完形填空通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的选项中选择正确的一项。

A teacher began his class by holding up a glass of water. He asked the students, “How much do you think this glass __________ ?”

“Fifty grams!” “One hundred grams!” “One hundred and fifty grams!” the students answered.

“I don’t know either,” said the teacher. “What would _________ if I held it up like this for a few minutes?”

_________,” the students said.

“OK. What would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?”

“Your _________ would ache,” said a student.

“You’re right. Now what would happen if I held it for a day?”

“Your arm would go numb (麻木的). You may have to go to a _________!” said another student, and all the students laughed.

“Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass _________ ?” asked the teacher.


“Then what _________ the pain and numbness?”

The _________ were puzzled (困惑的) .

“What should I do now to get rid of (消除) the _________ ?” asked the teacher again.

“Put the glass _________ !” said a student.

Exactly!” said the teacher. “Life’s problems are _________ like this. Hold them for a few _________ in your head and they seem OK. _________ them for a long time and they begin to ache. Hold them even _________ and they begin to make you numb. You will not be able to do anything.”

It’s important to think of the challenges or _________ in your life. But what’s even more important is to “put them down” at the end of every day.

1.A. costs         B. has          C. weighs      D. fills

2.A. complete      B. happen       C. reply       D. disturb

3.A. Everything B. Something   C. Anything     D. Nothing

4.A. foot          B. finger       C. arm          D. head

5.A. library      B. hospital     C. museum       D. office

6.A. change       B. go           C. improve      D. raise

7.A. caused       B. carried      C. controlled  D. collected

8.A. teachers     B. students     C. glasses      D. weights

9.A. pain         B. water        C. glass        D. stress

10.A. away         B. up           C. down        D. off

11.A. nothing      B. anything     C. everything  D. something

12.A. minutes      B. hours        C. days         D. weeks

13.A. Talk with    B. Talk about C. Think about D. Think with

14.A. shorter      B. longer       C. lighter      D. heavier

15.A. joy          B. happiness    C. excitement  D. Problems


--- Show me the map, please. I wonder ______.

--- Look, it's here, in the east of China, near Taiwan Province.

A. where is Diaoyu Island         B. where Diaoyu Island is

C. what is Diaoyu Island like     D. when Diaoyu Island is


Can you tell me ____ to London?

Sure. Next month.

A.when you will travel          B.when will you travel

C.when you travelled            D.when did you travel


Which do young people prefer, music or sports?

Both. Music is ________ sports.

A. as popular as           B. not as popular as

C. more popular than      D. less popular than


The sports meeting will be covered _________ tonight.

A. alive                 B. lives

C. live                  D. lively


Shu-How Lin is now one of_______ basketball players in the NBA.

A. popular                B. less popular

C. more popular           D. the most popular


I often mistake Alice _________ Lily because they are twins and look the same.

A. with            B. for

C. of               D. On


---Excuse me, sir. Is the swimming pool open all day?

---_______. Only from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

A. Yes, of course               B. That’s right

C. Sorry, I’m not sure         D. Sorry, I’m afraid not


The plane will _____ from Pudong Airport and land in Beijing.

A.take up              B.take off

C.take out             D.take away


They didn’t do it by themselves instead of         Uncle Wang for help.

A. ask                B. asking

C. to ask           D. asked


-- Bob never does his homework      Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.

--- Because he spends       time doing his homework.

A. so careful as ; less              B. as carefully as ; more

C. as carefully as ; less            D. as careful as ; more


在A、B、C、 D四个选项中选出划线部分发音不同的一个选项。

1.A.grandfather  B.match         C.chat        D.gate

2.A.else         B.never         C.seldom      D.enjoy

3.A.life         B.bring         C.slim        D.picnic

4.A.phone        B.over          C.hello       D.front

5.A.club         B.just          C.cute        D.fun

6.A.her          B.member        C.letter      D.quarter

7.A.cook         B.noon          C.noodle      D.food

8.A.ball         B.walk          C.always      D.talk

9.A.thank        B.uncle         C.orange      D.English

10.A.hopes       B.looks         C.needs       D.wakes



The Secrets of Happiness 1. Money and success alone do not bring lasting (长久的) happiness.Happiness depends on ourselves.In other words, we make our own happiness.Here are a few ways to help you be happier.

2.We spend so much time thinking about the future, for example, getting into college or getting a good job that we fail to enjoy the present.You should enjoy life’s simple pleasure, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music or spending time with close friends.3.

Another secret to have a happy life is to be active.And having hobbies will help you forget your problems.Many people do this by dancing or playing a sport such as going skating or playing soccer.4._

Finally.Many people find happiness in helping others.People feel good when they use their time to help others.5.You can help a friend with his or her lessons, go shopping to buy food for your family members, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.










Dear Mike,

I would like to tell you about my school life.




Best wishes!


Wang Hai


下面是对Mei Mei一家人对电视节目的喜好调查情况表,请根据调查表内容,代表Mei Mei写一篇不少于80单词的调查汇报。


Hello, my name is Mei Mei. My families like different kinds of TV shows.

My father_________________________________________________________






People eat different things in different parts of the world.In some countries, people eat rice e1..day.Sometimes they eat it two or three t2..a day.For breakfast, lunch and supper, they usually eat it w3..meat, fish and vegetables.Some people don’t eat some kinds of m 4.Muslims(穆斯林), for example, don’t eat pork.The Japanese eat l5.of fish, and they a6.eat a lot of rice.In some western countries such as Britain, Australia and the USA, the most important f7.is bread or potatoes.And people can cook potatoes in different ways.Some people eat o8. fruit and vegetables.They don’t eat meat or fish or anything that comes from a9. They eat only food from plant.Some people say that food from plants is the b10. for us.



1.________(每人) in my class is very nice to me.

2.The new building in our school looks very ________(现代的).

3.Of all the subjects, I likes ________(生物) best.

4.The ________(主人)of these two little dogs often take them for a walk.

5.My father is________(real)a good cook.

6.Good ________(lucky)to you in the game!

7.Writing English ________(diary) is a good way to learn English.

8.This pair of shoes is the basketball ________(play).

9.Please give my best ________(wish) to your friend for me.

10.Lucy goes to the Computer Club _________(two) a week.



1.Tom’s father often w__________ basketball games on TV.

2.My telephone number is 31546786.Please call me a_________ this number.

3.Can I ask you some q__________, Mr.Green?

4.The blue hat is Gina’s, and the red one is h__________, too.

5.It__________ this is a very interesting book, I really like it.

6.My father’s mother and father are my g___________.

7.—What’s three and five?    It’s e_________.

8.Rice, fruit and vegetables are all h__________ food.

9.She has an egg and some milk for b___________ every (每个) morning.

10.— __________ my books, mom?      —They’re on your bed.



1.Simon goes to school on a bus every day.(改为同义句)

Simon _______ a bus _______ school every day.

2.Millie does well in dancing.(改为否定句)

Millie _______ _______ _______ in dancing.

3.I am ready for breakfast.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ _______ ready for breakfast?

4.He looks quite tall and strong.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ he ______?




We all like             .They are             us.


Now my mother is                           my birthday party.


Children would like to                      


I live             the school,but I still enjoy        to school.


You are so kind to                       in the morning.


Don’t worry.We just do it               



1.Jim’s jacket is yellow and black.(就划线部分提问)

________ ________ is Jim’s jacket?

2.My cousin has a volleyball.(变否定句)

My cousin ________ ________ a volleyball.

3.What about some hamburgers? (变同义句)

________ ________ some hamburgers?

4.The sweaters are 20 dollars.(就划线部分提问)

________ _________ are the sweaters?

5.Those are oranges on the table.(改为单数句)

________ _________ orange on the table.


Taking care of small children is one of the ways to make money.It is also called babysitting.Most parents do not have relatives living with them.They need someone to watch the children if they want to go out.A babysitter may play games, draw pictures, or read stories to the children, and then put them to bed at the proper time.

Mowing(割)lawns(草坪)for the neighbors is another common job.When people do not have time to mow their lawns in the garden, they are glad to pay somebody to do this.

Boys and girls can also help deliver newspapers in the neighborhood.They can walk or ride bicycles to deliver newspapers from house to house.They must do this every day if they want to make money in this way.

Some old people who live by themselves need help.Let them know if you like to help with the clean-up work, or go out to mail letters or buy things for them.They will perhaps pay you something each time or every week.

There are many ways to make money.American children often look around to see what work they can do to earn their pocket money.

1.What does the word “babysitting” mean?

A.Taking care of small children.

B.A baby sitting at home.

C.A baby making money.

D.A sitting baby.

2.Most American children make money by doing the following EXCEPT(除了) _____________.

A.delivering newspapers

B.doing what they dislike

C.doing the clean-up work

D.helping old people with some chores

3.A young American is more likely(可能的) to find a job if________________.

A.he has no pocket money.

B.he likes studying

C.his neighbor is a doctor.

D.his neighbor is old and lives alone(独自).

4.The main idea of this passage is that       

A.children are good babysitters.

B.children can deliver newspapers.

C.old people living alone need help.

D.American children work to make pocket money


The English love sports.One of the popular games in England is cricket (板球).But cricket doesn’t change(改变) much these years.For some parts of England, the eight months of the football season is more important than the four months of the cricket season.

Most middle schools have sports fields (场地) and boys usually play rugby (橄榄球) or football in winter and cricket in summer.While school girls play tennis or baseball in summer and basketball or hockey (曲棍球) in winter ,boys seldom play basketball.The more popular grown-up (成人的) games are golf and tennis. A lot of people play them.

The British also like watching horse racing, but few show interest in bike racing. Britain is the home of many modern (现代的) popular sports.


1.In England, there are _____ months in the cricket season.

A.4                 B.5

C.6                D.8

2.Middle school boys often play rugby or football in _____.

A.spring           B.winter

C.summer           D.fall

3.In England, _____ are popular grown-up games.

A.football and basketball             B.tennis and football

C.golf and tennis                     D.tennis and soccer

4.From the passage, we can learn that many modern popular sports are from _____.

A. America          B.Britain

C.Japan            D.China

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.For most British people, the cricket season is more important than the football season.

B.Cricket changed a lot during the last ten years.

C.Middle school girls seldom play basketball.

D.The British prefer horse racing to bike racing.




1.When is the show?

A.Saturday              B.Friday

C.Monday               D.Sunday

2.Where can we see the live(现场的) show?

A.In Children’s Center.

B.In Smith’s house.

C.In the TV station hall

D.We don’t know.

3.If Jane wants to be a teacher, she doesn’t need to be good at _______.

A.music                 B.drawing

C.math                   D.sports


Mrs.Black and her daughter Jane are in a store.  (注:Clerk 售货员)

Clerk:Can I help you?

Mrs.Black: I want a sweater for my daughter.

Clerk: What color does she like?

Mrs.Black (to Jane): What color do you like, dear?

Jane: I like yellow.

Clerk: Do you like this one?

Jane: Yes, it’s really beautiful.How much is it?

Clerk: 80 dollars.

Mrs.Black: It’s too expensive (太贵了)。

Clerk: Look at this blue one.It’s only 30 dollars.

Mrs.Black: I think the blue one is nice , too.

Jane: But, Mom, I don’t like blue.

Mrs.Black: OK, we’ll take the yellow one.

Jane: Thank you, Mom.

Clerk: Here you are.

Mrs.Black: Thanks.

Clerk: You’re welcome.

1.Where are Mrs.Black and her daughter?

A.At home.                  B.At school.

C.In a clothes store.       D.In Jane’s room

2.What color does Jane like?

A.White.                    B.Yellow.

C.Blue.                     D.Black.

3.How much is the blue sweater?

A.80 dollars.               B.50 dollars.

C.30 dollars.               D.20 dollars.

4.Which sweater(s) do they buy?

A.The yellow one.

B.The blue one.

C.The blue one and the yellow one.

D.They don’t buy any(任何) one.

5.Which of the following is right?

A.Jane is Mrs.Black’s friend.

B.Mrs.Black thinks the blue sweater is nice.

C.Jane likes the blue sweater.

D.The Clerk likes the yellow sweater.


This is an English girl.(1)Her name is Sonia.She has a great collection of balls.She has three soccer balls, five baseballs, six volleyballs and two basketballs.(2) 它们在她床下面。Sonia likes sports.(3) She plays basketball every day.She likes Kobe and she has nine (4) __照片__ of Kobe.

Sonia has one brother and one sister.Her brother is Mike and her sister is Cindy.Mike likes vegetables very much.He always has (5)   西红柿   and carrots for lunch.Cindy likes fruit and she always eats apples and oranges for dinner.Sonia’s brother and sister don’t like sports and they don’t have any balls.








A.photo, tomato        B.photoes, tomatos

C.photoes, tomatoes      D.photos, tomatoes

5.Who don’t have any balls?



—What’s DIY exactly, Suzy?

—It_____ “do-it-yourself”, you do something yourself instead of _____ someone to do it.

A.means, pay                B.stands for, to pay

C.mean, paying              D.stands for, paying


It’s 7.00 a.m .It’s time _______.

A.have breakfast          B.go home

C.to get up               D.to watch TV


—Tom, here are some story books.Which one would you like ______?

The old man and sea.I think it’s so interesting!

A.to want               B.to choose

C.read                   D.choose


She studies for an English test by_______the textbook.

A.Looking              B.seeing

C.reading              D.watching


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