There is _______e-dog in the room. _____e-dog is very lovely.

A. an; a         B. an; The        C. a; The    D. a; a



Summer is coming soon. When is the best time for swimming in the day in summer?

If you would like to swim indoors, a good time in the day is the early hours the body has the most energy to use because the body has woken up and will be ready for all kinds of different activities of the day. The body is going to work with enough energy and therefore a person will feel more comfortable if he swims during the early hours of the day.

Swimming early in the day can also be good for anyone who plans to swim outdoors. The conditions outside will be excellent: the water will not be too cold or too hot, and the air will be just clean and fine. Everything is suitable.

Usually, it is not a good idea to swim later in the day because one’s body is tired after work for a whole day and also the weather conditions can be the worst in the later parts of the day.

However, there are still some exceptions. Different people feel different and one’s body acts differently at different times of the day. When a person is feeling active and is not tired at all after work, it may be a better time to swim for him than for others. If he is alert (警觉的) that time, he is safe in the water.

In a word, the best time can change for every person. The person’s body condition decides when the best time for swimming is.

The best time to 1. in summer

In the early hours of the day

A good time (indoors)

The body has the most energy then

●After 2. up, people are ready for different activities

●The person will feel more comfortable with3.  energy

A good time4.

The conditions outside will be 5. .

●The water is neither too cold nor too hot.

●The 6. is clean and fine.

Later in the day

Usually not a good time

●The body feels7. after a day’s work.

●The weather conditions are the8. during the day.


Later in the day can be a

good time for some


●People’s 9. conditions are different.

●The body acts differently at different times of the day.


The best time to swim in the day in summer should be 10. according to the body conditions of the swimmer.





The sun          in the east and          in the west.


I waited for them                                     the hill.

3.请注意,我们现在开始。                    , we will start now.

4.她是我最喜欢的教师。  She is my                     .


Don’t put that glass                             the table, it might fall off.


--How long have you         the motorbike?

--For about two weeks.

A. bought               B. had

C. borrowed             D. lent


He         never         to the Great Wall.

A. had; gone             B. was; going

C. has; gone             D. has; been


Nowadays, many people prefer ______ to the countryside _______ the fresh air.

A. to move; to breathing          B. moving; to breathing

C. to move; to breathe            D. moving; to breathe


You can’t believe how terrible the fire is _______ you see it with your own eyes.

A. though              B. because

C. unless               D. since


Driving in rush hour traffic ______ be very dangerous, so you _____ be too careless.

A. should; ought to         B. could; should

C. might; mustn’t          D. can; can’t


I think sixteen-year –olds should not be allowed to drive.

___________. They aren’t serious enough at the age.

A. I agree .                B. What a pity.

C. I don’t think so .       D. I’m not sure.


—David has made great progress this term .

—So he has and            .

A. so you have          B. so have you

C. So are you           D. So you are


Where can I find some pictures _______ I can use in my English class ?

Well , you can find them on the Internet . .

A. which            B. who

C. what.              D. whom


I feel very happy that I _________ to be the host .

Congratulations .

A. choose               B. am chosen

C. was chosen          D. have chosen


The old man ________ to live with his wife ,but now he is used to __________ by himself after she died .

A. was used; living          B. used; living

C. used; live                D. was used; live



Many years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The building next door was only a few feet away from mine. There was a woman who lived there, whom I had never met, yet I could see her seated by her window each afternoon.

After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was unclear through the dirty window. I would say to myself, “I wonder why that woman doesn’t wash her window. It really looks terrible.”

One morning I cleaned my room, including washing the window on the inside.

Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a surprise! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly seen. Her window was clean!

Then it dawned on me. I had been criticizing(批评) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window.

That was quite an important lesson for me. Since then, whenever I wanted to judge(判断) someone, I asked myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?” Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly.

1.The writer couldn’t see everything clearly through the window because _______.

A. the woman’s window was dirty

B. his eyes were not good

C. the woman lived nearby

D. his window was dirty

2.The writer was surprised that _____.

A. the woman was sitting by her window

B. the woman’s window was clean

C. the woman did cleaning in the afternoon

D. the woman’s window was still terrible

3.“It dawned on me” probably means “_____”.

A.I began to understand it

B. It surprised me

C. I knew it grew light

D. It began to get dark

4. It was clear that _____.

A. the writer had never met the woman before

B. the writer often washed the window

C. the writer helped the woman clean the window

D. they lived in a small town

5.From the passage, we can learn _____.

A. one shouldn’t criticize others very often

B. one should often make his windows clean

C. one must judge himself before he judges others

D. one must look at others through his dirty window


完形填空通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C中选择正确选项。

Smiles and tears are part of life. But do you find enough time for laughing? I'm not asking if you experience lots of good times . Of course, we should laugh        the happy times. But do you also laugh during the difficult times?

Erma Bombeck is famous       her funny books. But she wrote       about a more serious subject-cancer (癌症) in children. The book is titled, I WANT TO GROW       , I WANT TO GROW UP. Erma talks with many children who       cancer and learns important lessons from them. She learns, for example, that cancer survivors (幸存者) know how to smile at life, though they are receiving chemotherapy (化疗).

She tells about the experience of      Jessica. Jessica's leg was cut off at the knee because of cancer. She was learning to wear a prosthesis (假肢). Jessica told about playing soccer. She hit the ball hard       her foot. The ball flew off in one direction (方向)      her man-made leg flew another way. Then the brave girl lay on the floor, laughing happily.

As the saying goes, "There's a time       and a time to laugh." Do you find       time to laugh?

Survivors know how to laugh If you can laugh even when you're in trouble, you will make it. Remember, laugh and the whole world laugh with you. Cry and you cry alone!

1.A. when           B. during         C. while

2.A. with           B. as             C. for

3.A. it              B. one             C. ones

4.A.HAIR            B. NAILS           C.GRASS

5.A. have           B. having         C. had

6.A. 15 years old  B. 15-years-old   C.15-year-old

7.A. in             B. with            C. under

8.A. while           B. when            C. whether

9.A. crying         B. to cry          C. cried

10.A. many          B. plenty of      C. a lot


---Jenny, shall we watch the movie Fast & Farious 7 this weekend?

---It sounds _______! I can’t wait to see it!

A . strange             B. bad

C. great                 D. awful


—What a clear blue sky!

—Yes, I have never seen         sky.

A. a more beautiful                B. a most beautiful

C. the more beautiful              D. the most beautiful


---It’s everyone’s duty to join the Clean Your Plate Compaign(光盘行动)

---Sure, we should try to    all the food that we have ordered.

A. get up            B. show up

C. eat up              D. turn up


A lot of trees     around here every year and we can enjoy fresher hair now.

A. plant                B. is planted

C. were planted         D. are planted


He has ordered a watch on line for his father and it _______ to him before Father’s Day.

A. send             B. will be sent

C. was sent         D. sent


I found a letter _______ on the floor when I came into the classroom.

A.lying               B.lay

C.lie                 D.lies


—Amy, I hear you've got many foreign coins._______ I have a look?

—Of course, I'll fetch them for you.

A.May                 B.Must

C.Should              D.Need


—I'm very thirsty now.

—Would you like some _________?


C.noodles              D.potatoes


--Could you tell me _______ she is looking for?

-- Her cousin, Susan.

A. that                B. whose

C. whom                D. which


—Today, it rained all day. __________ you ________ wet?

—No. I bought _________ umbrella.

A. Did; get; a           B. Did; got; a

C. Did; get; an           D. Did; got; an



A: Hello! May I Speak to Sandra?

B: Hello! This is Sandra speaking. 1.?

A: This is William. I hear you are going to a trip next weekend. 2.?

B: I’m going to Fuping, Shaanxi Province with my family.

A: Really? That’s really a beautiful place. It’s President Xi’s hometown.

B: It seems that you’re familiar with it. 3.?

A: Yes, I have been there twice.

B: 4.?

A: I went there two years ago. By the way, don’t pack anything to eat.

B: 5.? What if I can’t get anything delicious to eat?

A: Don’t worry. There are many kinds of delicious food there. It’s reported that our president invited Lian Zhan to eat some famous snacks from Shaanxi including Fuping. Don’t you know that?

B: I nearly forgot! And I think Fuping and its food will be more and more famous like Qing Feng Steamed Stuff Bun.





Study hard, and you are sure to _________.

2. 错过早班车使他很生气。

_______________ made him very angry.


_____________ the street is!


___________  the students in our class ________ 60.


I am ______________ going to an ideal senior high school.


I _______ be afraid to sleep alone in my room, but now I _______ sleeping there alone.

A. was used to; used to         B. used to; am used to

C. used to; used to             D. am used to; used to


The students of our class _____ to swim last month and we can swim very well now.

A. taught                B. had taught

C. was taught          D. were taught


It’s too cold outside today. You’d better ____ your jacket.

A. put on               B. put up

C. put off               D. put out


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