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---My computer doesn’t work. ---You can ask_____ to check it.

A. a waiter    B. a cook

C. a doctor   D. an engineer


--- Excuse me. May I speaking to Jill, please? --- _________.

A. Yes, I’m Jill.    B. Speak

C. I’m speaking.    D. This is Jill speaking.


书面表达 (5分)


1. 我的家乡在无锡的东面。是一个美丽的、现代化的城镇。这里的人们善良、乐于助人。

2. 有一座小山,一个很大的湖泊。空气清新,绿树环绕。

3. 很多家庭拥有汽车。我们也可以乘地铁去市中心。

4. 我认为……(用一句话表达你对家乡的感受或看法。)

Dear Simon,

I’d like to tell you something about my hometown.




I hope you can visit my hometown one day.


Li Li


缺词填空  (5分)

A: Excuse me, can you tell me w 1.   is the way to the police s 2.   ?

B: Yes. First, walk s  3.   on. Then when you go to the street c  4.  , turn right into Garden Street. Walk two h  5.  metres and take the first t 6.   on the left, you’ll see the police station on your right.

A: Sorry. I can’t r  7.   it. Could you say it again?

B: OK. you can take the bus there. F 8.  me. I’ll take you t  9.   the bus stop.

A: Thank you very much!

B: You’re w  10. .


完成句子 根据所给的汉语和句子,用英语完成下列句子,一空一词。(10分)


These birds are very beautiful and can _________ _________ __________.


Walk _________ the road, and you’ll find the hospital _________ your _________. You won’t ________ it.

3.你能请他给我回电话吗? 我有重要的信息告诉他。

Can you ask him ________ ________ _________ ________? I’ve some important _________ for him.


You can enjoy Wuxi opera in our ________ _________ here.

5.Jack 住在一个离市中心30公里远的城镇。

Jack lives in a town 30 ________ ________ the city _________.


There’s ________ _________ with my washing machine. Is anyone good at ________it?


动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 (5分)

1.I’d like to take you to go on a trip. Remember _________ your money! (take)

2.The teachers in our school each _________a computer. (have)

3.She’s lucky ________her lost wallet. (find)

4.---Where are the teachers?  ---They __________the lessons carefully in the office. (prepare)

5.The old song, Yesterday once more, always makes me ________of my friends. (think)

6.They _________the wonderful film Fast & Furious 7 next weekend. (watch)

7.My daughter is looking forward to _________a bike for her birthday. (get)

8.---Can the girl in a red dress over there_________ a boat on the lake? (row)

---Of course she can.

9.Let’s visit the museum tomorrow. There’re many nice works of art ________. (see)

10.What a fine day! Why not ________the hill with us? (climb)


根据句意和所给句子,用所给单词的正确形式填空。 (5分)

1.There are two ________ at the foot of the hill. Which one should we take?  (path)

2.I’d like to invite you to my _________ birthday party. (twelve)

3.My favourite place in our school is the library. What about _________? (you)

4.Are the cars over there the __________? (policeman)

5.He’s an artist. Many people like his Chinese __________. (paint)


根据句意和所给汉语注释,在空格内写出单词的正确形式。 (5分)

1.Would you please tell me the _________of China and Japan? (首都)

2.The old man likes __________his stories with his grandchildren. (分享)

3.Don’t tell _________about it. It’s only between you and me. (任何人)

4.Mr. Black has a farm and he _________many sheep on it. (饲养)

5.How many bones are there in _________long necks? (长颈鹿)


A well-dressed man goes into a restaurant one day. He sits down at a table near the window. A waiter comes up to him and says, ‘Can I help you, sir?’ The man says, ‘Can I see the menu? ’ ‘Of course.’

The man wants a good meal and he orders a lot of nice food. The waiter gets them for him. The man is having his meal. At this time, a boy comes in and sits beside the man. He asks the man to give him an ice cream. The man does so. Now the boy is eating his ice cream. The man says, ‘I go out for a newspaper.’ The man goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream up, he stands up and goes to the door.

‘Excuse me, but your father doesn’t give the money for the meal and your ice cream.’ the waiter stops him and says. ‘Father? You are wrong. He isn’t my father. I don’t know him. I meet him in the street. He says he will give me an ice cream if I come here at 12 o’clock.’

1.One day a _____ into a restaurant.

A. rich man goes

B. well-dressed man goes

C. well-dressed man and his son go

D. a boy goes

2.The man asks the waiter to bring him _____.

A. a lot of ice cream       B. a newspaper

C. some bread        D. a lot of nice food

3.The man asks _____ for the boy.

A. some nice food    B. some bread

C. an ice cream   D. a menu

4.The boy comes into the restaurant _____.

A. at 12 o’clock       B. with the man

C. to buy an ice cream   D. to look for his father

5.The boy_____.

A. is the man’s son      B. is the waiter’s son

C. knows the man          D.meets the man in the street


Everybody has a home. People have homes. Animals have homes, too. People live in different kinds of houses. Animals have different houses, too.

Some animals live in holes(洞) under the ground. The woodchuck(土拨鼠) lives under the ground. His home has two doors. If any animal comes into one door, the woodchuck goes out of the other. Some animals live in holes in trees. Some squirrels (松鼠) build nests(窝) in trees. Most of the birds live in nests in trees. But hawks(鹰) build their nests high in mountains.(山)

1.The story is about _____.

A. some trees   B. Some people

C. some animals     D. the homes of animals

2.How many doors does the woodchuck’s house have?

A. One             B. two

C. Three            D. We don’t know.

3.____live under the ground.

A. All the animals    B. All the birds

C. All the squirrels    D. All the woodchucks

4.Animals’ houses are _____.

A. not the same      B. the same

C. in holes           D. in trees

5.People live in ____.

A. holes            B. trees

C. under the ground   D. different kinds of houses


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