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    Does anybody sit down and watch TV these day ? When my parents were growing up ,they only had a few channels to choose from.If you _______ your favorite program,it was just bad luck--you didnt have a _______ of seeing it again unless you had a video recorder . The TV was the center of the house . _______ planned what show they wanted to see and cooked their dinners so that  they could finish eating in  time to watch it .At school ,children _______ the shows they watched the night before and because there werent many programs for kids ,they all watched  the _______ thing .

When I grew up ,the TV was bigger and a lot thinner than the TVs of my parents’ time .TV had better sound and a remote control to _______  between the many channels .But the TV was _______ an important piece of electrical equipment in the house and we all sat  _______  it on a Saturday night to watch something as a family.

These days, TV just doesn't t seem to be so _______. People don' t even need a TV. They can watch them on phones__________ and wherever they like. And in many houses the TV set sits forgotten in the corner of the living room, waiting for the day when the family sits down together again and turns it on.

1.A.missed B.watched C.avoided D.recorded

2.A.list B.habit C.way D.chance

3.A.Classmates B.Families C.Children D.Friend

4.A.put off B.agreed with C.took up D.talked about

5.A.boring B.sing C.same D.right

6.A.cover B.change C.match D.stay

7.A.yet B.never C.still D.even

8.A.around B.in C.above D.along

9.A.useless B.expensive C.important D.ancient

10.A.whenever B.however C.whatever D.whoever


    A banker was on holiday. He was walking on a beautiful beach near a small village. He saw a fisherman in his_______ with a few fish in it.

“Great fish! ”he said.“ _______ did it take you to catch them?”

“Not very long”, answered the fisherman.

"Why didn't you stay at sea longer to catch some more? asked the banker.

"There are just enough fish here to _______my family, answered the fisherman.

Then the banker asked, But what do you do the rest of the time?

"I sleep late, I play with my kids, _______I relax. In the evening, I go to see my friends in the village. We drink wine and play the guitar. I’m _______than you think. Life here isn’t as...

“I have an MBA from Harvard University, the banker _______."And I can help you. You're not fishing as much as you can. If you start fishing for longer periods of time, you’ll get enough money from selling the fish to buy a bigger boat. Then with the _______ you' ll get from catching and selling more fish, you could buy a second boat, and then a third one, and so on. Then _______selling your fish to shops, you could sell them directly to a fish factory, or even _______your own factory.”

“And then? "asked the fisherman.

"Then you' ll be able to leave your little village for the big city, where you could direct the company and you will________ millions.

"Millions? But then what?

"Then you can retire(退休), live in a small village by the sea, go to the beach, sleep late, play with your kid...

1.A.house B.kitchen C.boat D.sea

2.A.How long B.When C.How much D.How

3.A.serve B.cost C.treat D.feed

4.A.though B.so C.and D.but

5.A.lazier B.busier C.cleverer D.kinder

6.A.turned up B.cried out C.ran away D.broken in

7.A.money B.success C.time D.interest

8.A.instead of B.thanks to C.except for D.because of

9.A.save B.find C.open D.sell

10.A.dream B.make C.lose D.spend


It was nice talking to you. The plane is taking off, so I have to go.

______OK.I will miss you a lot.

A.why not? B.Good point. C.How come? D.Take care


—Why didn’t you fly to Moscow?

—Because all the flights ________

A.are canceled B.were canceled C.will be canceled D.have been canceled


What kind of house do you want to buy?

Well, it’s _______ be bigthat’s not so important.

A.should B.must C.needn’t D.can’t


—How do you and Joe _________?

—We’re great friends.

A.come along B.get on C.give up D.set off


Emma, what do you want to be in the future?

I want to be a doctor. This has been my dream_______ I was a kid.

A.since B.when C.until D.before


Life is very much like a ________: if you smile upon it, it will smile back upon you.

A.candle B.movie C.mirror D.tour


I like to take the underground. It’s quick and cheap.

Well, I ______take the underground. The places I go to are all very close to me.

A.hardly B.simply C.almost D.usually


—Why didn’t you answer when I phoned you ?   

— I ______my lunch.

A.cook B.cooked C.have cooked D.was cooking


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