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Robert with his two kids ______to the beach for vocation every year.

A. goes    B. go    C. went    D. are going


--- Sam, do you know when Alice ______to my party ?

         ---I think she will come when she ______free .

A. comes; is   B . comes ; will be   C. will come ; is  D. will come ; will be


We have two rooms ________, but I cant decide ___________.

A. to live; to choose which one    B. lived ; choose which one

C. to live in ; which one to choose  D. live ; which one


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A. fat and fat; more             B. fatter and fatter ; fewer 

C. more and more fatter ; less     D. fatter and fatter ; less


The accident happened _____the old man  _____ a cold morning .

A. to ; to  B. in ; in  C. in ; to  D. to ; on


This is Mr. Greens ________visit to America. He has never been there before.

A. first   B. second   C. third    D. fifth


---Are the Smiths living in the house alone ?

        --- Yes, although they have three sons, _____ of them live with their parents.

A. neither  B. both  C. all   D. none


Kate has a beautiful _______ . Listen ! She is singing very well.

A. voice   B. sound   C. noise    D. smell


After school, they usually play _____ football for an hour on _____ playground.

A. the ; the  B. / ; /    C. / ; the    D. the ; /





















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