
Connie Talbot was born on November 20th, 2000. She is an English child singer from Streetly, West Midlands. She is best known for being on "Britain's Got Talent"(《英国达人》) when she was just six. She has been singing since she was 18 months old. The song she is most known for is Somewhere over the Rainbow. And now she is touring the country with the UK's biggest children's choir-Young Voices.

Do you know what the Young Voices Tour is? Well, it's a great event for children. It is great for them to sing on a big stage with thousands of other children. Everyone waits for the parents to arrive in the evening to watch the children put on a great show. There is so much fun. When the lights turn on, everyone sings together at the same time as one. It's so loud and powerful(有力的). Connie loves looking around at the choir and seeing everyone so happy when she was performing.

"We've heard you got a new Guinness world record!" I asked her. "Yes! I am very proud. It was amazing to get the Guinness world record for the biggest choir at the back of a singer. I am glad to share that world record with more than 6 000 other children present that day," she answered.

1.How long has Connie been famous?

A.Since she was only 6 months old.

B.Since she was 6 years old.

C.Ever since she was 12 years old.

D.Since she was 18 months old.

2.What do you think Connie is good at?

A.Singing.               B.Skating.

C.Speaking.              D.Dancing.

3.What does the author mainly tell us in the second paragraph?

A.How Connie became famous.

B.How to practice singing.

C.What the Young Voices Tour is.

D.How to perform better.

4.From the second paragraph, we can infer that .

A.when Connie was performing, she was very happy

B.in fact, Connie didn't want to perform any more

C.it is difficult to perform with so many children

D.she likes singing and dancing alone

5.What makes Connie so proud?

A.Owning so many prizes for a child.

B.Getting a new Guinness world record.

C.Getting a chance to talk to a famous reporter.

D.Getting many gifts from children all over the world.



New Zealand is beautiful no matter what time of the year or season you visit. The best time to visit New Zealand is the time that suits you best. The weather in New Zealand is fine all year round. However, if you have more than one date in mind, the following information may help with your travel plans.

The warmest months of the year are from September to April. December, January and February are the three hottest months of the year. It is summer. The long summer days are wonderful for water sports.

Spring is from September to November. It can be hot, warm or cool. The weather is quite different. That depends on the places you visit. You can travel to Alexandra in Central Otago and Hastings in Hawk's Bay.

Autumn is from March to May. It is a pleasant season in New Zealand. The temperature is a few degrees lower than that of summer.

The winter season runs from June to August. The mountainous areas are covered with snow during winter and there is a little rainfall in some places. This is a good time for skiing.

1.The purpose of the author in writing the first paragraph is .

A.to show how beautiful New Zealand is

B.to offer the best time for travelers to travel to New Zealand

C.to tell us not to travel to New Zealand without knowing the weather there

D.to tell us any time is OK but you'd better choose the suitable time for your travel to New Zealand

2.Which sport is suitable in December and January in New Zealand?

A.Going skating.             B.Playing soccer.

C.Going swimming.            D.Going skateboarding.

3.What is the weather in spring in New Zealand like?A.It is very hot.B.It is pretty cool.C.It is hot but wet in spring.D.It's different in different places.

4.Which month is the best if you want to play with snow?

A.July.                      B.December.

C.February.                  D.November.

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A.A Famous Country           B.Seasons in New Zealand

C.Come to New Zealand        D.Places in New Zealand



What's the best way to lose weight? To diet? No. Most people who diet may regain the lost weight when they go back to their old e1. habits.

How do people lose weight and control weight? Here are 5 ways to m2. that happen.

Exercise. Exercise b3. calories and builds muscle(肌肉). Walking the family dog, cycling to school and doing other things can be h4..

Reduce screen time. People get less exercise these days b5. of an increase in "screen time". They s6. too much time watching TV or playing computer games. Limiting(限制) your screen time to less than 2 hours a day may be suitable. It can make you eat fewer snacks.

Drink h7. . Another reason in weight gain is that more people drink some unhealthy drinks that can make you get fat. So choose to drink w8. or low-fat milk.

Eat 5 servings(一份食物) of fruit and vegetables a day. Fruit and v9. have less calories than many other foods. And when you eat more fruit and vegetables, you won't overeat.

Have breakfast. Breakfast brings you energy to do more d10. the day. People who don't have breakfast often feel so hungry that they eat more later on.



Jack is a 25-year-old man. He works in a great factory far from his home. He is crazy about playing computer games at night and so he never gets up early. He is always ______ for work. He always ______ why time always goes so fast.

Today is also a ______ day for him. He got up late again. He looked at his clock. He looked at his ______ around his wrist(手腕). They both said 7:10. He had to leave in 10 minutes. But ______ he had to shave(剃须). Then he had to brush his teeth. Then he had to get dressed. It ______ him about 5 minutes to do these things. So he turned ______ the TV. He turned off the radio, too. It was already 7:25. He put his breakfast in a bag. He ______ locked the door. He had to hurry. He ran out to his ______. He drove fast. A cop(警察) saw him. He stopped Jack, "Why didn't you stop at the stop sign?" the cop asked. "But officer, I was in a ______," he said. "But I had to be in a hurry too or you have passed me already. Here's your third ticket this week." said the cop.

1.A.sad           B.early          C.late           D.glad

2.A.asks          B.complains      C.wonders        D.answers

3.A.lucky         B.windy          C.fine           D.bad

4.A.watch         B.color          C.note           D.skin

5.A.first         B.last           C.once           D.second

6.A.spent         B.took           C.cost           D.used

7.A.off           B.on             C.of             D.down

8.A.opened        B.cleaned        C.locked         D.watched

9.A.bike          B.car            C.factory        D.horse

10.A.hole         B.street         C.hurry          D.trouble



In the teen years, young people change in many ways. The body changes, so do thoughts and feelings. These changes become an important part of teenage life.

Teens may often harm their health by developing bad lifestyles. Bad eating habits and less sleep may cause lots of problems. For example, they may often feel tired and have no interest in anything. Some begin to smoke, which is bad for their health.

Teens' feelings usually change, too. They may get angry more easily. Other changes include becoming depressed more easily and feeling nervous. Some teens may start to keep secrets to themselves and refuse to talk with their parents or teachers, and they always show their anger and dislike for another person or group.

During the teen years, people will usually have some problems that may cause other problems. One reason for this may be that teens are never taught about the changes that are taking place and they do not know how to deal with the problems they have.

Teachers and parents should spend some time with young teens and teach them about the changes. Most of the time, it is good for teens to know about them.


Teens have many changes such as body changes and 1. changes.

They may destroy their health by 2. , such as bad eating habits and less sleep.

They may become angry and depressed more easily and feel nervous.

They start to 3. to themselves and show anger and dislike for another person or group.

They may cause some problems.

Reason: They never learn about the changes and don't know how to 4. them.

Teachers and parents should 5. with young teens, and teach them about the changes.




"Everyone makes mistakes in life, but that doesn't mean they have to pay for them for the rest of their life. Sometimes wise people make foolish choices. It doesn't mean they're foolish…it means they're improving!"

Mistakes sometimes mean something that you are trying new things. It's good to try new things, because when you are trying new things you are growing. If you never have a try, you never make progress. Look around you, everything you see is the result of someone trying new things.

I remember clearly what life was like back in 2006. I was 17 years old and in a really bad place.

In a chemistry lab, I was doing an experiment. I tried twenty times, but I couldn't succeed. So I decided to stop doing the experiment. I felt a little unhappy.

Mr. Green seemed to understand me. He touched my head with a smile, "Young man, you have done a lot and you've got a lot. You at least know that there are twenty ways you can't use to do this experiment."

After hearing the words, I became excited. I kept doing the experiment and at last I did succeed.

1.What's the purpose of the author in writing the first paragraph?

A.Don't be afraid of making mistakes.

B.Mistakes can give you more time.

C.Mistakes can tell you who is wise.

D.Mistakes can stop you from succeeding.

2.From the second paragraph, we can know that .

A.new things mean mistakes

B.if you never have a try, you will never make progress

C.if you want to improve, you should make mistakes

D.people should make many mistakes before they begin to do things

3.The author felt unhappy in the lab because he .

A.was not allowed to do the experiment

B.lost his chemistry book

C.failed many times in the experiment

D.was laughed by the teacher

4.What did Mr. Green want to do with those words?

A.To show how stupid the author was.

B.To show how strict the teacher was.

C.To encourage the author to go on making mistakes.

D.To encourage the students to go on doing the experiment.

5.What's the best title for this passage?

A.Trying New Things Can Make Mistakes

B.Everyone Should Make Mistakes

C.Wise People Make Fewer Mistakes

D.Mistakes Is Good for Our Success



The smell of gas on the street may make us hold our breath. However, when it comes to 1. (pollute), your own home may be just bad.

"People spend most of their time indoors, and 2.(they) homes can be two to five times as polluted as the air outside," says the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Poor indoor air quality can cause health problems. And a lot of these problems 3.(cause) by something in your house. 4.(make) your home healthy, here are some useful tips:

Is the fan in your bathroom 5.(work) well? Turn it on. Put a sheet of paper against it. If the paper sticks, the fan is strong enough. If not, it needs to be repaired. A good fan 6.(make) sure the air in the bathroom is fresh.

Keep your gutters(水槽) clean and clear so that dirty water doesn't make your kitchen or bathroom 7.(smell) bad.

And 8.(not leave) the litter in bags or bins in your home. The place for it is outside, waiting for collection.

When you are at home, open the windows 9.(let) fresh air in.

Follow these simple steps, and you're sure to live in a 10.(health) environment.



Swimming is enjoyed by people of all ages, from the young to the old. All over the ______ people swim for fun. There are many ______ where people can enjoy swimming. People swim in lakes, oceans, and ______. Some swim in pools. Many schools, apartment buildings and clubs ______ indoor or outdoor pools. Some families have pools in their ______.

Swimming is one of ______ forms of exercise. It can improve heart action. It helps blood circulate (血液循环). Swimming can ______ develop strong muscles(肌肉). It will even strengthen the lungs(肺). People who are ______ and can't enjoy other sports can keep their bodies in better condition by ______.

It is a good idea for ______ to learn to swim at an early age. This will be an activity that the children can enjoy for the rest of ______ lives. There are some basic rules for water safety that you must ______. First of all, know how to swim. Many ______ give lessons to children. Adults can learn to swim at public pools or recreation(娱乐) centers. Another rule to remember is never swim ______. Always swim with a friend and know that person is in the water at all times. It is best to swim only in places ______ there is a lifeguard. If you swim in the ocean or a river, it is good to know about tides(潮水) and currents(水流).

1.A.village        B.earth          C.world          D.street

2.A.gardens        B.fields         C.floors         D.places

3.A.rivers         B.hotels         C.restaurants    D.hospitals

4.A.like           B.have           C.want           D.help

5.A.rooms          B.playgrounds    C.yards          D.kitchens

6.A.the worst      B.the tallest    C.the best       D.the easiest

7.A.too            B.also           C.either         D.never

8.A.clever         B.stupid         C.healthy        D.disabled

9.A.playing        B.swimming       C.running        D.exercising

10.A.boys          B.girls          C.children       D.adults

11.A.her           B.his            C.our            D.their

12.A.know          B.swim           C.play           D.leave

13.A.hospitals     B.libraries      C.schools        D.shops

14.A.together      B.alone          C.happily        D.sadly

15.A.which         B.that           C.where          D.how



China Youth says that more and more girl students have entered colleges to study in the recent few years. As we know, once the number of boys was larger than that of girls and boys did much better than girls in our country for a long time. Now, things have changed a lot.

In recent years, the proportion(比例) of girl students is growing fast. In 1998, about 39.75% of the college students were girls. In 2000, it was 41.07% and in 2001, the proportion was 42.14%.

There are several reasons for this.

First, there is little difference between boys and girls in their intelligence(智力). That is to say, girls are almost as clever as boys. And boys have more interests than girls, so they may not always do well in their study. Second, girls are more careful than boys. They work harder at school and they do better in all exams.

The last one is that with the development of society, people pay more and more attention to girls' education.



Things in College


Many years ago

The number of boys was 1.. than that of girls and boys did 2.. than girls.

First, boys have 3.. than girls, so they may not always do well in their study. Second, girls are 4.. than boys. The last one is that people pay more and more attention to girls' education.

In recent years

The proportion of girl students is 5.. .




Avril Ramona Lavigne is a Canadian singer song writer. She was born in Belleville, Ontariok, in 1984, but spent most of her youth in the small town of Napanee. She released her first album Complicated(《超复杂》) when she was only 17 years old.

Lavigne was only 15 when she was discovered. At that time she had no idea how to make an album. "A career just came early for me, I was trying to figure out this life," she said. "My friends still don't know if they want to be a teacher or a doctor."

Lavigne prefers to wear loose(宽松的) trousers, old Tshirts and a frown(皱眉). That's not like the tight clothes and sweet smiles of many pop stars. Lavigne knew that she would never be like Britney Spears. In her high school days, "I was only around guys," she said. "I hung out with guys, playing hockey and sometimes getting in fights. My band members were all guys."

It was not until she got older that she started acting more girly. "From then to now, I look really different—but that's called growing up," she said.

So what does Lavigne think about life? "Life is like a roller coaster. Live it, be happy," she said.

1.When did Avril's first album come out?

A.Two years after she was discovered.

B.One year before she became a singer.

C.When she was only 15 years old.

D.When she was 13 years old.

2.What did Avril think of her future job when she was 15?

A.She wanted to be a teacher.

B.She wanted to be a singer.

C.She wanted to be a doctor.

D.She had no idea about it.

3.Paragraph 3 mainly tells us that .

A.some of Avril's likes and dislikes

B.the advantages of loose trousers

C.clothes and smiles of many pop stars

D.different ways of smiling between Avril and other singers

4.What kind of person did Avril belong to when she grew older?

A.She was a girl of few words.

B.She was kind of girly.

C.She was a girl that acted like a boy.

D.She was quiet rather than active.

5.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Avril likes roller coasters very much.

B.Avril is a girl who likes sports.

C.Avril is a girl who loves life very much.

D.Avril doesn't like her life now.



It is always expected that housework will be done by robots completely in the future. For years, scientists have been working on this dream, but it still remains in science fiction films.

However, people still hope to have a helping hand around the house. A survey showed that 55% of people were going to use robots at home. Easy things like washing and cleaning are becoming the working domain of robots slowly.

Although this dream hasn't been achieved, the idea of finding a helping hand at home for people has been used to improve people's everyday life. In South Korea, the famous company LG is working hard to improve people's everyday life by high technology. Tasks such as answering the telephone, opening the door, and turning on washing machines and air conditioners can be done automatically. At the same time, these services can not only be done inside the home, but also can be done through the Internet, or even by a mobile phone far away.

Do you remember in 1987 when you first saw a man walking down the road with a big phone in his hand? Now mobile phones are small and almost everybody has got one. The future is arriving slowly, even if we didn't notice it.

1.What can we infer according to Paragraph 1?

A.Science fiction films are very popular now.

B.Robots only exist in science fiction films.

C.Scientists have done a lot to improve science fiction films.

D.Robots cannot do all the housework for people at home now.

2.The underlined word "domain" most probably means in English.

A.time                 B.field

C.prize                D.expression

3.How is the company LG working to improve people's everyday life?

A.By high technology.

B.By using solar energy.

C.By encouraging people to live a low carbon life.

D.By making a helping hand around the house.

4.The author uses the example of mobile phones to show that .

A.more and more people are using mobile phones now

B.mobile phones have changed greatly

C.the future can be controlled by humans

D.robots will be used widely one day



Now the game Angry Birds has become more and more popular with the young and the old. I'm sure you enjoy it a lot, don't you? But is it too small to play the game on your mobile phone or your computer? Do you want to visit a park where you can find some bigger birds and pigs? But, as this picture shows, Angry Birds has now become something so much bigger. I think that must be very exciting to touch such big birds.

Angry Birds Land recently opened inside Sarkanniemi Amusement Park in Tampere, Finland. It is the first Angry Birds theme park in the world. Finland is a country in northern Europe. And then other countries will copy Finland's example. The UK government says that they plan to build Angry Birds theme parks in the UK. What's more, you can see such theme parks not only in the UK, but also in other countries. The game, Angry Birds, was created by Finnish company Rovio. It agreed to help build the theme parks all over the world.

1.My neighbor Mr. Smith doesn't know what Angry Birds is. What do you explain to him?

A.Angry Birds is a kind of game, you can play it on your mobile phone or your computer.

B.Angry Birds are some birds in cages. When you come near, they will become angry.

C.Angry Birds is a kind of job. The work is to look after the older birds.

D.Angry Birds is the name of a company. It lies in Finland.

2.Why does the news say Angry Birds has become bigger?

A.Because the screens of mobile phones and computers have become bigger.

B.Because people spend much more money on Angry Birds.

C.Because Angry Birds has become more and more popular.

D.Because there has been theme parks named Angry Birds.

3.From the second paragraph, we can infer that .

A.some countries don't allow kids to play Angry Birds any more

B.Angry Birds theme parks will be built in more and more places

C.building Angry Birds theme parks is not a good idea

D.it's difficult to clean up an Angry Birds theme park

4.The underlined word "It" refers to .

A.the game Angry Birds

B.the Angry Birds theme park

C.a company that created the game Angry Birds

D.an engineer who creates the first Angry Birds theme park

5.What's the best title for this reading?

A.Angry Birds in Finland

B.More Angry Birds in the World

C.Angry Birds Flying to Theme Parks

D.Rovio Plans to Build More Angry Birds Theme Parks




This month, every child in Grade one in Canada will receive a free book.

The book giveaway is the product of a partnership 1.the bank and the Canadian Children's Book Center.

The bank pays more than one million to have 500 000 books 2. and sent out to grade one students across the country. This is the program's 3. year.

This year the books the kids 4. is Gifts, by author Jo Ellen Bogart and plasticine artist Barbara Reid.

The Canadian Children's Book Center and the bank get lots of thank-you 5. after they give out the books each year.

The headmaster of a school in the Northwest Territories sent a letter, 6. them for the books. She said that for most of the 7., this would be the first book they would own. And then she 8. that this would also be the only Christmas gift many of the children would receive that year, since the families in that particular community were having 9.making ends meet (让收支平衡).

The Canadian Children's Book Center 10. sent the community another supply of different children's books as well.



An exam is at best a gamble(赌博) but after taking an exam, we know slightly what we can expect. I had ______ hard for this exam. I had done my papers well. I was quite confident that I would get a ______ mark. There was a sneaking hope in my mind that I might get a prize. I waited anxiously for the ______.

On the day the results came out, I reached ______ early. As soon as the results were put on the board I hunted for my roll number. I could not ______ it. How could I get such low marks? All my answers were ______. Then how I had scored only 80% marks in math?

At first I felt like ______. All my hard work had gone waste! What did they ______ by giving me such low marks? I deserved(应得) better. They probably went over my papers after a ______ or in a bad mood. But why should I be made to suffer(受痛苦)? I felt shy of facing my friends and teachers.

"All those who have taken part in the BCA ______ go to the right wall please!" a speaker was shouting. There I found I was the top third!

1.A.thought         B.studied          C.hit          D.fought

2.A.high            B.low              C.new          D.original

3.A.friends         B.teachers         C.guests       D.results

4.A.workplace       B.library          C.school       D.supermarket

5.A.see             B.believe          C.find         D.understand

6.A.wrong           B.impossible       C.correct      D.interesting

7.A.laughing        B.crying           C.escaping     D.jumping

8.A.do              B.make             C.mean         D.reach

9.A.quarrel         B.game             C.party        D.drive

10.A.fashions       B.exhibitions      C.shows        D.exams



Your Junior 3 year will finish soon. Do you want to say something about your junior school life? What were the rewards(收获) of the three years? Here are some stories to share.

Lin Yijian, 14, Xiamen, Fujian

I got through a hard time in Junior 2 when my grades suddenly dropped a lot. I faced great pressure. In the following summer vacation, I worked really hard by studying from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. every day. It was crazy, hut when I caught up with my classmates. I felt everything had been worthwhile(值得的).

Zhang Wanying, 15, Dalian, Liaoning

In 2009 I had a trip to the US with some students and teachers. When we arrived there,

the other students and I didn't want to eat the local food. The teachers were worried and tried to make us eat. When we finally finished the meal, the guide scolded(责备) us, saying that the world now sees how spoiled(被宠坏的) Chinese kids are. I felt really sorry.

Luo Shu'er, 14, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

I lived in a dorm(寝室) during junior school. It was a great challenge since I had never left my parents before that. I had to take care of everything myself. I learned to tidy my bed and get along with roommates. I also learned to make a schedule to arrange(安排) my time. I've done a good job and I feel proud.

Yin Donghui, 13, Beijing

I won first place in the rope skipping competition at our school's sports meeting in my

first year in junior school. The sports meeting is a big thing at our school. To prepare for it I practiced hard and skipped rope 500 times every day. Finally I skipped over 210 times in one minute. You don't know how excited I was then!


1.Why did Lin Yijian have a hard time in Junior 2.

2.What did Zhang Wangying's guide think of Chinese kids?

3.How does Luo Shu're feel when she thinks of her life in a dorm during junior school?

4.Why was Yin Donghui feel excited at the sports meeting?

5.What does the writer want us to do after we read this passage?



Tommy was watching the shutters(百叶窗) open and then shut, open and then shut.

"Mom," he said, "may I go outside?"

"Be careful," she said. "It's so windy today."

Outside, leaves were flying here and there.

Tommy watched in fascination.

"If I was a leaf, I would fly across the world," Tommy thought and then ran out into the yard among the colors.

Mrs. Pennington came out.

"Tommy, I have your jacket. Please put it on."

However, there was no Tommy. He was a leaf.

A maple(枫树) leaf came to him and moved ahead. Tommy followed him.

"Where do you think we are going?" Tommy asked the leaf.

"Does it matter?" the leaf replied.

"If you are blown in that direction, you will fly high into the air and see things that no leaf has seen before."

"Okay," Tommy said, "I will go with you to the dump(垃圾场)."

Suddenly, a car stopped. It was Tommy's mom. Mrs. Pennington didn't want to let her little boy run into the city dump.

"Not so fast," she said getting out of the car. "You are not allowed to play there. Don't you see the smoke?" She walked over and took the leaf. She put it in her pocket.

"There," she said, "it will be safe until we get home."

Tommy smiled, ran to the car and got in.

1.Why did Tommy want to go out?

A.Because he was too bored at home.

B.Because he wanted to pick up some leaves.

C.Because he wanted to enjoy the windy day.

D.Because there was a friend waiting for him outside.

2.The underlined word "fascination" means in Chinese.

A.心烦意乱           B.惊惶失措

C.好奇               D.着迷

3.What did Tommy think of the maple leaf?

A.He was small but athletic.

B.He was kind of dangerous.

C.He was very kind and friendly.

D.He was a leaf that could change a boy into a leaf.

4.What would happen if Tommy really went to the city dump?

A.He might be sold by the maple leaf.

B.He might become an old man who collected trash.

C.He might be killed by the smoke and the fire there.

D.He might found lots of treasure and didn't need to go to school any more.

5.What's the best title for this passage?

A.The Maple Leaf and a Boy        B.A Boy Who Became a Leaf

C.A Poor Mom and Her Son          D.A Boy Who Was Bored



The rainbow lorikeet (虹彩吸蜜鹦鹉) is a kind of parrot in the northeast of Australia. It is the most colorful and noisy bird in the world. The bird has green, orange, blue, red, yellow, purple and grey colors on its body.

Rainbow lorikeets are small birds. They are usually 11 to 12 inches long and weigh 120g to 140g. It is said that they can live for over 20 years in the wild.

They usually live in groups. At night, they sleep in the trees in a big group. But during the daytime, they move in much smaller groups (about 20 birds). Late in the evening, you can sometimes see a larger group flying back home.

These birds spend a lot of time looking for food. Most of their food comes from trees, like flowers, nuts and fruit. But sometimes they eat insects. They can get water from the leaves that they eat or drink water directly.

Rainbow lorikeets usually start to have families when they are around two years old. When they have baby birds, both the parents help to feed them.

1.Where can we find rainbow lorikeets?

A.On the beaches of Canada.

B.In the south of Australia.

C.In the northeast of Australia.

D.Everywhere in the world.

2.How many colors do rainbow lorikeets have?

A.Four.             B.Five.

C.Six.              D.Seven.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

A.Rainbow lorikeets are big birds.

B.Rainbow lorikeets don't eat meat.

C.Rainbow lorikeets like living alone.

D.Rainbow lorikeets usually fly back home in group in the evening.

4.What's the purpose of the author in writing the fourth paragraph?

A.To tell us the rainbow lorikeets' food and drink.

B.To tell us where to catch rainbow lorikeets.

C.To show how difficult for rainbow lorikeets to find food.

D.To show how easy for rainbow lorikeets to find food.

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A.Birds in Group            

B.Birds from Australia

C.The Rainbow Lorikeets     

D.The Smallest Bird in the World



There once lived a king and a queen who were very foolish. One day the queen had a 1.. When they saw their baby, they both cried, "My goodness! How 2.. she is! She's hairless and toothless! She's a monster!" They sent for all the doctors in the country and 3.. them to prepare some 4.. for her. "When she takes your medicine, she must 5.. to the right size and have hair and teeth," the king said. "If you don't do this, you'll be punished." The doctors thought it impossible, but they didn't dare to 6.. anything against the king's order. Just then an old doctor stepped forward. "Oh, we shall certainly obey your order," he said. "7.. it takes time. We have to dig for a mineral(矿物) from the Kunlun Mountains when the snow melts(融化) for the second time. The snow melts on those 8.. only once in six years. So we need twelve years." At last, the king agreed and the doctors' took away the little princess(公主). On her 9.. birthday, they brought her back to her parents with 10.. black hair and beautiful teeth. The king and the queen were very happy and gave the doctors expensive presents.



As the son of an ordinary farmer, Wu Yulu left school at an early age. 1. preferred playing with machines to reading books in his childhood. When he was just 8 years old, he made his first mini-electrical machine. He showed great interest in making 2.. In the eyes of local villagers, Wu Yulu was crazy. 3., he never gave up his dream. He 4.most of his time making robots and didn't care about farming. He has 5.more than thirty robots with various functions. Some clean, some wash the dishes, and 6.light cigarettes, pour water or serve food. "I will never 7.making robots and I'm glad that I have kept on. In 2009, I was invited to a(n) 8.in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, with my robots. I am so 9.that my works were exhibited along with Shenzhou ." Influenced by Wu Yulu, his son Wu Wangyang 10.loves robots. The young man is a college student, majoring in software design, and always helps his father make robots. In the future, he and his father Wu Yulu will surely invent robots that are more advanced.

11.A.They        B.He         C.We         D.She

12.A.kites       B.food       C.robots     D.cigarettes

13.A.When        B.Before     C.After      D.However

14.A.took        B.cost       C.spent      D.paid

15.A.made        B.bought     C.sold       D.received

16.A.other       B.others     C.the other  D.another

17.A.start       B.help       C.stop       D.let

18.A.exhibition  B.party      C.house      D.meeting

19.A.busy        B.sad        C.proud      D.interested

20.A.too        B.also       C.either     D.only



A big tree grew in a forest. It was full of leaves and fruits.

Many birds came to the tree to eat the fruits. One day a hunter came there to catch birds. He spread(张开) a net under the tree and put some food on the net. 1..

A large number of doves(鸽) came flying from far away. Seeing the food lying on the ground they circled over the place. The crow shouted to them, "Oh birds! Don't try to eat the food below! A bird catcher has spread a net to catch you!" 2.. They all came down to eat the food.

Their legs were caught in the net, and they started crying. The leader of the doves said, "Don't be so sad, friends. 3.. If all of us rise from the ground at the same time, the net will easily come flying with us. The Minter will not be able to catch us!"

"Oh yes, yes!" shouted the other doves. 4..

The doves had a mouse friend. 5.. The mouse did so, the net came to bits, and all the doves escaped.

A.Then he was angry that a crow was flying over his head.

B.Let's all fly up into the air with the net.

C.They called him and asked him to gnaw(咬) at the net.

D.A crow saw him doing this.

E.Hearing the words, all the doves were excited to fly down into the net.

F.After a while the doves landed safely at a faroff place.

G.But the doves were hungry and did not listen to the crow.



A little boy called Dhon lived in a small village in India. One afternoon Dhon's mother told Dhon, "I am going to bring firewood, Son. Do not go out. Play near the hut(棚屋)."

"Mama, may I go a little way in the woods to pick blackberries(蓝莓)?" he asked one day. "All right," his mother said, "but do not go very far." So Dhon went to the woods. He was happy to hear the birds singing in the trees. He stuffed some blackberries in his pockets.

Then Dhon tried to catch some beautiful butterflies. He chased them far into the woods. He ran and he jumped. He forget he had to go back home. By that time the sun had set. Dhon was frightened. He thought of his mother and he cried.

Suddenly, he saw a speck(微粒) of light flying then he heard a voice. "I am a firefly(萤火虫). Why are you crying, little boy?" "I have lost my way. I want to go home to my mother," replied Dhon. "Don't cry, little boy, I will take you home. Follow me. But you must promise never to catch me."

Dhon promised and followed the firefly through the trees. Soon he reached home and was safe in his mother's arms.

That is why there are so many fireflies twinkling like little stars near the village huts in India.

1.Where did this story happen?A.In China.B.In America.C.In India.D.In Canada.

2.The underlined word "stuffed" means in English.A.putB.ateC.pickedD.hid

3.From the third paragraph, we can infer that .A.Dhon was afraid of his motherB.Dhon saw many strange animalsC.Dhon had never been such a placeD.Dhon wanted to catch some butterflies for his mother

4.Why was Dhon crying in the dark?A.Because he was very hungry.B.Because he was too tired to go home.C.Because he didn't catch any butterflies.D.Because he couldn't find the way back to his home.

5.What's the best title for this passage?A.HutsB.FireflyC.DhonD.Dhon and His Mother



A man walked to India from far away. When he got there, he saw a lot of fruit. Among them there was a big basket of very red, long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop. "I'd like a kilogram of this kind of fruit, please," he said to the shop keeper. After the keeper gave him the fruit, he began to eat some of it. "Oh, my God!" he shouted. His eyes watered, his mouth watered; his eyes were burning, his head was burning; and his face became red. As he coughed, he jumped up and down, saying, "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

But he still kept eating the fruit! Some people looking at him and said, "You're crazy, man. Those are chilies(辣椒)! You can't eat so many; they're not good for you! People use them as a condiment, but only a little bit to put into food for taste. You can't just eat them like that; they're not fruit!"

But the man said, "No, I can't stop! I paid money for them. It's my money!"

Sometimes we do a lot of things like that. We still continue just because we've put money, time, effort and love into it. Just like the man who ate the chilies and felt so bad but couldn't stop because he didn't want to waste the money he had paid.

1.From the first paragraph, we can infer that the man .

A.knew India very well

B.wanted to make friends with some of the Indians

C.liked traveling with his friends

D.didn't know much about India before

2.What did the man think of the red, long fruit?

A.It was very delicious.          B.It was awful.C.It

was cheap and tasted nice.         D.It looked like a carrot.

3.The underlined word "condiment" means in Chinese.

A.水果                  B.食盐

C.食谱                  D.佐料

4.The man still ate the chilies after he knew they were condiments because he thought .

A.he had paid for them           B.they could make him warm

C.he was very brave              D.they could help him stronger

5.What's the purpose of the author in writing this passage?

A.To tell us that chilies are harmful to our health.

B.To tell us that we should let pay no attention to what we have lost.

C.To tell us that you don't always get back what you've lost.

D.To tell us that losing is better than getting.



Transportation is becoming more and more convenient, though some people like to walk or bike to work. In fact, they go to work in different w______ . The ways depend on where they live and what they like. Some people walk to work because they live n______ their workplaces. Some people go to work by bicycle because they live farther a______ , or they like riding bikes and they think it is good for their h______ . But some people in the cities go to work by bus or s______ , because they are much f______ . It is also interesting to t______ the bus or subway. And some people take trains to work. Today more and more people have private(私人的) cars. But that may cost too m______ money. In some places of China where there are ______ and lakes, people even go to work by boat, because water is around their houses. That m______ be a lot more fun than taking a bus. Will people go to work by plane? I think so, if it is necessary.



Eating chocolate is a great thing for most of us kids. If we want to eat it, we should pay for it. But there is a ______ that needs someone to taste chocolate every day. Isn't it ______?

Laura Fagan is a 29-year-old British girl. She ______ chocolate, desserts and cakes every day and she can be paid well for this! Every day Laura Fagan tries different kinds of ______ for her supermarket, Teseo(易购). She needs to try as ______ as 20 desserts a day. Also, she always ______ for work. She needs to travel to different cities to try different desserts. ______ the job seems to be great, it is hard. Usually, Laura begins trying desserts as early as 8 a.m., and is still trying ______ desserts at 6 p.m. before she goes back home. Fortunately, the job hasn't made her too ______. She only worries about her ______. "Of course I was afraid of becoming fat when I started the job, so I try to ______ as often as possible in the gym. The main ______ is my teeth. I don't think my ______ would be happy if I told them what I do, ______ I try to brush my teeth as often as possible."

Laura loves her job although it is hard. "I can learn about new trends in ______," she said.

1.A.girl           B.man           C.job           D.chance

2.A.wonderful      B.serious       C.scary         D.terrible

3.A.buys           B.sells         C.tastes        D.makes

4.A.noodles        B.clothes       C.vegetables    D.desserts

5.A.soon           B.many          C.much          D.possible

6.A.travels        B.worries       C.looks         D.cares

7.A.Although       B.But           C.As            D.If

8.A.cheap          B.bad           C.new           D.dirty

9.A.thin           B.fat           C.weak          D.nervous

10.A.eyes          B.hair          C.teeth         D.skin

11.A.exercise      B.dress         C.drink         D.chat

12.A.news          B.manner        C.mark          D.problem

13.A.teachers      B.parents       C.workmates     D.dentists

14.A.however       B.so            C.because       D.or

15.A.clothes       B.type          C.food          D.safety



By 2014, most people will realize that a happy and loving family is an important part of building a strong society. However, to build a happy and loving family is not an easy thing, especially in such a world. People will be influenced by many different kinds of thoughts.

In such a world, many people have become members of "me generation(一代)". They fail to realize that there is time in life when they must (A) sacrifice. They fail to realize that they have to give up something for other people.

Sometimes, adults need to give up something to meet the needs of the whole family. But they are influenced by some ideas like "I don't want to be tied down." Then, the needs of the family will be forgotten.

In such a world, many people may not actually have a happy family, so they can't understand the importance of a loving family. (B)

(C)对于我们的未来而言,拥有一个健康的家庭很重要。Loving parents can achieve many important things for the family. And these things are also very important to children. Therefore, it is important for our society to encourage parents to work on creating a loving and happy family for their children.


1.is a necessary part of building a strong society.

2.One character of "me generation" is that .


4.选择一个合适的句子放在文中(B)处。A.Some of them like to have a family.B.Some of them like to visit other families.C.Some of them even don't believe that it exists.D.Some of them know the importance of a loving family.




Do you like painting? Have you ever seen a painting in a tree hole? Now you can see many paintings in tree holes on a road in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. What's up?

These paintings are painted by Wang Yue, 23, a college student at Dalian Polytechnic University. Wang describes her tree hole paintings as "a beautiful journey" through which she adds fun to her hometown.

"When I saw that the trees by the roadside had lost all their leaves, the ugly tree holes became obvious(明显的)," she said.

"I thought if I could paint some interesting scenes in these holes they might add some color to the city. "

But Wang was worried that the pigments(颜料) in her watercolors could hurt the trees. After asking environmental specialists and getting permission from city officials, Wang gathered her color palette(调色板), brushes and other things to get to work.

"Painting on a tree hole is not as easy as painting on a canvas(帆布). I had to think about the shapes and sizes of the tree holes and adjust my designs accordingly," she said. "Before I began, I also had to clean off the dust from the tree holes first."

"I was glad to let people see life's beauty. I hope more artists can join me in painting the tree holes," Wang said.

1.What special things can you see on a road in Shijiazhuang now?

A.Some colourful trees.

B.Paintings in tree holes.

C.Many posters on destroyed trees.

D.Some ads on both sides of the roads.

2.Wang Yue paints the tree hole paintings to .

A.make the ugly tree holes beautiful

B.make ads for her paintings

C.let people love painting

D.clean the tree holes

3.What does Wang Yue worry about before she begins her tree hole painting?

A.The cost she will spend.

B.The thoughts from people about the environment.

C.Something harmful in her pigments.

D.Pressure from environmental specialists.

4.What does Wang Yue think of painting on a tree hole?

A.It's a boring job.

B.It's a hard job.

C.It's an easy and interesting job.

D.It's an expensive job.

5.What's the best title for this passage?

A.Trees in Shijiazhuang              B.Making Our Roads Beautiful

C.A College Student                  D.Tree Hole Paintings



We all want to protect our planet, but we're mostly too busy or too lazy to put up big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment.

Here are some tips you can take to improve our environment.

Use compact fluorescent light bulbs(节能灯). It is true that these bulbs are more expensive, but they last much longer and they can save energy and in the long term your electricity bill would be reduced.

Donate. You have lots of clothes or things you want to throw away. If they are still usable, give them to someone who needs them. You may also choose to give them to associations(协会).

Turn off your devices. When you do not use a house device, turn it off. For example, if you don't watch TV, turn it off. Turn off the light when you leave a room. It's an easy habit to take up which will help you save a lot of money.

Walk or cycle. Driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution. If you want to use your car, ask yourself the following question: do I really need my car? Walk or use your bike if the journey is a short one.

1.What does the author think of compact fluorescent light bulbs?

A.They are too expensive for many families.

B.They can save energy but they can't last long.

C.They are expensive but they are brighter than the usual lights.

D.They are expensive, though, in fact, they are cheaper than the usual lights.

2.If you don't like some of your clothes because of their style, what should you do with them?

A.Throw them away.

B.Keep them in the closet.

C.Give them to someone who may need them.

D.Clean the floor with them.

3.In the fifth paragraph, the writer mainly wants to tell us .

A.to save electric energy

B.not to destroy some devices

C.that some devices can't last long

D.to take good care of our devices

4.In which part does the writer tell us to reduce pollution?

A.Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.


C.Turn off your devices.

D.Walk or cycle.

5.What's the best title for this passage?

A.How to Save Money

B.Four Ways to Protect the Environment

C.We Are too Busy to Change the Environment

D.What Makes the Biggest Pollution?



Good afternoon and welcome to England. We hope that your visit here will be pleasant. Today, I would like to draw your attention to a few of our laws.

The first one is about drinking. Now you may not buy alcohol(酒) in this country if you are under 18 years old, nor may your friends buy it for you.

Secondly, noise. Enjoy yourselves by all means, but please don't make unnecessary noise, especially at night. We ask you to respect other people who may wish to be quiet.

Thirdly, crossing the road. Be careful. The traffic moves on the left side of the road in this country. Use the crossing for walking and don't take any chances when crossing the road.

My next point is about rubbish. It is an offence(违法行为) to drop litter in the street. When you have something to throw away, please put it in your pocket and take it home, or put it into a rubbish bin.

Finally, smoking. It is against the law to buy cigarettes or tobacco(烟草) if you are under 16 years old.

I'd like to finish by saying that if you need any kind of help, you can turn to the police. The police will be pleased to help you. You can call, or directly go to ask any policeman.

1.Who do you think most probably makes the speech?

A.A teacher.            B.A person who makes laws.

C.A guide.              D.An English officer.

2.How many points are mentioned in this speech?

A.Three.                B.Four.

C.Five.                 D.Six.

3.The main purpose of this speech is to .

A.give advice to the travelers in England

B.ask people not to go to England

C.declare the different laws of England

D.tell people that those above 18 years old can drink and smoke in England

4.If you need help, you can contact a policeman in England by .

A.making a lot of noise

B.making a phone call

C.drinking a lot of wine

D.smoking a cigarette

5.From the speech, we can learn that in England, .

A.you can throw rubbish in the street

B.the traffic moves on the right side of the road

C.if you are under 18 years old, your friends can buy wine for you

D.you may not buy cigarettes or tobacco unless you are above 16 years old




People say that eyes are the window of the heart. We can know much about people by looking into their 1. . Eye contact(接触) is necessary in our daily lives. It helps us 2. with people more easily, especially with 3. . Studies have shown that when a person 4. an interesting conversation, his eyes don't always stay on his partner's face. Instead, he looks at the partner's eyes for two or three minutes. Then his eyes move down to the partner's 5. or lips, and then back up to the eyes again. Sometimes, he 6. at nearby things for a while, and then back up to the eyes. So, if you want to 7. that you're interested in what a person is saying, you should make eye contact with 8. often. However, remember that an unblinking stare (盯着看) is impolite. At the same time, you should avoid(避免) looking up to a person, because it's a common sign of being 9. . Also you should avoid "crocodile(鳄鱼) tears",10. though you want to be thought to be sad. So you should make eye contact correctly and sincerely.



For the Japanese, gift-giving is an expression of thanks. It is an important social activity in Japanese life. Here are some customs of 1. gift-giving.

Devalue(贬低) the gift you give. You don't want the receiver to 2. that you are proud. Devalue your gift as much as 3. Praise the gift you 4. It is also important to praise the fine taste of the gift-giver in making that particular choice for you. And don't forget to give a thousand and one thanks. Don't open the gift 5. you aren't asked to do so. And when you do, you must open it carefully. After you see it, you should praise it and say 6. to the sender, and then rewrap the gift as if it was 7. opened. Wrap(包装) all gifts nicely. Wrap any gift with good paper or colorful cloth. Japanese gift-giving is not only a friendly expression but also a(n) 8. You should look out for the colors when you 9. the tapes(丝线). Red and white tapes are especially used for Valentine's Day, 10. red and green are for Christmas. Gold and silver are for weddings(婚礼).

If you keep these points in mind, you'll be sure to make any Japanese happy.

11.A.Japanese      B.English      C.Chinese            D.Russian

12.A.see           B.look         C.buy                D.think

13.A.good          B.possible     C.necessary          D.impossible

14.A.sell          B.buy          C.receive            D.give

15.A.until         B.if           C.after              D.that

16.A.sorry         B.thanks       C.goodbye            D.nothing

17.A.ever          B.even         C.never              D.already

18.A.action        B.job          C.lesson             D.art

19.A.get           B.choose       C.make               D.sell

20.A.when         B.after        C.before             D.while


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