraid of losing that they try to keep away from losing without considering the cost of doing so.

When things start to get out of control, fear begins to come in. As the fear of losing or getting hurt overwhelms(充溢) them, they quickly look for excuses, rather than fight back or find a way to deal with their fear. They never realize that losing is just as common as eating and breathing.

If one is given a choice, who wouldn’t prefer winning over losing? After all, winning is exciting and winning is what living is all about. Although we might try hard all the time, we’re not going to win every time. In fact, most of us are going to lose a lot more often than we win and, believe it or not, it’s not all bad.

In order to make the most of our abilities ,we have to take risks every now and then. When we take risks, we might get knocked down, or even knocked flat, but with each failure and each loss, we have an opportunity to get better and get closer to the life we expect.

1.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.The Bad Effects of Losing

B.Make the Most of Every Success

C.We Win Some and We Lose Some

D.Winning Is the Main Purpose in Life

2.By saying the underlined sentence “They are so afraid. . .” in paragraph 2, the author means           .

A.one should avoid losing by using any kind of means

B.one is too afraid to deal with losing properly by himself

C.one is so afraid of losing that he can’t step forward at all

D.one should make efforts to deal with losing rather than avoid it

3.We can know from the passage that           .

A.fear works most when one is eager to win

B.losing is a common part of our daily lives

C.one should avoid losing without considering the cost

D.the more losing one experiences, the stronger one will become

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Losing is of great value to success.

B.The more we fear, the better we will perform.

C.Only when we improve our abilities can we win.

D.Only through experiencing losing can we get what we want.


    Winter sports tend to be more dangerous than summer sports—they take place mostly outside at the mercy of ice or snow, involving metal edges, extreme speeds and crashes. Skeleton (俯式冰撬), however, stands apart as one of the most difficult and least accessible of all the winter sports. Adam Edelman, Israel’s first Olympic skeleton athlete, would like to change that.

Edelman was the 10th athlete named to the 2018 Israeli Olympic Team. Qualifying for the Olympics in any sport is impressive. But it’s more impressive if you qualify for the Olympics after only four years in the sport—and without a coach.

Edelman was first introduced to skeleton watching the game on television in late 2013. Sports have always been a part of his life. He grew up playing football and was a goalkeeper on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology football team. Ready for a new challenge, he set his sights on the Olympics.

Without a coach, Edelman learned to drive by watching endless hours of YouTube videos and taking more runs than anybody else on the track. “When everybody else would take three runs per day, I would take six to eight.” he recalled.

Succeeding in skeleton takes a large amount of athletic ability and technical skill, but there’s one more element (因素) required, one that can’t be taught. “These tracks but built in the middle of nowhere, and it’s gray and cold. You haven’t seen your family in seven months and you really just want to give up. To continue, it takes tenacity.” Edelman said.

Edelman is already looking beyond Pyeongchang. The 2022 Olympics could be in his future, but whether he continues to compete or not, he promises to stay in Israeli sports as long as possible-as instructor or as a coach.

1.What might impress people most?

A.Edelman’s gift in winter sports.

B.The challenges Edelman has met

C.Edelman entering for the Olympics.

D.Edelman’s successful story as a skeleton athlete

2.What does the underlined word “tenacity” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

A.willpower B.Extra strength

C.Good luck D.Financial support

3.What might be Edelman’s plan for the future?

A.Setting up a team of his own.

B.Passing on his skills and experience.

C.Calling on more people to take up sports.

D.Ending his sports life after the Olympic Games.

4.Which of the following words can best describe Edelman?

A.intelligent B.confident

C.patient D.determined








Dear Martin,



Li Hua



增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号Ʌ ), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限-;


Nancy, aged 65, is one of my special friend. 1 like chatting with her but she enjoys my company. We talk about everything and kept no secrets from each other. It's nice of her to give me so many wise advice, from that 1 have benefited a lot. Last Saturday I visited her as usually. When I knocked at the door, there was no answer. Looked through the window, I was shocked to see her lying on floor. Immediately, I called 120. Minutes late, an ambulance arrived and took her to the hospital. She thanked to me for having saved her life. I was happy to have done that.


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Beijing Daxing International Airport, also known1. Beijing New Airport, is the biggest airport in the world. With its grand opening on September 25, 2019, it became a hot destination during National Day holiday. Visitors crowded into the2. (new) opened airport to take photos for their We Chat moments. According to a report from the airport, 3. number of checked the airport on October 3 was 4,513, while visitors4.(go) beyond 100,000. Outbound (出港的) passengers at the airport hit 5,667 the day before, with a total of around 85,000 people5.(enter) the terminal.

Many visitors came just to look at the airport's striking architecture; 6.admire its beautiful artwork. The airport added staff members to ensure the7.(safe) of passengers and also released its travel tips recommending passengers to plan ahead8. (avoid) traffic around the holiday.

Beijing Daxing International Airport 9. (expect) to become one of the world's 10. (busy) and most advanced airports with its cutting edge technology and intelligent services. It also aims to provide visitors with wonderful travel experiences as well as shortened wait times.


    The man who walked into Dave Cutlip’s tattoo (纹身) studio was hard to forget. His_______ bore a tattoo. He_______Cutlip's help to cover up his violent past, as he was determined to turn over a new leaf._______Cutlip could see the hurt in his eyes, he couldn't help him—the tattoo was too close to the eyes. But it got Cutlip_______. Many young people get tattoos that they come to regret. "If I can _______, that's my goal." said Cutlip.

Inking over tattoo costs hundreds of dollars, and getting one removed by laser (激光) is even more_______. Therefore, Cutlip decided he would help by_______gang-related tattoos for free. He put the words out via Facebook: “Sometimes people make bad choices and sometimes people_______. We believe there is enough hate in this world, and we want to make a_______.”

Change isn't______________. It takes time, and it's painful. While Cutlip works on their______________ people open up, and he hears their life______________. One man, Casey Schaffer, had the words “white power” on one forearm. He'd______________a year in prison on drug charges, and had joined a white group there. He said, “Because they______________ me, I did it as paying them back.” But______________employers would take one look at the tattoo and______________ him down. So he turned to Cutlip for help.

Cutlip has done nine such jobs, each of which took several hours. Once, a client (顾客) told him that he ______________ found a job once his tattoo was gone. Such______________inspired Cutlip to found a project with three other______________, and now hundreds of people are on a wait list. As he said, “If we can just erase hate, then we're doing______________.”

1.A.face B.neck C.arm D.chest

2.A.received B.refused C.offered D.sought

3.A.As if B.Now that C.Even though D.Soon after

4.A.thinking B.doubting C.aching D.shaking

5.A.compare B.judge C.agree D.help

6.A.useful B.expensive C.interesting D.powerful

7.A.saving B.protecting C.drawing D.erasing

8.A.miss B.forget C.change D.stop

9.A.difference B.discovery C.decision D.comment

10.A.difficult B.easy C.important D.necessary

11.A.blood B.nerve C.skin D.bone

12.A.achievements B.stories C.opportunities D.standards

13.A.studied B.worked C.served D.waited

14.A.put up with B.took care of C.looked down on D.made fun of

15.A.crazy B.annoyed C.generous D.potential

16.A.turn B.settle C.calm D.knock

17.A.nervously B.quickly C.busily  D.rarely

18.A.arrangements B.suggestions C.victories D.instructions

19.A.studios B.prisons C.museums D.factories

20.A.nothing B.everything C.anything D.something


    Leadership is important to make students prepared for future success in career and life.1.. As a student leader, you need to develop the ability to lead and inspire your peers. Besides being personable and responsible, good leaders should always:

●Stay authentic

Authentic. Leaders are trusted because they are firm, especially when faced with the challenges of popular opinion. As a student leader, be sure the ideals that got you elected are consistent throughout policy-making and planning.2..

●Keep an open mind and always listen

3.. They foster a creative and cooperative environment. A good leader is someone who is comfortable with handling suggestions and adapting to changing situations.


There will certainly be times when your plan goes wrong, even if this isn't your first time being elected. Be prepared for the worst, take responsibility for the outcome, and stay optimistic. A quality leader learns from experience and actively plans for the future.

●Seek knowledge

Leaders should keep on learning and continuously develop their skills so they can inspire their followers. Various programs to develop leadership skills are available for you to choose from. 5.. It is surely necessary for any student leader position.

A.Learn from mistakes to improve

B.You need to focus on team building

C.However, this ability doesn't come with birth

D.Know how to divide tasks among different people

E.Open communication and consideration of all ideas are important

F.Always remember to stay true to yourself and the values you believe in

G.You may try a hands-on experience that focuses on essential leadership qualities


    People who grow up left-handed have a different, more flexible brain structure than those born to take life by the right hand, say researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles.

The reason is that right-handers have genes that force their brains into a slightly more one-sided structure, according to the research. Left-handers appear to be missing those genes.

"There really is a difference in brains that results in a more symmetric (对称的) brain in left-handers, where the two sides are more equal," said Daniel Geschwind, who led the research team.

In the effort to understand how the brain shapes the mind, researchers have been trying to document the way genes and environment affect intelligence and mental abilities. They found that right-and left-handedness is determined by genetics. If a person has the gene for right-handedness, that person will be right-handed. People who do not have that gene, however, can be either left- or right-handed. There is no specific gene for left-handedness.

Right-handers typically have a larger left brain, where their language abilities are concentrated. Conversely, left-handers have more balanced brains. The language abilities of left-handers more often, are concentrated on the right side.

The UCLA researchers conducted brain scans on 72 pairs of male identical (同卵双生的) twins between 75 and 85 years old. They noticed that if identical twins carry the gene for hand preference, both must be right-handed. If they lack the gene, one twin can develop right-handed while the other can develop left- handed.

The researchers found that the brains of identical right-handed twins were very similar in size and structure. But when a left-hander was part of the twin set, the brains were different. The conclusion, researchers said, is that the absence of the gene for hand preference allows the brain to develop differently as the individual grows up.

1.What is the finding of the researchers of UCLA?

A.Left-handers have more balanced brains. B.Right-handers have more flexible brains.

C.Left-handers' brains are more one- sided. D.Right-handers' brains are more symmetric.

2.Which element determines a person's hand preference?

A.Environment. B.Intelligence.

C.Habit. D.Gene.

3.What can be said about identical twins?

A.They always have similar brain structure.

B.They never carry the gene for hand preference.

C.They have different genes for hand preference.

D.They can have different hand preference.

4.What did the UCLA team research on?

A.People's genetic makeup. B.People's hand preference.

C.People's brain sizes. D.People's communicative skills.


    Pang Hui placed a few more pairs of chopsticks on the table for a family dinner, though she did not expect her big family of seven would use them as serving chopsticks.

Surprisingly, her 75-year-old father, who used to shrug off the idea of serving chopsticks, became a firm supporter this time, said Pang, 40, from Beihai, a coastal city of South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Chinese people often share dishes, and diners use their own chopsticks to serve themselves food from the shared dishes, a tradition now being challenged by the outbreak of novel coronavirus.

“We feel a sense of crisis as well as the urge to desert our old habits when we see reports of family infections,” Pang said; pointing to the reports of the virus spreading via droplets (飞沫) and close contact.

Local governments are helping to encourage a shift, too. On Feb 10, local authorities of Beihai started a campaign promoting serving chopsticks and spoons, which will avoid cross-infections caused by the use of personal chopsticks.

Similar measures were also adopted in other cities like BeiJing, Shanghai and Hangzhou. Taizhou city in east China's Jiangsu Province even standardized the colours of serving chopsticks and spoons to help diners differentiate (区分) them from personal ones.

The government is also targeting the practice of eating wild animals, which remains present in certain areas.

China stopped the illegal trading and transportation of wild animals shortly after the outbreak.

The move became a permanent ban on Feb 24, when the country made a decision on thoroughly prohibiting (禁止) the illegal trading of wildlife and the consumption of wild animals.

Li Bo, with the Hainan International Center for Wildlife' Protection, said wild animal consumption could lead to the faster extinction of particular species, damage the ecological balance and harm people's health.

“The epidemic (流行病) could become a turning point to eliminate the bad habit,” Li said.

1.What can we learn about Pang Hui’s family from the text?

A.Usually more than seven people dine together.

B.They have started to use serving chopsticks at table.

C.Pang Hui’s father opposes using serving chopsticks.

D.They don't know how to avoid being infected by the virus.

2.According to the text, what has been done by the government?

A.Sharing dishes has been abandoned.

B.Cross-infections have been prevented.

C.Eating wild animals has been forbidden.

D.Standard personal chopsticks have been adopted.

3.What does the underlined word "eliminate" in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.Explain. B.Discover.

C.Form. D.Remove.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Serving Chopsticks Promoted B.Ways to Help People Stay Healthy

C.Corona virus Leads to Change D.China Bans Trading of Wildlife


    Over the years, the small Vermilion Heritage Museum in Alberta, Canada, tried everything in its power to unlock an old safe (保险箱) in its basement: The museum hired blacksmiths, called the manufacturer, contacted former employees and challenged visitors to play around with the safe but nobody had any success.

Until last month, when a visitor to Vermilion cracked the code (密码) on his first try, much to the astonishment of everyone present.

Stephen Mills, from Fort McMurray, Alberta, was on a family camping trip with his wife and his two children. After giving the Mills' family a tour of the whole building, the museum volunteer showed them the objects in the basement, including the mysterious safe.

It originally had belonged to the town's Brunswick Hotel which opened in the early 1900s. When the hotel shut down in the late 1970s, the safe was locked: and so it had remained.

“It was like a time capsule, nobody had any idea of what was in there,” said Mills.

Like other visitors, Mills was offered the chance to take a crack at opening it.

“Just like you see in the movies,” he said, “I looked at the dial and I saw the numbers were running from 0 to 60. So I thought in my head 20-40-60. I did a particular combination which is three on the right, two on the left, and one on the right, tried the handle … and it opened!””

“It was a 100% guess.” he said. “I was fully amazed. I stepped back a lttle bit and thought,

“I'm buying a lottery ticket tonight!””

The contents of the safe proved a little disappointing.

“Unfortunately, there wasn't what we thought was there,” Mills said. “Some papers, old checks, a waitress' notebook, and a receipt from the hotel. That's it.”

Nonetheless, Mills said everyone was excited about the lucky guess. “My children kept screaming “We beat the code! We beat the code!” he said.

1.Who unlocked the mysterious safe?

A.A visitor. B.A volunteer.

C.A blacksmith. D.An employee.

2.How did Mills unlock the old safe?

A.After several attempts. B.Through accurate calculations.

C.By a random guess. D.With professional guidance.

3.What did Mills think of the contents of the safe?

A.Exciting. B.Unexpected.

C.Impressive. D.Valuable.




Experience the Arctic Circle and amazing northern lights with us.

Cover a total of 400 miles in this 14-hour expedition.

Cross the broad Yukon River.

En-route, enjoy breathtaking views of Alaska, USA.

You may see moose, lynxes and foxes in their natural habitat.

ATTENTION: The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) is a natural phenomenon and can not be guaranteed. There is no refund (退款) if the Aurora Borealis does not appear.


12:15 pm — 1:00 pm.


Your hotel in Fairbanks.


1:00 pm — Departure from Fairbanks.

Trans-Alaska-Pipeline. — Get a close-up view of the famous pipeline and learn interesting facts about the engineering and building period.

Arctic Circle — Have your picture taken at the Arctic Circle and receive your Arctic Circle Certificate.

Yukon River — Walk right to the edge of Alaska's most famous river.

3:00 pm — Arrival at your hotel in Fairbanks.

On the return journey to Fairbanks we pass many sites, which are perfect: for possible northern lights viewing.

We provide ham (or veggie) sandwich, chips, sweets, two bottles of water and hot drinks. Please feel free to bring extra food.


Cancellations 30 days ahead of tour date are subject to 5% banking charge.

Cancellations within 30 days are non-refundable.


A minimum of 2 people is required for online booking. Single travelers and short notice reservations (within 7 days of tour date) always' have to contact us for availability at info@1stAlaskaTours.com or 907-590-5900.

1.Which service does the tour include?

A.Free airport pickup. B.A 14-hour group tour.

C.Three quick meals. D.Photo taking and printing.

2.What can guests surely do on the tour?

A.See some wild animals. B.Enjoy amazing northern lights.

C.Get an Arctic Circle Certificate. D.Go through the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline.

3.Which of the following cases is refundable?

A.Not seeing northern lights. B.Not crossing the Yukon River.

C.Booking within 7 days of tour date. D.Cancelling a month before tour date.

4.Where can the text probably be found?

A.On a tour homepage. B.On a science website.

C.In a photography journal. D.In a geography textbook.


假定你是李华,你最近读了一篇主题为"The True Meaning of Happiness"的文章。请给你的英国朋友Jack发一封邮件,与他分享你对快乐的理解,内容包括:







假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处;每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






I have been learning English in for several years. Sometimes you communicate with foreign teachers to improve speaking skills. English helps me talked with people from difference countries. With my English ability, I can watch English film. I always want to understand how the journalists are saying, because my great interest in watching baseball games. To total understand the baseball game, I always replay the videos and try to find out more details . Not only do I admire the amazed skills of my favourite players, but also I learn much knowledge. As for me, English has been an useful tool in my daily life.



Every region in the world is easy to identify by the kind of clothing traditionally worn there. Clothing 1. is traditionally worn in Germany is unique too. The clothes that men and women wear traditionally tell us a lot about the country 2. its culture.

To actually understand the German clothing of the years that have gone by, it is important 3. (understand) the concept of clothing. It allows people to know certain things about another person. These details include the marital status, the place of origin, and the trade. According to these details, the clothing patterns changed 4. (slight). And as time goes by, these clothing patterns have become more complete, 5. (result) in common designs.

There are German pants called lederhosens. The pants are made of leather. The pants are also worn by young boys. Lederhosens worn in the Bavarian region have 6. (feature) such as suspenders (吊裤带)and front flaps? and these are quickly adopted by other countries. These pants 7. (wear) with shirts and sweaters made of linen (亚麻布)or wool. Other clothes teamed with the pants are wool stockings and country shoes.

Today there 8. (be) several clubs and societies that are devoted to the preservation of traditional German clothes. These societies are working towards reviving the clothing traditions so that more people choose to wear them 9. occasions like weddings, festivals, etc. They think it is a patriotic (爱国的)sign to show 10. (they) pride in motherlands.


    There was a knock at the door of Great-Grandma Smith's home one Thanksgiving. Since she was the __ for this family holiday, she got up, opened the door, and shouted with delight, "Look who's here!"

She _____ a young man into the house, hugged him, and said, “It's ____ to see you again! Everyone will be so delighted!" Great-Grandma then hurried to ____ his coat and led him to the table. "Oh, just look who's here!” she ______ with joy. The families _____ to each other. She moved things around and _____ him in a seat between my uncle and herself. He was __ by families on both sides and faced Great-Grandpa Smith across the table.

"Coralie, get us another place setting!  Great-Grandma ______"We're so sorry that we ______ without you. No one knew you were coming,” she _____. "But you're just going to love everything. We have turkey and many other ______. Oh, and Coralie made an apple and a pumpkin pie for dessert even! So, just help yourself. My dear, it's a long time since I saw you!" She patted his arm again and ________ .

No one had __ her joyful speech from the moment she left the table to answer the door. After looking around the table at our ______, the young man turned and looked ______at Great-Grandma Smith's face, which was filled with love and joy. He said in a(n) __ voice, "I don't __ any of you. I just stopped at your house to get ___ !”

"But I really appreciate your warm-hearted dinner on this special day as I have lost my way here,” he added with ____ in his eyes.

1.A.waitress B.guest C.chef D.hostess

2.A.pulled B.persuaded C.followed D.forced

3.A.unfortunate B.unnecessary C.wonderful D.hard

4.A.put away B.take off . C.get back D.slip on

5.A.replied B.announced C.concluded D.agreed

6.A.whispered B.laughed C.waved D.introduced

7.A.threw B.hid C.placed D.forced

8.A.searched B.surrounded C.touched D.observed

9.A.commanded B.begged C.promised D.complained

10.A.continued B.gathered C.finished D.started

11.A.informed B.apologized C.criticized D.reminded

12.A.relatives B.gifts C.strangers. D.dishes

13.A.answered B.condemned C.sighed D.warned

14.A.interrupted B.minded C.scolded D.applauded

15.A.dinner B.house C.family D.neighborhood

16.A.closely B.straight C.coldly D.eagerly

17.A.annoyed B.excited C.puzzled D.disappointed

18.A.offend B.invite C.visit D.know

19.A.blessings B.charges C.messages D.directions

20.A.water B.curiosity C.pride D.coldness


How to Develop Appropriate Self-Confidence

Under most circumstances having self-confidence is a good thing. 1. It is this strong sense of confidence that allows them to go out in the world and reach for their goals.

But can you have too much self-confidence? 2. In most cases, knowing your strengths and having the assuredness to go out and take risks are admirable qualities. But when this confidence makes you inflexible, opposed to trying new things, and incapable of listening to others, it can become harmful to success and well-being. So what can people do to ensure that their self-confidence is realistic, authentic and socially appropriate?

3. Whether you are evaluating your own success or offering praise to your children, try to place a greater emphasis on the work that went into the task rather than just focus on how things turned out. You cannot always control how things go, but you can control the amount of work you put into achieving your goals.

Keep learning new things. Even if you are highly confident about your skills in an area, keep looking for new challenges. It is easy to become overconfident if you think you know everything there is to know about a subject. Finding new challenges to overcome does sharpen your skills. 4.

Listen to what others have to say. Overconfidence can sometimes cause people to become rigid and even arbitrary. Instead of assuming that your way is the right or only way, try to keep an open mind. 5. However, it is important to listen in order to gain a new perspective.

A.Focus on the effort, not the outcome.

B.Is overconfidence definitely a good thing?

C.You might not always agree with other people.

D.Having too much self-confidence is beneficial to us.

E.Are you teaching in a different way and extremely excellent?

F.Confident people tend to be more successful in a wide variety of fields.

G.Finding new challenges also reminds you that there're fresh ways of thinking about things.


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