In our fast world of phones, fax machines and computers, the old-fashioned art of letter writing is at risk of disappearing altogether. 1. There is the excitement of its arrival, the pleasure of seeing who it is from and, finally, the enjoyment of the contents.

Letter writing has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. It probably began with the little notes I would write to my mother. My mother, also, always insisted I write my own thank-you letters for Christmas and birthday presents. 2..

When I left home at 18 to train as a doctor in London, I would write once a week, and so would my mother. Occasionally my father would write and it was always a joy to receive his long, amusing letters. 3. Of course, we also made phone calls but it is the letters that I remember most.

There were also letters from my boyfriend. In our youth he had to work or study away at some time and we were only able to stay in touch by letter. 4. I found that I could often express myself more easily in writing than by talking.

I love the letters that come with birthday or Christmas cards. Notes are appreciated, but how much better to have a year’s supply of news! And it’s better still when it’s an airmail envelope with beautiful stamps.

5. Like my mother before me, I insist they write their own thank-you letters. My daughter writes to me little letters, just as I did to my mother. I strongly urge readers not to allow letter writing to become another “lost art”.

A.Poor handwriting can spoil (破坏) your enjoyment of a letter.

B.I am pleased that my children are carrying on the tradition.

C.We had been writing to each other for a long time but never met.

D.It didn’t matter how short or untidy they were as long as they were letters.

E.But instead of harming the relationship, letter writing seemed to improve them.

F.Yet, to me, receiving a letter cannot be matched by any form of communication.

G.The letters from him contained just everyday events concerning my parents and their friends.


    E-cigarettes lead to as many lung diseases as tobacco products, a new study has found. The report from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill compared saliva (唾液) samples from tobacco smokers, e-cigarette smokers and nonsmokers. Researchers found that e-cigarette smokers were likely to develop dangerous proteins associated with lung diseases. The study adds to a growing body of evidence proving that e-cigarettes might not be the perfect alternative smokers addicted to tobacco are looking for.

Last year a Surgeon General’s report claimed that the use of e-cigarettes among a certain group of people jumped 900 percent from 2011 to 2015 and more studies were carried out to research their side effects. That same year, the FDA put e-cigarettes in the tobacco products the administration monitors.

Previous research from UCLA has proven that e-cigarettes can cause lifelong damage to one’s heart, and that one puff (吸一口烟) of an e-cigarette is all it takes to increase one’s risk of having a heart attack. For the new study UNC researchers observed 15 e-cigarette users, 14 cigarette smokers and 15 nonsmokers. The study revealed that e-cigarette smokers have raised levels of NET-related proteins in their airways, the increased levels of which can lead to lung illnesses, making it difficult for patients to breathe.

Study author Dr Mehmet Keismer said, “There is confusion about whether e-cigarettes are ‘safer’ than cigarettes because the potential adverse effects of e-cigarettes are only beginning to be studied. Our results suggest that e-cigarettes might be just as bad as cigarettes.” Dr Keismer also stressed that e-cigarettes come with their own harmful risks along with those linked to tobacco, which challenges the concept that switching from cigarettes to e-cigarettes is a healthier alternative.

A citizen named Dyclna said, “The e-cigarettes probably make you cough less, but nobody gives a warning about your lungs. For producers, it’s just a money thing — it’s just about getting profits from it. The problem is that our government just stands there with its hands behind the back.”

1.Why did the FDA list e-cigarettes into monitored products?

A.It might realize the harm of them.

B.It wanted to improve their quality.

C.It aimed to reduce their illegal sales.

D.It might be warned by the government.

2.What harm does the increased level of NET do to people?

A.Leading to weight gain. B.Spoiling people’s appetite.

C.Making breathing hard. D.Speeding people’s heartbeat.

3.What does Dyclna mainly want to express?

A.E-cigarettes are safer than regular ones.

B.E-cigarettes can only benefit few people.

C.Producers make a high profit from e-cigarettes.

D.Governments are to blame for e-cigarettes’ consumption.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.E-cigarettes: A new way of smoking.

B.E-cigarettes: A better way than tobacco?

C.E-cigarettes: The harmful proteins it produces.

D.E-cigarettes: The urgent need of government control.


    UN Humanitarian Chief Mark Lowcock today released US$15 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to help fund global efforts to contain the COVID-19 virus.

The announcement came as the World Health Organization (WHO) upgraded the global risk of the coronavirus outbreak to “very high” – its top level of risk assessment. The WHO has said there is still a chance of containing the virus if its chain of transmission is broken.

The UN funding has been released to the WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). It will fund essential activities including being aware of the spread of the virus, investigating cases, and putting national laboratories into use.

The WHO has called for US$675 million to fund the fight against coronavirus. There is a window of opportunity to contain the spread of the virus if countries take strong measures to detect cases early, isolate and care for patients, and trace contacts.

Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Mark Lowcock said, “We do not yet see evidence that the virus is spreading freely. As long as that’s the case, we still have a chance of containing it, by strengthening surveillance, conducting thorough outbreak investigations to identify contacts and applying appropriate measures to prevent further spread.”

“This announcement from the UN’s Emergency Fund will help countries with fragile health systems improve their detection and response operations. It has the potential to save the lives of millions of vulnerable people.” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, said,“The potential spread of the virus to countries with weaker health systems is one of our biggest concerns. These funds will help support these countries get ready for detecting and isolating cases, protecting their health workers, and treating patients with dignity and appropriate care. This will help us save lives and push back the virus.”

“At this critical moment, every effort must be made to push back against the outbreak,” said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore. “These funds will support our global efforts to promote weaker health systems and inform children, pregnant women and families about how to protect themselves.”

1.We can learn from the passage that__________     .

A.WHO referred to the COVID-19 as the medium level of risk assessment

B.The virus is still hard to contain even if timely measures are taken

C.The fund will help people with weak health

D.The fund released by UN is much less than WHO originally demanded

2.According to the passage, the fund can be used in the following aspects except ________.

A.The examination of the people concerned

B.The monitor of the the spread of the virus

C.The operation of the national laboratories

D.The establishment of the mobile hospital

3.What is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’ attitude toward the fight against the virus?

A.Optimistic. B.Skeptical.

C.Cautious. D.Ambiguous.

4.In which part of newspaper can you most probably read the passage?

A.Travel. B.Health.

C.Business. D.Lifestyle.


    Old Mrs. Lynn was working in the cottage, hanging the washed clothes on the line. What she wasn’t aware was that some children were hiding in a nearby tree watching her every move. They were sure that she was a witch and wanted to find the evidence.

They watched nervously as she took a broomstick to sweep the dirt from her stone steps. But much to their disappointment, she didn’t get on the broomstick and fly off. The old lady only looked up when her hen began to make sounds loudly — signaling that she had laid an egg in the nest on the top of the haystack. (干草堆).

The old lady put aside her broomstick and walked to the haystack, followed by Michael, a black cat she had rescued from a fox trap. With only three legs, it was hard for Michael to keep up with his mistress. The cat was proof for the children that only a witch would own a black cat with three legs! Accidentally, she tripped and crashed to the ground. The children were in horror.

“Should we go and help her?” asked Mia.

“What if it’s a trick?” replied Patrick. “She probably knows we’re here. Witches know things like that!”

After thinking for a while, Julia said, “Anyway, we should go and check whether she is all right.”

Approaching prudently, they could see a wound on the old lady’s forehead. She had knocked her head on a stone and was unconscious.

“Go and get Dad,” Mia yelled to her brothers. “Tell him about the accident.”

Later, in the hospital, the old lady smiled her thanks. “I was so lucky that you lovely children happened to be passing when I fell. I must have yelled quite loudly.” The children exchanged guilty glances, but were very pleased that she was not a witch after all!

1.Mrs. Lynn stopped sweeping when ________.

A.her doorstep became very clean

B.she heard the hen making sounds loudly

C.she noticed the children in the tree

D.her cat Michael managed to get her attention

2.Why was Patrick not willing to help Mrs. Lynn when she fell?

A.He thought that she could be cheating them.

B.He was afraid of the three-legged black cat.

C.He did not think that she was hurt in the fall.

D.He knew he and the others shouldn’t have been in her tree.

3.Which of the definitions is closest in meaning to the underlined word “prudently” ?

A.Slowly. B.Hurriedly.

C.Carefully. D.Quietly.

4.What is the main idea of the story?

A.Constant dropping wears away a stone.

B.Never judge a book by its cover.

C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

D.A good medicine tastes bitter.



Townsville, Australia’s largest farming families, enjoyed the most exceptional pasture in Australia. The people at Townsville blend dairy goodness and clever ideas to bring you great tasting innovative products, which have been shipped to America, Canada and exported to Austria.

Like our lightest one — instant skim (脱脂的) milk powder that makes 10 litres of delicious skim milk. So you never run out of milk again.


• Add 1/4 cup(25g)of instant Townsville Skim Milk Powder to 1/2 cup of hot or cold water.

• Add more water to make up 1 cup.

• For best result always add powder to water.

• For richer taste and extra nutrition, use additional powder to suit your personal taste or preference.

• To improve the natural taste of this product, we recommend storing the liquid milk in the refrigerator overnight before consumption.


• Store powder in a cool, dry place.

• Keep refrigerated at or below 4 degrees centigrade no more than 3 days.

• Once opened, store in an airtight container.

1.In which country is Townsville — a world-famous dairy product brand made?

A.Australia. B.Austria.

C.Canada. D.America.

2.What should a user do if he/she wants the milk to taste a natural taste?

A.Add some sugar to the milk.

B.Remove the cream from the milk.

C.Put it in the fridge before using it.

D.Increase its amount in the liquid milk.

3.Where are you suggested putting the powder once it is opened?

A.In a plastic bowl. B.In a warm room.

C.In a watertight jar. D.In a closed container.



Ten-year-old Sami loved to visit his grandfather's house. The house was near the beautiful blue sea. At the seaside stood thick and tall palm trees with green coconuts hanging from them. When the coconuts fell down, Sami would break them open and drink the coconut water. Sami liked to play under the trees. It was always great fun to spend the holidays at Grandpa's place.

This winter vacation, Sami was surprised when he came to his grandfather's village. There were hardly any trees left. He saw houses built near the sea. People had cut down many palm trees and there was hardly any greenery left.

Grandpa's house was different. He never allowed his trees to be cut. He hugged each palm tree in his courtyard. He also named the two big trees near the front door--one was Petu, and the other Betu. He had planted them with his own hands and today they had become large, massive trees with thick trunks. They were tall and green and gave the sweetest, juiciest coconuts.

One night, Sami was awakened by a strange sound. He could not sleep. He tossed (辗转) and turned in bed. Suddenly, the ground shook as if the earth was splitting. He sat up straight and then ran to Grandpa. He clung (附着) to his grandpa tightly. Grandpa cried out, “It's an earthquake! It's an earthquake!" They ran outside the house. They thought that would be safe.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound; the earth was not splitting but the sea was roaring. People were shouting, screaming and crying, “The sea is rising! The sea is rising." The villagers started running away from the beach. Sami watched dumbstruck (呆若木鸡).

The waves were rising higher and higher. Sami thought, “How big the waves are!" He went into the house again and saw water coming in from all sides. He was scared.

Sami remembered his mother telling him long ago, “You must always get out of the house if the floods come too near." He ran outside the house with Grandpa. But the water came surging (汹涌) in.

Waves about twelve meters high came rushing in, drowning everything. Water was all around and everywhere.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

Grandpa held Sami's hand tightly but a huge wave separated them.


Paragraph 2:

“Sami, Sami!” Grandpa cried. “Don't be scared, little one, come to me, quickly.”




1. 表示感谢;

2. 简单介绍这件事情或技能及其意义。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




Person of the Year in the Category of Cultural Influence

Picture a young Chinese woman, 1. (dress) in traditional clothing, picking flowers in a field to create make-up for her cheeks, making a sofa from bamboo and cooking up all sorts of delicious Chinese food by herself. It may sound unreal, 2. such a person does exist in real life.

Li Ziqi, 30, has become one of China’s most popular 3. (celebrity) with 9 million followers on YouTube, 34 million on Douyin and 22 million on Weibo.

Li Ziqi’s videos 4. (feature) her cooking and creating DIY products greatly attract people living in big cities. To our 5. (amaze), she does it all without using any modern technology or electricity.

6. dominate her videos are scenes of picking seasonal ingredients (原料) from her own garden and sometimes in the mountains and turning them into tasty dishes on her wood-fired pot. Li stresses the seasons in her cooking, 7. China’s traditional 24 Solar Terms (节气) also do, and makes food suitable for the particular climate.

There came an intense debate about the image of China and its culture she presented. She 8. (accuse) of presenting 9. “outdated” image of the country by some critics. Nevertheless, state broadcaster CCTV and People’s Daily praised her for her initiative (首创) to help rural youth become rich.

Li ziqi, by telling an 10. (inspire) China story, is promoting traditional Chinese culture to an international audience.


    The Glover kids in Newburgh, New York, want to make a little extra money themselves before school opens. So, earlier this week, they set up a lemonade stand on the side of the road. _______ was good during the rush hour, at which point some police officers pulled up, and _______, Whitney Glover, mother of the young enterprisers, that some _______ person had called to make complaints about kids’ selling lemonade.

Now, in most stories, that’s when the police _______ the stand, telling kids to take a food handling course, and get a _______ from the related department…Then the children go home completely _______ for their enterprise is broken. But not in this _______. The police officers said the kids weren't doing anything wrong _______ creating a bit of a traffic jam, and their motivation should be _______. The kids also promised to make __________ to their schedule to avoid traffic problems. After __________ for a photo with the kids, they left. Whitney posted the picture on social media with explanatory words. The __________ story has created a great deal of local __________ and the lemonade business is now booming.

Dozens of customers have __________ for lemonade. “Every single time you buy a glass, children look amazed by the __________ of time and efforts to coins in their hands,” Whitney said.

1.A.Progress B.Business C.Budget D.Purpose

2.A.demanded B.proposed C.warned D.informed

3.A.bitter B.generous C.anxious D.responsible

4.A.take over B.leave out C.shut down away

5.A.course B.permit D.record

6.A.surprised B.frightened C.depressed D.confused

7.A.context C.reason D.respect

8.A.other than B.instead of for D.due to

9.A.managed B.prevented C.celebrated D.reflected

10.A.contributions B.differences C.objections D.adjustments

11.A.posing B.accounting C.preparing D.searching

12.A.refreshing B.moving C.amusing D.convincing

13.A.apology B.change D.discussion

14.A.stood out B.stood by C.stopped out D.stopped by

15.A.transformation B.devotion C.attachment D.supplement


    It is very important for kids to be courageous. A brave child is more likely to withstand negative peer pressure, say no to temptations (诱惑) and fight the good fight. 1. It boosts kids’ resilience (适应力), confidence and willpower as their as well as their learning, performance and school engagement. Here are several ways to develop kids’ courage:

Set a model of courage. Kids who watch their parents stick their necks out to do the right thing are more likely to do the same. 2. Then express how good it feels when you conquer your fear instead of taking a shortcut. Your kids will learn how to take on the tough challenge they face by witnessing how you tackle your fears.

3. Research finds that kids are more likely to be courageous if they believe that their parents encourage them to support those in need. Discuss bravery with your kids: Tell them “Courage is making the choice to do what you know is right even if you are afraid.”

Ask your kids to share their acts of bravery. Learning to be brave takes practice, so encourage your children to do something courageous every day.4.A mom I talked to had her kids share their brave deeds at dinner time.

Teach your kids how to reduce their fears. If not kept under control, fear can be powerful. 5. You might encourage positive self-talk, such as saying, “I can handle this” or “I have courage to do this.” Or teach your child to take slow, deep breaths to find courage.

A.Talk about values and courage.

B.Courage has other surprising benefits.

C.The good news is that courage can be taught.

D.Teach your children simple strategies to be brave.

E.Let your children see you step out of your comfort zone.

F.In today’s uncertain world, kids will need courage and confidence.

G.Then take time to focus on their courageous breakthroughs.


    Scientists think that growing garden grass could be the secret to solving our energy needs, and we may soon be able to replace our gasoline with “grassoline”.

The team, including experts from Cardiff University in Wales, has shown that hydrogen can be taken from grass in useful amounts with the help of sunlight and a cheap catalyst (催化剂) — something that speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up.

It is the first time that this has been shown and it could lead to a sustainable (可持续的) way of making hydrogen, reported Asian News International. This could be an important kind of renewable energy because it is high in energy and it does not give out harmful gases when it is burned.

Study co-author Michael Bowker said, “This is really a green source of energy. Hydrogen is seen as an important future energy carrier as the world moves from fossil fuels to renewable energy, and our research has shown that even garden grass could be a good way of getting it.”

Cellulose (纤维素), which is a key part of plants and the biopolymer (生物聚合物) found in the largest numbers on the earth, could be a great source of hydrogen.

In its study, the team looked at the possibility of getting hydrogen from cellulose using sunlight and a simple catalyst.

This is called photocatalysis (光催化作用) and in it, the sunlight starts the catalyst, which then makes cellulose and water into hydrogen. The researchers studied the effectiveness of three metal-based catalysts, of which nickel () especially interested the researchers, as it is a much more common metal than gold and palladium () and it saves more money.

According to Bowker, producing hydrogen from cellulose using photocatalysis has not been studied in detail. The team’s research shows that large amounts of hydrogen can be produced using this method with the help of a bit of sunlight and a cheap catalyst.

The study shows that it is effective to use real grass taken from a garden. “This is important as it avoids the need to separate and clean up cellulose, which can be both difficult and costly,” said Bowker.

1.What are needed to get hydrogen from grass?

A.A catalyst and palladium. B.Water and cellulose.

C.Sunlight and a biopolymer. D.Sunlight and a catalyst.

2.Why is the new way of making hydrogen considered significant?

A.It is cheap, green and sustainable.

B.It is the best to produce the renewable energy.

C.It is more productive and efficient than other methods.

D.It can replace the way to make fossil fuels completely.

3.Why does nickel interest the researchers in making hydrogen from cellulose?

A.It can produce the largest amount of hydrogen.

B.It can avoid separating and cleaning up cellulose.

C.It is more common than other metals and costs less.

D.It works quicker than other metals during photocatalysis.

4.What does the author intend to tell us mainly in this passage?

A.Catalysts that could be taken from grass.

B.A new way of making hydrogen from cellulose.

C.The potential of hydrogen as a renewable energy.

D.The connection between hydrogen and photocatalysis.


    You know you have to read “between the lines” to get the most out of anything. I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading. I want to persuade you to “write between the lines”. Unless you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.

I insist, quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of damage but of love. There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. But this act of buying is only the first step to possession. Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it. A comparison may make the point clear. You buy a piece of beef and transfer it from the butcher's icebox to your own. But you do not own the beef in the most important sense until you eat it and get it into your blood. I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your blood to do you any good.

There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the standard sets and bestsellers — unread, untouched. The second has a great many books — a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. The third has a few books or many — every one of them worn, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled (涂写) in from front to back.

Why is marking up a book necessary to reading it? First, it keeps you awake.(And I don’t mean only conscious; I mean wide awake. ) In the second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken or written. The marked book is usually the thought­through book. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.

1.The third kind of owners of books must be ______.

A.experienced readers B.untidy readers readers D.careless readers

2.Marking up a book means ______.

A.writing down difficult sentences

B.finding the extra meanings of unknown words

C.writing in the space the ideas you get through careful reading

D.making notes to show you understand what you have read

3.What does the author persuade you to mark?

A.Whatever you have given deep thought to while reading.

B.Words and sentences that bring up rich ideas.

C.Primary questions that challenge you.

D.Whatever disagreements you may have with the book

4.A great advantage of marking up a book is ______. absorb all the brilliant ideas it contains make yourself a part of it make yourself conscious that you are reading actively enable yourself to pick up the book for continual reading


    Some English words are made up of the same part and have different beginnings and different endings, such as import, export, report and transport. All these words, you can see, have the same “port”, which come from the Latin word, meaning “to carry” or “to move” from one place to another. And according to the bit at the beginning, which we call the prefix the meaning changes. “Import” means “to carry in” or “to bring into a country”, “export”, “ex” means “out of”, so this word means “to carry out of the country”, “re” means “back”, so the “report” means “to tell somebody, to bring back information to somebody”, “transport”, “trans” means “across” and it means “to carry across one place to another”.

Let’s look at the following words: supporter, reporter, importer and exporter. You can see that in this case these words are nouns which are made up of the verbs plus a suffix, thus meaning a person who completes the verb. So supporter means somebody who supports. A reporter is somebody who reports. Importer is somebody who imports and exporter is somebody who exports, and so on.

1.In the first sentence the word “part” means _______.

A.different beginnings and different endings

B.the same part that has several meanings

C.the root of the word

D.the same root that has different meanings

2.By adding a prefix or a suffix to a root, we can get a word which has _______.

A.the meaning of a Latin word B.a different meaning

C.the meaning of “in” or “out of” D.a lot of meanings

3.We can get a noun _______.

A.just by adding “er” to verbs changing a prefix

C.only by adding “er” to a root adding a suffix to a verb

4.According to the passage, if we talk about a man of refinement, you may guess that he must be _______.

A.a man having good manners and education

B.a person who should be educated

C.somebody having bad manners

D.a person punished by somebody else


Four Free Mobile Apps to Help You Learn English Faster

Have you realized that you can put your smartphone to really good use for learning English? Here are 4 free mobile apps that will help you do just that.

Hello English

It covers all the aspects of language learning, including vocabulary, translation, grammar, spellings, spoken and reading skills. It uses interactive games to teach different English lessons and offers new audiobooks, latest news, and books. However, you should already understand basic English structures and alphabets, for the app can’t help you learn English from scratch(从零开始).


If you want to learn English from scratch, then this is the app you are looking for. Duolingo uses interactive games to help you learn English. For beginners, the app focuses on helping you learn verbs, phrases and sentences.


If you are ready to practice your spoken skills in the real-world, you’ll need Lingbe. It’s a community-based app where people help each other and share their native languages. It connects you with real people on call who are native English speakers.


HelloTalk is similar to Lingbe as it connects you with native speakers to help improve your language skills. However, it adds a few extra functions that might interest you. You can view the information about users to find a match that interests you. Additionally, you can also send text and audio messages, and even do video calls with other people.

If you are a beginner, start from Duolingo and then use Hello English to take full command over the language. For fluent spoken English learners, you can try out Lingbe or HelloTalk.

1.What should you already understand to use Hello English?

A.Good reading and writing skills.

B.Basic listening and speaking tips.

C.Different English lessons and books.

D.English letters and basic structures.

2.Which app is the best choice for an English beginner at first?

A.Hello English.




3.What can you do on Lingbe?

A.Read the latest news.

B.Enjoy the interactive games.

C.Practice your spoken English.

D.Talk with native speakers in the flesh.



1. 表达谢意;

2. 个人感受;

3. 表达信心。注意:

1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。参考词汇:流行病 epidemic

疫情 epidemic situation

新型冠状病毒 COVID-19

Dear medical workers,



A lot of people now____these theories relating acupuncture to the production of chemicals to reduce pain.

A.get down to B.come to C.subscribe to D.look forward to


One of the most famous Chinese medical____is the art of “magic needles”, or acupuncture.

A.treatments B.improvements C.developments D.managements


These traditional medicines had the____of either causing people to bleed or have a severe stomach upset.

A.trial B.professional C.survival D.potential


The government approval process for penicillin was____, and mass production began in 1944.

A.allocated B.accelerated C.associated D.accumulated


The company began____the medicine in powder form to physicians to use with patients.

A.distributing B.contributing C.separating D.displaying


This article will____two drugs that started revolutions in medicine.

A.carry on B.fix on C.focus on D.rely on


The telephone is very____for communication.

A.intelligent B.obedient C.patient D.convenient


They also make TV____to people who live far away from cities.

A.separable B.flexible C.accessible D.sensible


Modern TVs use many of the ________ first discovered by Farnsworth.

A.principles B.principals C.probabilities D.prohibitions


Many different people ________ the development of TV.

A.led to B.contributed to C.stuck to D.are addicted to


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。

With plenty of time at home during the 1.(extend) Spring Festival break, Leng Yang came up with an innovative idea involving the use of shells 2. popular Lunar New Year snacks. 3. 30-year-old designer spent three days 4.(make) a figure of Mickey Mouse. A video of him putting the artwork together 5.(view) more than 100 million times online.

Leng said on the video: “Give 6.(shell) a new lease(新生) on life. Salute to the Year of the Rat,” adding that he decided to make the figure in an attempt to beat 7.(bored).

He was unable to meet friends over Spring Festival 8. the novel coronavirus pneumonia broke out, 9. chose to share his work with millions of netizens on social media platforms such as Sina Weibo and Douyin.

Inspired by his efforts, many kindergarten students have been asked by their teachers to use shells 10.(create) such figures.


    It’s amazing how one dollar can change the culture of a school.

We have a ___________ school of about 30 students. It is really full of _____________ and pressure as most of the kids get good _______ and try to be the best ones. It’s good except that a lot of us middle kids felt really _______. We got the feeling that we were so selfish—it’s every man for _______.

_______, my friend and I set out to find a way to _________ the culture. We thought doing things for others was the only way to _______ our depression(沮丧) about school.

On the first day of school we put a ___________ folded into a heart into one of the leaders’ lockers with a piece of paper that ______________, “Buy yourself a snack.” We hoped to ______________ small gifts every day. We didn’t know the ________ it would have.

People went ________ over it and everyone was talking about who it might be doing the acts of kindness and ________ that they should do something too. It is so much fun to see the ________ on everyone’s faces now! Lots of other people have started sharing ________ now too: chocolate bars, cookies and money left ________ in the vending machine(自动售货机). And lots of notes are on the thanks board saying: “Thanks to whoever started.”

Now I actually expect to go to school to have the chance to ______________ people up. I hope kindness will __________ to other schools. If anybody is struggling with being ______________ at school and work, I totally suggested doing acts of kindness.

1.A.small B.large C.lovely D.terrible

2.A.confidence B.competition C.determination D.difficulty

3.A.grades B.books C.results D.teachers

4.A.interested B.pressured C.satisfied D.embarrassed

5.A.others B.yourself C.nothing D.himself

6.A.In return B.In charge C.In response D.In anger

7.A.realize B.enrich D.change with with C.come up with D.keep up with

9.A.paper C.dollar D.ticket

10.A.wrote B.said C.told D.printed

11.A.give up B.give away C.give in D.give off

12.A.problem B.opinion C.effect D.attitude

13.A.wild B.sad C.angry D.peaceful

14.A.regretting B.disagreeing C.doubting D.deciding

15.A.tears B.pain C.smiles D.terror

16.A.happiness B.selfishness C.kindness D.sadness accident usual surprise D.on purpose

18.A.bring B.cheer C.speed D.hold

19.A.spread B.refer C.react D.take

20.A.ignored B.concerned C.confused D.depressed


    If you’re struggling to start or complete a task, give yourself some encouragement to keep going.

A bit of pressure can help, so ask a friend, family member, or group to keep you responsible. Here are some ways to stay responsible.

Create a list of tasks for yourself. Keep the list somewhere visible, such as your desk or computer monitor. As you complete each task, cross it off the list. 1.. When you’ve finished everything, you’ll feel a great sense of satisfaction that will keep you going on your next project.

2.. A responsible partner is someone who checks in on you time to time to see how you are doing with your goals. Ask a friend, or colleague if they would be willing to be your responsible partner.

Join a working group that focuses on the same activity. A group can help you slay on track while giving you support, feedback, and praise to keep you moving forward. 3. or check with your local community center, library, or town hall.

Create a routine for yourself. Build a schedule that works for you, and keep it consistent day to day.

4. Even if you’re not feeling up to the task, a routine can help you get in the right head space to accomplish it.

Decide ahead of time how you will deal with setbacks. 5.. This will make you more prepared to deal with them instead of letting them get in the way of your work.

A.It is very convenient

B.Find a responsible partner

C.Turning to help is a probable way

D.Look for groups online through social media

E.This can give you a small boost of motivation

F.Plan for problems and obstacles before they occur

G.Try to do the same activities or tasks at the same time every day


    In the winter of 1664-65, a bitter cold fell on London in the days before Christmas. Above the city, an unusually bright comet (彗星) shot across the sky, exciting much prediction of a snow storm. Outside the city wall, a woman was announced dead of a disease that was spreading in that area. Her house was locked up and the phrase “Lord Have Mercy On Us” was painted on the door in red.

By the following Christmas, the virus that had killed the woman would go on to kill nearly 100,000 people living in and around London — almost a third of those who did not flee.

In The Great Plague (瘟疫), historian A. Lloyd Moote and microbiologist Dorothy C. Moote provide a deeply informed account of this plague year. Reading the book, readers are taken from the palaces of the city’s wealthiest citizens to the poor areas where the vast majority of Londoners were living, and to the surrounding countryside with those who fled. The Mootes point out that, even at the height of the plague, the city did not fall into chaos. Doctors, nurses and the church staff remained in the city to care for the sick; city officials tried their best to fight the crisis with all the legal tools; and commerce continued even as businesses shut down.

To describe life and death in and around London, the authors focus on the experiences of nine individuals. Through their letters and diaries, the Mootes offer fresh descriptions of key issues in the history of the Great Plague: how different communities understood and experienced the disease; how medical, religious, and government bodies reacted; how well the social order held together; the economic and moral dilemmas people faced when debating whether to flee the city; and the nature of the material, social, and spiritual resources supporting those who remained. Based on humanity (人性), the authors offer a masterful portrait of a city and its inhabitants attacked by — and daringly resisting — unimaginable horror.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A.A comet always follows a storm.

B.London was under an approaching threat.

C.London was prepared for the disease.

D.The woman was the beginning of the disease.

2.What do the Mootes say about London during the Great Plague?

A.The city remained organized.

B.The plague spared the rich areas.

C.The people tried a lot in vain.

D.The majority fled and thus survived.

3.Why do the Mootes focus on the nine individuals?

A.They were famous people in history.

B.They all managed to survive the Plague.

C.They provided vivid stories of humanity.

D.They united by thinking and acting as one.

4.What’s the purpose of this text?

A.To introduce a new book.

B.To correct a misunderstanding.

C.To report a new research.

D.To show respect to the authors.


    Outside it's a cold winter's day Inside a large shopping center people are hanging around But then without warning a pop song starts to play loudly A teenager boy walks lazily to the center of the open space and dances crazily to the music He's joined by two of his friends then some of the old people Within the space of a few seconds more than sixty people are dancing to the music - all in time and all in step At first onlookers are baffled then they start smiling and clapping They now know what they're seeing a flash mob (快闪).

According to Wikipedia the term "flash mob" was created by Bill Wasik an editor at Harper's Magazine in 2003 Within a year the phrase had entered the Concise Oxford English Dictionary Since then hundreds - possibly thousands - of flash mobs have been carried out around the world in almost every kind of public space imaginable!

Each flash mob has its own style but most flash mobs follow a similar formula (方案). Often the organizers search for willing participants using social media Instructions and dance moves are given through email or video download There are usually several rehearsals (排练) before the big day

While it's happening a few lucky passers-by watch it live Most people who watch it however will see it later online Some of the most popular flash mobs on YouTube have been watched more than 10million times A famous example is MP3Experiment Eight a flash mob that took place in New York City in July 2011 with over 3500 participants This event differed from normal flash mobs in that much of it was completely silent - and there were no rehearsals

Flash mobs provide the participants onlookers and online viewers with a lot of enjoyment and pleasure For this reason alone they're a modern popular art form that should be celebrated

1.What does the underlined word "baffled" in Paragraph 1 mean ______

A.Excited B.Puzzled

C.Satisfied D.Disappointed

2.Why does the author mention the Concise Oxford English Dictionary ______

A.To argue against Bill Wasik

B.To compare it with Wikipedia

C.To explain the meaning of "flash mob"

D.To show the rapid development of flash mobs

3.What is special about MP3Experiment Eight ______

A.It was played online

B.It was the earliest flash mob

C.It was played with no sound

D.It was most accepted by the audience

4.What is the author's opinion on flash mobs ______

A.Supportive B.Hopeless

C.Uncaring D.Doubtful


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