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I’d rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than ___ a room with others.

A.to share          B.to have shared      C.share             D.sharing


–I have made a decision to spend my holiday at the beach.

– ______. I'm sure you'll have a good time.

A.Really?           B.Sounds wonderful.   C.Let me see.        D.Well done!


He likes novels very much , while I love science fiction _________ .

A.at peace          B.with care          C.in surprise         D.in particular


________ cold, he covered his blanket, _____ only his arms _____ .

A.Felt, left, uncovered                     B.Feeling, left, uncovered

C.Feeling, leaving, uncovered                D.Felt, left, uncovering


Tom and Jack are both very clever. ________, Tom is _______ Jack.

A.All in all, as a clever boy as                B.In other words, as clever a boy as

C.That is to say, as a clever boy as             D.In word, as clever a boy as


--- Is that 120? My brother is seriously ill!

---Ok. Help is _________ .

A.in the way         B.in many ways       C.on the way        D.by the way


I think that ____ very difficult to learn.

A.the politics is       B.politics is          C.politics are        D.the politics are


When we visited my old family home, memory came __________ back.

A.flooding          B.to flood           C.flood             D.flooded


I’ll never forget such a beautiful place __________ I spent my childhood there with my grandparents.

A.because          B.where            C.which            D.when


--- How about eight o’clock outside the cinema ?

--- That ___________ me fine.

A.fits              B.meets            C.satisfies           D.suits


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