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I can’t understand what the book is about because it _______ in English.

A. writes          B. will write

C. will be written      D. is written


How dangerous! She was driving the car with one hand and holding an ice-cream with _______.

A. the other        B. another

C. others            D. other


_______ beautiful the flowers are! Let’s go to take some photos.

A. What a          B. What          C. How            D. How an


Tom with his two kids ______to the beach for vacation every year.

A. go              B. goes

C. went            D.  are going


In order to keep healthy, you’d better _______.

A. not to smoke      B. not smoke

C. don’t smoke      D. smoking


I don’t know _______.

A. where can we buy the tickets

B. how much it costs to fly to Shanghai

C. who is he waiting for

D. why was he late for school this morning


Is the man over there Mr Black?

It _______ him. He has gone to England.

A. must be         B. can’t be

C. may be     D. mustn’t be


They _______to that supermarket many times since they moved here.

A. have been       B. have gone

C. will go      D. went


Tom likes cars. He enjoys _______ model cars of all kinds.

A. collects         B. collected

C. to collect    D. collecting


Mike, how are you feeling today?

—Much _______. I think I can go to school tomorrow.

A. good           B. better

C. well         D. best


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