

要点:1. 越来越多的青少年热衷于网上阅读。

2. 好书有助于他们忙碌一天后的放松,也向他们打开了一个全新的世界。

3. 但是网上有些书是不健康的,对青少年有害。

4. 他们通常花很多时间在网上阅读,结果不能按时交作业,课上还常打瞌睡。

5. 你建议....(发挥2-3句)




Now online books are popular among teenagers._____________________________________








完成句子   按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,在答题卷相应的横线上填写答案。


Our class ________  ________  ________  ________ 22 boys and 16 girls.


The two lost children ________  ________  ________  ________ at last.

3. 你唯有通过努力工作来实现你的梦想。

You can only ________  ________  ________  ________ working hard.


The young doctor can’t decide ________  ________  ________  ________ the sick man’s

broken finger.


How long _______________________________ your hometown?


After a short break, the man _______________________________ the river.



1.Everyone except Tom and Jim _______________ (be) from Germany.

2.--- Where’s Steven?

--- He _________ just __________ (go) to the cinema.

3.--- What do you think of my answer to the question?

--- Sorry. I _____________ (think) about something else and didn’t hear.

4.There will be a Maths competition next week. We ____________ (get) ready for it these days.

5.Do you mind ___________ (wait) for me outside the room? It’s too crowded in it.

6.They are talking about which book ____________ (read) first in the Reading Club.

7.I think Wuxi, our hometown,        (be) more beautiful in two years. Do you agree?

8.--- I’m afraid you can’t park your car in front of our school. Look at the sign, please.

--- Sorry, I ____________ (not see) it.


词汇运用   根据句意和中文注释,在答题卷相应的横线上,写出所给单词的正确形式。


1.PM 2.5 ____________ (pollute) has become a serious problem which does harm to our health.

2.This kind of animal has three _____________ (stomach), isn’t it amazing?

3.It takes me a long time to get to school every morning because I live in the _________ (south) part of the city.

4.We are so happy to do ___________(busy) with you. You are an honest salesman.

5.Is there a ___________(直达的) flight to Guangzhou today?

6.He spent two hours ____________(捆) all the packages with string.

7.People’s living ____________ (环境,条件) are better than before.

8.His dream is to travel around all the _________ ( 欧洲的 ) countries sometime in the future.


任务型阅读  阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,在答题卷上相应的横线上填写答案,每空限填一词。

How can you help yourself learn a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English easier and more interesting.

The first step(步骤) is to feel confident(自信的) about learning English. If you believe that you can learn well, you will learn well. Be patient. You don’t have to understand everything all at once. It is natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes.

The second step is to practice your English. For example, keep a diary or make notes every day. You will be used to writing in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is better. And you must speak English every day. You can practice with your classmates outside class.

The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your diary. After each class, think about what you did. Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the teacher talked about? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. Write these achievements(成就) in your diary.

You must have confidence about learning English and believe that you can do it. It’s important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements. You will enjoy learning English, and you will have more confidence in yourself.

1.   to be a successful English leaner

Step 1

Feel confident about English

Believe in yourself and you will make it.

Don’t be    2.   of making mistakes.

Step 2

Practice   your English

Form(形成) a good   3.  of keeping a diary or making notes.

Speak English as much as possible.

Step 3

4. your language learning

Think about what you did in the English class.

Write your achievements in your diary.

Conclusion: confidence, belief and practice are all   5.   in English learning.


Since last year, Where Are We Going, Dad? has become the most popular TV shows.On the show, the five fathers and their children traveled around China riding camels through the western deserts(沙漠), fishing on the east coast, and selling vegetables for their bus fare (费用) in southwestern Yunnan province.

One dad doesn’t know how to do his daughter’s hair, so some people try to help him.Another one must survive (生存) with his son for three days in the desert because the father can’t cook,they only eat instant noodles (方便面).

Why is Where Are We Going, Dad? so popular? Because it is about how Chinese parents look after their kids. The show makes modern parents think about what they should do with their kids.In traditional(传统的) Chinese culture,the father is strict and the mother is kind.But on the show,  we see fathers who are much gentle on their kids and more involved (参与) in their upbringing (成长).”said Li Minyi, a professor of early childhood education(教育).

In the past, children were taught by their parents’ wishes and look after them in their old age.But today Chinese parents realize that respecting(尊重) their children’s choices(选择) may be a better way to prepare them for modem society.As they raise their children,parents are growing up at the same time.

1.According to the passage,what didn’t the fathers and their children do on the show?

A.Rode camels.             B.Sold vegetables.

C.Climbed the mountains.   D.Fished on the east coast.

2.One father and his son only eat instant noodles because      

A.there aren’t any vegetables in the desert.

B.the father can’t cook.

C.they think instant noodles are the most delicious.

D.they have no money to buy something to eat.

3.In the fourth paragraph(段落),the underlined word“them”refers to(指的是)      

A.modern parents

B.the five fathers on the show

C.the parents in the past

D.the children in the old days

4.Why is Where Are We Going, Dad? so popular?

A.Because it's about how Chinese parents raise their children.

B.Because there are many famous stars on the show.

C.Because it's about how to help the poor.

D.Because it's about how to sell vegetables.


Mr. Grey was the manager of a small office in London. He lived in the country, and went to work by train. He liked walking from the station to his office if it wasn’t raining, because it gave him some exercise.

One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him, “You may not remember me, sir, but seven years ago I came to London without any money in my pockets. I stopped you in this street and asked you to lend me some money and you lent me£5, because you said you were always ready to take a chance (机会) to give a man a start on the way to success.”

Mr. Grey thought for a few minutes and then said, “Yes, I remember you. Go on with your story!”

“Well,” answered the stranger, “Would you like to take another chance?”

1. Mr. Grey liked walking to his office because __________.

A. he couldn’t pay for the buses

B. he wanted to save money

C. he wanted to lose weight

D. he could do some exercise on the way

2. Mr. Grey was always ready to lend money to a stranger to __________.

A. help him on the way to success

B. give himself a start in life

C. make him rich

D. get more money

3.  By saying “Would you like to take another chance?”, the stranger __________.

A. wanted to return Mr. Grey the money

B. asked Mr. Grey for money again

C. told Mr. Grey that he had success at last

D. would like to make friends with him



Come to Austria!

Soll is a village in the mountains in western Austria. And the Post Hotel is clean and not

expensive. It is opened by a local family. From the hotel you can see the whole village, the forests

and the mountains. Temperatures in summer are usually 20 to 25 in the daytime, but much cooler

by evening.


Enjoy Thailand !

When you visit Bangkok in Thailand, don’t miss the early morning river boat trip to the

Floating just outside the city. There you will find many kinds of fruits and vegetables. And you

can pay for them when you sit in your boat. Don’t forget your hat: the sun can be strong and it

may be as hot as 40 at noon.


Visit Hawaii !

Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai. You can visit its long, sandy beaches in

the south and west of the island, and mountains and forests in the north, but don’t be surprised if

it rains in the centre of the island. Daytime temperatures there are usually around 24 to 26 by

the sea and only a little cooler by late evening.

1.The advertisements above are about_______.

A. shopping      B. food      C. travel      D. hotels

2.Which place will you choose if you want to visit both mountains and beaches?

A. Soll in Austria.

B. Bangkok in Thailand.

C. the Floating Market.

D. Kauai in Hawaii.

3.According to(依据) the advertisements, we know that_______.

A. the hottest travel place is Soll

B. maybe it often rains in the centre of Kauai

C. the Floating Market is in the middle of Bangkok

D. the Post Hotel in Austria is clean but the price is high


完形填空   先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将该选项填入答题卷上相应的空格内。

I cannot believe that it is already 2016! Where did 2015 go? I guess the saying is true: Time flies when you are having   ______

I am going back to the USA soon, but I can’t   ______  my good friends in Nanjing. One of my favourite ______ of 2014 in Nanjing was going boating in Xuanwu Lake Park with my friends. We usually did this during the summer months   ______ it’s warm, sunny and you don’t need to wear thick coats or long jeans like you do in the winter time. My friends and I would usually   ______  at Xuanwu Gate at 8:00 am on Sundays. We would often play for ______ and then walk over to the bus station to take a bus to The Confucius Temple. When we got there, my favourite thing   ______ was the Chinese food, such as rice dumplings, smelly tofu and so on.

Even though I love summer, winter has so many fun things to do, too. ______  I love most about winter time are the Christmas Trees in Xinjiekou. People ______ the trees with many shiny lights and they were so beautiful and lovely. And I also got to meet a young man who ______ up as Father Christmas around the trees. He was giving out presents or colourful boxes full of sweets.

Goodbye, my Chinese friends. Happy Spring Festival!

1.A. lessons      B. meals     C. fun        D. money

2.A. remember      B. forget  C. record      D. change

3.A. friends       B. movies   C. memories    D. jokes

4.A. because      B. so       C. if          D. after

5.A. attend       B. discuss   C. get         D. meet

6.A. days          B. years     C. months      D. hours

7.A. to eat        B. to drink  C. to see      D. to play

8.A. When         B. What      C. Where      D. Why

9.A. painted      B. repaired  C. kept        D. decorated

10.A. put         B. filled    C. dressed    D. chose


---Thank you very much for showing me how to use the computer.

--- ________.

A. No, thanks     B. With pleasure

C. That’s right  D. My pleasure


Lucy had few close friends. So she didn’t know ________ about the trouble.

A. who to talk to  B. who to talk

C. who to say     D. what to talk


Don’t try to do everything at once. Take it a bit __________.

A. at that time B. all the time

C. at times   D. at a time


---Is Mr. Liu a teacher with a lot of teaching ________?

---Yes, she is. He always tells us some funny ________ after class.

A. experience; experience

B. experiences; experiences

C. experiences; experience

D. experience; experiences


Tom _________ Mary in 1998. That is to say, they _________ for 12 years.

A. got married with , have got married

B. got married to , have married

C. married, have been married

D. married to, have been married


--Must I return the dictionary today?

---No, you _________. But you _________ return it tomorrow.

A. mustn’t; can B. can’t; can

C. needn’t; must D. don’t have to; may


---My father _________ Shanghai with my grandparents.

---Really? ________ will they come back?

A. has been to; How soon

B. has gone to; How soon

C. has been to; How long

D. has gone to; How long


Mrs. Black isn’t used to _________ by sea and she used to _________ sick a lot.

A. traveling; feeling B. travel; feeling

C. travel; feel       D. traveling; feel


Father put the ladder(梯子)_________ the tree to pick the apples for me.

A. against B. on C. above D. opposite


--- I bought this dictionary two weeks ago.

--- You mean you_______ it for only half a month.

A. have kept B. have bought  C. have had D. have taken


--- I never thought she would ________ my invitation(邀请) to the theatre.

--- She will feel sorry for missing the theatre some day.

A. return B. review C. refuse D. recommend


The little girl was afraid of staying ________ in the ________ house.

A. alone; alone   B. alone; lonely

C. lonely; lonely D. lonely; alone


---It’s a long time ________we last met. How is everything going?

---Well, I am living a happy life.

A. when B. since C. after D. while


I gave her ________ usual advice, but she thought it was _________ useless answer.

A. /, a  B. /, an C. an, a D. An, an


Suddenly, they heard _____ whisper from the bushes behind _____ tree on the left.

A. a; the   B. the; a   C. a; a   D. the; the





要求:(1)60 词左右,可适当发挥。


Dear Zhang Tao,








Liu Gang




1.help, it, to, others, is, important


2.best, you, what, like, food, do


3.happy, her, the, made, very, news


4.book, interesting, is, the, how


5.am going to, well, exam, I, the, on, do



阅读短文,按要求完成下列小题(1为判断,2为翻译, 3-5为简略回答问题)

Dear Sonia,

My name is Wendy. I live in Seattle, America. I want to have a pen pal in China. I think China is a very interesting country. I study in a middle school with my brother, Victor. My favourite subjects are music and art. I like listening to music and talking with my friends when Im free. I dont like history(历史课). Its boring. But Victor likes history very much. He says he can learn a lot about our country. Im thirteen years old. My birthday is the 25th of October. My brother is two years older than me.

My parents are very busy. My father is a doctor. He works in a big hospital. My mother is a teacher. She works in a high school.

I usually get up at 6:00. We have our lessons from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. We have five English classes a week. Sometimes I play computer games. Its really relaxing.

Can you write to me soon?



1.Wendys father is a teacher in a high school. (T or F)




3.What are Wendys favourite subjects?


4.Why does Victor like history very much?


5.How old is Wendys brother?



Happy New Year, everyone! Welcome you and your friends here! If you want to go with us in the park for the following games to have your New Years Day, please try this telephone number 65483325.

Name: A Midwinter Nights Dream

Time: 8:0010:00 on Saturday evening

Price:$20 for one

This game isn’t open to children of 1.5 metres tall below.

Name: Student Backstage Tours

Time: 14:0017:00 on Sunday

Price:$40 for one but30 for students

This game is open to all people.


1.The two games are for people to play on ________ in the passage.

A. Spring Festival        B. Teachers Day

C. National Day         D. New Years Day

2.If four students want to take the game Student Backstage Tours, how much do they need?

A. 20         B. 40        C. 80        D. 120

3.If you want to go with your cousin of 1.4 metres tall, what games can you choose?

A. A Midwinter Nights Dream.

B. Student Backstage Tours.

C. A Midwinter Nights Dream and Student Backstage Tours.

D. No games.

4.People can play the game A Midwinter Nights Dream at_________.

A. 8:0010:00 on Saturday evening

B. 14:0017:00 on Friday evening

C. 8:0010:00 on Sunday evening

D. 14:0017:00 on Saturday evening

5.The passage mainly (主要地) tells us__________.

A. what New Years Day means

B. How much for those activities(活动)

C. what activities people can play in the park

D. what time these activities are


Many people do not like to stay at home on holidays. They want to go out to see something different or do something exciting(令人激动的). So people from the country go to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays. Many people take cars or buses for traveling.

Last May Day my family went to the country by car for our holiday. There was too much traffic(车辆)on the road, so we had to move very slowly. It took us about an hour to get out of the town. After some time, we came to a farm. It was green and beautiful. We thought it was a nice place for a picnic(野餐). So we stopped and took the food, fruit and drinks out of the car. We sat down under a big green tree and began to eat. Suddenly a strong wind blew(吹) and soon it started to rain. We had to run back to our car and had our picnic in the car. Then we drove back home. What a bad holiday it was!

1.Why dont many people like to stay at home on holidays?

A. Because they have much money.

B. Because the weather is quite cool.

C. Because they want to see something new.

D. Because they want to see different people.

2.Why did their car go slowly?

A. Because there were too many people in the car.

B. Because there was too much traffic.

C. Because it was too cold.

D. Because it was too far for them.

3.Where did they have their picnic at last?

A. In the beautiful country.

B. In the busy street.

C. At the corner of the building.

D. In the car.

4.Where do you think they were most likely(最可能) from?

A. From the country.   B. From the city.

C. From the factory.   D. From the school.

5.Last May Day the family’s holiday was         .

A. interesting    B. wonderful

C. not so good D. exciting



Yoga(瑜伽) is a kind of sport , It is very _____ around the world now. Everyone can do yoga. It's good _____ both men and women.

_____ do people like yoga? It's _____ to say. The short answer is that yoga helps you to _____ in good health. For many people, this answer is enough(足够的), _____ there's more if you are interested.

Yoga _____ in India about 5,000 years ago. At that time, people wanted to be free, _____and live a long life , so this kind of exercise was born. Yoga is a Sanskrit (梵语的) word and it _____ "to join together". There are_____ parts in yoga: exercise, breathing and thinking . Yoga can make you feel better…

1.A .easy       B. important     C. popular     D. interesting

2.A. in         B. for           C. with         D. at

3.A. Why      B. How          C. Where        D. Which

4.A. hard       B. different     C. heavy        D. little

5.A. take       B. make         C. turn         D. keep

6.A. so         B. but          C. or           D. because

7.A. begin      B. begins       C. began        D. beginning

8.A. healthy    B. warm         C. busy         D. useful

9.A. shows      B. means      C. plans         D. brings

10.A. many      B. two         C. few         D. three


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