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When ______ you ____ to see your grandpa?

—Last weekend.

A.do; go    B.did; go

C.have; gone    D.have; be


Henry ______ this car for a year.

A.has bought    B.have had

C.have bought    D.has had


Your father is sleeping. Please stop ____ .

A. to sing     B. sing     C. singing     D. Sings


____ you ever _____Beijing Roast Duck before?

A. Did: try    B. Have: tried

C. Will: try     D. Do; try


—Have you brought _________  with you? We won’t have time to come back.

—Don’t worry. All the things we need are here, in this big bag.

A. something   B. anything

C. nothing    D. Everything


Have you seen Bill?  Yes, he            to the library.

A. has gone  B. had gone

C. has been   D. have been


They were _____about this____ football match.

A. excited; excited     B. exciting; excited

C. excited: exciting    D. exciting; exciting


The bed __________ soft and comfortable.

A. feels   B.smells      C.sounds    D.tastes


亲爱的同学,健康饮食对每一个人都是非常重要的。请你以“My healthy food and drink”为题写一篇英语短文。内容包括:

1. 以前我有不好的饮食习惯(如:不吃早餐、好吃垃圾食品等)。后来学习了健康饮食知识,认识到健康饮食的重要性。喜欢看电视,读英语故事,但现在不喜欢了;

2. 现在我坚持健康饮食,保持身体健康。

提示词汇:fruit  vegetable  hamburger   cola   junk food   be bad/good for

3. 要求:语句连贯,表达准确,词数80-100.

4. 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

My healthy food and drink

Two years ago, I often got up late and seldom had breakfast. __________






时间:今天下午2:30     地点:学校操场

要求:1. 按时参加。

2. 自带椅子。

3. 穿校服。


All students,




Students’ Union


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