A Devoted Dog

As the Camp Fire continued, killing at least 85 people and displacing thousands more in Northern California, Madison waited there.

Gaylord, the Anatolian shepherd mix's owner, was not able to get to her home in Paradise, when the fire began to spread, meaning Madison was _______. For weeks, all Gaylord could do was pray for Madison's _______, according to California-based animal rescue _______ Paw Print Rescue.

Sullivan, a volunteer with the organization, had already helped _______ Madison's brother Miguel in a different city. But Madison was even more difficult to find. Sullivan _______ Madison a few times in a canyon(峡谷),apparently _______ his land, and put out fresh food and water _______ in hopes that the dog would turn up, according to a Facebook post by Sullivan. She even placed _______ clothing that smelled like Gaylord near the home '' to keep Madison hope _______ until his people could return'',Sullivan wrote.

When the evacuation(疏散)order was __________ last week and Gaylord went back to her home—which had been ruined by the fire—her __________ were answered: Madison was there, seemingly protecting what __________ remained of his family's home. ''Well, I'm so happy to report that Gaylord was allowed to return to her home today and THERE MADISON WAS!! ! ! He had stayed to protect what was left of his home, and never __________ his people!" Sullivan wrote in the comment on her Facebook post, ''I'm so happy I'm crying as I write this! He didn't give up through the storms or the fire!" she added.

__________ , Madison was __________ with Miguel for the first time since the __________ broke out. An emotional Gaylord said in an interview with the network that she was overcome with __________ to see Madison waiting for her. She also expressed how __________ she was to Sullivan. Gaylord said fighting through tears, ''You could __________ ask for better animals. He is the best __________''

1.A.picked out B.carried away C.left behind D.cared for

2.A.growth B.safety C.ability D.relief

3.A.fund B.branch C.accommodation D.organization

4.A.memorize B.locate C.relate D.show

5.A.caught B.investigated C.spotted D.reserved

6.A.guarding B.measuring C.rejecting D.visiting

7.A.regularly B.carelessly C.accidentally D.clumsily

8.A.a block of B.an ear of C.an article of D.a bunch of

9.A.alive B.diverse C.shallow D.specific

10.A.issued B.lifted C.turned down D.kept

11.A.curses B.speeches C.complaints D.prayers

12.A.little B.great C.small D.few

13.A.fell back on B.gave up on C.cracked down on D.dawned on

14.A.Soon afterwards B.Gradually C.Sooner or later D.Unwillingly

15.A.blocked off B.acquainted C.reunited D.fed up

16.A.conflict B.disease C.argument D.fire

17.A.fear B.grief C.boredom D.joy

18.A.special B.grateful C.superior D.attractive

19.A.always B.less C.only D.never

20.A.volunteer B.neighbor C.dog D.rescuer


Stay on the brighter side of life

One very important component of optimism is gratitude or feeling grateful. In fact, there is a strong connection between a grateful attitude and a heightened sense of well-being. Appreciate all the positives in your life by starting a gratitude journal in order to remember what you’re grateful for. 1.

Feeling down? Instead of feeling sorry for yourself waiting for the universe to throw you a bone, try acting like you’re happy—even if you aren’t. A sincere smile and a forced smile will cause the same chemical reactions in your brain, so you can actually fool your mind into feeling better by making it react chemically as if things were going well. 2. Reassure yourself that everything is good—even if you don’t feel it.

3. If you’re stuck in traffic, then everything else must be going horribly too,” says Anne Parker, a wellness counselor. By blowing negative events out of proportion, you’re setting yourself up for feeling down all day. Instead, acknowledge that you’re stuck in traffic, but also bring to mind something good, like the beautiful scenery outside the window. That way, you’ll get in the habit of forbidding negative circumstances from blanketing your whole day.

Swearing to lose 20 pounds or to run a marathon seems like goals leading to happiness, but they take time to achieve. 4.You may even end up admitting that you have been defeated. However, if you focus on the small milestones that occur along the way, you will feel positive about your progress, which will give you the strength to keep going.

5. Try making someone else’s day better. A report by United Healthcare and Volunteer Match found that volunteers are 72% more likely to characterize themselves as optimistic compared with non-volunteers. Plus, 89% of volunteers say that volunteering has improved their sense of well-being, and 92% say that it enriches their sense of purpose in life.

A. Try to help someone in need.

B. Want to give your attitude a lift?

C. People tend to think in an either-or way.

D. Act in an optimistic way—smile, laugh, tell a joke.

E. You’ll fail to appreciate more important things in your life.

F. By focusing on not having accomplished them yet, you will start to feel down on yourself.

G. By remembering the pleasant things in your life, you can actually turn a negative attitude around.


    When Randy Heiss went hiking behind his Patagonia, Ariz. farm, the last thing he expected to find was a Christmas list from a little girl across the US-Mexico border. “I found this balloon on my morning walk near Patagonia on Sunday. Attached to it was a piece of paper with the Christmas wishes from a little girl,” Heiss wrote on his Facebook page.

When he brought the list home to his wife, who speaks fluent Spanish, they determined that the little girl had asked for Enchantimals toys, clothes, art supplies and various other gifts. That's when Heiss set out to make the little girl's Christmas dreams come true. Heiss said he had attempted to send Christmas letters to Santa Claus via balloon when he was a kid but never received a response.

Heiss sent a Facebook message on Wednesday to XENY, a radio station in Nogales, to see if it could help him track down the girl or her family. He later received a response from the station, which had determined the author of the letter was an 8-year-old girl named Dayami, and the station wanted to set up a meeting between the two on Thursday. “It just changed my entire day,” Heiss told the Washington Post. “Instead of going back to my office in Bisbee, I went with my wife to Walmart. “

The couple bought almost everything on Dayami's list. They also brought a few gifts for Dayami's little sister, Ximena. They told the children they were “ ayudantes de Santa,” or Santa's helpers.

Heiss,60, said the experience was very healing for him and his wife. Nine years ago,the couple's only son died. “ Being around children at Christmas time has been absent in our lives,” Heiss said. We now have friends for life. For a day, that border fence with its concertina wire melted away.

1.How did Dayami send out her Christmas wishes?

A.By calling Heiss. B.By attaching them to a balloon.

C.By writing to a radio station. D.By sending a Facebook message.

2.When did Heiss know what the girl exactly wanted?

A.After the help of his wife.

B.When he found the balloon.

C.After their meeting in America.

D.When he got a response from the radio station.

3.What might make Heiss decide to fulfill the little girl's Christmas wishes?

A.His son's will.

B.The girls request for help.

C.His similar unsuccessful experience.

D.His desire to make friends with the girl.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The couple got out of the pain completely.

B.The experience was a great relief to the couple.

C.The couple would help more children from Mexico.

D.There will be no border between countries one day.


    At school, I was in the top set for maths. My teachers recommended that I study economics and statistics as my A-level subjects, but I had my mind set on a life fulfilled by the arts.

In fact, I was a victim of a gender stereotype made stronger since birth, that men do science and maths and women do arts or languages. Computer science, technology and physics just did not figure in my teenage world view. Nobody popular in my school chose to study those subjects.

Reality struck hard when I began attending job interviews and interviewers would say: “It’s great that you speak foreign languages, but what else do you do?” Nobody asked my friends who had studied science or technology those questions.

A survey recently showed that three of the best-paid jobs for women are in the technology sector. It’s a sector that really can change the world. We must show girls that technology has an effect on every industry out there, from fashion to architecture to journalism. Anybody can learn to code and these days it’s as important as reading and writing. I’ve realized that at university I’d achieved the wrong kind of literacy. Not being able to code limit your impact on the world far more than an ignorance of great literature.

Now I have a five-year-old daughter. I don’t want her to blindly follow gender roles the way I did. I want her to know the fact that a science or technical degree will not limit her creativity but expand it and broaden her horizons far more than my arts background could. I’m exposing her to Minecraft and apps, which help improve analytical thinking and problem solving skills. I’m hoping that my daughter will discover and accept her potentials in science and want to change the world.

1.What does the underlined phrase “gender stereotype” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Personal learning style. B.Sex characteristic.

C.Conventional sex concept. D.Profession difference.

2.According to the author, which may be the benefit of learning science?

A.Increasing job possibility. B.Winning popularity.

C.Improving language competence. D.Enriching imagination.

3.How did the author feel for her major choice?

A.Satisfied. B.Active. C.Discouraged. D.Regretful.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A.Art or Science, Either is OK B.Good Subjects, Good Future

C.Girls, Choose More Wisely D.Catch Chances, Change the World


    One way to prevent anxiety from getting out of control is to recognize its benefits. It is a mistake to think that we'd make better decisions if only we keep our feelings under control. Instead, a mix of feelings like anxiety and logical(合逻辑的) thinking leads to sound decision- making. It's true that there is plenty of research showing that higher levels of anxiety can make us more likely to avoid risks in our decision-making. There is also evidence that anxiety can increase the attention you pay to relevant information.

Recent studies have shown that people who are anxious about their relationship (for example, they fear to be abandoned) tend to be better at recognizing people who tell lies and are more likely to raise the alarm when danger is present.

In the real world though, it's worth realizing that feeling anxious once in a while is extremely common. It communicates to others that you care, and what's more, it's probably a sign that you are intelligent. At least two published studies have identified that people who score higher on measures of anxiety also tend to perform better on intelligence tests. This seems reasonable: if you're a thinker, you are sure to be always thinking about the future and imagine possible plots, including bad ones.

The important thing, if you are a worrywart (杞人忧天者) , is not to let your fear destroy your dreams. And don't bury your head in the sand. Instead, act on your fears — do the research as well as preparation, so rather than walking blindly into that which you fear, you meet the challenge in full readiness.

When anxiety beats you, or casts a shadow over your life, this is a serious problem. No one is denying that. But like everyday anxiety of this kind that you feel before a presentation or interview, you needn't see it as your enemy. Anxiety is an important feeling, developed through evolution. As for people who are fairly anxious by nature, there is reason for cheer, too. Your nerves (神经紧张) are a sign of your watchfulness. Listen to them and act on them. Then you can turn your nervousness into your advantage.

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph about anxiety?

A.It can enable us to be more focused.

B.It can stop us from thinking logically.

C.It can make us more willing to take risks.

D.It can be the only reason for all bad decisions.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Anxious people are less sensitive to danger.

B.Anxious people have difficulty discovering liars.

C.Feeling anxious is more likely to put people at risk.

D.Feeling anxious occasionally is a sign of intelligence.

3.How should we deal with anxiety in the author's opinion?

A.Regard it as our enemy. B.Take action to control it.

C.Avoid being defeated by it. D.Treat it as a minor feeling.

4.What is the theme of the passage?

A.Effective ways to prevent anxiety. B.Unexpected benefits of anxiety.

C.Tips on how to keep a good mood. D.Common misunderstandings about anxiety.


    Fifteen years ago, I took a summer vacation in Lecce in southern Italy. After climbing up a hill for a panoramic(全景的) of the blue sea, white buildings and green olive trees, I paused to catch my breath and then positioned myself to take the best photo of this panorama.

Unfortunately, just as I took out my camera, a woman approached from behind, and planted herself right in front of my view. Like me, this woman was here to stop, sigh and appreciate the view.

Patient as I was, after about 15 minutes, my camera scanning the sun and reviewing the shot I would eventually take, I grew frustrated. Was it too much to ask her to move so I could take just one picture of the landscape? Sure, I could have asked her, but something prevented me from doing so. She seemed so content in her observation. I didn’t want to mess with that.

Another 15 minutes passed and I grew bored. The woman was still there. I decided to take the photo anyway. And now when I look at it, I think her presence in the photo is what makes the image interesting. The landscape, beautiful on its own, somehow comes to life and breathes because this woman is engaging with it.

This photo, with the unique beauty that unfolded before me and that woman who “ruined” it, now hangs on a wall in my bedroom. What would she think if she knew that her figure is captured and frozen on some stranger’s bedroom wall? A bedroom, after all, is a very private space, in which some woman I don’t even know has been immortalized. In some ways, she lives in my house.

Perhaps we all live in each other’s spaces. Perhaps this is what photos are for: to remind us that we all appreciate beauty, that we all share a common desire for pleasure, for connection, for something that is greater than us.

That photo is a reminder, a captured moment, an unspoken conversation between two women, separated only by a thin square of glass.

1.What happened when the author was about to take a photo?

A.Her camera stopped working. B.A woman blocked her view.

C.Someone asked her to leave. D.A friend approached from behind.

2.In the author’s opinion, what makes the photo so alive?

A.The rich color of the landscape. B.The perfect positioning of the camera.

C.The woman’s existence in the photo. D.The soft sunlight that summer day.

3.The passage can be seen as the author’s reflections upon ________.

A.a particular life experience B.the pleasure of traveling

C.the art of photography D.a lost friendship


环保节约是我们每个地球人的责任。假设你是李华,最近正在和你的美国朋友Jack讨论如何进行低碳生活。请你就低碳生活之我见Jack写一封回信,内容包括:1. “低碳生活的重要性; 2. 如何做到低碳生活”;3. 邀请对方参加全球低碳行动”。




提示词:低碳生活:low-carbon life

Dear Jack,

How is everything going?









Li Hua






注意:1.    每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I’m terrible sorry to make you disappointing for not having finished my homework on time. In fact, I had something else to do, that made me have no time for my homework.

My father was badly injured in a accident yesterday. Hearing the news, I hurried the hospital after school. I had a busy night, but I didn't do my homework. As what you know, I am an ordinary student in class and eager to improve your English. I find I have great difficulty concentrate on my study. Would you please give me some suggestions? Besides, I wish you could give me more chances to practise my English in class.

I’m looking forward to hear from you early.



A group of students 1.(range)from 9 to 13 are benefiting from a schedule which is run by the Confucius institute(孔子学院) at Newcastle University, which aims to build 2.(close) academic, cultural and social ties between China and the North East of England.

Staff at the institute work patiently with schools and the other day the pupils took part in weekly after-school sessions with the teacher Qiang Xingdi who gave them an 3.(introduce) to the Chinese language and culture.

Already the pupils, making progress in learning Chinese now,4.(award) certificates of achievement from the institute.  Adam said, “I have always had an interest in Chinese culture and this course has been5. great way to teach me all about it.”

Confucius Institutes are worldwide non-profit public institutions6.(design)by the Chinese government to promote7.language and culture8. teaching plans and cultural exchanges.

The Confucius Institute at this university was set up in 2013, and it is the first in the North East.

Student Voice said last week, “Many thanks to the Confucius Institute at this university for 9.they have arranged for the students and Qiang Xingdi for her weekly enthusiasm,10.has without doubt made a significant impression on them.”


    His palms were sweating. The sun was as hot as the_____he faced today at the National Junior Olympics. The pole was______at 17 feet, three inches higher than his personal best. Michael Stone faced the most______day of his pole- vaulting(撑杆跳) career.

In his childhood, he used to have dreams about flying,______he would be running down a country road, racing between golden wheat fields. At one point, he would take a______and then lift ______the ground, soaring like an eagle. This______about flying was put to______training by Michael's father and coach ,who_____hard work and sweat. If you want something, work for it.

All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work. a______would get him second place, but Michael would not allow himself the______of not winning.

He knew it was time for his_____ jump. Having_____off the tension from his legs, he began to stretch out his arms and upper body. He carefully picked up his pole, his heart beating   ____.The running track______him felt like the country road he used to dream about. Visions of the golden wheat fields______his thoughts. The air around him was the purest and freshest he had ever______. Michael was soaring like an eagle in his dreams

Lying on his back with that wonderful hot sun on his face. he______he could see in his mind's eye the______on his mother's face. He knew his dad was probably smiling too,_____laughing. With all the media attention, Michael’s life would never be the same. It wasn’t just because he set a new world record. It was simply because Michael Stone is blind.

1.A. examination B. competition C. struggle D. debate

2.A. set B. broken C. kept D. designed

3.A. energetic B. attractive C. difficult D. interesting

4.A. what B. how C. which D. where

5.A. breath B. rest C. walk D. look

6.A. against B. to C. on D. off

7.A. hope B. imagination C. dream D. wish

8.A. strict B. occassional C. basic D. mental

9.A. took over B. believed in C. called off D. turned on

10.A. run B. miss C. step D. push

11.A. thought B. goal C. mind D. opinion

12.A. another B. first C. next D. final

13.A. put B. given C. shaken D. cut

14.A. regularly B. wildly C. suddenly D. normal

15.A. above B. beside C. below D. within

16.A. shaped B. confused C. filled D. attracted

17.A. seen B. tasted C. noticed D. sensed

18.A. said B. knew C. predicted D. understood

19.A. tears B. sweat C. sadness D. smile

20.A. even B. or C. still D. yet


    As long as there have been exams, students have found ways to cheat. Today the correct answers are just a few taps away on a smart phone. So countries have come up with new ways to stop the funny business. Some use metal detectors, surveillance (监控) cameras, and mobile phone jammers (干扰器).1.

Cheating in high school leaving exams got so bad in Mauritania and Algeria that this year the authorities turned off the Internet for the entire country. Algeria did so for at least an hour during tests (which last about a week).2.Other countries, such as Iraq, Uzbekistan and Ethiopia, have for years been shutting down the Internet during exam time.

In each country students are under high pressure to do well in the tests, which often determine whether they can continue their education at a good university.3.But high marks are rare. In Algeria only around half of students passed the exams in recent years. In Mauritania the rate is much lower.

4.Darrell West of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank, estimates that in 2015-2016 Internet shutdowns ordered by governments cost countries at least $2.4bn. 5.

A.Turning off the Internet is expensive.

B.Teachers try to help — in their own way.

C.Others have taken a more severe measure.

D.A splendid grade may mean a scholarship abroad.

E.Mauritania cut access from morning until evening on exam days.

F.For that kind of money, countries could even improve their schools.

G.With so many students cheating electronically, governments are taking extreme steps.


    One of the main challenges facing many countries is how to maintain their identity in the face of globalization and the growing multi-language trend. "One of the main reasons for economic failure in many African countries is the fact that, with a few important exceptions, mother-tongue education is not practiced in any of the independent African states." said Neville Alexander, Director of the Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa at the University of Cape Town.

In response to the spread of English and the increased multi-language trends arising from immigration, many countries have introduced language laws in the last decade. In some, the use of languages other than the national language is banned in public spaces such as advertising posters. One of the first such legal provisions(规定) was the 1994 "Toubon law" in France, and the idea has been copied in many countries since then. Such efforts to govern language use are often considered as futile by language experts, who are well aware of the difficulty in controlling fashions in speech and know from research that language switching among bilinguals is a natural process.

It is especially difficult for native speakers of English to understand the desire to maintain the "purity" of a language by law. Since the time of Shakespeare, English has continually absorbed foreign words into its own language. English is one of the most mixed and rapidly changing languages in the world, but that has not been a barrier to acquiring superiority and power. Another reason for the failure of many native English speakers to understand the role of the state regulation is that it has never been the Anglo-Saxon way of doing things. English has never had a state-controlled authority for the language, similar, for example, to the Academic Francaise in France.

The need to protect national languages is, for most western Europeans, a recent phenomenon-------especially the need to ensure that English does not unnecessarily take over too many fields. Public communication, education and new ways of communication promoted by technology, may be key fields to defend.

1.Neville Alexander believes that __________.

A. mother-tongue education is not practiced in all African countries

B. globalization has resulted in the economic failure of Africa

C. globalization has led to the rise of multi-language trend

D. lack of mother-tongue education can lead to economic failure

2.The underlined word "futile" (in paragraph 2) most probably means " ___________".

A. workable B. practical

C. useless D. unnecessary

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. English has taken over fields like public communication and education.

B. Many aspects of national culture are threatened by the spread of English.

C. Most language experts believe it is important to promote a national language.

D. Europeans have long realized the need to protect a national language.

4.The best title for the passage is __________.

A. Fighting against the rule of English

B. Protecting local languages and identities

C. Globalization and multi-language trend

D. To maintain the purity of language by law


    I was excited to take my rescue Beagle (比格犬) to the river the other day, as it’s within walking distance of our new home. Having spent her first six years in a cage, Georgie had never seen a body of water, and I wanted to get there before sunset to watch her experience it.

I was growing increasingly impatient about all the stops her little Beagle nose required. She inspected the grass, dirt, and trees, and licked () whatever was stuck to the road. These were all new discoveries for her, and she took her time studying them.

When I accepted that it was fruitless to hurry her along, I whipped out my cell phone and began texting. I thought that I needed something to do while Georgie was slowing us down. Then, for some reason, I heard the cicadas () ,and I remembered that the sound of cicadas is my favorite sound in the world. That awakened something buried within me that longed for the simple pleasures that had been replaced by technology.

I made a conscious decision to be present, and to enjoy the journey to the river Just like Georgie. Now, I admired the flowers and the winding ivy on our path. I smelled the grass and the flowers, and the dirt and the air. I treasured each one equally, as if discovering them for the first time.

As we neared our destination,1 realized something even more important: It didn’t matter if we even reached the river. Why must there always be a destination? Georgie had no idea that we had a destination. She was present for the journey, and she savored every bit of that sweet experience. There was no race and no finish line.

Now I’m not sure who rescued whom.

1.Why did the author take out the cellphone?

A.To kill time. B.To awaken the simple pleasures.

C.To hurry the dog along. D.To record the sound of cicadas.

2.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.How I enjoyed the journey. B.What I saw on the way.

C.Why I traveled to the river. D.Whether I reached my destination.

3.What does the underlined word “savored” in the fifth paragraph mean?

A.Smelt. B.Expected. C.Enjoyed. D.Deserved.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Say Goodbye to Cell Phones B.Think like a Dog

C.Learn to Get along with Pets D.Travel toward Destinations


    In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some value it highly, believing that it is responsible for social progress and prosperity. Others say that competition is bad; that it sets one person against another; that it leads to unfriendly relationship between people.

I have taught many children who held the belief that their self­worth relied on how well they performed at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life­and­death affairs. In their single­minded pursuit of success, the development of many other human qualities is sadly forgotten.

However, while some seem to be lost in the desire to succeed, others take an opposite attitude. In a culture which values only the winner and pays no attention to the ordinary players, they strongly blame competition. Among the most vocal are youngsters who have suffered under competitive pressures from their parents or society. Teaching these young people, I often observe in them a desire to fail. They seem to seek failure by not trying to win or achieve success. By not trying, they always have an excuse: “I may have lost, but it doesn't matter because I really didn't try.” What is not usually admitted by themselves is the belief that if they had really tried and lost, that would mean a lot. Such a loss would be a measure of their worth. Clearly, this belief is the same as that of the true competitors who try to prove themselves. Both are based on the mistaken belief that one's self­respect relies on how well one performs in comparison with others. Both are afraid of not being valued. Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to dissolve can we discover a new meaning in competition.

1.What does this passage mainly talk about?

A.Competition helps to set up self­respect.

B.Opinions about competition are different among people.

C.Competition is harmful to personal quality development.

D.Failures are necessary experiences in competition.

2.The underlined phrase “the most vocal” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

A.those who try their best to win

B.those who value competition most highly

C.those who are against competition most strongly

D.those who rely on others most for success

3.What is the similar belief of the true competitors and those with a “desire to fail”

A.One's worth lies in his performance compared with others'.

B.One's success in competition needs great efforts.

C.One's achievement is determined by his particular skills.

D.One's success is based on how hard he has tried.

4.Which point of view may the author agree to?

A.Every effort should be paid back.

B.Fear of failure should be removed in competition.

C.Winning should be a life­and­death matter.

D.Competition should be encouraged.


    Walter Peak High Country Farm, on the western shores of Lake Wakatipu is famous in  history. Its sheltered bays were used as camping sites by Maori travelling to the Mararoa and Oreti Rivers on Moa hunting and gathering expeditions.

Things to do

Situated on picturesque Lake Wakatipu’s wester shores, the farm is the perfect place to  spend a few relaxing hours. The Farm Tour itself is a wonderful experience for the whole family, with something to keep everyone entertained and happy. Our rural host will meet you after you leave the steamboat and take you for a walking tour of the farmyard. The first stop is the holding to help feed the sheep and deer, and even get up close to the Scottish highland cattle. Then walk slowly through the lakeside gardens to the charming Colonel’s Homestead for morning or afternoon tea. Afterwards the farmer will lead you over to the shearing shed (剪羊毛棚) where you can watch the farm dogs rounding up sheep on the hills, and see the farmer cut the wool off a sheep. You will then board the steamboat for your cruise back to Queenstown.

Ticket Information

Child Ticket $ 22. 00

Adult Ticket $ 77.00

Visitor Information

Opening Time: 10 a.m.

Closing Time: 4 p.m.

Additional Information

All tickets purchased at MyFun must make a booking at +64-3441—8166. Please mention your My Fun barcode (条形码) number when making your booking. Please print out your voucher (收据) and take along with you to the attraction. Tickets are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

1.What can you do during the Farm Tour?

A.Ride on the farm. B.Feed the chicken.

C.Have morning tea. D.Cut the wool off a sheep.

2.How much should parents with a child pay for the Farm Tour?

A.$99. B.$ 121.

C.$ 176. D.$198.

3.What should the visitor who has bought tickets at MyFun do?

A.Call +64-3441-8166 to print out your voucher.

B.Take the voucher to the Farm.

C.Tell the Farm your MyFun barcode number.

D.Use the tickets after a year.



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The first person I met in my high school was my deskmate, with that I fell in love at first sight.

She was warm-hearted and always wore a honest smile on her face. I was homesick in the first few days, unable to adjust the new school. It was with her help which I got familiar with the school. However, what impressed me most was her diligence and determine. When faced with a challenge in study, she would try out her best to solve it. Whenever I was in trouble, she would encourage myself and help me out. But for her encouragement, I wouldn’t have progressed so fast and steady.

Have so nice a girl as my friend is great luck for me. May our friendship lasts forever.



If you always hate certain vegetables, you may be more than a picky eater. Instead, you might be a “super-taster”, a person 1. bitter genes (苦味基因). Those people who have the “bitter genes” are 2.6 times more likely to eat 2. (few) vegetables than others, according to a new study 3. (present) at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association.

“We don’t get the taste of food equally,” said professor Duffy, an expert in the study of food taste. “It could explain some of the differences in our food 4. (prefer).”

About half of us can taste bitter and sweet, so we are not especially sensitive to bitter food. Another 25% are called “non-tasters”, to 5. bitter food might actually be a bit sweeter. The rest of us are 6. (extreme) sensitive to the bitterness that some 7.(plant) develop to keep animals from eating them.

Food scientists are trying to develop ways 8. (reduce) the bitterness in veggies, in the hope that we can keep super-tasters from rejecting vegetables. In fact, some vegetables we grow today 9. (be) much sweeter than before.

We might also try to use various cooking methods, either by adding some fat, sweetness, strong flavors like garlic 10.roasting them, to improve the taste of the vegetables.


    When I was young, my understanding of life was simple. This made it _______ for me to deal with the world around me. As I grew up, things seemed more _______, which made life more challenging. Now, middle-aged, I find my_______ of the world is returning to the simple.

When I try to teach my daughter important _______ about life, I will break complicated things _______ into small pieces. One of those basics is ______, for yourself, and for others. I teach my daughter to _______. To fail feels bad, _______, but not to have tried feels worse, because you can't respect yourself for it. And as the saying _______, if you don't respect yourself, no one else will.

When I was seven or eight, I played at my cousin's house with his toys. His family was better off than mine, and he had many more toys. There was one ________ that I'd always wanted, and I ________ it into my pocket. But a moment later, I ________, even at that age, that I would never enjoy playing with the toy. I would always know I had ________, and my opinion of myself would ________. When his mother dropped me off later that day, I shamefacedly ________ out the toy and gave it back. She knew, I'm sure, what had happened, ________ she thanked me and never spoke of it again.

I hope to help my daughter avoid similar ________. She first has to gain self-respect ________ she can start respecting others. I believe in respect, because ________ it we're all enemies. I'm not ________ in this regard, far from it. But I try my best, and I respect others for trying their best in this changing world.

1.A.funnier B.easier C.safer D.deeper

2.A.important B.awkward C.fragile D.complex

3.A.view B.experience C.aim D.expectation

4.A.basics B.facts C.subjects D.choices

5.A.away B.off C.down D.out

6.A.passion B.love C.respect D.desire

7.A.forgive B.accept C.share D.try

8.A.certainly B.eventually C.personally D.willingly

9.A.runs B.goes C.writes D.follows

10.A.for fun B.in particular C.with care D.at random

11.A.fetched B.arranged C.slipped D.fitted

12.A.doubted B.promised C.questioned D.sensed

13.A.lied B.stolen C.changed D.cheated

14.A.suffer B.improve C.fade D.spread

15.A.gave B.left C.pulled D.handed

16.A.so B.or C.for D.but

17.A.accidents B.mistakes C.results D.habits

18.A.before B.until C.in case D.now that

19.A.upon B.beyond C.without D.despite

20.A.honest B.casual C.curious D.perfect


    Helicopter parenting refers to a style of parents who are over focused on their children.

1. For example, it can increase feelings of love and acceptance.However, helicopter parenting may be harmful to children’s development in the following ways.

Decreased confidence and self­esteem (自尊).The message the parents’ over­involvement sends to kids is “my parents don’t trust me to do this on my own”.2.

Increased anxiety.A study from the University of Mary Washington has shown that overparenting is associated with higher levels of child anxiety and depression.

Undeveloped problem­solving skills.If parents are always there to clean up a child’s mess or prevent the problem in the first place, how does the child ever learn to deal with loss, disappointment, or failure?3.

Strengthened sense of entitlement (权利).Children who have always had their social, academic, and athletic lives adjusted by their parents to best fit their needs can become accustomed to always having their way and thus they develop a sense of entitlement.

4. Parents who always tie shoes, clear plates, and pack lunches, even after children are able to do the tasks, prevent their children from mastering these life skills themselves.

So, parents should let children struggle, allow them to be disappointed, and when failure occurs, help them to work through it.5. Remember: taking one step back from solving children’s problems will help build the independent, and self­confident kids.

A.Weakened life skills.

B.Damaged life experiences.

C.And this distrust leads to a lack of confidence.

D.Helicopter parenting has many benefits for children.

E.Parents should also let children do tasks they are physically and mentally able to do.

F.Making your 3­year­old’s bed sounds reasonable, while making your 13­year­old’s bed doesn’t.

G.Studies found helicopter parenting can make children feel less able in dealing with the stresses of life on their own.


Are you content with the shape of your nose? If not, the climate may be to blame, not your parents.

According to a recent study carried out by scientists from Pennsylvania State University, US, climate played a key role in shaping our noses.The findings were based on an examination of the size and shape of noses of 476 people from four regions — West Africa, East Asia, South Asia and Northern Europe, using 3­D facial imaging technology.

“People have thought for a long time the difference in nose shape among humans across the world may have arisen as a result of natural selection because of climate,” Arslan Zaidi, one of the lead authors of the study, told The Guardian.But while previous studies were based on measurements from human skulls, Zaidi and his team looked at nose shape itself.

The result showed that wider noses are more common in warm and humid climate, while narrower noses are more common in cold and dry climate.That, Zaidi said, could be because narrower nasal passages help to increase the moisture (潮湿) content of air and warm it, which is easier on our lungs.This, in turn, led to a gradual decrease in nose width in populations living far away from the equator.

More studies are still needed to test the link between climate and nose shape, but Zaidi believes the current findings are valuable in understanding potential health issues.“As we become more of a global community, we are going to come across climate that we do not adapt to,” he told The Guardian.This means moving to a very different climate might increase the risk of breathing problems.

However, he added, “This may not be necessarily true for various reasons such as of modern medicine and the fact that our current climate is very different from what it used to be.”

1.From the passage we know most people from Singapore have         noses.

A. wider    B. narrower

C. smaller    D. larger

2.Narrower noses are helpful to         .

A. cool the air    B. warm the air

C. take in more oxygen    D. dry the air

3.What can be learned about the study?

A. Zaidi’s team measured human skulls using 3­D technology.

B. The shape of our noses is determined by our parents.

C. Nose shape helps people adapt to the environment.

D. It’s certain that people will suffer from more breathing problems.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. What factors shape noses?

B. How to make your nose attractive?

C. Nose shape causes breathing problems

D. Climate shapes noses


It is easier to negotiate(谈判)first salary requirement because once you are insider, the organizational constraints influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don’t at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases. Consider Beth’s story.

I did not get what I wanted when I did not ask for it. We had cubicle(小隔间)offices and window offices. I sat in the cubicles with several male colleagues. One by one they were moved into window offices, while I remained in the cubicles, several males who were hired after me also went to offices. One in particular told me he was next in line for an office and that it had been part of his negotiations for the job. I guess they thought me content to stay in the cubicles since I did not voice my opinion either way.

It would be nice if we all received automatic pay increases equal to our merit (价值), but “nice” isn’t a quality shared by most organizations. If you feel you deserve a good raise in pay, you’ll probably have to ask for it.

Performance is your best bargaining chip(筹码)when you are seeking a raise. You must be able to prove that you deserve a raise. Timing is also a good bargaining chip. If you can give your boss something he or she needs(a new client or a sizable contract, for example)just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want.

Use information as a bargaining chip coo. Find out what you are worth on the open market. What will someone else pay for your services?

Go into the negotiations prepared to place your chips on the table at the appropriate time and prepared to use communication style to guide the direction of the interaction.

1.According to the passage, before taking a job, a person should        .

A. prove his ability    B. give his boss a good impression

C. ask for as much money as he can    D. ask for the salary he hopes to get

2.What can be inferred from Beth’s story?

A. Prejudice against women still exists in some organizations.

B. If people want what they deserve, they have to ask for it.

C. People should not be content with what they have got.

D. People should be careful when negotiating for a job.

3.We can learn from the passage that        .

A. unfairness exists in salary increases

B. most people are overworked and underpaid

C. one should avoid overstating one’s performance

D. most organizations give their staff automatic pay raises

4.To get a pay raise, a person should        .

A. advertise himself on the job market

B. persuade his boss to sign a long-term contract

C. try to get inside information about the organization

D. do something to impress his boss just before merit pay decisions


In addition to being a financial success, Disneyland was a personal satisfaction to his founder Walt Disney. It expressed his ideas of all that is true and good and beautiful in this world. He never was tired of visiting the park himself, of expanding it and improving it. Even today, Disneyland is kept spotless. Every night, each street and walkway is washed, and workers with knives get down on their hands and knees to scrape (刮,擦) up chewing gum that has been dropped by visitors. (Visitors to the park are called “guests” never “customers”) Every year, some 800,000 plants are replaced because Disney refused to put up signs asking his “guests” not to step on them. All of this has reduced the profits, but it adds immeasurably to the attraction of the park. Undoubtedly it helps explain why an amazing fifty percent of the people who enter Disneyland’s gates have been there before.

The park’s general design contributes to the visitor’s pleasure. There are plenty of shade trees, much grass, and lots of cool water in ponds and lakes and rivers—all man-made. The park is divided into five sections. In one section, the visitor walks along an American Main Street as Disney remembered from his childhood. Another section (Tomorrow land) shows the world of the future. A third, Adventure land, satisfies the universal love of exploration. Still another, Fantasyland, takes the visitor into the dreamlike worlds made famous by Disney films. Finally there is Frontier land, which represents the Old west. It is possible, in a single day, to visit in imagination every continent and almost every historical period. There is something for every group.

Most of what has been said about Disneyland is also true of Walt Disney World. This is a second huge amusement park outside of Orlando, Florida, designed to thrill east-coast visitors as Disneyland has thrilled those in the west. Millions of children and adults have visited its Main Street, Magic Kingdom, and other unforgettable attractions.

1.From the 1st paragraph we learn that       .

A. Disneyland is rather wasteful in that it often replaced the destroyed plants

B. many people’s visiting Disneyland again shows that it’s a nonprofitable place

C. Disneyland is mainly the realization of the values of its founder

D. Disneyland is well kept in order to earn maximum profits

2.Visitors to Disneyland       .

A. throw rubbish at random    B. can step on the plants

C. are mostly self-centered    D. never care about its efforts

3.If you want to get some knowledge of American history from Disneyland more extensively, you may first visit       .

A. American Main Street    B. Fantasyland

C. Adventure land    D. Frontier land

4.Walt Disney World       .

A. is another name for Disneyland    B. has two attractive sections

C. is as attractive as Disneyland    D. is designed for east-coast visitors only


Life Coaching Courses

Life coaching courses are perfect for individuals with excellent interpersonal skills and are willing to help people achieve their goals. The role of a Life Coach is to provide support and guidance for people looking forward to changing or improving a certain aspect of their life. This can be emotional or health­related and, in the overall sense, it can mean total life support and life coaching.

Life coaching courses available through NCC are below:

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Diploma

This quality­assured diploma in Emotional Freedom Technique is a form of emotional and psychological acupressure (指压), which makes use of a simple tapping routine coupled with statements made by the client (客户) to express how they feel about the problem in hand.

Price: WAS £ 550.00 NOW £ 440.00

Awarding Body: ABC Awards

Average Duration (持续时间): 200 hours

Course Support: 12 months access to the course

Health Coaching Diploma

The Health Coaching Level 3 Diploma course is appealing for those who wish to improve soft skills or the job that they already have. In addition, it is for those with a keen interest in health promotion.

Price: WAS £ 550.00 NOW £ 440.00

Awarding Body: ABC Awards

Average Duration: 200 hours

Course Support: 12 months access to the course

Life Coaching Diploma

The Life Coaching Diploma course aims to provide the learner with knowledge of how life coaching works and what a Life Coach does. It could be the beginning of a whole new life, not only for you, but for all your potential clients!

Price: WAS £ 408.00 NOW £ 326.40

Awarding Body: NCFE Certificate

Average Duration: 200 hours

Course Support: 12 months expert tutor support

1.Who are life coaching courses intended for?

A. Those who have emotional needs.

B. Those who need a major life change.

C. Those who want to keep physical fitness.

D. Those who are good at socializing.

2.What can people learn from the Life Coaching Diploma course?

A. The job of Life Coaches.

B. The history of life coaching.

C. The way to develop soft skills.

D. The meaning of job promotion.

3.What do these life coaching courses have in common?

A. The courses all last for 12 hours on average.

B. A 20% discount is offered for each course now.

C. All the courses are given by experts in that field.

D. All participants can get a diploma from ABC Awards.


据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)统计,全球81%的青少年缺乏锻炼。假如你是李华,请根据以下要点用英语准备一篇发言稿,在一次国际中学生交流活动中发言。







Dear fellow students,

According to the World Health Organization, 81% teenagers are lack of exercising.


That's all. Thank you!




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注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Dear Sir/Madam,

I heartedly want to be a volunteer of yours. Here is something about you. I am a student who will graduate senior high school. I always regard my class as our family or sacrifice my personally interests whenever necessary. Besides take an active part in class activities, I work responsibly to build up a good reputation for the team, I respected all the people around me and I'm always willing to give a hand to those in need. I'm strict in myself, making every effort to achieve an all-round development. In time of difficult, I always keep strong minded.

In addition, I am good at English both in speaking and in writing. I was in an American host family for 20 days in the summer camp and know how to get along well with foreigners. Looking forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy (书法) contains more than 200 art pieces including Arabic, Chinese,1.(Europe), Indian, Japanese and Slavic calligraphic works.

“One of the most interesting2.(item) in the museum is a book of calligraphic work on the 36 military tactics (战术) applied during wars in ancient China," Alexey Shaburov, founder and keeper of the museum,3.(tell) a group of reporters from China on November 24.

The giant book is exhibited in a large glass case. Shaburov took it out to show some of4.(it) content. Each tactic,5.is usually expressed in four Chinese characters, is  written on one page and accompanied by a Russian translation on another page. The tactics represent the6.(wise) of Chinese people. They are not only useful on the battlefield7.also for business and personal life.

He said he became crazy about calligraphy, so he decided8.(establish) a calligraphic museum in Moscow. The museum has played9.important role in promoting calligraphy in Russia.“Calligraphy wasn't seen as an art form in Russia. But this year, some of the artworks from our museum were made a part of the non-public section of the Russian museum collection,” Shaburov said,10.(add) that this means that calligraphic works' are acknowledged as cultural heritage and will be protected in Russia.


    Ice and snow knocked at the window of the office where I was working. As the wind howled (呼啸) ,I______. how I would get home. The 12-mile______took me up and down______hills and around dangerous turns. I whispered a prayer for______.

Luckily, my______green car was doing______over the ice-covered roadway, However, as I drove onto one of the steepest and scariest hills, I noticed the tires were______, and my trusty SUV was having difficulty climbing the hill.

I decided it was time to______to four-wheel drive. I pulled the lever (操纵杆) back, just like my husband had______me. Slowly the tires grasped the road, and the top of the hill came within  ____.

Unfortunately, at the top, the______just stopped. I pushed and pulled the lever- nothing happened. I was______, with snow and ice flying.

Now what? Even though I had______no one on this lonely stretch of road, I______prayed that someone might come to help. After a few minutes, I______an old, rattling (咯咯作响) pickup truck. A smiling young man I'd never seen before in our small rural community rolled down his,   ____and asked if I needed help. I answered him that I did. He stepped into my car under the_____  condition and showed me how to______the four-wheel-drive shifting gear, locking it into place.

In no time, I had the old car______toward home. When I thanked the______and asked if he lived around the area, he just said, “Oh, over there.” Do I believe in miracles? Of course!

1.A.mentioned B.wondered C.discovered D.explained

2.A.roadway B.highway C.sidewalk D.railway

3.A.beautiful B.real C.interesting D.steep

4.A.wealth B.health C.safety D.satisfaction

5.A.new B.old C.lovely D.expensive

6.A.much B.badly C.again D.well

7.A.slipping B.disappearing C.growing D.changing

8.A.belong B.compare C.switch D.reply'

9.A.wished B.threatened C.awarded D.taught

10.A.heart B.mind C.sight D.hearing

11.A.vehicle B.snow C.wind D.road

12.A.stuck B.moved C.protected D.inspired

13.A.brought B.called C.met D.hurt

14.A.excitedly B.silently C.confidently D.proudly

15.A.created B.called C.repaired D.spotted

16.A.door B.lever C.window D.wheel

17.A.distant B.different C.gentle D.wintery

18.A.control B.destroy C.remove D.introduce

19.A.pointing B.moving C.marching D.dropping

20.A.relative B.friend C.enemy D.stranger


    Among the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP), the World Health Organization (WHO) has offered basic protective measures to the public against the virus.

1. Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty.1.

2.2.If you sneeze or cough into your hands, you may contaminate (污染;传染) objects or people that you touch. Throw tissue immediately into a closed bin and clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

3. Keep at least one- meter distance between yourself and other people, particularly those who are coughing, sneezing and have a fever, because coughs or sneezes of people who are infected with a respiratory (呼吸系统) disease project (喷射) small drops containing the virus.3.

4. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth because hands touch many surfaces, which can be contaminated with: the virus. If you touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your contaminated hands, you can transfer the virus from the surface to yourself.

5. Tell your health care provider if you have traveled in an area where the epidemic (流行病). has been reported, or if you have been in close contact with someone who has respiratory symptoms.

6. Practice general hygiene(卫生) measures when visiting live animal markets, wet markets or animal product markets.4.. Avoid contact with potentially contaminated animal waste or fluids on the soil Or structures of shops and market facilities.

7.5.. Handle raw meat, milk, or animal organs carefully to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked food.

A.Avoid eating animal products

B.If you are too close, you can breathe in the virus

C.This helps knowing the virus if it's on your hands

D.Avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products

E.This helps removing the virus if it's on your hands

F.Strictly avoid any contact with other animals in the market

G.Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when coughing and sneezing


    In a study of young people in the UK aged 12-20, half of them said they had been bullied (欺凌) . People who are bullied are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. They might lose interest in the activities they enjoy, avoid spending time with other people and not go to classes or school, which has a negative effect on their learning.

Bullying is not just physical, like hitting or kicking someone, or taking their things without permission. Bullying can also be With words- -saying or writing things that are not nice. Another type of bullying is social- choosing not to include someone, embarrassing someone or telling other people not to be friends with them. Bullying can happen at school, on public transport, when you're walking home, online .... In fact, it can happen anywhere.

Bullying usually involves more people than you think. There are the people who bully and those who are bullied. Sometimes other people help the bully or join in. Then there are the kids that support- -they don't bully anyone directly, but they support the bullying by being audience. They laugh or encourage the children who are bullying in other ways. This is why it's important for everyone to work together against bullying. Some children see what is happening and want to help, although they don't know how. Others may comfort and defend the person being bullied. To stop bullying we need everyone to be brave and take a stand.

Does your school do anything to prevent bullying? Why don't you create a student anti-bullying group? This group can do many things. Let the head teacher know how well the school is doing with fighting bullying and give them advice. Choose an anti-bullying slogan for your school, make posters and displays or take over the school's social media for a week to send out anti-bullying messages.

Bullying is a social problem and it needs a solution from society- in other words, everyone. Next time you see someone being cruel to someone else, take a stand! Don't laugh or ignore what's happening- -tell an adult as soon as possible and help everyone to realize that bullying is not OK.

1.What happens to the students when they were school bullied?

A.They have interest in the activities. B.They are likely to talk with people.

C.They have to finish their learning. D.They become upset and anxious.

2.What is the writer's attitude to being audience to bullying?

A.Supportive. B.Indifferent.

C.Critical. D.Optimistic.

3.What can we do to stop school bullying?

A.Watch and laugh at it. B.Realize and fight against it.

C.Comfort the victims. D.Stand by to be audience.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.School bullying and ways out. B.An introduction to school bullying.

C.An anti-bullying slogan. D.A student anti-bullying group.


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