--- How much do you spend __________ the new boots?

---They __________me 50 yuan.

A. buying; cost  B. to buy; pay

C. buying; spend D. buy; take


Amy thinks moon cakes are too sweet. She __________ eats them.

A. often B. always C. usually D. seldom


Can you help me__________my pet dog at the weekend?

A. look up    B. look at

C. look after D. look for


Mr Wang teaches _________ English in this school.

A. them B. their C. they D. themselves


Excuse me.       do you say that in English?

A. What B. Who C. How D. Why


---- Would you please     her  me back?

--- All right, I will tell her.

A. ask, to call B. ask, call

C. to ask, call D. to ask, to call


--- Which of the following words has the same sound as the “s” in the word “cups”? --- Let me see. That’s   .

A. Boys                B. Pens            C. desks D. girls


I want to go shopping ______ some new clothes for my cousin.

A. get B. getting C. to get D. to getting


Can I borrow _____ money from you?  Sure. How ___ do you need?

A. some, many B. some, much

C. a few, much D. a little, many


This coat is _______, but I don’t have _______ to buy it.

A. enough cheap; enough money

B. expensive enough; money enough

C. cheap enough; enough money

D. enough expensive; money enough


---__________do you help your parents do housework?

---Every evening.

A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How far


They are going to the library ________ the afternoon ________January 22nd.

A. at ; at B. in ; of C. on ; of D. to ; at


---You see, it’s my dream to buy__________iPhone 6S.

---Oh, you can ask your parents to buy __________for you.

A. a; it B. an; it C. a; one D. an; one



假如你叫张明,你在某报纸上看到澳大利亚学生James想在中国找一个笔友(pen pal)的消息,请根据以下内容写一封信,向James介绍你的个人情况。可以适当发挥。60词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Name: Zhangming

Age(年龄): 12

School: No. 2 Middle School

Favorite subjects: English and math

Favorite food: hamburgers, ice-cream and eggs

Favorite sports: tennis




I have eight teachers now and I love them. My favorite teacher is my English teacher, Sophia.

Sophia is an English woman. She loves Chongqing. She thinks Chongqing is great. She loves Chongqing food.她早餐吃什么?Bread and milk? No. She only has noodles (面条)。 Hot pot(火锅)is her favorite . She always eats it in the evening on Friday .Sophia has a daughter and a son. They are eight.他们去相同的学校。 They like hot pot, too. They are in Chongqing,too.

My classmates like to play English games with Sophia. When we have questions, we like to ask her for help.

1.                                                            .

2.                                                            .

3.                                                            .

4.                                                            .

5.                                                            .


阅读填空 根据短文内容,在文中空格处填上一个恰当的单词,使短文完整,通顺。

Dear Tommy,

I’m your good friend Gina. Here 1.______a photo of my room. The 2._______on the sofa is me. A red quilt is on the bed. Red is my3. _________ color. A basketball and a volleyball are under my bed. A pair of shoes is 4. _______my bed , too. I know 5._________ are good for us, so I like to do sports. I like to play them 6._______my friends after school. 7._________ is that on the desk? It’s an apple. I like apples. My mother likes8.________, too. I always eat apples with my mom after dinner. I like listening to (听)the radio. It’s relaxing for me . So I have a(n) 9.________on the table.

I think my room is tidy. What about 10._________?





Mr and Mrs Smith have two sons and two daughters. They’re Tom,Jack,Sally and Mary. They’re quadruplets(四胞胎), so their birthday is on the same day----July 22nd.

It’s their fourteenth birthday today. Their parents buy some things for them:four cakes, two T-shirts and two skirts. The four cakes are the same, and one cake is 15 dollars. The two T-shirts are the same,too. They are yellow and 35 dollars for one. The price of the two skirts is the same and one skirt is 60 dollars. But their colors are not the same. Sally likes blue and Mary likes green, so the blue skirt is for Sally and the green one is for Mary.

1.How old is Tom? ______________________________

2.When is Tom’s birthday?  ___________________________

3.What color does Mary like? ________________________________

4.How much are the four cakes? _________________________________

5.What does Sally get for her birthday? __________________________________


阅读下列材料,从A B C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子.

Miss Miller, The English Teacher wants to know about her students. She asks them some questions. The next are some of the students’ answers(回答):

First name: Grace       Last name: Smith           Class: 1

School things: 2dictionaries, 4 pencil boxes, 8 notebooks

First name: Tony        Last name: Green          Class: 2

Things and positions:

Watch: on the table        Volleyballs: under the desk

Keys: in the schoolbag      Computer games: on the sofa

First name: Alice          Last name: Smith         Class: 3

Likes: apples, carrots, chicken, strawberries

Doesn’t like: bananas, salad, ice-cream

1.What class is Grace in?

A.Class 1            B.Class 2          C.Class 3

2.Where is Tony’s watch?

A.On the table

B.Under the desk

C.In the schoolbag

3.The Chinese meaning(意思) of the underlined (划线的)word “position”is____.

A.种类             B.位置             C.数量

4. We can see from the chart(表格) that___________.

A.Alice’s last name is Miller.

B.Tony doesn’t like ice-cream.

C.Grace has eight notebooks.

5.Why does the English teacher ask her students some questions?

A.To have a volleyball game.

B.To have a birthday party.

C.To know about the students.


判断  阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的写(T),不符合的写(F))

Do you know International Day of Family(国际家庭日)?It’s on May 15th and it’s a day for all the families. In my family, I have my parents and my sister. They love me very much. So I want to cook(烹调) a great dinner for them on May 15th.

I know my father likes chicken and hamburgers, so I make (做) a very delicious(美味的)chicken hamburger for him. My mother likes vegetables. She thinks they are very healthy. So I make vegetable salad for her. My sister, Julie is a lovely girl, but she is a little fat. So I make fruit salad for her. I also want to say “I love you” to all of them.

What about you? Tell(告诉)your parents how much you love them on May 15th. Have a family trip or make a meal(一顿饭) for them. I’m sure they will be happy.

1.The International Day of Family is on May 15th.

2.My father likes vegetables very much so I make vegetable salad for him.

3.I make fruit salad for my sister.

4.I want to say “Thank you!” to my parents and sister on that day.

5.Tell your parents how much you love them on May 15th, they will be happy.



Look! The girl is Jenny. The boy is her brother . ______parents are teachers. Jenny and her brother are at No. 2 Middle School.

They go to school _37_____ Monday to Friday. They have no classes on ______and Sundays. They are very _____ in these two days because they can watch TV, play computer games and do sports. They have breakfast at 7:00. They go to school at 7:30 a.m. Classes start(开始) at eight. They have four _______in the morning and two in the afternoon. They have _______at 12:15. At 1:15 p.m., they have sports. At 3:00 p.m., their classes finish. So they need to be at school seven ________ in one day.

They have Chinese , English, geography, history and other lessons. Jenny’s favorite _____ is music, _________it’s relaxing. Her brother likes science. He thinks it is ______but interesting. Their parents like to go to the store. They like to buy food and clothes for them. Jenny and her brother love their parents very much.

1.A. Their                        B.His                       C. They

2.A. on                           B.about                     C. From

3.A. Tuesdays                    B. Thursdays               C. Saturdays

4.A.great                        B. free                    C.busy

5.A. milk                       B. lessons                 C. Students

6.A. breakfast                  B.  lunch                   C. Classes

7.A.hours                       B. months                   C. Weeks

8.A. food                        B. star                     C. Subject

9.A. and                         B. so                      C. Because

10.A. difficult                  B. useful                  C. easy


---_________________? ---Yes, please. I want a pair of socks for sports.

A.What do you like

B.Can I help you

C.How are you


--- Is Jim’s birthday on May 22nd?   ----__________. It’s on August 22nd.

A.Yes, he is

B.No, he isn’t

C.No, it isn’t


There are ________months in a year. The _________month is December.

A.twelve, twelve


C.twelfth, twelfth


Jack wants _________ potatoes _________lunch.

A.having, to            B.have, for           C.to have, for


----How old __________ your two cousins?  ----_________ 15.

A. are, They’re

B.is, She’s

C.are, He’s


---I want to eat bread. Do you have any bread?  ---Yes. ____________.

A. Here you are

B.I don’t have it

C.I’ll take it


----__________ are these books?   ----20 yuan for one.

A.What color         B.How           C.How much


Anna doesn’t __________ an uncle. She _________ an aunt.

A.have, have         B.have, has        C.has, has


David’s schoolbag is tidy _________ his brother’s isn’t.

A.and               B.but            C.to


_________ is my room, and my dog is _________ the desk.

A.These, on    B.Those, under    C.Here, under


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