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Rod loves ________ clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again.

A.taking apart

B.giving away

C.making up

D.turning off


The party will be held in the garden, weather        .


B.to permit




The three of us ________ around Europe for about a month last summer.


B.have travelled

C.had travelled



I woke up with ________ bad headache, yet by ________ evening the pain had gone.

A.the; the

B.the; an

C.a; the

D.a; an


— I'm going to San Francisco for a couple of days.

— . I wish I could get away for a while.

A.It doesn't matter

B.Forget it

C.I really envy you

D.I can't agree more


假如你是大学一年级新生李华。开学之初,你的英语老师Ms Li希望了解每位同学的英语学习情况.并征求教学建议。请按以下要点用英语给她写一封信。








Dear Ms Li,

I’m very happy to have you as our English teacher.________________




Thank you!

Li Hua








Dear Wang Ping,

I’m very glad to have received a letter you sent me two weeks before.I’ve been thinking about the question you ask me.In my opinion,you should come back after you finish your studies at abroad.For one reason,what you are studying is bad needed nowadays in China.It will be quite easy of you to find a good job.In fact,I know that a few big company in our city are hoping to hire people like you.For other reason,I think it will be much more convenient for you to look after your parents as we are getting old.Therefore,I think it’s a good idea for you to return.So what are you waiting?

Best wishes.


Li Hua



1.They've had to put their wedding off until______ (九月).  

2. I ________(决心) to carry on with my work then.

3.I’m very __________(熟悉) with computer programs .    

4.She always________(设计) objects very skillfully.

5.I’d like to know what is the ________(长度)of the bridge.

6.We shouldn’t spit into the dirt in _____(公共) places.

7.He _______(继任) his father as the manager of the company.

8.Our country was __________(成立) in 1949.

9.If you raise that plan, I will firmly _____(支持) you.

10.I would ___________(感激)it if you can help me a lot with my work.




Your school days should be some of the best and happiest days of your life.How can you gain the most from them,and ensure that you do not waste this wonderful opportunity to learn?

Be positive about school! Don’t say things which are difficult or boring. Be interested in school life and your school subjects. Join in lots of activities.Be quick to put your hand up.Go round the school with a big smile.

Expect to work. 62 If you arc not working,you are not learning.you are wasting your time at school.Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable.

Keep fit. If you do not eat a good breakfast , you will be thinking about food in class.If you go Io bed late and do not have enough sleep,you will be sleepy in class.Play some sports to keep your body strong.

63  !Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.Do not say you will do things tomorrow.If you get behind the class,it is very difficult to get back in front.You cannot finish a race if you rest all the time.

Don’t be too disappointed if things sometimes go bad.  64  . Friends are not always perfect,and they sometimes say and do unpleasant things.Don’t let small problems seem very big and important.

Talk about problems---sometimes they are only the result of misunderstanding . Don’t be too embarrassed to ask for help. You are young.No one thinks you can do everything!

Plan your time.Don’t waste life lying in bed on Saturday mornings.Go and play a sport,learn the piano,work on a project,read a book,practise English,or help someone with problems.There are always a lot of things to do.

Set targets. If your last grade was a D,work for a C. Try to make progress bit by bit。


A. Everyone fails some tests,loses some matches and has bad days.

B.Ways to have a happy school life.

C.Do today’s work today.

D· Follow my advice, and have a happy school life!

E.Because it means that you are enjoying school and learning more.

F.School is not a holiday camp.

G.You are making your time of little use unless you are learning hard


Honesty,my mum always used to tell me,is the best policy.Of course,this didn’t include her when she told me that if I didn’t eat all my vegetables Father Christmas would find out and wouldn’t give me any presents.

But when it comes to medicine.I had assumed it was important to always be honest with my patients.After all,the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust,and therefore honesty is essential.Or so I thought.

I had just started working in geriatrics(老年病科).Mr. McMahon was brought in when his belly was found very swollen.I took a medical history from his daughter who’d accompanied him in the ambulance.She’d been his main carer for years.I stood looking at him as she gave a detailed history.“Has he lost any weight recently?”I asked.“Well,it’s funny you should mention that,but yes.”she said slowly.There was silence for a few moments.“Why? What are you worried about?”she asked.I hesitated.She was obviously very involved in his care and it was only fair that I told her the truth.“Well.we need to prove it’s not cancer.”I said and talked briefly about some of the tests I was going to order.

Half an hour later, a nurse called me:“Mr. McMahon’s daughter broke down--she said you told her he had cancer.”My heart sank.By the time I arrived at the ward,my consultant was already there,explaining that we still had to run lots of tests and that it was by no means confirmed that he had cancer.I stood silently at the end of the bed.My consultant was obviously angry with me and as we left Mr. McMahon,she turned to me.“Why on earth did you do that?”she asked in disbelief.I looked at her and bit my lip.“She asked me what I was worried about and I told her.”I said,hanging my head.“And give her more to worry about?”replied my consultant.“You don’t say the word‘cancer’until it’s confirmed.Even if you suspect it,think very carefully before you tell people.”

As it turned out, it wasn’t cancer.But I did learn that when someone is stressed and worried about their loved one they’re sometimes selective in what they hear and as a doctor it’s important to be mindful of this.In being truthful,I’d made the situation worse.

1.The purpose of the first two paragraphs is to show that the author_____.

A.misunderstood the doctor-patient relationship

B.was anxious to receive Christmas gifts

C.regarded honesty as the best policy

D.had an unhealthy eating habit

2.The author’s consultant was angry with him because________.

A.he told the daughter what he suspected

B.he delayed running the necessary tests

C.he failed to confirm the patient’s disease

D.he forgot what the consultant had advised

3.The author hung his head (the underlined part in Paragraph 4) because he was feeling________.     





4.What lesson has the author learnt from his experience?

A.Learning from parents is necessary.

B.Jumping to a conclusion is dangerous.

C.Telling the truth may not always be the best solution.

D.Selecting pleasant words may not be the perfect policy.


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