We can’t hope to solve all the ecological problems, __________arise directly or indirectly from overuse of the earth’s resources.

A.many of them B.and many of which C.many of those D.many of which


Reporters very often tend to ask such hot questions __________official news announcers would most likely avoid answering.

A.that B.so that C.as D.which


The invention of telegram ________ the transmission of messages to any part of the world within a few seconds.

A.made it possible B.made possible C.made possible D.made it possibly


A modern city has been set up in_______was wasteland ten years ago.

A.what B.which C.that D.where


His prediction ________ the stock market would experience major changes came true.

A.what B.that C.which D.in which


__________he saw it, he knew that he had found the actual place where the treasures were buried.

A.The instant B.Every time C.As long as D.Before long


假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Tom在给你的邮件中提到他对中国传统文化很感兴 趣,并请你介绍一位中国古代名人。请你给Tom回信,内容包括:

1. 该名人是谁;

2. 该名人的主要贡献;

3. 该名人对你的影响。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 结束语已为你写好。

Dear Tom,



Li Hua


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文 中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或 修改。





1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As it is known to all, the Great Wall is one of the most famous tourist attraction in China. Everybody wants to get there, but I am no exception. Then, during this summer vacation, the day I had been looking forward to coming last. Exciting, I got up very early that day and set off with my brother Tim followed behind. After a two-hour bus ride, we arrived at what looked like large market, that there were millions of people talking, pushing and photographing. Owing for that, my enthusiasm immediately disappeared. Indeed, for me, the Great Wall is real something that must be experienced with ease and privacy.



Zhong Nanshan, an 83-year-old doctor who became a household name 17 years ago for “daring to speak” in the fight 1. SARS, is the public face of China's effort 2. (control) a new strain of coronavirus (新型冠状病毒). In spite of his advanced age, Zhong was appointed to lead the investigation into the new virus, which has frightened millions of Chinese traveling for the week-long Lunar New Year holiday. His announcement on Monday 3. the virus could spread between humans ratcheted up (加大) worries about the outbreak, after which Beijing has warned officials of public shame if 4. cover up any infections. Meanwhile, he advised people not to travel to and from Wuhan while 5.(dedicate) himself to combating the outbreak. Two photos 6.(circulate) widely on social media by Guangzhou Daily showed Zhong taking a short break on the train and rushing to a hospital in Wuhan to learn about patients’ conditions, which is 7. (deep) moving.

Coronavirus is different from SARS in 2003, when in an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, Zhong, 8. respiratory (呼吸道) diseases specialist, gave media his candid, pessimistic assessment of the 9. (severe) of the SARS crisis. Zhong was applauded for his honesty and 10. (remain) a public figure ever since, weighing in on public health issues such as air pollution and food safety.


    The method of getting into college is simply to have all A’s and get the highest SAT score, right? However, it’s more _______ than that in students being admitted into a university.

At Burlingame , _______ that there is the deep-rooted belief that straight A’s and high test scores are the only way to go to college, students feel stressed about studying and homework because they believe that every point ___________. Parents often _______ this culture, placing more pressure on their children.

While to _______ having good grades is understandable, I encourage them to recognize that the American university _______ policy and process are viewed in a comprehensive and complex way and are more focused on students’ personalities and qualities rather than only their _______ performance. We should instead motivate students to _______ no effort whatever scores that brings. For some people, even if they study for hours on _________, they simply are not strong at test-taking and may not get an A despite their best efforts. Before we judge others for not having “perfect” ________, we must understand their circumstances and realize everyone is ________. For example, for me, especially in my history classes, I understand, absorb and explain the material I am learning, but the tests often require ________ the material, which is hard for me to grasp.

Getting a B in my Advanced Placement European History class sophomore year, I was frustrated, because I was extremely ________ in that class by reading well into the night, watching videos as a booster and reading the crash (速成) course book as a(n) ________. Yet when I was asked if I would retake the class if I could go back to the beginning of the year, I said “________, B as I got, the knowledge I gained ________ any grade.” I learned so much about our world’s history and our country’s history and gained deeper ________ into everything I believe to be true. That class challenged me, foster my patience in adversity, better myself and I would not ________ the class for anything.

Many students have the “grade mindset” and they forget to enjoy learning. While I see their ________ that good grades help people enter a college, if we just concentrate on grades instead of remembering to love and enjoy learning, college and life after will not be a ________ experience.

1.A.tricky B.stressful C.controversial D.complicated

2.A.informed B.given C.provided D.supposed

3.A.counts B.arises C.works D.functions

4.A.boom B.stain C.fuel D.form

5.A.initiate B.stimulate C.overlook D.emphasize

6.A.reform B.admission C.transmission D.permission

7.A.social B.financial C.academic D.impressive

8.A.sustain B.spare C.abandon D.prohibit

9.A.end B.purpose C.average D.occasion

10.A.evaluations B.characters C.preparations D.grades

11.A.remarkable B.motivated C.unique D.respectable

12.A.applying B.analyzing C.digesting D.commercializing

13.A.efficient B.industrious C.courageous D.straightforward

14.A.reminder B.procedure C.attempt D.addition

15.A.Probably B.Absolutely C.Indefinitely D.Impossibly

16.A.equalled B.revealed C.distinguished D.outweighed

17.A.insights B.associations C.meanings D.principles

18.A.believe in B.give up C.put off D.complain about

19.A.point B.comment C.suggestion D.decision

20.A.colorful B.powerful C.pleasant D.confidential


    Influenza is an infection caused by flu viruses travelling through the air and entering the body through the nose or mouth. From October 2018 to early May 2019, up to 61,200 people died due to flu complications, while up to 647,000 people were hospitalized, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Despite similar symptoms, a cold is milder than the flu while flu symptoms develop more suddenly and severely and can impact your body above and below the neck. 1.

Several factors can lead to Influenza. 2. You can catch the flu, breathing in these droplets, or touching objects such as doorknobs or keyboards that are contaminated with the virus and then touching your nose, or mouth. People under 4, or above 65 or with a weakened immune system are at greater risk of catching the flu.

Treatment without delay plays a dominant role. If you promptly see your doctor upon noticing symptoms, he or she may give you an antiviral drug, oseltamivir. 3.“The best way to treat the flu is to rest, drink fluids and use any other remedies that best relieve your symptoms such as pain reliever for headaches and achy muscles.” says a professor of infectious diseases at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

Prevention is better than defense.4. Experts widely agree that the single best way is to get the vaccine (疫苗) each year, which is appropriate for anyone 6 months and older. 5. Moreover, practicing good hygiene can prevent flu germs from spreading. Highly recommended are washing your hands, coughing or sneezing into a tissue, avoiding touching your nose and mouth, cleaning surfaces and objects like keyboards and telephones and avoiding crowded areas.

A.Approaches to flu vary from expert to expert.

B.You can escape catching influenza with some common-sense health practices.

C.When someone with the flu coughs or sneezes, droplets carrying the virus enter the air.

D.These can include fever, achy muscles, sore throat, cough, headache, chills, fatigue or vomiting.

E.The flu shot protects against the most common three or four flu viruses research indicates that year.

F.If taken within two days, the medicine can lessen symptoms and shorten the length of time you are sick by about a day.

G.To determine if you have the flu or a cold, your doctor will do a physical exam, ask about your symptoms, and possibly do a lab test.


    On Tuesday, China announced it had grown the first ever plants on the moon, days after landing on the moon’s “far side” Von Karman crater. The cotton seed sprouts (新芽) seemed to have withstood the tough lunar conditions: freezing temperatures, lower gravity levels, and radiation.

But by Thursday, the new cotton seed sprouts had dead already, according to Liu Hanlong, the experiment leader, in a government press conference statement.

After Chang’e-4 landed on the far side of the moon earlier this month, the probe (探测器) was sent a command to remotely water the plants and start the growing process. A tube directed natural light on the surface of the moon into the small container to allow the plants to grow. The probe entered a sleep mode on Sunday, the first lunar night after the probe’s landing.

Professor Xie Gengxin, professor at Chongqing University and chief designer of the experiment, told CNN that it ended after nine days when the control team shut down the power. Xie said temperatures inside the biosphere had grown too abnormal and reached extremes that would likely kill all life, including the seeds and eggs during the lunar night. Xie didn’t confirm why temperatures had risen to levels unbearable for the plants in spite of the measures taken by the research team.

Even though the experiment was quickly terminated, Xie considered it a success. The cotton were the only seeds to sprout, however, and despite many assumptions about the future possibility of moon clothes, the cotton plant’s main purpose this time was to give researchers the valuable data on how to cultivate life in the moon’s tough conditions. The eventual ability to grow plants on the moon could prove useful for long-term space missions, like a trip to Mars. Astronauts could theoretically harvest their own food in space, avoiding the need to return to Earth to resupply.

Aside from the apparent failure of the biological or plant experiment, the rest of China’s mission to the far side of the moon appeared on track as of Thursday. The historic mission is intended to accomplish a range of tasks, including conducting the first lunar low-frequency radio astronomy experiment and exploring whether there is water at the moon’s poles.

Chang’e-4 is the latest step in China’s robotic lunar-exploration program, named after a moon goddess in Chinese mythology. China plans to launch the Chang’e-5 sample-return mission sometime this year.

1.What does the underlined word “withstood” mean?

A.Appreciated. B.Suffered from.

C.Tolerated. D.Been subject to.

2.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.The measures of the research team. B.The cause of ceasing the experiment.

C.The reason for the extreme temperature. D.The failure and impact of the experiment.

3.What is the major target of the plant experiment?

A.To make moon clothes possible.

B.To ensure its value for long-term space missions.

C.To enable astronauts to harvest their own food without returning to Earth to resupply.

D.To accumulate the priceless data on how to grow life in the moon’s severe conditions.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.China’s moon plants have died

B.China’s mission to the far side of the moon

C.The Chang’e-5 sample-return mission

D.Astronauts’ efforts to cultivate life in the moon


    When a friend does something less-than-kind like breaking something precious, embarrassing or excluding kids, it’s understandable that children feel hurt, betrayed, angry or bitter. Some may get even with the friend by doing something worse, which, however, only worsens conflicts. Children may feel caught in the tension between wanting to keep the friend and feeling unable to let go of bitterness about a serious offense.

Reine C. van der Wai and colleagues define forgiveness as the process of controlling the automatic negative thoughts and feelings that spring up when someone upsets us and instead treating that person with kindness. They argue that forgiveness is an essential skill for maintaining long-term friendships.

Parents can play a dominant role in teaching children about forgiveness. Children watch how adults in their lives respond when someone does something unkind. Do they let it go or complain to others or speak directly to the person involved? How long does it take them to get over being mad and how? Sometimes parents instruct children directly about how to react to friends’ mistakes, promoting responses ranging from “Don’t let him walk all over you and fight back!” to “He didn’t mean it.” or “Everyone makes mistakes, depending on the situation and the family values.”

There’s a delicate balance that children need to strike when it comes to forgiveness. On the one hand, passively tolerating and excusing on-going mean behavior definitely isn't healthy. Research shows that long term, repeatedly forgiving people who don’t mend their ways eats away at self-respect. On the other hand, kids need to understand that no one is perfect, so generously and sympathetically forgiving a well-meaning friend is a caring thing to do.

Here are some guidelines that might help your child figure out when it’s time to let it go and forgive someone. If it only happened one time, and it probably won’t happen again, let it go. If your friend didn’t do it on purpose, let it go. If it wasn’t that bad, let it go. If your friend is really sorry, let it go. If it was just a mistake and the friend is usually kind, let it go. If it happened more than a month ago, definitely let it go.

Holding onto hatred is emotionally costly. Sometimes, forgiveness is the right thing to do, not because the other person deserves it, but because we deserve not to be weighed down with bitterness.

1.When a friend does something unfriendly, what is NOT the possible response of the children according to Paragraph 1?

A.They are in a dilemma.

B.They intensify the contradiction.

C.They are upset, disappointed or annoyed.

D.They consider the offence understandable.

2.Children are educated about forgiveness in a family by _______.

A.taking the family values into account

B.speaking directly to the related person

C.observing parents’ reactions to a person doing something unpleasant

D.following the instructions like ignoring a friend or forgiving the mistakes

3.Which of the following is NOT right according to the passage?

A.If your friend didn’t do it deliberately, let it go.

B.Pursuing perfectionism contributes to forgiving a well-intentioned person.

C.Continuously forgiving people who fail to reform will lead to lack of confidence.

D.On some occasions, forgiving the other person is psychologically beneficial for us.

4.What is the attitude of Reine C. van der Wai and colleagues towards forgiveness?

A.Favorable. B.Neutral.

C.Pessimistic. D.Critical.


    A person once told me that a quick way to know if you are in the right job is to count the number of good and bad days that you have at your current job. If the good days outweigh the bad days by a long shot, then you are probably in the right place.

While I like that as a quick test, it does not get at the heart of the matter. Is this the right job for me now and in the future? I think it takes time, introspection (内省) and willingness to ask yourself difficult questions to know if you are in the right job.

Here are a few suggested questions that can help you evaluate whether your current job is fit for you. How motivated are you to do the work every day? Are you passionate about the work? Do you feel you can make an impact? Are you learning and growing? Is the work challenging? Do you desire to take on more responsibility or be your manager one day? Do you enjoy working with the people on your team and at your company? Are you in line with the values at the company?

After you go through this exercise of self-reflection, it can be helpful to check in with an advisor or someone that knows you well like a friend or family member. They can offer different perspectives or help remove a blind spot for you.

I have had a few notable experiences where someone has shared feedback that suggested I was not in the right job and should consider other options. It caused an overwhelming sense of loss at first because I was quite comfortable in my role (or at least I thought I was). However, it was several days before I realized it was the best feedback that I had ever gotten because it led me to the next opportunity that was even better than the current one. It turned out that when I was doing my self-reflection and answering the questions above, I was not being honest with myself. Had I only relied on my own thinking, I would have not obtained the opportunities that came next.

1.What question CAN’T help you assess whether you are enjoying the work itself and accomplishing something?

A.Are you passionate about the work?

B.Do you feel you can make an impact?

C.Are you in line with the values at the company?

D.How motivated are you to do the work every day?

2.It can be helpful to tell an advisor or people acquainted with you after you finish 8 important questions of self-reflection because _________.

A.they get to the point of the matter

B.they are resourceful with numerous experiences

C.they can encourage you to figure out the number of sunny days and rainy days

D.they can view things from different angles and remind you of things likely to be neglected

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.It’s wise to answer questions right away.

B.Prior to the shared feedback, the author received the best suggestion.

C.The author was satisfied initially when others suggested considering other choices.

D.Having considered others’ shared feedback, the author had a better opportunity.

4.Which of the following best describes the author?

A.Open-minded. B.Stubborn.

C.Loyal. D.Knowledgeable.


iD Tech teen camps and programs

Tech classes held at 150+ prestigious (声誉高的) campus locations nationwide

At iD Tech, you’ll enjoy a one-of-a-kind summer experience, alongside peers and the teaching staff who share your love for tech. Whether you’re just starting your tech journey or you’re looking for your next challenge, gain a competitive edge for college and beyond with real-world tech skills and portfolio (系列照片) — ready projects.

For college-bound teens, the future starts here

Just imagine — in the near future, you could be an undergraduate at the very same campus where you attended iD Tech!

A taste of independence

For many families, iD Tech serves as an ideal opportunity to grant teens a taste of independence during the summer. In addition to first-class technology education, teens will enjoy:

• The college experience: explore the dining halls, dorms, and prestigious universities

• The opportunity to make small adjustments to projects and create a pre-college portfolio

While activities and excursions (短途旅行) are supervised for safety, our summer staff gives teens the space they need to socialize and build self-confidence in the presence of their peers.

Benefits of camps

Depending on the program and location you choose, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the university, eat in the dining halls, stay overnight in the dorms (learn more about our overnight summer camps), socialize, and discover cool campus hangouts.

Not to mention touring a real app development or video game studio, taking off-campus field trips, competing in gaming tournaments, and building an impressive portfolio (activities vary by program and location).

• Guidance from instructors and professors who are pursuing tech-related careers.

• A variety of activities including gaming tournaments, coffee runs, industry discussions, pick-up games of Ultimate Frisbee, or time to relax over low-key conversation.

If you have additional questions about our teen summer camps or would like a personalized course recommendation, please give our Camp Specialists a call at 1-888-709-8324 or 1-408-871-3700 (international), or contact us here.

1.What is special about iD Tech teen camps and programs?

A.Only teachers majoring in tech are involved in them.

B.They provide teens with the conventional summer experience.

C.They help teens gain the advantage and equip them with practical tech skills.

D.They are only aimed at the teens who want to challenge themselves in terms of tech.

2.All the following strengths of iD Tech teen camps are true EXCEPT         .

A.instructions from the teachers devoted to careers concerning tech

B.visiting the university and experiencing the canteen and dormitory

C.trips outside of the campus to see, study or experience certain things

D.various activities like managing a coffee shop and discussing relaxing topics

3.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To encourage teens to be independent.

B.To advertise iD Tech teen camps and programs.

C.To let teens get ready for the future college life.

D.To help teens learn social skills and build confidence.


假如你是李华。你刚刚参加了学校组织的桑基鱼塘(mulberry dyke fish pond)研学体验活动,感受到农业文化遗产的魅力。兴奋之余,你写了 e-mail 与美国笔友Alan 交流本次研学情况和感受。


1. 依据下图简介桑基鱼塘原理。

2. 词数 100 左右。



阅读下面短文,回答文后的 5 个问题,并把答案写在答题卡上。

Humans share Earth with many different kinds of wildlife. However, many of our animal and plant friends may not be around for much longer. According to a recent report on biodiversity, 1 million of Earth's 8 million species (物种) are in danger of extinction(灭绝).

Humans are mainly responsible for the danger. According to the report, the world's population has doubled in the last 50 years. Humans have used over a third of the world's land and 75% of fresh water to grow crops and keep animals. As a result, there are fewer habitats and fewer natural resources available.

Because of human activities, the global rate of species extinction over the past 50 years has been higher than it has averaged over the past 10 million years. The species extinction could have serious effects on ecosystems. We fail to notice when losing one species, then another, then… These are the types of changes we're observing where entire ecosystems break down. These developments lead scientists to believe that there could be a sixth mass extinction, the first to be caused by humans. No one want to experience one mass extinction like the one where the dinosaurs that died out last time.

Aimed at solving the problem, many countries have taken action. For example, China has banned the use of rhino horn and tiger bones, and the ivory trade, reported China Daily. According to Huffpost, there are things that we can do personally to save species. For example, don't buy products made from illegal ( 非法的)wildlife parts and reduce water waste. “Each individual action has an effect and every person can make a difference - through a mass we can turn the tide,” said Claudia Sobrevila, from Global Wildlife Program, according to official website of the WorldBank.


1.What is the present situation of wildlife in the world?


2.Complete the following chart. (each with two words)


3.What might be the worst result if the situation continues?


4.(1)  and (2)  can make a difference in saving endangered species.(each with one word)


5.What’s the purpose of the writer?



阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卡上。

Run the Race is an inspirational film about two brothers1.(fight) for what they want-a better life for each other in a challenging environment. Zach, a high school athlete, is to get a scholarship(奖学金), with2. he and his brother David will be able to escape the town where their mother died and their father gave up on them. But then Zach runs into some bad luck 3. puts an end to his sports career and ruins his chance of scholarship. But David has an idea to deal4. the problem so that both he and Zach can reach the goal they desire.

5. (direct) by the famous ex-footballer Tim Tebow, the movie stresses the6. (important) of persistence(毅力) even in the face of great challenges. This echoes the career of the director: Tebow faced many problems in his time in sport. His career had a good start, and he even 7.(become) the leader of his team. But injuries meant that he spent little time actually 8. (play) football.9.(solve) the problem, Tebow  moved into minor league baseball and finally  turned things around.

“I wanted to be part of something that’s inspirational and10. (impress) to the viewer.  I  believe Run the Race achieves this,” Tim Tebow said in a statement.


    Have you ever had a childhood hero? I mean a real person that changes the way you think, that influences you to be better at something?1.

Roger is a famous tennis player, in case you have been living under a rock these past fifteen years. He is considered the best tennis player in the history of the sport. And he is still strong. At the ripe old age of 37, he could have easily retired from the sport and lived a comfortable life he wanted.2.For a tennis player, there is no other person worthier of respect and admiration.

You might not agree with me when I say tennis is one of the hardest sports in the world. But hear me out. Physically speaking, there are plenty of sports that are equally as challenging as tennis. Many also require mental strength. 3.  In a singles tennis match, you are alone. For the     whole match, which can last for hours, you have to decide what to do without any outside help.

4. Michael Jordan had teammates and coaches to support him during a game. Usain  Bolt was also alone, but his matches were finished within a minute. So, to be a great singles tennis player, you must be independent, confident about yourself, and calm under pressure - qualities that are very valuable anywhere you go.

5. Next time if got a chance to see Roger Federer defend his title live, I will be there cheering him on. What about you?

A.Let's put it this way.

B.Nothing beats going to a live tennis game.

C.Have you ever dreamed of becoming a hero?

D.Sports do good to physical and mental development.

E.But he has been pushing himself past his own limits.

F.However, few require a combination of the two in a match.

G.Roger Federer was my hero, is my hero, and will be my hero.


Are Superheroes Good Role Models?

Superheroes are everywhere. But what effect, if any, do superheroes have on our behavior? Some experts believe superheroes may have a particularly important influence on children.

Children have very limited control over many areas of their lives. Therefore, pretending to be a superhero allows a child to act out and process any anxiety that they have, and thereby overcome or reduce hidden fears, says Dr. Amy Bailey, a clinical psychologist.

Bailey adds, “The risk to superhero play is that sometimes children’s behavior can become out of control and turn into chaotic play as a child becomes completely lost in these roles.” She advises parents to keep children away from more aggressive(暴力的) shows and to have children focus on “other positive characteristics of their favorite hero, such as their clever thinking and care of others.” Concern over the possible effect of aggressive behavior has led  to  some  schools  banning(禁止) superhero play from the classroom.

Other psychologists(心理学家) share this concern. Some point to the change of the superhero over time, and are dissatisfied with modern images. “There is a big difference in the movie superhero of today and the comic book superhero of yesterday,” says Sharon Lamb. She compares the selfish, playboy millionaire Tony Stark (Iron Man) to a superhero of the past, such as Superman. Superman, she points out, had a real job as a newspaper reporter and was devoted to fighting injustice(不公平). More recent characters such as Iron Man “take advantage of women, show off wealth, and show their manhood with high-powered guns.”

Jeff Greenberg, a social psychology professor, has his own idea of modern superheroes. According to him, superheroes give children confidence and can deliver a positive moral message. Many superheroes-such as Spider-Man or Superman-use their powers to protect the weak. And more modern superheroes such as Daredevil, who is blind, and Charles Xavier (Professor X), who is disabled, bring diversity(多样性) and present positive images of disability.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Children should be kept away from superhero movies.

B.Superheroes can have a powerful impact on children.

C.The concept of the superhero has changed over time.

D.Superheroes can encourage children to be confident.

2.Which match agrees with the passage?

a. Superman

b. Iron Man

c. Professor X

d. Spider-man

1. He is self-centered and is not a good role model for children.

2. He shows a narrow image of manhood.

3. He shows children that it’s OK to be different.

4. He empowers children and stands for justice.



A.a--2. B.b--4. C.c--3. D.d--1.

3.What does the underlined part refer to?

A.The ban on superhero play in classroom. B.The possible effect on aggressive behavior.

C.The various characteristics of superheroes. D.The belief of children in superhuman strength.

4.How does the writer get the main idea across?

① It provides hard scientific evidence. ② It quotes psychologists’ remarks.

③ It offers the writer’s own opinion. ④ It discusses both sides of the issue.

A.① ③ B.② ③ C.② ④ D.① ④


    On a farm in England, Gavin and Alice Munro are taking sustainability to the next level: they harvest trees which they grow into chairs.

The couple have a furniture(家具) farm in Derbyshire where they are growing 250 chairs, 100 lamps and 50 tables. It is their answer to what they see as the inefficient(无效率) process of cutting down mature trees to create furniture.

“Instead of force-growing a tree for 50 years and then cutting it down and making it into smaller and smaller bits ... the idea is to grow the tree into the shape that you want directly. It’s like a kind of 3D printing,” said Gavin.

Part of the inspiration for the idea came when Gavin was a young boy. He spotted an overgrown bonsai tree (盆栽) which looked like a chair.

The 44-year-old began experimenting in 2006. In 2012, Gavin and Alice set up the company Full Grown. Within several years, the couple developed the most effective way to shape a tree without limiting its growth. They guide shoots (嫩枝) already heading in the right direction, rather than force them the wrong way against their natural growth.

The average chair takes six to nine years to grow - and another year to dry out. The labor and time involved in producing the organic pieces means they do not come cheap. Chairs sell for10,000 each, lamps for 900 to 2,300 and tables for 2,500 to 12,500.

1.What is special about the farm?

A.It uses 3D printing. B.It grows bonsai trees.

C.It was set up by a couple. D.It grows trees into furniture.

2.How do the couple shape a tree?

A.By limiting its growth.

B.By following its natural growth.

C.By forcing it against its natural growth.

D.By guiding its shoots in the right direction.

3.How long does it take to make an average chair for the company?

A.Over 50 years. B.About 6 to 9 years.

C.At most 6 years. D.About 7 to 10 years.

4.Which can best describe the furniture?

A.Big and eco-friendly. B.Natural but expensive.

C.Hand-made and creative. D.Traditional but organic.

5.What does the writer's opinion on the farm?

A.It’s brought in huge money. B.It grows trees inefficiently.

C.It’s a good try of sustainability. D.It will gain popularity soon.


Award-winning food writer Sasha Martin started her blog in 2010. Her plan was simple: to prepare a meal from every country in the world. Over the next four years, she cooked over 650 dishes from 195 countries. In this interview, Martin describes her experience of cooking the world.

Was “cooking the world” a way to travel without leaving home?       

That’s right. I think the idea that exploration is for everyone is really important. There are so many people who dream of travel. But I think that you really can go on adventures without leaving home. With food, if you have the right ingredients, you can create the flavor of another place. It’s like armchair travel, but it’s faster and easier. I call it “stovetop travel.”

What did you hope to teach your daughter by cooking the world?

I wanted her to feel that she had a place in the world where she belonged. But I also feel it’s important for children to grow up knowing people from other countries-their global neighbors.     I call them neighbors because the world is so small now. I remember going on Facebook in its early days. I noticed there were people from different parts of the world commenting on posts, even arguing with each other. I feel that in that environment, young people need to be able to respect and understand each other.

So food is a great way to create that common ground?

Yes. I wanted to share recipes that were bridges to other cultures. A lot of celebrity TV chefs tend to choose the most shocking recipes. But I think you need a bridge first. Then people won’t put up a wall in their mind about that culture. They won’t just think, “Gross! Those people eat such odd things!”

1.What seems to be the name of Martin’s blog?

A.Cooking the World. B.Armchair Travel.

C.Knowing Your Neighbors. D.Cultures in Food.

2.Why is food a great way to create common ground according to Martin?

A.It makes the world colorful. B.It is a universal topic.

C.It creates cultural connections. D.It offers a sense of belonging.

3.Who might Martin’s blog be intended for?

A.Ordinary people. B.People travelling abroad.

C.Celebrity TV chefs. D.Parents with young children.

4.Which of the following Chinese recipes might not be shared on Martin’s blog?

A.Gong Bao Chicken. B.Dim Sum. C.Sichuan Hot Pot. D.Stinky Tofu.

5.Which might best express your comment on Martin’s blog?

A.“Gross! Do they really eat such odd food? “

B.“Wow! You’ve been to so many amazing places!!”

C.“Awesome travel tips for getting around the world!”

D.“Incredible! I cooked black pudding by myself! Thanks!”

6.Where does this passage probably come from?

A.Talk Show. B.Features. C. Breaking News. D.World Screen.


    An old man was sitting on a train with his son who was about 20 years old. As the train started, the young man was filled with ____ and curiosity.  He was seated by the window and shouted,   “Dad! Look! All the trees are going behind!” The old man____.

There was a couple beside the young man. They were just sitting and listening to the___ between the father and the son. Suddenly the young man shouted again, “Dad! Look at the____! Clouds are moving with the train!”

The couple watched the young man. They thought it was rather___ that the young man was behaving like a small child.

Now it started raining and some water drops ___ the young man's hand. He was even more__ and he closed his eyes. He shouted again, “Dad! It's raining! Water is  touching  me! Dad! Look!”

The couple couldn't___ themselves any longer and asked the old man, “Why don't you take your son to a___ ?”

The old man said, “Yeswe were just coming from the hospital. Today my son got___ first time in his life.”

1.A.joy B.panic C.humour D.confidence

2.A.shouted B.cried C.left D.smiled

3.A.argument B.story C.quarrel D.conversation

4.A.sky B.field C.lake D.mountain

5.A.frightening B.amazing C.strange D.informal

6.A.cleaned B.touched C.filled D.covered

7.A.shocked B.satisfied C.excited D.inspired

8.A.help B.protect C.forgive D.understand

9.A.teacher B.scientist C.lawyer D.doctor

10.A.eyesight B.strength C.images D.gifts



1.What does the speaker tell us about his mother's early childhood?

A.Her parents set up an ice-cream store.

B.Her parents immigrated(移民) to America.

C.Her parents left Chicago to work on a farm.

2.What do we learn about the speaker's father?

A.He left Italy at 16.

B.He taught English in Chicago.

C.He was made limp() in an accident.

3.What does the speaker say about his mother?

A.She was a school secretary.

B.She was helpful to neighbors.

C.She was highly devoted to her family.



1.When will Ellen get home?

A.At 2:00 o'clock. B.At 3:00 o'clock. C.At 5:00 o'clock.

2.What are the speakers doing?

A.Preparing for a party. B.Hurrying to Ellen's party. C.Buying Ellen birthday gifts.

3.Why did the man’s neighbors call the police last year?

A.His party was too noisy. B.He ran from his house. C.He hid in the bushes.

4.What do we know from the conversation?

A.Ellen knows nothing about the party.

B.Neighbors will be invited to the party.

C.Ellen is too stressed to attend the party.



1.What is the man considering doing?

A.Learning a new language. B.Going back to school. C.Travelling to France.

2.What can we learn about the woman?

A.She goes to France a lot lately.

B.She has forgotten a lot of French.

C.She used to work in a French restaurant.

3.How did the woman learn French in adult classes?

A.She was taught one-on-one.

B.She learnt by doing activities.

C.She had to repeat the grammar.



1.How large is the farm?

A.2.5 acres(英亩). B.40 acres. C.55 acres.

2.How is the house on the farm?

A.It has a large kitchen. B.It's big with 3 bedrooms. C.It needs some repair work.

3.What is the farm like?

A.A dirt road runs across it.

B.Chickens are running around it.

C.It has enough space for a kitchen garden.



1.What can we learn about the “Kitchen” in the conversation?

A.It's the man's kitchen. B.It opens every Sunday. C.It's a poetry club.

2.What is the man trying to do?

A.Persuade the woman. B.Discuss his homework. C.Introduce some readings.


What do we know about the girl?

A.She will go to the supermarket.

B.Her teeth are in bad condition.

C.She dislikes chocolates and candies.


What might the man do tonight?

A.Go shopping to buy a new suit.

B.Take the party in T-shirt and jeans.

C.Take the woman to meet his family.


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