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His father always ____________ (鼓励)him to overcome the difficulties.



Good eating habits can help us keep in good ________________ (健康).



If you want to speak English well, you need to have___________(谈话)as much as possible with your friend.



Jim lives at next door to us. We are n____________.



Daniel did the exercises too______________(粗心)and it made his teacher very angry.



No matter what difficult problems we meet, please face them___________(勇敢地).


    When we think about the deserts of the world, water abundance(资源丰富)is one of the last things that come to mind. But that might change for the Taklamakan Desert (塔克拉玛干沙漠) in China.

There is a huge underground sea that has more water than all of the great lakes in total in North America. "People have never dared to imagine so much water under the sand before, "said Professor Li Yan.

A basin is, a valley (山谷)that usually collects water from the mountain drainage systems(山脉排水系统), like water that has melted and is running down from nearby, snow-covered mountains. But, if you look at the Tarim (塔里木)basin, you won't see any water.

That's partly because local people collect most of the melt water to irrigate crops. The rest either seeps into the ground or evaporates into the dry desert air.

So how did this desert have such huge water? It dates back to (追溯到)2,000 years ago when farmers in the region began irrigating the land. And the soil of the local farmlands is salty, like the sea. "As a result, agricultural development over human history has enhanced the carbon sink," they write in their report.

They estimate(估计)that as much as 10 times the amount in all of the great lakes could be down there. The scientists don't advise locals to go digging for it, though, because it's extremely salty sea water.

1.Where does the story happen __________________.

A.China. B.Japan. C.North America D.Africa

2.What did they discover in Taklamakan Desert?

A.Oil. B.Air. C.Water. D.Plants.

3.What does the underlined word "basin" in Chinese in Paragraph 3?

A.盆地 B.脸盆 C.基建 D.水域

4.Why do the scientists advise locals not to dig for the water?

A.Because it's a dirty sea. B.Because it's salty.

C.Because it's not huge enough. D.Because they think it's bad for the desert.

5.What does the passage mainly write about?

A.The Taklamakan Desert. B.The Tarim basin.

C.Water abundance in China. D.A huge underground sea in Taklamakan Desert.



My daughter saw a colorful rainbow the other day after a rainstorm. She asked me to look ________ the window and see it as well. Looking at it, I was amazed at how ________ beauty could make my middle­aged heart excited. As I looked at it, I also ________ the first time I ever saw a rainbow as a boy.

I had been sitting in the house for an hour waiting impatiently for the rain to stop ________ I could go out and play. It had rained hard for long and I thought it would never end. When it finally did ________, I rushed outside and was attracted by the beautiful sight of the rainbow across the sky. I had just recently heard of an old ________. It is said that there was a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. ________, I started to run down the streets near my house to find that treasure. The ________ I ran, though, the more rainbow began to ________. Finally I found myself running as fast as I possibly could, but it was too late. By the time I got there, the rainbow and its pot of gold were gone.

Sadly that wasn’t the ________ time I found myself running after the false treasure. Over the years, I ran after the fame, success and money and even power that I thought would bring me the happiness I always wanted. ________ of them did, though. It took me a long time to find the true ________ that doesn’t disappear or run away. That true treasure is the love between people and it is ________ to all. I welcomed this treasure into my ________ and life and shared it with others as well. And the more love I ________, the more love I had in me.

1.A.out for B.out of C.around for D.back to

2.A.its B.her C.my D.their

3.A.chose B.reminded C.remembered D.enjoyed

4.A.because B.though C.but D.so

5.A.stop B.change C.remain D.keep

6.A.letter B.saying C.story D.diary

7.A.Excitedly B.Peacefully C.Quietly D.Easily

8.A.slower B.quieter C.faster D.higher

9.A.grow B.disappear C.show D.shine

10.A.first B.second C.third D.last

11.A.Neither B.Both C.All D.None

12.A.treasure B.rainbow C.pot D.gold

13.A.empty B.useless C.cheap D.free

14.A.eyes B.ears C.heart D.stomach

15.A.cared about B.took out C.gave away D.came out


—I won't come to the party unless Lily______

—But I wonder if Lily______________. She is too busy these days.

A.will invite; comes B.is invited; comes

C.invites; will come D.is invited; will come


China has a_______________ population than ____________in America.

A.more, any other country B.more, all the countries

C.larger, any country D.much more, the other countries


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