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—Will you please help me to repair the computer now?

   —Sorry. I’m too busy and I haven’t a minute to ________.

A. spareB. shareC. spendD. save


Good manners usually help people to ________ each other.

A. have a good effect on  B. go far beyond  

C. take a close look atD. get along well with


Martin Evans, a Nobel Prize winner for medicine thinks that we should never give up   our dream — even when ________ think we are dreaming the wrong ones!

A. other B. others C. another D. the other


Lost In Thailand (人再囧途之泰囧) is such ________ wonderful movie that I want to see it ________ second time.

A.a; a            B.a; the         C./; the         D./; a


假如在上周五的班会上,班主任老师组织你们班的学生就青少年应该看什么类型的电视节目进行了讨论。 现在请你根据下面表格中的提示内容,用英语写一篇班会总结。












要求:1.  总结须包括表格中所涉及到内容,并将原因部分补充完整;

2.  语言连贯,意思准确,逻辑严密;

3.  90词左右







I                                    the last train to go home.


To tell the truth, I                                the task on time.

3. 当你感觉有压力的时候,你应该和你的朋友们分享你的问题。

When you feel stressed, you should                         your friends.


He                                           his hometown.

5. 据说明年某时将要在这个村建一条新路。

It’s said that a new road                            in this village.


It was a dark night when I was coming back from my aunt’s house.I was very sad because my mum r   1. to buy me an ice cream.Suddenly I saw a young boy and his little sister walking near me.The moment I looked at the little girl,she gave me a big s  2. . I tried to smile back but I could not.Their clothes were dirty and the girl did not wear s 3.  .It was clear that they were very p   4. .

I asked my parents if I could give my shoes to the little girl.They a   5.    . The moment I gave her the shoes,she shouted h  6.. I felt happy,too.

Then the boy and the girl said goodbye to me and l   7. .Suddenly the brother came back and g 8.  me a balloon because they sold balloons.I didn’t take it because I felt that I was too old for a balloon.Then I thought maybe he wanted to t 9.    me in some way.So finally I took the balloon,the most special g 10.      in my life.I stood there and watched them walk away in the dark,with a smile on my face.



1.Our history teacher told us that the earth  _________ (be) round.

2.My mother         (cook) in the kitchen when you called her at 6 o’clock this afternoon.

3.They won’t go home until their homework _______ (do).

4. Please knock at the door before _________ (enter) the teachers’ office.

5. ____________ (learn) English well , he practices speaking and reading every day .



1. My grandfather insists on doing exercise though he is in his____________ (eighty)

2.The house is on fire .We have to run out for _________(safe)

3. After Lily’s grandmother died, her          (sad) filled her life.

4.You can feel           (relax) after playing sports.

5.Though he was born in France, he can’t speak ______________(France)



1.Don’t            (争论) about such small things. It’s a waste of time.

2.Everyone can make             (错误), but we should learn something from them.

3.I think human beings and animals should live together             (和平) on the earth.

4.The woman is           (残酷的)to the old man. She gives nothing to him.

5.The         ( 气候 ) here is comfortable. It is neither too hot nor too cold a year round.


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