All __________ people on the earth should use the natural resources wisely, or they __________ by the nature sooner or later.

A. living; will be punished  B. alive; will punish

C. live; were punished      D. lively; are punished


________ my father _______ my mother is able to drive a car. However, they are going to buy one.

A. Neither; nor      B. Both; and

C. Either; or        D. Not only; but also


We should be brave enough to ___________ new challenges any time.

A. carry on         B. put on           C. take on          D. turn on


—Must I return the book this week ? I borrowed it 10 days ago.

—No you _________ . You can _______ it for another 10 days.

A. mustn’t keep   B. don’t have to borrow

C. needn’t keep   D. mustn’t lend


He couldn’t wait ___________ the phone but couldn’t stop __________ when he got the bad news about his dad’s sudden death.

A. reply; to cry          B. to answer; crying

C. to reply to; to cry    D. answer; crying


______of volunteers will be needed for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

I hope to go there and _______them.

A. Thousands; join

B. Thousand; be a member of

C. Three thousand; take part in

D. Thousands; be in


What a big difference Tu Youyou has made to modern medicine in the world!She says she will________ her study.

A. What carry on        B. What a carry on with

C. How carry on with     D. What a carry on


—_______ will they do with the waste water?

—They’re having a discussion about ___________ to reuse it.

A. How how       B. How what

C. What how      D. What what


People used to communicate on the phone but now they are used __________on Wechat because it makes communication ________..

A. to chatting much easier

B. to chat much easily

C. to chating much easier

D. to chatting much more easily


—Thanks a lot for supporting us in the match.  —____________.

A. My pleasure        B. No thanks

C. Don’t say that    D. All right


I couldn’t walk very fast because a lot of people were ___________.

A. in my way        B. in this way

C. in some ways      D. on my way


We will go abroad to watch European soccer league(欧洲杯足球联赛)if we can  ______ it.

A. pay           B. cost            C. spend           D. afford


The new CD ________ so well that it _______ out in all the shops.

A. is sold; sells      B. sells; sells

C. is sold; is sold     D. sells; is sold


—Where is your father now?

—He _________ Hong Kong. He _______ there for three days.

A. has gone to; has been      B. has been to; has been

C. has gone to; has been to    D. went; was


—There is a chess match between a Korean player and AlphaGo(阿尔法).

—It’s very amazing. Playing _____ chess is usually ________ one-to-one game.

A. /;a          B. the a         C. /;an         D. a the



假如你是Amy 三是你的生日,你想要举行一个生日聚会请根据以下提示给你得朋友Millie写封邀请信。(注:一定要介绍清楚如何到达目的地,80词左右)


2、地点 Amy的家里




要求:1. 语法正确,意思连贯,书写规范,要点齐全,适当拓展不要逐句翻译。


Dear Millie











It is around midnight when Louise wakes up. At first she doesnt know what wakes her up, but suddenly she hears a noise. It is coming from downstairs(楼下). She is afraid and doesn’t want to get out of her bed because it is dark and she cant see anything. She decides to go and find what the sounds are. She gets out of her bed and goes downstairs. It is very dark, so she has to walk slowly and carefully. She doesnt want anybody to hear her.

The noise is coming out of the kitchen, so that is where she wants to go first. She puts her head around the door and sees a big shadow(影子). It looks like a tiger. Louise walks slowly into the kitchen, turns on the light and sees…

She sees her cat licking(舔) the milk off the floor. It knocks its bowl over and is now licking everything clean again. That is the noise.

She gets herself a glass of water and goes straight back to bed.

1.What time does Louise wake up?


2.Where is the noise coming from?


3.Why doesnt she want to get out of bed?


4.What does she see when she puts her head around the door?


5.What does Louise see when she turns on the light?





Do you want to know w____1.____ I am going to do this weekend? Now let me tell you. I would like to go to the s____2.___. My friends, Tian and Dick, have the same i___3.____ with me. They want to go with me. But its a long w__4.____from here. We think a lot and t____5._____ we decide to take the following route(路线). We can t_6.___ the No. 5 bus to the s____7.____. The station is n___8.___ the seaside. After walking for about 20 m___9.__, we can see the sea and the beach. Im sure we can have a full day to e__10.___ the sea and the beach.




1.He has to walk to school every day. (改为否定句)

He   _   __________to walk to school every day.

2.Is there a knife in the kitchen? (改为复数句)

__________ there any ___   _in the kitchen?

3.I have my own computer. (保持句意不变)

I have a computer of                 .

4.Hobo will finish his homework in half an hour. (对划线部分提问)

__         will Hobo finish his homework?

5.It takes us two hours to plan the trip. (保持句意不变)

We __________ two hours __________ the trip.



sleep    buy   have      go   rain

1.Each of the students in our class _________ an iPad now.

2.It is hot today.         we         swimming?

3.Would you please turn down the radio? The baby __________.

4.Look. The apples are so fresh. I          some.

5.It         . Look, it is so cloudy.



west   she    twelve   lie  art

1.My idea is very different from            .

2.The Chinese paintings on the wall are one of the ___________.

3.How about             on grass to have a rest?

4.Its a famous ____________ restaurant. You can order your favourite pizza there.

5.Annas parents buy a nice bag for her because today is her __________ birthday.



1.Beijing is the ___________ of China.

2.Mr. Green            (have) a big farm.

3.---What can you see over there?

---Nothing but a small house           (有) a garden.

4.Dont worry. We have ____________(足够)of time to visit the Fun World Museum.

5.If you want to know more about the history of Nantong, you can visit our__________ (in the area near where you live) museums.


When people are dirty they take a bath or a shower. Animals don't have soap(肥皂) but they do keep themselves clean. Many animals with hair such as dogs and cats keep themselves clean by licking ()their hair. They also use their teeth to pull out small dirty things from their hair. When they lick their hair it is almost as if they are using a wet brush to clean themselves.

Birds take baths to stay clean. First they walk through water that is not deep. Next they beat(拍打) their wings to dry themselves. Birds also take sand baths(沙浴)on the ground. It is thought that they do this to drive away parasites(寄生虫).

Even fish need cleaning. Fish have very little parasites that live in their mouths. Some fish live by eating these parasites off other fish. Such fish are called "cleaner fish". Larger fish will open their mouths so that the cleaner fish can get in to clean.

Some animals that live in groups clean each other such as monkeys. They often clean one another. One monkey may clean an area that the other monkey can't reach. How interesting it is!

1.One way that birds keep clean is to  __________.

A. open their mouths     B. take sand baths

C. beat their wings     D. clean each other

2.According to the third paragraph all the following are true EXCEPT(除了) _______.

A. fish need cleaning

B. some fish are cleaner fish

C. some parasites live in the fish's mouths.

D. larger fish open their mouths to eat cleaner fish

3.You may probably read this passage in a _________.

A. weather report       B. school report

C. science book        D. history book

4.The best title of the passage is  _________ .

A. Animals Keeping Clean                   B. Different Animals

C. Driving Away Parasites                  D. Monkeys Living in Groups


Skin—diving ( 潜水运动 ) is a new sport today . This sport can take you to a wonderful world . It’s like to visit the moon . When you’re under the water, it’s easy for you to climb big rocks ( 岩石 ) because you’re not heavy.

Here, under the water , everything is blue and green . During the day , there’s enough light . And you can see a lot of fish swimming around you. You can catch them with your hands. To catch fish is of the most interesting parts of this sport .

When you have tanks ( 罐 ) of air on your back , you can stay in deep water for a long time . But you must be careful when you dive in deep water .

1.Skin—diving will take you to ___________ .

A. the moon    B. a new world

C. rivers       D. the earth

2.You can climb big rocks easily under the water because __________.

A. you’re strong enough

B. you’re tall enough

C. you’re not heavier than on land

D. youre healthy enough

3.With a tank of air on your back, you can __________ .

A. not move any more

B. stay under water for a long time

C. catch fish very easily

D. can only stay in deep water

4.Which is wrong ?

A. Skin—diving is a new sport.

B. Skin—diving is very interesting.

C. In the day there’s no light.

D. You can catch fish with your hands when you are skin—diving.


James comes to a restaurant near his home to have breakfast. He sits at a table and the waiter comes up and says “Can I take your order James?”

“But you don’t show your menu to me Mr. Hunt says the boy.

“Oh sorry! I forget it. Here it is.”

James looks at the menu (菜单)carefully

Cake $1.30              Sandwich $1.80

Hamburger $2.00         Pizza $2.50

Egg $0.30               Milk $0.50

Coffee $0.70             Coke $0.30

James takes out his wallet and finds there is only 6.00 dollars in it.

“Well says Mr. Hunt.” What about a hamburger a pizza two eggs and a glass of coke?”

“Oh no says the boy.” I’ll buy a picture-book this afternoon. It is 1.50 dollars.”

“I see” says the waiter. And then he brings the boy a nice breakfast.

1.Which of the following costs the most money?

A. A sandwich     B. A hamburger       C. A pizza     D. A cake

2.James can only pay ______ dollars at most for his breakfast.

A. $6.50          B. $4.50           C. $3.50       D. $7.50

3.At last James has ______ for his breakfast.

A. two eggs a hamburger a cake and a glass of coffee

B. two eggs a pizza a cake and a glass of coffee

C. two eggs a hamburger a cake and a glass of coke

D. one egg a pizza a sandwich and a glass of coffee


One day a dog meets his friend a little sheep. The sheep is sitting by the river. He is looking at himself in the water. He is crying. The dog asks Whats wrong?

Look at me! the sheep says sadly. Then he cries more loudly. People cut my wool. They cut my wool every spring because I am a sheep.

Think about it carefully! Your wool can make people warm the dog says. “People want to make coats hats and gloves with it. You can help them!

But I need to be warm too. I look so funny without my coat the sheep answers.

“Your wool will start very soon the dog says. In summer you will like being cool.

I guess you are right the sheep says. Maybe its just my first haircut.

1.The dog meets the sheep by a________.

A. lake            B. river         C. tree        D. house

2.The sheep cries because _____________.

A. the dog doesnt play with him.

B. he is looking at himself in the water.

C. he doesnt like what he looks like without wool.

D. he needs to keep warm with his wool.

3.People often cut wool in_______________.

A. spring             B. summer         C. autumn       D. winter

4.This is the ____________ haircut for the sheep.

A. first              B. second          C. third           D. fourth




Mr. Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often   _______ some books from the library. He   _______ to the radio every morning and reads _______  after supper. So he knows much and teaches well.  His    _______ worship(崇拜) him very much. Mike Mr. Clarke’s little son is only nine. He   _______ likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr. Clarke always thinks he's not   _______ to understand him and just gives the   _______  to the easy questions. Of course the boy is not satisfied with(对…满意) it. One day Mike reads something about the electric lights (电灯) and is    _______ it.  _______   his father tells him to do some housework he says to him you should answer my questions first. He asks him _______   questions and his father answers all. Then his father says proudly "Fathers always know _______   than sons!" The boy thinks for a while and says " _______ " "Oh? Why?" Mr. Clarke is surprised. Mike doesn’t answer  _______ asks "Who invented(发明) the electric lights?"  _______  "answers Mr. Clarke. “Why didn't his father invent them then?" Looking at his son Mr. Clarke doesn't know   _______  to answer it!

1.A. finds              B. lends           C. borrows          D. buys

2.A. hears              B. listens          C. says              D. reads

3.A. messages           B. letters          C. stories          D. newspapers

4.A. teachers           B. parents         C. students         D. classmates

5.A. also               B. never           C. even              D. only

6.A. enough old        B. old enough       C. clever enough     D. enough clever

7.A. news              B. answers          C. paper             D. books

8.A. worried about     B. interested in     C. afraid of        D. angry with

9.A. When               B. Before         C. If                D. Because

10.A. few               B. little            C. a few             D. a little

11.A. more              B. most            C. less              D. least

12.A. I dont think so  B. I think so         C. I’m sure     D. I don’t know

13.A. and              B. or                C. but            D. so

14.A. Thomas Brown    B. Allan Smith      C. Thomas Edison   D. Ron Jenkins

15.A. how              B. where            C. which             D. what


--Would you like to have lunch with me?

---________ but I’m afraid I don’t have time.

A. Yes I’d like some.           B. Thank you.

C. Yes please.                   D. No I’d love to.


      your hometown like?

—It s a good place       .

A. How’s to live B. How does living

C. What’s to live D. What does living


      enjoy Beijing opera with us?

Good idea.

A. Why don’t      B. What about

C. Why not you    D. Why not


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