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You can take ____ of the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother.

A. both            B. none           C. either         D. neither


There are ______ doctors in this hospital; _______ of them are women doctors.

A. two hundred; two fifth

B. two hundreds; two fifth

C. two hundred; two fifths

D. two hundreds; two fifths


The park is far away from here indeed. It’s about ______ walk.

A. a three hour       B. a three hour’s

C. a three-hours    D. a three-hour


----Is ______ red bag under the table yours, Jean?

---- No, I only have _____ yellow bag. Maybe it’s Julie’s.

A. a; the            B. the; a

C. a; a              D. the; the







Chai Jing who once worked as a journalist of China Central Television. Now, she is more popular with Chinese people. Because she presented a self-funded documentary about smog in Beijing, Feb 28, 2015. She made the documentary inspire by her sick daughter who was diagnosed(诊断) with a tumor (肿瘤)as a fetus(胎儿) and have an operation as a new-born baby.

"I saw smog through my daughter's eyes," Chai said while presenting her film. She recounted

how the little girl was confined indoors, patting the window to vent her frustration at being unable to play outside.

Chai said she hopes the 103-minute film will serve as an answer to three questions about

smog what is smog, where does it come from and what to do about it.

"Under the Dome", The smog documentary was made by Chai Jing has been watched more than 17 million times on Youku and has become a popular discussion in the whole country and many people discuss on online, too.


The name of the film



1.                             .


What’s the film about?

2.                                  .

3.                                  .

4.                                  .

How many time has the film been watched on Youku?


5.                                              .



Mr. Smith is about sixty. He has no children and 1.    in a small house. He raises some chickens, pigs and sheep. And he grows many orange trees around his house. He does his

2.      to save everything and now he has a lot of money.

One day, he worked in his garden. 3.      , his jacket was caught on a branch (树枝) and it was broken. Looking at the jacket, he didn’t know 4.     to do. Suddenly he remembered an old woman 5.      lived next to him. So he went to see the old woman with his 6.         jacket. “Excuse me, Mrs. White” said the old man,” 7.      you mend the jacket for me, please?” “Certainly,” answered the old woman.

Half8.       hour later, but the jacket was mended. Mr. Smith said “Thanks, Mrs. White. I should give you something as a reward, the oranges are not ripe.” The old woman knew 9.       well. She said with a smile on her face, “It doesn’t 10.       , Mr. Smith. You can give me two chickens.”



1.Three foreigners came to a bus stop where many people waited in a queue. They wanted to get on the bus directly, but others pushed them out of the way. They felt very surprised

2.A thirsty Chinese man came into a restaurant and the waiter came to him with a drink. The Chinese man smiled and nodded. But to his surprise, the waiter took the drink away.

3.My aunt gave us a very big meal, and we all ate them up. She was very happy to see that.

4.Once I was invited to a dinner. I drank too much because the hostess refilled my glass again and again, even though I had drunk a lot.

5.Mr. Smith went to a friend’s house. He brought 15 flowers and gave them to his wife. She was very happy and put them in a vase with the cover on them.

A. If an American is satisfied with you, he will put his thumb and forefinger into a circle. That means OK.


B. In England, leaving food on the plate is impolite. A visitor always finishes the food to show he has enjoyed it.


C. In Bulgaria, when you are shaking your head, you are saying “yes” while a nod means “no”.


D. In England, people should line up for a bus and the person who arrives at the bus stop early can get the bus first.


E. At a meal on the Arabic Peninsula, you will find your glass refilled as soon as you drink up. If you have drunk enough, put your hand over the glass.


F. In France, when you visit a friend, flowers are a favorite gift to the hostess.



Two men in Shanghai have been dead from H7N9, while a woman in Anhui province is seriously ill from the virus, the National Health and Family Planning Commission(计划生育委员会) said on Sunday. This is the first time a human from H7N9 has been found. Little research has been done on this unknown bird flu, and three are no vaccines(疫苗) against the virus.

The reported deaths were of an 87-year-old man who was found ill on Feb. 19 and died on March 4, and a 27-year-old man who was found ill on Feb. 27 and died on March 10. The third person, a 35-year-old woman from Chuzhou, Anhui province, is in hospital in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. It is still unknown how the three became ill, and experts said there is no evidence(证据) that they caught the illness from each other. There is also no evidence of anyone who stay closely with them being ill. To be away from H7N9 and stay healthy, remember the following things.

Go to crowded places as less as possible, especially the elderly and children. Pay attention to personal self-protection.

Keep the air in door fresh. Often wash your hands. Cover the nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing(打喷嚏). Wash hands after cleaning the nose and mouth.

Eat clean food. Don’t put raw(生的) and cooked food together. And do not eat raw or undercooked meat, eggs and other food.

Take more exercise, have enough sleep and rest, so that you can get yourself stronger.

1. How do people know about H7N9?

A. People know H7N9 very well.

B. No people have heard about it.

C. People know little about it.

D. Only Chinese people know about it.

2.When did the 27-year-old man die?

A. On Feb. 19.        B. On Feb. 27.

C. On March 4.     D. On March 10.

3.Where is the 35-year-old woman from?

A. Shanghai.        B. Nanjing.

C. Chuzhou.       D. We don’t know.

4.What does the underlined word “undercooked” mean in Chinese?

A. 在下面煮的      B. 煮熟的

C. 未煮过的      D. 夹生的

5.Which is NOT suggested in the passage to be away from H7N9?

A. Close the window so that birds can’t fly in.

B. Don’t mix raw and cooked food together.

C. Do more exercise to keep fit.

D. Don’t go to crowed places.



Do you need useful and interesting books? Here we’ve got plenty for you.

Successful Fishermen

Fishing is a healthy hobby. You can enjoy fresh air when you go fishing in the countryside. This book will teach you how to choose fishing places and make good rods(竿) easily. Many kinds of fishing skills are shown in the book. Read it and you will become a more successful fisherman.

Best Learners

This book can give you the answers to the questions most often asked by parents, teachers and students themselves. Read this book and learn:

●What the three difficulties in study are and what to do with them.

●What to do if you are not interested in a subject you are studying.

●Twenty-six simple exercises to help you study easily and fast.

You will get more from this book. For younger students, you can buy Learn in Study for Beginners. It is easier to understand.

How to Keep Pets

A pet can be our best friend. Do you have pets in your house? Are they in good shape? This book not only offers you many colorful pictures of lovely pets, but also provides you with the knowledge about:

●How to choose right pets for yourself.

●How to build houses or nests(窝) for your pets.

●How to feed the pets and how to keep them clean.

Buy this book and you will learn more

We have many other books on sale. For more information enter www.knowbetter.com. If you buy two or more books at a time, you’ll get 10% off.

1.If you buy and read Successful Fishermen, you will ________.

A. go to the countryside

B. know where to buy fishing rods

C. know how to cook fish

D. learn how to choose fishing places

2.There are many pictures in ________ according to the passage.

A. Best Learners

B. Successful Fishermen

C. How to Keep Pets

D. Learn in Study for Beginners

3.You can ________ for more information about other books according to the passage.

A. call the writer                     B. go to the shop

C. search the Internet                 D. ask the clerk

4.The writer wrote this passage in order to ________.

A. increase sales of the books

B. buy useful and interesting books

C. tell people how to keep pets

D. teach students to study easily and fast

5.You can most probably(可能) find this passage in a ________.

A. story            B. repot

C. dictionary      D. newspaper


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