The questionnaire takes ______ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.

A.apparently B.accurately C.approximately D.adequately


Every morning, after ______ from her seat in the bathroom, the lady will ______ anti-wrinkle cream evenly to her face.

A.arising; apply B.arousing; add C.arranging; acquire D.arriving; adopt


阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

There 1.(be) a trend recently in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界)2. a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side 3.(effect) such as overweight and heart disease — 4. very thing the medical community was trying to fight.

Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are required 5.(process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt 6.(remove) from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something. As a result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. Even worse, the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food is full of fat and salt; by eating more fast food people will get more salt and fat 7.they need in their diet.

8.(have) enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food. However, be 9.(caution) not to go to extremes. Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, 10. is not good for the health.


    I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week .It was one of the most _______and tiring games I’ve ever had. When Ed first phoned and _______ we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an _______ victory. After all, Ed’s idea of _______ has always been nothing more _______ than lifting a fork to his mouth. _______ I can remember, Ed’s been the least physically fit member in the family, and _______ proud of himself. His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often _______ about that, Ed refused to buy a _______ T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed __________ for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly __________ I was so surprised that I was __________.My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape. __________, at the point in our game when I’d have predicted(预计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor, it was __________ 7 to 9-and Ed was __________ . The sudden realization was painful. We __________ to play like two mad men. When the score was 16 up, I was having serious __________ about staying alive until 21 years old, let alone __________ that many points. When the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat on our backs, too tired to __________. In a way, I think we both won in the game: I won the game, but cousin Ed my __________.

1.A.encouraging B.hopeless C.surprising D.regular

2.A.declared B.mentioned C.persuaded D.suggested

3.A.unforgettable B.unexpected C.easy D.early

4.A.exercise B.preparation

5.A.time-saving B.comfortable C.suitable D.effort-making

6.A.As soon as B.As long as C.When D.Since

7.A.strangely B.personally C.reasonably D.eagerly

8.A.cared B.forgot C.quarreled D.joked

9.A.clean B.larger C.straight D.darker

10.A.set out ready C.arrived D.returned

11.A.notice B.admire C.believe D.measure

12.A.nervous B.curious C.careless D.speechless

13.A.After all B.As a result C.Above all D.At last

14.A.mistakenly B.then C.instead D.naturally

15.A.leading B.coming C.waiting D.counting

16.A.pretended B.stopped C.continued D.decided

17.A.thoughts B.doubts C.situations D.problems

18.A.scoring B.completing C.receiving D.keeping B.start C.sleep D.move

20.A.friendship B.respect D.favor


    The idea that history is an outdated course of study that will lead to limited career options has spread. 1. It is a wonderful way to prepare for a successful future. Here are a few reasons why it’s important that today’s students continue to learn about the past.

Understanding where people come from is key in understanding who we are. 2. It’s deeply influenced the world and its citizens. For this reason, it’s important to understand history in order to understand why people are the way that they are.

3. Through history classes, you can experience a change in the way you think. You’ll look at things from a new angle, as you understand the world in a new way. In the end, this change can improve your ability to assess and understand situations, make educated decisions, and learn how to weigh the consequences linked with each choice before you.

Learning from the past prevents future mistakes. 4. From wars to fashion to political trends, historians are often able to make predictions about the future based upon the past. By having a firm grasp on what happened in the past, today’s generation can better prepare for a brighter future by making the right decisions — instead of repeating old mistakes.

5. The idea that a degree in history can’t lead to a good career is untrue. In fact, students who graduate with degrees in history can become lawyers, business owners, foundation leaders, and non-profit leaders. Besides, history degrees can lead to working as an educator, a leader in a historical organization, a writer, an editor, a journalist, or a producer of multimedia materials.

A.You will understand the world much better.

B.History degrees can lead to well-paying careers.

C.Many people don’t know well about themselves.

D.Learning history can change how you think.

E.But the truth is that studying history is still important.

F.The idea that history repeats itself is rooted in truth.

G.History has shaped cultures, attitudes, and social structures.


For all the technological wonders of modem medicine, health care-with its fax machines and clipboards(写字板)is out of date. This outdated era is slowly drawing to a close as the industry catches up with the artificial-intelligence ( AI) revolution.

Eric Topol, an expert in heart disease and enthusiast for digital medicine, thinks AI will be particularly useful for such tasks as examining images, observing heart traces for abnormalities or turning doctors' words into patient records. It will be able to use masses of data to work out the best treatments, and improve workflows in hospitals. In short, AI is set to save time, lives and money.

The fear some people have is that AI will be used to deepen the assembly-line culture of modem medicine. If it gives a “ gift of time” to doctors, they argue that this bonus should be used to extend consultations, rather than simply speeding through them more efficiently.

That is a fine idea, but as health swallows an ever-bigger share of national wealth, greater efficiency is exactly what is needed, at least so far as governments and insurers are concerned. Otherwise, rich societies may fail to cope with the needs of ageing and growing populations. An extra five minutes spent chatting with a patient is costly as well as valuable. The AI revolution will also enable managerial accountants to adjust and evaluate every aspect of treatment. The autonomy of the doctor will surely be weakened, especially, perhaps, in public-health systems which are duty-bound to cut unnecessary costs.

The Hippocratic Oath(誓言) holds that there is an art to medicine as well as a science, and that “warmth, sympathy and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug”. There's lots of sense in it: the patients of sympathetic physicians have been shown to recover better. Yet as the supply of human carers fails to satisfy the demand for health care, the future may involve consultations on smartphones and measurements monitored by chatbots. The considerately warmed stethoscope ( 听诊器) ,placed gently on a patient's back, may become a relic of the past.

1.What's Dr Topol's attitude toward AI's coming into medicine?

A.Concerned. B.Doubtful. C.Optimistic. D.Cautious.

2.What does the author of the text attach more importance to?

A.Medical costs. B.National wealth.

C.Longer consultation. D.Greater efficiency.

3.Why is the Hippocratic Oath mentioned?

A.To prove the bright future of AI.

B.To show the advantage of a human doctor.

C.To explain medical equipment is more important.

D.To argue a human doctor performs as well as a robot.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A.Health care and AI B.AI and its applications

C.Doctors and Patients D.Dr Topol and digital medicine


    Every year, thousands of new high school graduates pack their bags, move to new cities, and sign papers accepting loans, the money borrowed from a bank or lenders etc, which they might not be able to pay back. Without proper education on personal finance, especially as it relates to paying for college, young adults are guided into improper loan plans that result in years of debt after graduation. In order to set students up to succeed financially, it is important to educate students and parents on their financial options before school in the fall. The best way to support families heading for college is to require that every high school student take a personal finance class before graduation. This will help smooth the transition into adulthood.

The average student takes out at least one loan to cover the costs of their education each year. In 2014 the average student graduating from college carried a negative balance of about $20,000 in debt, which often spread over multiple lenders. Upon graduation, students rarely know exactly how much money they owe, and even though they are in the state of being unable to pay their debts, they cannot wipe out student loans. These students spend much of their adult lives paying off the gradual increasing debts.

A personal finance course would teach students how to manage their income and expenditures, while helping to significantly reduce the amount of debt students carry into adulthood. By teaching students how to save money and live within their means, this course will provide the next generation with a foundation to progress financially. Students choosing to get a job straight out of high school would also benefit from finance education for these very reasons. With education on how to manage their finances, all young people will have the knowledge to make healthy decisions, leading them to improve good credit and purchase needed items like cars and homes with skill and confidence.

While not every young person makes financial mistakes, those who do can face years of difficulty trying to get their finances back under control. Rather than help them through these hard times when they happen, we should try to prevent them from happening at all. Making the completion of personal finance coursework a requirement for graduation would ensure that young people are at least aware of the basics of preserving a financial stability.

1.After graduation from college, many young people ______.

A.struggle to support their families

B.spend years paying off their debts

C.get through the hard times smoothly

D.are able to manage their own finances well

2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.Ways to improve financial credits.

B.Advantages of taking a finance course.

C.Skills of balancing income and expenditures.

D.Introduction to the education on personal finance.

3.Having financial knowledge, high school students are probably able to ______.

A.smooth their way for college

B.get out of their financial trap from the cost of their college education

D.avoid the risk of the future financial trouble

4.The main purpose of the passage is to_______.

A.inform and explain B.argue and persuade

C.analyze and evaluate D.discuss and examine


    Quietly siting there reading, I found myself suddenly listening to the train guard’s announcement. Train travelers will surely agree that when the guard makes an announcement, whether it’s the recorded message or the guard’s message, few people listen to it, because it’s often quite dull or hard to understand. This one was different. I noticed that other passengers appeared to be listening, too. Not only that, everyone was smiling!

Why was so much attention being paid to this message? As best I can recall, the guard said something along these lines, “Good Morning Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, this is the 7:35 a.m. from Penrith to Central and you’ll be pleased to know that we are right on time. And what a lovely morning it is in Sydney today. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and all’s right with the world. I trust you have a great day wherever you’re going. Thanks for catching my train this morning and I hope to see you again soon.”

Quite a few people (obviously previous strangers) started talking to one another about the guard’s excellent message and how good it had made everyone feel. I started thinking about this, and then I found the young guard and said “Were you the guard on the 7:35 a.m. from Penrith?” The guard seemed a bit stunned at first, replying, “Yes, yyyyes.”“Well, I really appreciate your announcement. Thank you for your extremely good message, which gave me and the other passengers such a good start to the day. Please keep doing it.”I said.

There are two messages for me in what happened that day. Firstly, when people are happy in their work it shows in what they do and say. Secondly, the story attaches much importance to the benefits that accumulate from thanking people for something they’ve done, particularly when it’s not expected. Can you imagine the conversation that guard would have when he got home?

1.Why do few train travelers listen to the announcements?

A.They usually feel sleepy.

B.The messages are unattractive.

C.The guard’s voice is not clear.

D.They are absorbed in books.

2.What does the underlined word “stunned”in Paragraph 3 mean?





3.What might the guard talk about with his family when he got home?

A.The beautiful weather.

B.The recorded message.

C.The train from Penrith.

D.The unexpected appreciation.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.A Boring Train Story

B.An Intelligent Guard

C.A Different Train Announcement

D.A Lovely Morning in Sydney


    If you’re new to San Francisco, paying the city a visit, or simply looking for a new playground for you and your dog, here are four of the finest dog parks in San Francisco.

Corona Heights Dog Park

Often visited by residents from all over the city because of its nearness to the Randall Museum, Corona Heights Dog Park offers pets and owners breathtaking view after a steep hillside climb, and a fenced dog area that allows dogs to let loose without a leash(狗链). Owners will also enjoy the playground, tennis courts and basketball courts.

Dolores Dog Park

The grounds of Dolores Park once served as camps for those who were left homeless by the 1906 earthquake, but now are often visited by crowds of Mission District people. Four-legged friends can also wander about carefree off-leash while making friends with other members of the doggie community.

Pine Lake Dog Park

Famous for its place as a rest stop for hundreds of species of birds to fly to and from warmer climates, Pine Lake Park is also prized by city dogs and their owners for their nice hiking paths, picturesque lake suited for swimming, and off-leash area on the park’s west end that lets dogs run free.

Buena Vista Dog Park

With a history of 146 years, Buena Vista Park is San Francisco’s oldest park. Dogs and owners with plus energy will love burning it on this park’s steep paths and winding staircases. Dog owners should have good control over their dogs, as it’s quite easy for dogs to get separated when going through Buena Vista’s many twists and turns.

1.Why do dog owners take their pets to Dolores Dog Park?

A.To let them socialize. B.To give them rescue lessons.

C.To help them lose weight. D.To increase their physical activities.

2.Which dog park is popular with bird lovers?

A.Dolores Dog Park. B.Pine Lake Dog Park.

C.Buena Vista Dog Park. D.Corona Heights Dog Park.

3.What is special about Buena Vista Dog Park?

A.Dogs can go climbing. B.It is close to a museum.

C.Dogs must be on a leash. D.It is suitable for swimming.



1. 感谢他们对你的照顾;

2 邀请他们来华旅游。

注意:1 词数100左右。

2 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mr. and Mrs. White,



Li Hua









This morning, I , together with my parents, go to the second-hand book market near my home. There were so much people that we had to push their way through the crowd. Though the market was terrible noisy, we felt quite pleasing to be able to pick up a really good bargain. Just as we were ready leave, however, a heavy rain began to pour down. Instead of seek shelter, my parents suggested we help a couple of stall owner pack their books. With an effort, all the books were free from of rain. Our timely help was greatly appreciating.



Spring Festival is the most celebrated festival in China. On that day and over the following two weeks, people greet each other. Streets and houses 1.(decorate)by many things of red color.

Spring Festival is a time for expressing gratefulness. Gratefulness is a Chinese virtue. A regular activity is offering sacrifice to the heaven and to the earth, and to ancestors. It is meant2.(show)gratefulness to the origin of life.

Spring Festival is also a salute 3. another Chinese virtue, diligence(勤劳).We Chinese people believe that only with 4. (we) own hands can we create a happy and beautiful life. Some activities staged during Spring Festival 5. (most) reflect daily working scenes such as harvesting and fishing.

Spring Festival also calls for sharing,6.value long kept by Chinese. As the old saying goes, good fortune should be shared, and misfortune be faced together. In some areas, people bring foods to a public place and have fun together by having games or7. (perform).

As ware celebrating Spring Festivalthe festival is getting more popular in the west. 8. (tradition)Chinese activitiessuch as the dragon dance and the Peking Opera, are performed as a fixed program9.(add) diversity to local culture. It indicates the trends of mutual (相互的)learning and harmonious coexistence(共存) between civilizations, 10. are expected to contribute to the building of a shared future for humankind.


From Disappointment to Purpose

I’m known for my determination. If I want something, I _________ for it; I refuse to give up until I succeed. Over the years this attitude has worked well for me and helped me achieve my goals. _________, when I wanted to be on the dance team at school, I learned all the dances and practiced until I could hardly _______. And when I wanted money for a new computer, I washed cars, babysat, and walked dogs for all my neighbors.

_______ this year everything changed. I had set my sights on a summer _______ that I was determined to get at the Water Zone, because the employees there could go on the water rides after their work and get free food at the snack bar. It was the _________ job to have on hot summer vacations. So just as I had achieved every goal in the past, I set out to _________ the job. I completed the application in my neatest handwriting, carefully prepared for my interview, and gathered a pack of recommendation letters. I was certain that nothing _________ keep me from my dream job.

But after my _________, the manager of the Water Zone told me that he could hire only those with experience in water safety. I was ________. I felt like a failure.

On the last weekend before school ended, my teacher, Mrs. Keller, asked me ________ I would be interested in the kids’ summer day camp. I decided that I had nothing to __________, so I called the manager and __________ an interview. She was __________ by my babysitting experience and employed me. In less than a week, I had completely __________ about wanting to work at the water park. Each time I comforted a little boy who missed his mother or a little girl who needed to help tying her shoes, I felt I was doing something __________. I realized that I had discovered my life’s ________: to work with children. I now have a new goal. I’m going to study to become an elementary school teacher.

Sometimes in life we don’t get __________ what we want. Our dream guy or girl may not be interested in us. The coach may not select us for the team. A certain employer may not choose to hire us. It’s natural to feel ________; I sure did. But I also learned an important lesson. Occasionally, when we don’t get what we want, something even __________ is waiting for us around the corner!

1.A.go B.apply C.cheer D.wait

2.A.In addition B.For example C.Before long D.As a result B.speak C.think D.move

4.A.Otherwise B.So C.But D.Therefore B.course C.job

6.A.perfect B.tough C.regular D.potential B.give C.change D.keep

8.A.should B.must C.need D.could

9.A.practice B.interview C.expectation D.experiment

10.A.promoted B.punished C.selected D.refused B.whether C.what D.why B.learn C.lose D.regret

13.A.scheduled B.cancelled C.mentioned D.gave

14.A.inspired B.impressed C.touched D.puzzled

15.A.doubted B.complained C.forgotten D.known

16.A.challenging B.reasonable C.traditional D.significant

17.A.track B.motto C.belief D.purpose

18.A.only B.exactly C.properly D.immediately

19.A.curious B.nervous C.disappointed D.interested

20.A.better B.easier C.higher D.crazier


Setting aside for a rainy day

It’s a common regret in life that we spend more than we save---money that could go into a savings account or into a pension. Whatever age you are, it’ s never too late to start thinking about saving for your future. Here are several ways to get you going.


It’s hard to know what you can afford to save if you don’t have an accurate budget, so doing this is a key first step. Once you’ve made a record of everything you spend each month and everything you earn, you’ll be able to see how much money you have left.

Get into a regular habit

2. Payday is great as you won’t be tempted (诱惑)to spend the cash. You can also set up a standing order to move money automatically into a savings account each month, so you won’t forget.


There are different places you can put your savings, from tax-free ISAs(Individual Saving Accounts) to high-interest current accounts. Wherever you choose, keep an eye on the interest rate. Many have high rates for the first year and drop down afterwards. 4.

Set yourself a goal

If you know exactly what you’re saving for, it’s far more likely you’ll keep putting money away. 5.It’s also worth thinking about building an emergency fund for unexpected expenditures.

A.The earlier the better.

B.Earn as much interest as you can

C.Find out what you can afford to save

D.If that happens, look to move your money elsewhere.

E.Choose a fixed day each month to put money into savings.

F.If you don’t have much left after bills and essentials, you can use your budget to find ways to cut back.

G.It could be to make sure you’re comfortable in the future and have a relatively high standard of living


    Since the first Earth Day in 1970, Americans have gotten a lot “greener” toward the environment. “We didn’t know at that time there even was an environment, let alone that there was a problem with it,” says Bruce Anderson, president of Earth Day USA.

But what began as nothing important in public affairs has grown into a social movement .Business people, political leaders, university professors, and especially millions of grass-roots Americans are taking part in the movement. “The understanding has increased many, many times,” says Gaylord Nelson, the former governor from Wisconsin, who thought up the first. According to US government reports, emissions (排放)from cars and trucks have dropped from 10.3 million tons a year to 5.5 tons .The number of cities producing CO beyond the standard has been reduced from 40 to 9. Although serious problems still remain and need to be dealt with, the world is a safer and healthier place. A kind of “Green thinking” has become part of practices.

Great improvement has been achieved. In 1988 there were only 600 recycling programs; today in 1995 there are about 6,600. Advanced lights, motors, and building designs have helped save a lot of energy and therefore prevented pollution.

Twenty –five years ago, there were hardly any education programs for environment. Today, it’s hard to find a public school, university, or law school that does not have such a kind of program. “Until we do that, nothing else will change!” say Bruce Anderson.

1.According to Anderson, before 1970, Americans had little idea about ___.

A.the social movement B.recycling techniques

C.environmental problems D.the importance of Earth Day

2.Where does the support for environmental protection mainly come from?

A.The grass –roots level. B.The business circle.

C.Government officials. D.University professors.

3.What have Americans achieved in environmental protection?

A.They have cut car emissions to the lowest.

B.They have settled their environmental problems.

C.They have lowered their CO levels in forty cities.

D.They have reduced pollution through effective measures.

4.What is especially important for environmental protection according to the last paragraph?

A.Education. B.Planning

C.Green living D.CO reduction


    A company in San Francisco, California, has found a way to turn used plastic bottles into women’s shoes.

Every day, millions of Americans drink water and other liquids from plastic bottles. More than 60 million of them are thrown away each day. Many of the plastic bottles end up in landfills or are burned with other waste products.

A San Francisco start-up company called Rothy’s, however, turns this plastic waste into environmentally friendly shoes. Roth Martin is the company’s co-founder. He explains how they turn plastic into soft material for women’s feet. They take the plastic, clean it, and break it down into small pieces. Then they press them through a device that makes soft fibers. Those fibers are then combined together. This is done by a 3D machine. It is designed to reduce waste while making the shoes. The knitted stuff and the inner part of the shoe are then attached to the shoe’s outer part, called the sole (鞋底). This outer sole is also made from environmentally friendly material: responsibly sourced no-carbon rubber.

Rothy’s shoes are sold online. They are flat shoes, with either a rounded or pointed toe. They come in different colors and designs. They cost either $ 125 or $ 145 per pair, depending on the design. After American actress Gwyneth Paltrow discovered them last year, the demand for the shoes grew. Martin says there is no shortage of material to fill that demand. “We’re not going to run out of water bottles any time soon. So we have a limitless supply of material, and I think that is a good sign for our future.” When the environmentally friendly shoes wear out, customers can return them at no cost to a company that uses the recycled materials to make other products.

For now, the shoes are only available to be shipped in the United States. However, the company says it will add international shipping in the near future.

1.How are used plastic bottles usually dealt with?

A.They are buried or burned.

B.They are used to make shoes.

C.They are changed into soft materials.

D.They arc returned to factories for reuse.

2.What does the underlined word knitted in the third paragraph mean?

A.Attached. B.Fixed.

C.Combined. D.Repaired.

3.Which of the following directly helped to increase the sales of Rothy’s shoes?

A.The design and color. B.The reasonable price.

C.The company’s advertisement. D.The star power of Gwyneth Paltrow.

4.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To advertise a new kind of shoes.

B.To describe the process of making shoes.

C.To introduce a new way of recycling plastic waste.

D.To stress the importance of environmental protection.


Flying High

Barrington Irving made his historic flight and founded an educational non-profit-making organization. His message for kids: “The only thing that separates you from scientists is determination, hard work and a strong liking for what you want to achieve.” The secret, he believes, is having a dream in the first place, and that starts with learning experiences that inspire kids to build careers.

The moment of inspiration for Irving came at the age of 15 in his parents’ bookstore. One customer, a professional pilot, asked Irving if he’d thought about becoming a pilot. “I told him I didn’t think I was smart enough; but the next day he took me to the cockpit (驾驶舱) of the commercial airplane he flew, and just like that I was hooked.”

To follow his dream, Irving turned down a football scholarship to the University of Florida. He washed airplanes to earn money for a flight school and increased his flying skills by practising at home on a $40 flight simulator (模拟) video game. Then another dream took hold: flying alone around the world. He faced more than 50 rejections for sponsorship before convincing some companies to donate aircraft components. He took off with no weather radar, no de-icing system, and just $30 in his pocket. “I like to do things people say I can’t do.”

After 97 days, 26 stops and dozens of thunderstorms, he touched down to a cheering crowd in Miami. “It was seeing so many young people watching and listening that pushed me into giving back with my knowledge and experience.” Irving has been doing it ever since. He set up his non-profit-making organization, Experience Aviation (航空), aiming to increase the numbers of youth in aviation and science-related careers. Kids attend programmes dealing with hands-on robotics projects and flight simulator challenges.

“We want to create chances for students to accomplish something amazing,” he notes. Perhaps Irving’s most powerful educational tool is the example his own life provides. After landing his record-breaking flight at age 23, he said, “Everyone told me I was too young, that I didn’t have enough experience, strength, or knowledge. They told me it would take forever and I’d never come home. Well ... guess what?”

1.According to Irving, what is the most important in achieving success?

A. Meeting people who provide unexpected help.

B. Getting a chance to study technical knowledge.

C. Having something specific that you want to accomplish.

D. Developing communication with different organizations.

2.What Irving replied to the pilot in the bookstore suggested that ______.

A. he felt embarrassed to refuse the offer

B. he was doubtful about his own abilities

C. he knew his efforts would be rewarded

D. he realized immediately how lucky he was

3.What can we learn about Irving in Paragraph 3?

A. He chose to reduce his budget as low as possible.

B. He was finally given enough money to keep going.

C. He got the most useful flying tips from his video game.

D. He took on a further challenge after he knew how to fly.

4.Irving set up his non-profit-making organization because ______.

A. he hoped to become a public figure

B. he expected to start a business in other fields

C. he saw there was great interest in what he was doing

D. he thought he could teach more than flight schools could


    Have you ever realized that the smallest countries in the world have so much to offer? Whether it’s historic and cultural heritage or unspoiled nature, these microstates are worth a visit.


Grenada is a small country in the world. It is located on island of Caribbean, which is also known as The Island of Spice for several spices like cinnamon, ginger and rare nutmeg. Grenada relies on tourism. Its pristine beaches, warm turquoise water and unspoiled nature make it a wonderful holiday destination. Recently ecotourism has been growing as well.

San Marino

Located within Italy and surrounded by the Apennine Mountains. San Marino is visited by approximately 2 million tourists annually. It’s a beautiful country, which also claims to be the oldest surviving state in the world! Therefore its cultural and historic heritage is undoubtedly fascinating. Although very small, the microstate has a lot of architectural attractions as well as the Romagna, which is loved by Italians, who are among the main guests here.


Maldives is located on the bank of Indian Ocean. Maldives has a range of different habitats including deep sea, shallow coast, and reef ecosystems, fringing mangroves, wetlands and dry lands. Visitors to the Maldives do not need to apply for a pre-arrival visa, regardless of their country of origin, provided they have a valid passport, proof of onward travel, and the money to be self-sufficient while in the country.


It’s a picturesque microstate found in the Pyrenees Mountains, bordering Spain and France. Over 10 million tourists visit Andorra every year! Unlike the neighboring countries’ high prices, the country has a duty-free policy, allowing shoppers to enjoy lower costs. Also there are winter and summer resorts, so you can visit anytime.

1.Who might be interested in Grenada?

A.Architects. B.Spice lovers.

C.Historians. D.Mountain climbers.

2.Which of the following is a good choice for people who like building design?

A.Maldives. B.San Marino.

C.Andorra. D.Grenada.

3.What is not required for a traveler to Maldives?

A.Money. B.A passport.

C.A visa. D.A return ticket.


假定你是李华,光明中学的学生会主席。你所在的城市要举办中学生演讲活动,以致敬奋 战在抗击新型冠状病毒第一线的医护人员。你被选中代表学校参加演讲活动,请你写一篇演讲 稿。


1. 对医护人员的付出和结果表示感谢

2. 对中学生提出倡议:尽己所能,支持医护人员的工作

注意:1. 词数 100,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使文章连贯。

3. 参考词汇:新型冠状病毒:novel coronavirus

Dear boys and girls,

I am Li Hua, Chairman of Student Union of Guangming Middle School.









Dear Rex,

I’m sorry to hear that you had a quarrel with your parent because they had read your diary with your permission. Don’t get annoying about it. I think they do so because they concerned about you. Please understand that they love you.

First of all, you can have a open talk with them and tell them it is not good to keep an eye on you in this way, but that you have the right to keep your own secrets. Besides, you should learn to communicate effective with them. Let them know your ideas, that can avoid unnecessary misunderstanding between you and in your parents.

I wish you all the best!


    Little Tommy was doing very badly in math. His parents 1.(try) everything they could think of. Finally they took Tommy to a catholic school.

After the first day, little Tommy came home with a very serious look on 2. face. He didn’t kiss his mother hello. 3., he went straight to his room and started studying. Books and papers were spread out all over the room and little Tommy was hard at work. His mother was surprised. She called him down to dinner and as soon as he finished 4. (eat), he went back to his room, without a word. 5. no time he was back hitting the books as hard as before. This went on for some time day after day while the mother tried to understand 6. was happening.

Finally, little Tommy brought home his report card, 7. he quietly put on the table and went up to his room and hit the books. His mom looked at it. To her surprise, little Tommy got 8. A in math. She could no longer hold her 9. (curious). She went to his room and asked, “Son, what was it? Was it the nuns?”

Little Tommy looked at her and said, “Well, on the first day of school, when I saw that man 10. (nail) the plus sign, I knew they weren’t joking.”


    When Athaya Slaetalid first moved from Thailand to the Faroe Islands, where winter lasts six months, she would sit next to the heater all day:

"People told me to go _________ because the sun was shining but I just said: 'No! Leave me alone, I'm very _________.'"

Moving here six years ago was tough for Athaya _________, she admits. She _________her husband Jan when he was working with a Faroese friend who had started a business in _________.

Jan knew _________ that bringing his wife to this very different _________, weather and landscape would be challenging.

"I had my _________, because everything she was leaving _________ everything she was coming to were opposites," he admits. "But knowing Athaya, I knew she would __________."

There are now more than 300 women from Thailand and Philippines living in the Faroes. It doesn't __________ like a lot, but in a population of just 50,000 people, they now __________ the largest ethnic minority in these 18 islands, located between Norway and Iceland.

In recent years the Faroes have experienced population __________, with young people leaving, often in search of education, and not returning. Women have __________ more likely to settle abroad. As a result, according to Prime Minister Axel Johannesen, the Faroes have a "gender deficit" with __________ 4,000 fewer women than men.

This, __________, has lead Faroese men to look __________ the islands for romance. Many, though not all, of the __________ women met their husbands online, some through commercial __________ websites. Others have made connections through social media networks or existing Asian-Faroese __________.

1.A.outside B.inside C.away B.cold C.warm last once first length

4.A.would find B.had found C.would meet D.had met

5.A.Iceland B.Philippines C.Faroes D.Thailand

6.A.ahead schedule advance C.without hesitation     particular B.nation C.culture D.minority

8.A.concerns B.conflicts C.beliefs D.problems

9.A.but B.and C.while D.when

10.A.make B.get C.handle D.cope

11.A.sound B.hear C.look D.appear

12.A.consist of B.belong to C.make up up

13.A.decline B.increase C.boom D.failure

14.A.shown B.remained C.proved D.tended

15.A.mostly B.totally C.exactly D.approximately

16.A.however B.then C.actually D.instead

17.A.within B.faraway C.throughout D.beyond

18.A.European B.Asian C.foreign D.poor

19.A.knowing B.playing D.marrying

20.A.couples B.wives C.husbands D.families


    Whether you want to improve your writing skills as a creative writer or simply perfect your skills for schoolwork, you can take some steps to learn how to be a better writer.

1. Use active instead of passive voice.

In English, the most basic sentence structure is S-V-O: Subject-Verb-Object. The passive voice usually requires more words and use of a “to be” verb form, which can suck the energy out of your writing. Learn to avoid these constructions as much as you can. 1. It conventionally uses the passive voice to put the emphasis on the results, rather than the researchers.

2. 2.

Finding the right verb or adjective can turn an uninspired sentence into one people will remember and quote for years to come. Look for words that are as specific as possible. Strong doesn't mean obscure, or more complicated. Don't say "utilize" when you could say "use." 3.

3. Cut the chaff.

4. You don't get points for saying in 50 words what could be said in 20, or for using multi-syllable words when a short one does just as well. It might feel good at first to pack a lot of ideas and details into a single sentence, but chances are that sentence is just going to be hard to read. If a phrase doesn't add anything valuable, just cut it. 5. If you notice that your writing is filled with "-ly" words, it might be time to take a deep breath and give your writing more focus.

A. Use strong words.

B. Show, don't tell.

C. Good writing is simple, clear and direct.

D. The main exception to this is science writing.

E. Cutting the chaff is best done at the editing stage.

F. "He sprinted" is not necessarily better than "he ran."

G. Don't write "screamed fearfully" -- "scream" already suggests fear.


    The exact work of ancient astronomers has led to a modern observation --- our days are longer than they used to be. Not that you’d noticed: The new research in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A shows that it takes the Earth a tiny bit longer these days to complete a single rotation (转动) than it did millions of years ago. It’s the kind of stuff that’s measured in milliseconds per century, but those milliseconds add up. Over the last thousands of years, they’d totaled several hours, which the Los Angeles Times puts this way, “If humanity had been measuring time with an atomic clock that started running back in 700 BC, today that clock would read 7 p.m. when the sun is directly overhead rather than noon. The atomic clock won’t lose a second for 15 billion years.” Maybe more remarkable is that the work is the result of a tireless 40-year research into ancient timekeeping records dating back 2,700 years.

Scientists led by Richard Stephenson of the UK’s Durham University have been studying Babylonian clay tablets, Chinese observations made through the use of water clocks, and Arab astronomical records that tracked solar and lunar eclipses(日/月食). “The most astonishing thing about this study is the fact that we have this information at all,” said a geographer not involved in the study. Researchers are still hoping to find observations from the Incas and the Maya, and to fill in their largest hole between 200 and 600 AD, but they’ve measured the Earth’s deceleration at 1.8 milliseconds per day per century. Given the moon’s gravitational effect on our oceans, the discovery that Earth is decelerating isn’t a surprise, notes the Christian Science Monitor, though astronomers had previously estimated a higher rate.

1.Why are days longer than before according to the text?

A.The earth rotates more and more slowly.

B.Humanity has got incorrect timekeeping records.

C.It takes longer for the earth to turn around the sun.

D.The lost milliseconds for centuries are added to our present days.

2.How did researchers come to the conclusion of the study?

A.By resetting the rotating time of the earth.

B.By referring to ancient timekeeping records.

C.By studying the moon’s gravitational effect on the oceans.

D.By measuring time again with an atomic clock.

3.What can we infer about the study from what the geographer said?

A.Geography theory supports the result of the study.

B.The geographer disagrees to the research conclusion.

C.The scientists’ research is meaningless.

D.It’s right to get geographers involved in the study.

4.What is the meaning of the underlined word “deceleration” in Paragraph 2?

A.Evolution. B.Slow down.

C.Enlargement. D.Development.


    Twelve years ago, Danny called me from a dark, damp subway station. “A baby!” he shouted. “Get down here, and flag down a police car or something.” By nature, Danny is a remarkably calm person, so when I felt his heart pounding through the phone line, I ran.

When I got to the subway station, Danny was holding a light-brown-skinned baby, about a day old. The baby had been wrapped in an oversize black sweatshirt and left on the ground in a corner behind the gate.

What neither of us knew, or could have predicted, was that Danny had not just saved an abandoned infant; he had found our son.

Three months later, Danny appeared in family court to give an account of finding the baby. Suddenly, the judge asked, “Would you be interested in adopting this baby?” The question surprised everyone in the courtroom, except Danny, who answered, simply, “Yes.”

“But I know it’s not that easy,” he said.

“Well, it can be,” assured the judge before barking out orders to allow me to be a parent-to-be.

My first reaction, when I heard, went something like, “Are you crazy? How could you say yes without consulting me?”

In three years as a couple, we had never discussed adopting a child. I was an ambitious playwright working as a part-time word processor. Danny was a respected yet wildly underpaid social worker. We had a roommate, who slept in our living room, to help pay the rent.

We knew how many challenges couples usually faced when they wanted to adopt. And while Danny had patience and selflessness, I didn’t know how to change a diaper (尿布), let alone nurse a child. I didn’t trust the system and was sure there would be obstacles. Also, I couldn’t handle parenthood. So I promised myself I wouldn’t get attached.

The caretaker held him and then placed him in my arms. But when the baby stared up at me, with all the innocence and hope he represented, I, like Danny, was completely hooked.

1.Why did the author rush to the subway station?

A.Because Danny finally found their lost son.

B.Because she sensed Danny met something urgent.

C.Because Danny had a heart attack.

D.Because someone gave birth to a baby there.

2.How did the author react on hearing Danny’s answer to the judge’s question?

A.Surprised by the question.

B.Crazy to be a parent-to-be.

C.Annoyed at Danny’s decision.

D.Angry at challenging her authority.

3.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________.

A.the author will adopt the baby

B.the couple were tempted to take the baby

C.the baby will bring hope to the family

D.the couple love each other very much

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To introduce a story of a poor family.

B.To inform people of the difficulty of adopting a baby.

C.To call on people to donate money to them.

D.To show human’s kindness and love by nature.


    You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together.

You know, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized (对立) by it. Split by: age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing and boys.

The Father-Daughter Duel(冲突) of‘54 shifted into high gear(白热化) when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the‘54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who accompanied me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a 16-year-old. You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.

Our relationship improved greatly when I had babies. I didn’t know what to expect of you and Mom as grandparents but I didn’t have to wait long to find out. Those babies adored you then just as they adore you now.

I suppose I saw our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine. But the oddest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didn’t immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and frail behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day.

Fifty years ago this spring, we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa.

This week, we’ll plant kohlrabi together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not. I don’t understand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to me but it is. I don’t even like kohlrabi... but I like planting it with you.

Honoring a father on Father’ s Day is about more than a dad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school graduation and weddings. It’s more about unconditionally loving children who are stubborn, who know everything and won’t listen to anyone. It’s about loving someone more than words can say, and wishing that it never had to end.

I love you, Dad.

1. What is the purpose of the third paragraph?

A.To prove that the father is very strict.

B.To describe the father-daughter politics.

C.To show the conflict between the author and her father.

D.To condemn the policeman for lack of understanding.

2.What does the author mean by saying “a slap in the face” in the fifth paragraph?

A.She regretted the fights she had with her father.

B.She suddenly realized that her father was so old and could be gone one day.

C.She was ashamed of herself that she hadn’t taken good care of her father.

D.She suddenly realized that she had caused a lot of trouble for her father.

3.Which of the following words can describe the author’s father?

a. Unreasonable      b. Caring      c. Tolerant         d. Stubborn


C.acd D.bcd

4.The author wrote his father this letter to _________.

A.tell him about their conflicts B.say sorry for her being stubborn her gratitude to him D.remind him of the early incident


1.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the studio’s services?

A.Frames come in three different colors and sizes.

B.There is no need to make an appointment to take photos.

C.Photographs will be delivered within three business days.

D.Someone on the staff can help customers look good.

2.How much can non-club members save when they use the Fantastic Package Plan instead of buying the same products individually?

A.$20. B.$30.

C.$40. D.$50.

3.We can learn from the text that ______. members need to pay a $40 membership fee every year many as five pictures can be included in a Multi-image sheet

C.customers can receive a 20th anniversary discount until December 31 must have a Fantastic Club membership to receive a free gift


假如你是高三学生李华,你的英国朋友Tom发邮件询问你的职业规划。请你回复邮件, 内容包括:

1. 你的职业规划;

2. 选择该职业的原因;

3. 询问对方的意见。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Tom,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。







We all expect such a picture. On the warm and pleasant weekend, we drive to the countryside for a picnic. After lunch, sit under a tall and straight pine tree, we drink tea and chat each other. Our parents recalled old family stories and share with us their youthful experience. Of course, they also praise us for our progress. The happy hours that we are together will help develop an increasing close relationship and deepen the love we have for each other. When we get old many years late, we will find that these fond memories we create together with our parents will bring you a lot of joy and comfort. After all, love and memories that are ever-lasting.



Li Ziqi, who lives in a village in Sichuan, has 103 videos to her credit, where her role varies from chef to gardener. These videos show her doing Sichuan’s   1.  (tradition) local dishes, brewing peach blossom wine and making paper. And now she2.   (regard) as an international influencer with 7. 72 million followers.

One of Li’s  3.(aim) is to make people take a closer look at the beauty of nature. Misty mountains, drops on lotus (荷花) leaves and gurgling water are all elements in her videos,4. (create) a fairy-like effect. Her tidy yard even reminds people 5.  a poem about pastoral life by Tao Yuanming (365-427), 6. famous poet in Chinese history.

The peaceful lifestyle she shows strikes a chord 7. (especial) with young people, few of 8.    have the liberty to live life at their own pace. Li’s videos make them forget 9. (they) anxieties. Watching Li making the basic necessities of life from raw materials with her bare hands 10.( make) them attain a sense of Zen (), helping them to find the direction to self development and contain the desire for worldly things.


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