“Hey, I’m Courtney. What’s your favorite book? Elephant and Piggy? Yeah, I got it.”

If you thought you’d walked into a(n)_______with a greeting like that, you wouldn’t be too _______. However, the truth is that you’ve_______ the workplace of Courtney Holmes, or the Storybook Barber.

Two years ago, Dubuque emailed on its citizens to offer _______ families free resources in the community. Holmes agreed to _______. He was holding down two jobs at the time — one as an insurance agent, the other as a _______ Saturday was his busiest day, but he chose to donate his _______ and give free haircuts to underprivileged kids so they’d look _______  on that first day of classes. But then he had a lightbulb moment: “The kids should _______ their free haircut by having to __________ a book to me,” Holmes said. The idea was so popular that he__________ it the first Tuesday of every month for the next two years.

Five-to-ten-year-old boys would grab a favorite book, __________ into the barber chair, and read aloud while Holmes was working. If they __________ over a word, Holmes was there to help. After the haircut, they’d __________ the book, from the language to the characters and to the __________— just like in school, more fun,__________.

Holmes and his family have recently__________ from Dubuque to a Chicago suburb. When they get settled, he plans to continue his __________ as the Story-book Barber. “With guns and __________    in the world today,” he says, “I want to create a safe __________ for the kids to come to and read in.”

1.A.office B.supermarket C.zoo D.library

2.A.serious B.far off C.at home D.considerate

3.A.entered B.mentioned C.missed D.imagined

4.A.wealthy B.needy C.fortunate D.broken

5.A.present B.compete C.participate D.dominate

6.A.barber B.teacher C.librarian D.coach

7.A.money B.time C.books D.properties

8.A.short B.pretty C.unique D.sharp

9.A.earn B.produce C.design D.polish

10.A.lend B.write C.give D.read

11.A.improved B.promoted C.continued D.celebrated

12.A.settle B.dive C.slip D.jump

13.A.argued B.shewed C.tripped D.checked

14.A.recite B.repeat C.revise D.review

15.A.heroes B.themes C.assignments D.phrases

16.A.otherwise B.too C.though D.either

17.A.moved B.flown C.risen D.travelled

18.A.opportunity B.ambition C.faith D.role

19.A.glories B.violence C.revolution D.poverty

20.A.country B.school C.harbor D.workplace


    Many diseases and medical conditions are caused by things out of our control. Doctors urge us to eat healthy foods, get exercise, stop smoking and limit our alcohol intake. 1.    And it is free and easy. Smile!

When we smile, the brain wiring gets altered. The chemicals that are released are more positive. Smiling is a first step in fighting physical and emotional stress and its sometimes harmful effects on human health.

The main cause of heart attacks and strokes are blockages in blood vessels (血管).2.The most common reason for these blockages is a build-up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the arteries (大动脉). When we feel stressed or under pressure, our body releases many natural hormones (荷尔家) including adrenaline and cortisol. When we are stressed for a long period, these stress hormones are ever-present in our bodies. And that, medical researchers warn, may lead to health problems.

3. However, they claim that when people are stressed for long periods of time, they may not make the best decisions about what to eat. They may overeat, smoke or drink too much alcohol. They may not get enough exercise or sleep. And all of these can lead to health problems.

Dr. Choctkalingam says a smile may be one way to help. He tells his patients to smile 20 times an hour. To some, that might seem like a lot of smiling. Or some might even feel foolish . . . smiling for seemingly no reason. 4. It is not invasive (侵入的) like a surgical operation. It is free and it has no bad side effects.

“Once we smile, we are relaxed. This relaxation directly lowers blood pressure, improves sugar levels in the blood. 5. .”

And it just may provide a little extra protection to everyone^ heart health.

A.But a smile does not involve drugs.

B.But there is something else we can do.

C.Experts say we can control and even prevent them.

D.These prevent blood from flowing to the heart or the brain.

E.And they are the number one cause of death around the world.

F.If we are smiling, we are breaking that link between stress and health.

G.Researchers say the link between stress and heart disease is still unclear.


    China’s war on garbage is as digital as the country itself. Think QR codes attached to trash bags that allow the government to trace exactly where its trash comes from.

On July 1, Shanghai began a compulsory garbage sorting program. Households and companies must classify their wastes into four categories and dump them in appointed places at certain times. The strict program became a headache for some residents. Not even the most environmentally conscious person can get all the answers right. Like, which bin does the newspaper you just used to pick up dog poop (粪便)belong to?

Gratefully, China’s tech startups are here to help. For instance, China’s biggest internet companies responded with new search features that help people identify what wastes are “wet”, “dry”, “toxic”, or “recyclable”. Simply pull up a mini app on WeChat, Baidu or Alipay and enter the keyword. The tech firms will give you the answer and why.

Alipay, Alibaba’s electronics payment company, claims its garbage sorting mini app added one million users under just three days. The mini app has so far indexed (编索引) more than 4,000 types of rubbish. Its database is still growing, and soon it will save people from typing by using image recognition to classify trash when they snap a photo of it. If people are too busy or lazy to hit the collection schedule, well, startups are offering trash service at the doorstep. A third-party developer helped Alipay build a recycling mini app and is now collecting garbage from 8,000 apartment complexes across 11 cities. To date, two million people have sold recyclable materials through its platform.

Besides helping households out, companies are also building software to make property managers, life easier. Some residential complexes in Shanghai began using QR codes to trace the origin of garbage. This way, regulators in the region know exactly which family has produced the trash and fine violators.

1.What are some residents confused about?

A.Environmental knowledge. B.Bin for dog poop.

C.Some waste classification. D.Time for dumping.

2.What is the advantage of trash service at the doorstep?

A.It provides time flexibility. B.It reduces household waste.

C.It saves people from typing. D.It classifies rubbish properly.

3.Who will probably most welcome the use of QR codes?

A.Third-party developers. B.Company managers.

C.Community administrators. D.Rubbish collectors.

4.What is the main idea of this article?

A.People need recycling apps badly.

B.People should classify their rubbish.

C.How regulators benefit from the tech.

D.How China uses tech to sort waste.


    Getting stuck with gifts we do not want is no small problem. In a survey across 14 countries in Europe, meanwhile, 1 in 7 said they were unhappy with what they received for Christmas, yet more than half simply kept the gifts.

Why can’t more gifts be passed along to people who appreciate them? People in a study published in the Journal of Consumer Behaviour, for instance, used such words as guilty, lazy, thoughtless and disrespectful in describing their feelings about regifting. Popular culture casts it as taboo (禁忌), as well.

However, our research with Francis J. Flynn, a professor of organizational behavior at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, suggests the shame associated with regifting is largely unwarranted. Indeed, our research consistently tells us that people overestimate the negative consequences.

We asked people to imagine themselves as a “giver,” who gives someone a gift card and later learned it had been regifted. The general attitude of the original givers was: “It’s your gift, do what you want with it.” Next, we asked givers to compare regifting a supposed wristwatch with throwing it in the trash. For the original givers, regifting the watch was a much less offensive act than trashing it.

Finally, we invited to our lab at Stanford people who had recently received presents, and divided the people into two groups. When we gave the first group an opportunity to regift that present, 9% did so. When we gave the second group the same opportunity, we added that it was “National Regifting Day”. It wasn't really National Regifting Day, but the group didn’t know that: 30% of them agreed to regift.

Everyone has received unwanted gifts in their lives, and generally we will receive more in the future. Our research offers a simple solution to that problem. This holiday season, consider regifting, and encourage receivers of your gifts to do the same if what you gave them isn't quite what they hoped for.

1.Why does the author mention the study in Journal of Consumer Behaviour?

A.To highlight the importance of regifting.

B.To show people’s attitudes to regifting.

C.To challenge the rightness of regifting.

D.To express his concern for regifting.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word “unwarranted”?

A.Unnecessary. B.Uncertain.

C.Unimportant. D.Unconscious.

3.What do we know about the research?

A.9% simply kept unwanted gifts.

B.30% didn’t know National Regifting Day.

C.Givers generally didn’t mind regifting.

D.Receivers tended to trash unwanted gifts.

4.What can we conclude from the text?

A.Regifting is offensive. B.Regifting is forbidden.

C.Regifting is popular. D.Regifting is acceptable.


    Geese live to be around 25 years old, are very loyal, and never forget their first home. Even so, it came as a total shock to me when, in 2019, an aging adult wild goose made his way back to my family home. Geese love houses with large, green grassland to eat on; the flat area also makes it easy for them to watch out for predators (捕食者). So, at first, I assumed it was just another goose.

And yet, something about the lone male seemed oddly familiar to me. After two weeks of the goose coming back repeatedly, it became clear to me that this wasn’t a random goose. He did all of the same things Peeper used to, like trying to come in through the front door and sleeping in our enclosed pool area. In addition to following Peeper’s old ways, this goose also responded to the name Peeper. Much to my amazement, my old best friend had returned, 20 years later.

Why did Peeper return? It’s hard to say. Perhaps his mate died, leaving him lonely. If s also possible that he is approaching his twilight (薄脣) years and knows it, making him long for his early home. This behavior is typical of geese. Whatever the reason, Peeper continues to live with me. It’s a good thing that I stayed in my childhood home.

He doesn’t come home every single night the way he did as a baby. Some nights he may seek out the comfort of his own kind at the lake nearby. Geese in the wild typically sleep on water. But he’s here a lot, making his presence known and giving me joy. Many years later, the goose still remembers the true meaning of family. So do his people.

1.What was the author’s feeling at first?

A.Joyful. B.Natural.

C.Shocked. D.Strange.

2.Which best suggests that the goose was Peeper?

A.The goose kept coming back.

B.The goose reacted to the name.

C.The goose fed on the grassland.

D.The goose slept at the front door.

3.What can we infer from paragraph 3?

A.Peepers mate had made him return.

B.Peeper was too old to live in the wild.

C.The writer knew why Peeper returned.

D.The writer felt lucky to have Peeper back.

4.What does the author think of Peeper’s frequent presence?

A.He takes it as a sign of family bond.

B.He considers it as typical of geese.

C.He thinks Peeper is seeking comfort.

D.He supposes it to be a past habit.


    Hawaii is full of attractions, beach parks and gathering places. Looking for something new and lesser-known? Check out these public parks throughout the islands.

Kapiolani Park (Oahu)

Located in the shadow of Diamond Head close to Waikiki Beach, there's a lot to love about Kapiolani Park. It was the first public space in Hawaii, (treated in 1877 by the last king of Hawaii, David Kalakaua, who named it after his wife, Queen Kapiolani. Ifs a nice place to get a glimpse of local life in Waikiki.

Opening time: Sunday to Saturday.

Waihee Beach Park (Maui)

Located off the main tourist trail, on the lesser - visited northeast coast of Maui, is Waihee Beach Park. The beach is small but scenic, with views looking north at the mountains and plenty of shade. Though narrow, the beach is long, making it perfect for a morning or evening walk.

Opening time: Except Tuesday.

Prince Kuhio Park (Kauai)

Prince Kuhio Park on Kauai is a monument to Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole. Close to Poipu Beach, the park has a nice view of the ocean. To the naked eye, that’s about it. But this Park serves as an opportunity to learn more about the lesser-known Kalanianaole, who is so respected in Hawaii that his birthday, March 26th, is a state holiday. Read up on his contributions to Hawaii and have a peaceful afternoon.

Opening time: Weekends.

Liliuokalani Park (Big Island)

Most visitors to Hilo are so focused on Hawaii Volcanoes National Park that they don’t take time to experience the town itself. It is in and around the waterfront park, Liliuokalani Park, that you can get the best glimpse of local life. Hilo has a strong waterfront presence. Liliuokalani Park at sunset is especially nice, thanks to its ocean views.

Opening time: Tuesday to Sunday.

1.On what day can one visit Prince Kuhio Park?

A.Monday. B.Wednesday.

C.Friday. D.Sunday.

2.Which park is an ideal place for evening walk?

A.Kapiolani Park. B.Waihee Beach Park.

C.Prince Kuhio Park. D.Liliuokalani Park.

3.Which of the following best describes the four parks?

A.Underrated. B.Romantic.

C.Historic. D.Well-known.



Mandarin (普通话) is the common language in China, but each region has its own dialect (方言). For travelers, a familiar accent can refresh the memory of their hometown.

According to an official video by the Chinese Education Ministry’s Language Com mission, among the more than 130 languages spoken in China, 68 of them are spoken by less than 10,000 people; and 25 by under 1,000.

Hu Shuning, a dialect preservationist, said, “I think it is natural with a society’s development that a dominant language appears, but from a cultural aspect I think dialects are still important, because they reflect cultural diversity.”

“Mandarin can take you further, but your dialect tells you where you come from,” said Wang Han, a well-known TV host.


1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;

2. 结合上述信息,简要分析保护我国地方方言的重要性;

3. 根据你的分析,谈谈保护地方方言的途径和方法。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。





请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当 的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应題号的横线上。

Everyone knows bullying (霸凌) is a huge problem, and we all need to work to stop it. But how? The science is unclear. While school districts across the country spend millions of dollars each year to stop bullying, not all anti-bullying programs work equally — and common approaches, it turns out, don’t work very well at all.

Many schools simply handle bullying by hosting an anti-bullying assembly. While that might be a good start experts agree that an annual address does little. “We can’t teach math overnight,” Catherine Bradshaw said, “It is not a skill you can learn in an hour. That is the whole issue with social emotional learning.”

When schools only host an assembly it sends the message to students that bullying isn’t important. That might mean students don’t seek help when they are being bullied or see a classmate being bullied. Bullying is a complex phenomenon. There are many reasons why children bully, why kids may be targeted. An approach needs to be comprehensive and touch all the risk factors and really can’t be seen as a short-term solution.

Another common strategy is to encourage the bully and victim to talk through the problem and promise to be nice to each other. While it sounds lovely, in the theory, the result normally contradicts the original intention.

A bullying prevention that’s integrated (融合) throughout the curriculum makes a difference. Heather Wellman, a seventh grade English language teacher, in Pueblo, Colorado, has used novels to explore social and emotional learning concepts around bullying. When her seventh grade students read Animal Farm they looked at whether Squealer was a good friend, which ties in with the anti-bullying and mental health program Sources of Strength that her school uses. Using fictional characters helps students better identify negative characteristics that might lead to bullying, while better understanding the books.

Sources of Strength encourages students to use positive things in their lives, such as helpful adult mentors (导师) or healthy activities, to address bullying. For example, the program helps children identify those strong people in their lives so they know where to turn if they do face problems.

Another strategy proven to reduce bullying: teaching social-emotional learning. This helps students better learn how to wrestle with their feelings in a positive way instead of taking it out on others. “They know what to do when they are bullied and develop skills with social and emotional learning so they can regulate their own emotions,” Bradshaw said.

Experts agree that any anti-bullying program is only as strong as a school’s commitment to it. To get results, you have to put in the time.

Passage outline

Supporting details

A tough problem

Bullying in school is hard to deal with, and not all anti-bullying programs are 1. .

2. approaches

♦ Hosting an anti-bullying assembly might be a good start, which, however, will 3. students from seeking help in the bullying. So the short-term approach makes little 4..

♦ Encouraging the bully and victim to understand the problem and promise to reach a(n) 5. sounds reasonable, but may have a(n) 6. effect.

Integrated approaches

♦ By better understanding novels students can 7. negative features which may be the 8. of bullying.

♦ A school program makes students clear about what or who they can 9. on to address bullying.

♦Teaching social-emotional learning helps reduce bullying.


Anti-bullying programs and schools, 10. of time and energy can jointly produce ideal results.





    Curtis Whitson knew the water fall was coming. He'd rafted down the Arroyo Seco, a river in central California, before. He figured he would hop out of his raft into the shallow water, rappel (绕绳下降) down the rocks on either side of the falls, and continue on his way, as he had on a previous trip.

But this year was different. Heavy snow and spring rains had turned the usually manageable falls into something fierce. And this year, instead of his friends, Whitson’s companions were his wife, Krystal Ramirez, and his 13-year-old son, Hunter. As the three of them approached the falls late in the afternoon of the third day of their camping trip, Whitson could tell from the increasing roar of water in the narrow canyon (峡谷) that they were in serious trouble. There was no way they’d be able to rappel down the rocks as planned.

As he considered what to do, Whitson hit on a bit of luck — he heard voices coming from the other side of the falls. He yelled, but the sound of the rushing water drowned him out.

We have to get these people a message, Whitson thought.

He grabbed a stick and pulled out his pocketknife to carve “Help” in it. Then he tied a rope to it so the people would know it wasn’t just any stick. He tried throwing it over the falls, but it floated away in the wrong direction.

Then he spotted his green Nalgene water bottle. Whitson grabbed it and carved “Help!” on it. Ramirez also reminded him that he had a pen and paper, which she’d brought to play games with, in his backpack.

Whitson knew it was a long shot. But he scrawled (草草地写) “We are stuck here at the waterfall. Get help please!” and pushed the note into the bottle.

This time, his throw over the waterfall was perfect.

“All right, that’s all we can do,” Whitson told Hunter.

It took 30 minutes to navigate back upstream to the beach where they’d had lunch. They made a fire and laid out a tarp (油布). As the evening wore on, they placed a headlamp with a flashing light on a ledge (岩石突出部). By about 10:30 p.m.they decided they probably weren’t going to get rescued that night, so they pulled out their sleeping bags. Before turning in Ramirez added more wood to the fire to keep the mountain lions away.

Then, just after midnight, they heard a helicopter hovering above them. Whitson turned to his son and started shaking him.

“They’re here!” he said.

Whitson ran over to the headlamp and started flashing it at the helicopter. He, Ramirez, and Hunter were waving and hollering when they heard the magic words: “This is Search and Rescue. You have been found.”

The helicopter circled as the pilot looked for a good place to land. Finding none, the crew announced to the campers over the PA system that they would not be rescued until morning and told them to conserve their firewood.

The next morning, the helicopter returned and it was a moment of pure happiness as the three chatted with the officers who had rescued them. Together, they marveled (惊叹) at the unlikelihood of it all.

When the officers dropped them back at the Arroyo Seco Campground, the family learned more about the long shot events that had saved them: Two men had seen the water bottle in the water. When they picked it up, they noticed the writing on it — “Help!”. Then they realized there was a note inside. After they read it, they hightailed it to the campground, turned the bottle in, and took off without leaving their names.

A few days after news of the rescue broke, one of the hikers contacted Whitson. That’s when he learned the rest of the story. There were actually two little girls hiking with the men that day. It was the girls who first spotted the bottle and swam to get it. Whitson is planning on having a big barbecue to meet the hikers — and thank them.

“I imagine it’s going to be one of the greatest moments of my life.” he says.

1.How was Whitson’s this-year trip different from his previous trip?

A.It involved more people.

B.It presented more threats.

C.It included more activities.

D.It progressed more steadily.

2.Which of Whitson’s attempted approaches worked?

A.Throwing a stick tied with a rope.

B.Yelling to the people across the fall.

C.Using an SOS bottle to send messages.

D.Bringing a pen and paper to play games.

3.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 7 mean?

A.It was a wild attempt.

B.It was a great danger.

C.It was a fantastic idea.

D.It was a real inspiration.

4.Why did Whitson place a headlamp with a flashing light on a ledge?

A.To enable his family to fall fast asleep.

B.To frighten the mountain animals away.

C.To increase the chance of being rescued.

D.To keep warm at night in the deep mountain.

5.Why did the crew delay rescuing till the next morning?

A.They were running out of oil.

B.They conserved little firewood.

C.They found no place to land safe.

D.They were caught in a snowstorm.

6.Who picked up the bottle from the water?

A.Two little girls.

B.Two men hikers.

C.A helicopter pilot.

D.The officers on duty.


    The voice of an ancient Egyptian priest has been heard for the first time in more than 3,000 years, thanks to a detailed reconstruction of his vocal tract (声带) from his mummified remains.

A team of scientists in England used medical scans of the famous mummy of Nesyamun to create a digital, 3D model of the insides of the individual’s throat and mouth, which were reproduced on a 3D printer. Then the researchers created an artificial larynx (喉头) with a loudspeaker using an electronic waveform. The sound was then played through the speaker into the 3D printed vocal tract to produce a short bust of Nesyamun’s voice — a sound not heard since the 11th century B.C.

Previous efforts to reproduce ancient voices could only approximate them, by animating facial reconstructions with software. In comparison, the sound of Nesyamun’s voice is based on “an extant (现存的) vocal tract preserved over 3,000 years,” the researchers wrote.

Nesyamun lived around 1100 B.C. He is thought to have died in his late 50s from a severe allergic reaction. Almost 3,000 years later, his mummy was discovered at Karnak and transported to the Leeds City Museum in 1823. His remains and ornate coffin (棺材) have since become some of the world’s best researched relics of ancient Egypt.

“Nesyamun’s mummy was a good choice for studying the sound of an ancient voice,” said David Howard, the lead author of the new research, “It was particularly suited, given its age and preservation of its soft tissues, which is unusual.”

He said he hopes the scientific understanding of how human voices are created can be combined with knowledge of the ancient Egyptian language to reconstruct longer passages of Nesyamun’s speech.

Before examining the mummy, the researchers had to deal with ethical (道德的) concerns related to examining a person without their consent. They used nondestructive research methods, and took into account words on his coffin, relating that Nesyamun hoped again to address the gods as he had in his working life.

The researchers interpreted that to indicate his desire to speak again after death. “We are in a way fulfilling his declared wishes,” Howard said.

Howard and Schofield said they hope a reconstruction of Nesyamun’s speech, perhaps reciting an ancient Egyptian prayer, can be featured at the Karnak temple in Egypt for modem tourists.

“When visitors encounter the past, it is usually a visual encounter,” said Schofield. “With this voice, we can change that.”

1.The voice of Nesyamun was recreated by _____.

A.repairing his vocal tract

B.bringing Nesyamun back to life

C.using some advanced technologies

D.combining it with facial movements

2.Why was Nesyamun’s mummy suitable for research?

A.He often gave long speeches.

B.His vocal tract is well preserved.

C.A severe disease resulted in his death.

D.His remains are displayed in the museum.

3.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 8 refer to?

A.The researchers took into account words on his coffin.

B.Nesyamun’s mummy was examined without his consent.

C.The researchers hope to reconstruct longer passages of his speech.

D.Nesyamun hoped to address the gods as he had in his working life.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.A 3000-year-old mummy speaks again

B.The voice of a mummy excites visitors

C.A 3D-printed vocal tract has been created

D.The dream of Nesyamun has been achieved


    Be careful of those solid gold pieces of advice. The friend who advises you to, say, stay in your relationship or leave your job may well be looking out for you; but she' s inescapably looking out for herself, too, whether she realises it or not.

Moreover, research suggests that people will generally advise you to act more cautiously than they would act themselves in a similar situation — perhaps because they don’t want to feel guilty if you take a daring leap and fall flat on your face.

There's a happy side to this, though, for parents, teachers, managers and anyone else who finds themselves in the position of needing to motivate others: far better than giving them advice is to give them the opportunity to give advice. A new study found that American middle-school pupils were much more enthusiastic about doing their homework after giving advice on the topic to younger children, as compared with after receiving advice from teachers. This motivational effect lasted weeks, and was also observed among adults who were attempting to lose weight, save money, control their temper or find a job. This result isn’t all that surprising, 1 suppose, when you consider how happy it feels to be invited to give advice. Faced with a challenge, we tend to assume we need to seek advice in order to obtain more knowledge about how to give advice; yet the truth, very often, is that we know exactly what we need to do — we just lack the confidence to do it.

This, by the way, is another good reason to keep a journal: you can use it to advise yourself. Your friends may have limited patience with your habit of lecturing them on their lives in order to feel better about your own, but a leather-effect notebook never complains.

Finally, this is a reminder that there are few bigger compliments (恭维) you can pay another person than to ask for their advice. Benjamin Franklin famously observed that to flatter (奉承) someone, it’s better to ask for a favour than to perform one: the favour-doer will come to think of you as the likable sort for whom they do favours.

1.Why should you be careful of those solid gold pieces of advice?

A.They may be practical.

B.They may be rewarding.

C.They may be demanding.

D.They may be conservative.

2.The examples in Paragraph 3 suggest that people giving advice    .

A.become more motivated to act

B.should turn to others for advice

C.are superior to the professionals

D.usually lack relevant knowledge

3.What does the author want to convey by mentioning Benjamin Franklin?

A.Keeping a journal is a good habit.

B.You should be polite to the favour-doers.

C.You should be patient with your listeners.

D.Asking for a favour pleases the favour-doers.




A Woman Endures

Marilyn Hering


Paperback I E-book $10.95 I $3.99

Following the loss of her baby and marriage. Eleanor decides to move to South Carolina to run an inherited tea plantation. There she will learn to grow tea, and possibly something more: love.

Road U)Freedom

- My Life and Journey from a 3rd World Country

Edward A. Nieto


This memoir details Edward's life and journey. It also includes his struggles with violence, corruption, and the politics of living in a third world country.

Saving Nia

G.B. Jones

www. Authorhouse.com

Hardback I Paperback I E-book $28.99 | S19.95| S3.99

Snatched from her happy home and placed with drug-addicted, abusive relatives, Nia sinks into depression and attempts to set herself on fire. The love of another abused child gets into her darkness, but can it bring her out?

Mad Druggist

Frank Hozeska


Hardback I Paperback I E-book S29.99 | $19.99 | S3.99

Louie gets fired from every drugstore job. He ends up a washed-up (unsuccessful) druggist, and he's ready to give up his fight, until something crazy happens in the final round.



1.A young man failing in his business may find encouragement in____.

A.Saving Nia

B.Mad Druggist

C.Road lo Freedom

D.A Woman Endures

2.From the passage we can know that    .

A.Eleanor may find her love in a tea plantation

B.Edward enjoys his life in a third world country

C.Nia may inspire another child with her passion

D.Louie becomes unsuccessful in the final round


    About six years ago I started having panic attacks (恐慌症). I began my journey to____ them with traditional tools, all of which were a great help. ______, a year later treatment was no longer needed.

Frustratingly, about a year after that, I started to develop_____and began to have panic at once again. I tried what I knew best and went back to my previous____, but I was still ___and far from feeling well again ___ I got some new advice.

I loved to sing when I was young. My childhood had been____with creativity, yet for most of my adult life it was ____ . A therapist told me that mental health issues are common among the____regain it, I decided to get back into ____. Then I joined a group called Sound, a pop choir. Much better. I found the____to audition (试音). I was amazed that I managed to ___ such a risky situation and not have a panic attack. The audition itself was a___for me, never mind how I did.

I have now been a ___of the choir for three years. I love the community and the performances. It ___me of who I was at school. My path back then was always “do what you love”. My entire____was filled with fond memories because of that, and I was starting to build that back into my ____life.

Now, I am feeling a lot better. When I am ______, distraction (分散注意力) is key and singing does ___. It sends me into a state in which my body works with pure passion and joy. More importantly, I will have exercised my creativity and ___my anxiety.

1.A.ignore B.solve C.interpret D.stress

2.A.Casually B.Ridiculously C.Controversially D.Thankfully

3.A.passion B.depression C.adaptation D.relation

4.A.tutors B.conditions C.values D.tools

5.A.doubting B.hesitating C.struggling D.improving

6.A.though B.until C.since D.after

7.A.charged B.burdened C.mixed D.filled

8.A.neglected B.maintained C.sharpened D.exploited

9.A.open B.absent C.creative D.narrow

10.A.painting B.acting C.reading D.singing

11.A.turn B.pressure C.courage D.privilege

12.A.set off B.get through C.shrink from D.figure out

13.A.win B.failure C.pain D.barrier

14.A.sponsor B.director C.trainer D.member

15.A.suspects B.reminds C.cures D.warns

16.A.education B.competition C.career D.existence

17.A.holiday B.school C.adult D.adolescent

18.A.absorbed B.thrilled C.ambitious D.anxious

19.A.last B.help C.exist D.fade

20.A.relieved B.shared C.felt D.cause


— Thank you so much for your kind help, Lucy.


A.That’s right B.All right C.With pleasure D.My pleasure


Regular exercise along with proper diets____our health in the long term.

A.benefits B.has benefited C.benefit D.have benefited


If you____here half an hour ago, you would have known what we were talking about.

A.arrived B.had arrived C.should arrive D.would arrive


It’s really exciting to imagine my future when I____ a new life at university.

A.would experience B.have experienced

C.will be experiencing D.experienced


I will try my best to get lo the station ahead of time  ____ I have to walk all the way there.

A.so that B.as though C.even if D.in case


My neighbour Sana is always sheltering her child too much, and that’s ____we differ.

A.when B.what C.how D.where


China’s efforts to give timely treatment to those infected with the virus are being____by the rest of the world.

A.applauded B.clarified C.postponed D.transferred


The Yangtze River Delta regional development plan,____Nantong has long expected, is under way.

A.that B.where C.which D.when


____to the students at home, the textbooks enabled them to study more efficiently.

A.Distributing B.Having distributed

C.Being distributed D.Distributed


The tourism industry, as the core of our local economy, is supposed____in the months to come.

A.to recover B.to have recovered

C.to be recovering D.to have been recovering


Most students set their alarm clocks to ensure they can attend on-line classes____.

A.on purpose B.on occasion C.on average D.on schedule


John accompanied me to the airport so that he could____the driving when I felt tired.

A.take over B.run over C.turn over D.rule over


Have you accepted the job, Aaron?

—Yes. But my ____ reaction was to decline the offer.

A.fierce B.initial C.rigid D.allergic


Chinese medical teams have made tremendous       to contain the spread of Covid-19.

A.appointments B.headlines C.sacrifices D.compromises


Though he has made a big fortune, he is____a happy man.

A.nothing but B.anything but C.more than D.other than



1.What is the show about?

A.Experiments done by audience.

B.Young enthusiastic experimenters.

C.Explanations for some mysteries.

2.What subject is the speaker most looking forward to?

A.How to live a good life.

B.How to meet the perfect partner.

C.How to eat chocolate without gaining weight.

3.What does the speaker think of the show?

A.It's boring. B. It's time-wasting. C. It's beneficial.

4.When will the show start this week?

A.At 9:30. B.At 9:00. C.At 8:30.



1.Where does the man most probably work?

A.At an airport. B.At a hotel. C.At a travel agency.

2.Which airport is the best choice for the woman?

A.Reagan National. B.Dulles. C.Baltimore-Washington Airport.

3.Why is the woman going to Washington DC?

A.To stay in a friend's house.

B.To meet the man.

C.To visit the White House.


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