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—Where is Mary flying?

—She is flying to France soon. She will arrive _________ Paris _________ the morning of July 2.

A.to; on B.at; on C.at; on D.in; on


You should type quickly while chatting on QQ _________ others doesn’t get bored.

A.so that B.even though C.unless D.because


—Kate, can you tell me the name of the flowers?

—Of course. It’s very _________ in our city. You can see them everywhere.

A.special B.fresh C.fantastic D.common


—Did you go to the Pear Blossom Festival of Yangxin?

—Yes. The flowers were beautiful and the bees were flying _________ them.

A.across B.between C.among D.through


—I don’t have the _________ to tell Peter the news.

—It doesn't matter. He’s old enough to face it bravely.

A.courage B.pride C.interest D.chance


—Amy, have you seen _________ latest TV series New World

—Yes, it’s so wonderful that I plan to watch it _________ second time.

A.a; an B.a; the C.the; a D.the; the



内容包括:1. 完整叙述图片内容;2. 简要陈述个人观点。

要求:1. 可进行适当发挥;  2. 不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。




    When did you last see a polar bear? On a trip to a zoo, perhaps? If you had attended a winter activity in New York a few years ago, you would have seen a whole polar bear club. 1.That day, the air temperature was 3℃, and the water temperature was a little higher. The members of the Polar Bear Club at Coney Island, New York are usually about the age of 60. 2.First, they must get along well with everyone else in the group; this is very important because there are so many different kinds of people in the club. Polar Bears must also agree to swim outdoors at least twice a month from November through February.

Doctors don’t agree about the medical effects of cold-winter swimming. Some are worried about the dangers of a condition in which the body's temperature drops so low that finally the heart stops.3. Their research shows the difference between the air temperature and water temperature is much greater in summer than in winter.

4.They say that their favorite form of exercise is very good for the circulatory system(循环系统)because it forces the blood to move fast to keep the body warm. Cold-water swimmers usually turn bright red after a few minutes in the water. A person who turns blue probably has a very poor circulatory system and should not try cold-water swimming.

The main benefits of cold-water swimming are probably mental(精神的). 5.As one 70-year-old woman says, “When I go into water, I pour my troubles into the ocean and let them float away.”

A.The Polar Bears themselves are satisfied with the benefits of cold-water swimming.

B.However, other doctors believe the colder the water is, the better effects it will have.

C.These "Polar Bears" are people who meet frequently in the winter to swim in freezing cold water.

D.You may never hear about the club.

E.The Polar Bears love to swim all year round and they find it fun and relaxing.

F.Other doctors point out that there is more danger of a heart attack during summer swimming.

G.Members must satisfy two requirements.



His speech seemed to produce an _________ result that all the listeners felt a sense of __________.



The old movies we watched recently brought back many __________  _________ of ours.


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