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--- What about ______ to the park?   ---Good idea.

A. going   B. go    C. to go   D.goes


1. I like playing _____ piano, but she likes playing ____ tennis.

A. the; the    B. a; the

C. /; the    D. the; /


Please be careful _____ your things from now on.

A.out    B.with    C.for    D. of


—_______ wallet is this?

—It’s mine.

A. Who  B. Whose  C. When D. Which


This is ______ teacher, Mr. Green.

A. Lucy’s and Lily’s  B. Lucy and Lily’s

C. Lucy’s and Lily      D. theirs


I have ______ eraser and _____ crayon .

A. a; a  B. an; a   C. a; an  D. an; an


Tom plants_______trees every year.

A. hundreds of    B. hundred of

C. five hundreds   D. five hundred of



假如你是一个美国人, 名叫Tom, 请根据提示,以“Life in China”为题,写一篇70词左右的短文。

1. 现住在阳光镇。这是个现代化的城镇,乘地铁去市中心只要10分钟。

2. 我在北京阳光中学上学,这里的老师和学生都很友好,并且乐于助人。

3. 我将参观中国的许多地方。我喜欢美味可口的中餐。

4. 我在这儿生活非常快乐。

Life in China












Hello, Li Hua! My name is Peter.

I’d like to introduce myself first. I’m a boy. I live in town near the sea. It is not in the  c   1.   of England. I live with my family in a house w  2.    a big garden. There are eight people in my family. They’re my grandparents, my parents, my two sisters, my younger brother and I.

Our house is very b  3.  . My bedroom is on the first floor. I s  4.bedroom with my younger brother. We often listen to music i__5.__ bed .

My  f  6.   place is the balcony. I like to sit there and look _o_7.__ at the sea.When my mother c  8.     meals for us in the kitchen, I often go there to help her. There is a nice l   9.     room. After dinner, we like to watch TV there. It is very beautiful and quiet here. Our neighbours are f 10.to us and we are happy to live here. Please write soon.

Best wishes


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