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Women, as all research suggests, are far more critical of their appearance than men. Most of them are likely to feel dissatisfied with their reflection in the mirror.

It is quite possible that men looking in the mirror are either pleased with what they see or indifferent. Research shows that men generally have a much more positive body-image than women---if anything, they may tend to over-estimate their attractiveness. Some men looking in the mirror may literally not see the flaws in their appearance.

Why are women so much more self-critical than men? Because women are judged more on their appearance than men, and standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexible. Women are continually bombarded (轰炸) with images of the “ideal” face. And constant exposure to idealized images of female beauty on TV, magazines and billboards makes exceptional good looks seem normal and anything short of perfection seem abnormal and ugly.  It has been estimated that young women now see more images of outstandingly beautiful women in one day than our mothers saw throughout their entire adolescence.

Also, most women trying to achieve the impossible standards of female beauty have in fact become progressively more unrealistic during the last century. In 1917, the physically perfect woman was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed nearly 10 stone. Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average women, now they weigh 23% less. The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population---and that’s just in terms of weight and size. If you want the ideal shape, face etc., it’s probably more like 1%.

1.The passage is mainly to _____________.

A.compare different views on beauty between women and men

B.tell us that standards of female beauty are very high

C.explain why women are more critical of their appearance than men

D.show us that women pay more attention to their appearance than men

2.Which of the following is NOT the reason why women are more critical of their appearance?

A.People pay more attention to their appearance than men’s.

B.The criterion (标准;准则) used to judge women’s beauty is more critical and less changeable.

C.Idealized images of female beauty are constantly shown in different media.

D.Women tend to pursue perfection by nature.

3.Which statement is true about men?

A.Few men will feel pleased when they are looking themselves in the mirror.

B.Men looking in the mirror usually ignore the flaws in their appearance.

C.It is likely that men will consider themselves more attractive than they really are.

D.Men don’t care about their body image.

4.Nowadays, if an average woman weighs 110 pounds, then a physically perfect woman should weigh about _________.

A.85 pounds         B.101 pounds        C.90 pounds         D.135 pounds

5.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Most women try to achieve the standards of beauty.

B.The standards of female beauty. in the past were more easily achieved than today.

C.Women are more unrealistic in their pursuit of beauty than men.

D.Less than 5% of the female population can achieve the current media ideal for women.


A 12-year-old boy saw something in a shop window that set his heart racing. But the   1  – five dollars was far beyond Reuben Earle’s money. Five dollars would   2  almost a week’s food for his family.

But hearing the sound of hammering (捶打的声音) from a side street, Reuben had a(n)   3 . He ran towards the sound and discovered he could   4  the hessian sacks (麻袋) which were thrown away and sell them for five cents a piece.

Every day   5 , Reuben walked down the town, collecting   6  . On the day the school closed for the summer, no student was more   7 than Reuben, for he had more time for his “work”. Then one day the time had   8 .

Reuben ran down Water Street to the   9  . “Please, Mister. I have to sell the sacks now.” The man took the sacks,   10  into his pocket and placed four coins in Reuben’s hand. Reuben said a thank you and   11  home. On arriving home, Reuben uncovered the tin can   12 he kept the money. He poured the coins out and began to count. He had   13  .

Then he headed for the shop. “I have the money,” he told the owner   14  . The man went to the window and   15  Reuben’s treasure. He wiped the dust off, carefully wrapped (包裹) it in brown paper and   16  it to Reuben.

Racing home, Reuben shouted, “Here, Mom! Here!” He placed a small   17  in her hands. She unwrapped it carefully. A jewel box   18 . Dora lifted the lid (盖子), tears beginning to fill her eyes. Dora had   19  received such a gift; she had no jewelry   20  her wedding ring. Speechless, she smiled and gathered her son into her arms.

1.                A.price          B.cost            C.worth    D.value


2.                A.buy            B.offer           C.enjoy D.expect


3.                A.question        B.try             C.idea D.schedule


4.                A.sell            B.collect          C.fetch D.bury


5.                A.before dinner    B.in class         C.at church D.after school


6.                A.the money      B.the sacks        C.the paper D.the tin cans


7.                A.pleased        B.surprised       C.worried  D.tired


8.                A.passed         B.ended          C.come D.wasted


9.                A.hotel          B.school          C.bank D.store


10.               A.hid            B.reached        C.stole  D.put


11.               A.stayed         B.walked         C.got   D.ran


12.               A.when          B.which          C.while D.where


13.               A.none          B.enough         C.little  D.much


14.               A.calmly         B.honestly        C.proudly   D.angrily


15.               A.took out        B.gave out        C.set out    D.left out


16.               A.lent           B.threw          C.handed   D.took


17.               A.box           B.ring           C.book D.letter


18.               A.opened        B.dropped        C.appeared  D.broke


19.               A.often          B.never          C.just   D.ever


20.               A.including       B.with           C.as well as  D.except for



--Were you in time for the meeting?

-- If I _________earlier, I would have .

A.was told          B.had been told      C.were to be told     D.should be told


The actress looked so attractive in her beautiful dress that we took _______ photos of her.

A.a great many                           B.a great deal of

C.the number of                          D.a large amount of


_________the exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.

A.As               B.For              C.With             D.Because of


---Everyone was at the party except you. What happened?

---I      after Mike, my pet dog, at home. He was ill.

A.have looked       B.was looking        C.would look        D.had looked


On the ground ___________ a sick goat, whose life was in danger.

A.lay               B.lays              C.lying             D.laying


Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter in the universe ________ atoms.

A.makes up         B.makes up of        C.consists in         D.consists of


Throwing their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team _____ loud shouts of victory.

A.let down          B.let in             C.let go             D.let out


It wouldn’t be ________ for us to attend a formal wedding with the sports clothes.

A.comfortable       B.convenient        C.appropriate        D.available


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