

Great white sharks have become well known in a bad way, for being scary.   1. . However, you are more likely to be hit by lightning than attacked by a great white shark.

One reason why people don’t like great white sharks is that they are huge. They grow to be nearly 21 feet long and can weigh up to 5,000 pounds. That is about two cars long! But the size is not typical. Most great whites are smaller, about 10 to 15 feet long.   2.

Great whites are called apex predators(捕食者)because they are at the top of the food chain. They have no predators and aren’t that picky about what they eat. Great whites are known to eat fish, squid, other sharks, otters, turtles, dolphins, whales, seals, and sea lions.3. . Great whites also eat carrion, which is the remains of dead animals floating(漂浮)in the water.

4.  They have 3,000 teeth, and each is up to 3 inches long! Their very sharp teeth are shaped like triangles and have rough edges that tear into things. Great whites don’t even chew their food. They just swallow it down.    5. 

But, like other sharks, great whites don’t intentionally(主动地)eat or attack humans. So swim without fear.



A.That’s still longer than one car, though

B.Those last two kinds are their favourite food

C.Movies and popular stories make them scary

D.A big meal can satisfy a great white shark for about two months

E.Another reason why people fear great whites is their frightening teeth




提示词语:traditional Chinese culture, tea house,Peking Opera, paper cutting




In April 2007, a 16-year-old boy named Charlie McDonnell was bored, so he used his laptop and webcam to make his first video, and posted it on YouTube under the name Charlieissocoollike. Two days after that, he had 150 subscribers(关注), so he decided to make more videos. He soon became quite popular in the UK.

A few months later, Oprah Winfrey, the famous American TV host, showed one of his videos called How to be English on her programme. In this video, Charlie wears a suit and tie and talks in a funny accent. He shows viewers how to make a cup of tea. The video made Charlie suddenly famous in the United States too. To say thank you to all his fans, he made a video called Challenge Charlie. In this video heasked people to suggest funny or difficult things for him to do in his videos. Challenges included drinking tomato ketchup, wearing all of his clothes at once and painting himself purple!

Charlie is also a singer and songwriter. His most popular videos are of him singing and playing the ukelele. In Duet with Myself, he uses special effects to sing a duet with himself about what a boring person he is. This has now been watched over 7 million times! Charlie met Alex Daythrough YouTube and they started a band together. They have made two CDs and performed several concerts.

With more than one and a half million subscribers, Charlie is the most popular video blogger in the UK. He has now made enough money to buy a house with his friend Alex. But what is the secret of his success? “I make the kind of videos that I want to watch,” he says. He says that he wants to go to university in the future but has decided to try and make a career on YouTube before that. So far, it’s going very well!

1.When did Charlie make his first video?

2.Which video made Charlie suddenly famous in the United States?

3.Why did Charlie make Challenge Charlie?

4.Who did Charlie start a band together with?

5.What is the passage mainly about?


All the time you spent memorizing multiplication tables(乘法表)may have made you a better mathematician, according to a new study. A team of scientists from Stanford University, in California, have shown how the brain reorganizes itself as kids learn math.

After a certain amount of time spent practicing math, kids can put away the calculator(计算器). They don’t even need to count on their fingers. They simply know the answers to subtraction(), addition (+), and multiplication (×) facts. The quicker kids can recall basic math facts, the easier it is for them to solve more difficult math problems.

The Stanford University researchers observed(观察)the brain activity of 28 students, ages 7 to 9, for the study. They took scans of the students’ brains as the students solved math calculations without the help of a calculator, pen or paper. A calculation—three plus four equals seven, for example—flashed on a screen. The students pushed a button to say if the answer was right or wrong. The scientists also recorded the response speed, and what parts of the brain became active as the kids pushed the button.

These observations showed a process called fact retrieval. Rather than using their fingers to count, or scrawling out equations(列算式)on a piece of paper, the students pulled the answers from memory. It’s as if the answers to basic subtraction, addition, and multiplication problems are kept in a long-term storage part in the brain. The storage part was built from repetition. “Experience really does matter,” said Dr. Kathy Mann Koepeke of the National Institutes of Health.

Children make the changefrom counting to fact retrieval when they are 8 to 9 years old, the study says. This is the time when most students are learning basic addition and subtraction. When kids have basic math facts memorized, the brain has more free space to learn more difficult math.

This process has benefits for the future. The study showed, as kids got older, their answers relied more on memory and became quicker and more correct. Less brain activity was involved in counting. Some children make this change quicker than others.

Scientists hope to use this research to develop new strategies(策略)to help kids learn math at all levels. One strategy the study suggests is for students to test themselves in different orders—solving five times three before five times two, for example. Mixing up the order keeps the brain active. Keep these trainings up, and you may be a math whiz in no time.



1.In the study, kids put away calculators because they can ______.

A.use calculators well

B.scrawl out equations

C.recalling basic math facts

D.count on their fingers

2.The process of fact retrieval”in Paragraph 4probably means ______.

A.picking out results by working together with their partners

B.finding out answers based on practicing carefully and patiently

C.trying out ways of dealing with problems by attending training

D.working out problems according to what they have remembered

3.What can we know from the study?

A.Kids need to practice using calculators to keep their brains active.

B.Math learners should change to counting practice at the age of 8 to 9.

C.Training by mixing up the order of multiplication tables can help learn math better.

D.Less brain activity may be involved in solving difficult problems when kids get older.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Math from Memory

B.Strategy Development

C.Brain Reorganization

D.Training by Repetition


Being busy can become a way of life. Our lives are always filled with emails and text messages. They make us feel wanted and important, but in a tiring and empty way. Being busy has a dangerous allure(诱惑). If you are busy all the time, it’s hard to sit quietly with your thoughts or to really feel what you’re feeling. Whynot let everything become a choice how we spend time, who we reply to and how much or little we write?

Many of us are busy becauseour self-worth goes up when people make demands(需求)on our time. Whydon’t we free ourselves from needing, or even wanting? Why don’t we make the best use of the time and space to be productive in a way that it best serves us? That may be consciously(主动地)keeping ourselves not busy. In fact many great discoverieswere made by people who built white space into their day.

Imagine asking “How are you?” to one of the most successful people you know like Warren Buffet. I’ve never heard anyone at that level answer “busy” though most people believe they are.

What are they doing differently?

First, they aim to project an image that things are under control. Second, they actually have things under control. They’ve had excellent staff, implemented(实施)thoughtful processes and they spend time only on critical tasks that require their attention. They make high-level strategic decisions with a large effect.

It’s time to end the glory of being busy and spend time setting up processes that make sense, rather than simply working more hours. To do this, you need to change yourway of thinking. It’s cool to say you’re busy, but it’s better to be busy helping someone carry a stroller up the subway stairs or busy finishing a book.

How to free us from the trendof being busy? Start with small steps. For one day, be mindful of every daily activity. Consider each thing a choice and decide proactively(预先)if it’s necessary or simply a habit you can get rid of or do in half the time. Next, stop saying how busy you are. Then, figure out what you want to achieve with your day and begin doing it. Put your time and energy where you want it to be.

1.What are many of us busy doing every day?

A.Sitting quietly and think actively.

B.Meeting people’s demands on our time.

C.Making great discoveries.

D.Takinghigh-level decisions.

2.Why don’t successful people like Warren Buffet answer “busy”?

A.Because they value working abilities and attitude.

B.Because they focus on attracting excellent workers.

C.Because they pay more attention to learning management.

D.Because they think well and spend more time on critical tasks.

3.The writer probably agrees that we should ______.

A.stop considering each thing a choice more hours to achieve our goals

C.answer emails and messages as soon as possible mindful where we want our time and energy to be

4.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To advise us to be freedfrom the trend of being busy.

B.To warn us about the danger of leading a busy life.

C.To show us ways to feel good about being busy.

D.To tell us how to fit into the busy modern life.


When I was four years old, I wanted nothing more in life than to play the piano. My best friend Betty had a piano. But Betty hardly played it at all. She would rather play hide-and-seek. It didn’t seem fair.

One day my mother came to pick me up from Betty’s house. “Watch this!” I told her. Then I ran to play a song I had learned that morning. I was so proud of what I’d learned. “That’s nice, Jenny,” she said. “But we can’t afford a piano.”

When I turned six, my mother bought me a recorder(直笛). The problem was that I didn’t love the recorder. When I played the recorder, I didn’t feel anything special inside. I asked my mother if we could have a piano. “We still can’t afford one,” she said. “One day, I promise.”

In the sixth grade, my mother traded in the recorder for a real clarinet(黑管). I like the clarinet more, but it still wasn’t a piano. It wasn’t the music that was inside of me.

One day, when I was in the seventh grade, my mother cut an ad out of the newspaper. We drove to a stranger’s home in Providence, Rhode Island. The woman had a beautiful, dark wood piano from Russia. It was called an upright piano because it was tall. It was so shiny that it looked like it was wet. “We’ll take it,” my mother said. “It has a nice sound.”

After that, I played the piano every single day.When I left for school in the morning, I would leave the sheet music open on the piano. When I got home, I would walk straight to the piano and sit down and start playing the sheet music. I even played if I stayed home sick. I had finally found the music inside of me.

Do you struggle with music? Have you been given an instrument to play, but you just can’t play it? Maybe you think you’re just no good or that you don’t have any musical talent. Don’t get discouraged. It’s not true! We all have music inside of us, even if it’s just what we listen to. Now it’s up to you to find the right way to set that music free.

1.What did Jenny get when she was six?

A.A clarinet.

B.A recorder.

C.A violin.

D.A guitar.

2.How did Jenny get her piano?

A.Betty gave it to her.

B.She traded in the clarinet for it.

C.She got it from her uncle.

D.Her mother bought it from a stranger.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Betty was more interested in playing the piano.

B.An old woman sent Jenny a clarinet from Russia.

C.Jenny enjoyed playing music with the right instrument.

D.Jenny’s mother borrowed a recorder in her seventh grade.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.How Jenny found the music inside of her.

B.What benefits Jenny got from making music.

C.How Jenny learned to play musical instruments.

D.What trouble Jenny had taking up music as a hobby.


What do you want to do later in life? Here are 4 teenagers talking about their hometowns and their dreams.

Albert, age 11, Ontario


I come from Ontario.I love how different each season is. In winter, I go skiing with my family and cousins.

I’ve played soccer since I was three. I’ve made great friends and learned a lot of new skills. When I’m a professional soccer player, I want to work with kids, helping and encouraging them.

Sara, age 12, Washington


I live in Washington. It’s so pretty and green. I can go camping and hunting, and we have the best rivers to fish in.

I want to make a difference in the world. I’ve started making a change by leading my school’s Drug Abuse Prevention Club. I’ve also helped raise money for children who live with wars.

Madison, age 10, Maine


I live in Maine.I like living in a small townbecause it’s easy to get outside with friends.

I’m not sure what I am planning for my future, but I have lots of ideas! I like to think outside of the box and experience new things, so as I go through life I’m sure I’ll have even more ideas!

Brittany, age 11, New Jersey


I live in New Jersey. I love going to Six Flags Great Adventure and playing with my dad.

I have been a member of a public speaking organizationsince I was seven. I really enjoy going to my speaking classes and competing against other teams. My dream is to be a lawyer.

1.Who is going to be a soccer player?





2.How did Sara help the children who live with wars?

A.By encouraging them.

B.By raising money.

C.By planning for their future.

D.By giving speeches.

3.Madison likes living in a small townin Maine because ______.

A.each season isdifferent there

B.he can go camping and hunting’s easy to get outside with friends’s fun to go to Six Flags Great Adventure



Ever since I was very young, I have looked to my parents and grandparents, friends and teachers for guidance. I ask them for answersto everything. Afraid to make a       , I’ve asked countless times, “What should I do?”

Maybe I was         to take my first baby step on my own. I decided I only wanted to do things the “right” way, even if it meant not doing something.

Sometime during my high school years, I           . Maybe it was when I decided to try for the lead in “Beauty and the Beast”. Never mind that I would have to memorize lines and movements, I would take the chance that I might fail. The day of tryouts my heart was beating wildly. My hands were       badly when I got up to sing.

But something happened. When I opened my mouth to sing, the sound was loud, powerful and sweet. I reached for the high notes that sometimes were beyond my reach. With no break in my voice, I was trying to do my best even though I might       . But I didn’t. I realized that if I wanted to live life to the fullest, I had to take chances.

Now, I do take these chances with baby steps every day,       my opinions in class discussions or debates, performing in other school plays.

I have finally learned to       myself. I’m taking a tough science course right now. Some of my friends are talking about auditing(旁听)the class so a low grade won’t affect their opportunities for college. I’m taking the chance that if I try       enough, I’ll get a good grade so that it won’t lower my strong grades in other subjects.

I have come to realize that even though my parents and grandparents, friends and teachers don’t always have the      to “What should I do?”, they will be there to support me when I try.

“Life is learning to deal with Plan B,” my mother told me. But I now know that the Plan A I make for my life will become easier with every         I take.

1.A.wish         B.mistake      C.noise        D.promise

2.A.afraid       B.ready        C.happy        D.lazy

3.A.travelled    B.regretted    C.changed      D.waited

4.A.knocking     B.moving       C.aching       D.shaking

5.A.miss         B.doubt        C.turn

6.A.hiding       B.voicing      C.choosing     D.guessing

7.A.comfort      B.excuse       C.push         D.enjoy         B.hard         C.early        D.well

9.A.answer       B.plan         C.letter       D.hope

10.A.break       B.minute       C.chance       D.class


—Do you know______?

—It’s Lucy’s.

A.whose bag is it  B.whose bag it is

C.whose bag was it D.whose bag it was


Last month, food and tents______to Nepal after the earthquake happened.

A.send      B.sent

C.are sent  D.were sent


Henry______in a bank for four years since he left school.


C.has working


We Chat is growing fast and it is ______ than Skypein China.

A.popularB.more popular

C.most popularD.the most popular


Jack______ books in the library at 4 pm yesterday afternoon.


C.was readingD.has read


We______ a school trip next Wednesday if it is fine.

A.will haveB.have

C.hadD.have had


There isn't ______ in the classroom. Let’s turn off the lights.




Something was wrong with my bike, ______ I was late for school.



—Where is your Chinese teacher?

—He’s ______the meeting room.


—Who is that lovely girl?

—________ is my sister.










要求: 1.要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。


3. 书写工整占1分。

参考词汇: 有利于be good for               拥堵  be crowded

减少污染reduce pollution

I think going to school on foot is good for us. First of all ________________________









“Sorry” is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily life.

One day while I was w__1.__ on the street a young man ran by hurriedly rushing(轻擦) against my handbag. He continued his way but turned b_2._ and said “sorry” to me. Even in rush he didn’t forget to s__3.__ “sorry”. One day after I bought some bananas the shopkeeper was passing me the change(零钱) but I wasn’t r__4.__ for it and a coin dropped onto the ground. “Sorry Madam he said while bending to pick it up. I was s__5.__ why he said “sorry” to me. Another time I stepped(踩踏) on a man’s f_6.__ at the entrance to a cinema. At the same time we b__7.__ said “sorry”.

Slowly I got to know that when something unpleasant h__8._ in daily life the British don’t care much about who is wrong. I_9.__ someone is in trouble a “sorry” is always necessary. Perhaps that is w_10._ I seldom see people quarrel on the buses or streets in Britain.



When we watch a football match or see a film we often see people put out their fingers to form a “V”. Perhaps you don't know what it means and how it gets the meaning. Here is a story to answer the question.

During the Second World War there was a Belgian(比利时)young people. He called himself Victor. He ran to England and worked for a radio station in London. He spoke to his country in his programmers every day in a hope that it could help his people win the war. One day at the end of 1940 he asked his people to write the letter “V” to show their strong wish to win the victory.

During that night the letter “V” was seen on the walls trees buildings and other places. This encouraged hundreds of thousands of people in this country.

1.We often see people form a “V” with ________ when they watch a football match.

2.The Belgian young man worked ________ in London.

3.He hoped that his speech could help his people ________.

4.From the story we know that the letter “V” means________.

5.The story happened nearly ____ years ago.





You can work in any of the groups it ________ ________ your personal choice.


Tony entered a writing competition and won the ________ ________.


The doctor told Daming not to eat ________ ________any more.


When are you going to ________ ________ those old magazines?


Lingling ________ ________ late yesterday. She had to hurry to school without breakfast.




A. That’s all right.

B. But I think I’m free after six o’clock.

C. What about you?

D. That’s great.

E. What time do you usually have dinner?

F. I think so.

G. Why not come a little earlier?


Daming Hi Steven!

Steven Hi Daming.

Daming Are you free next Sunday evening?

Steven       1.  Why?

Daming Would you like to come to my house for supper?

Steven Oh thanks. I’d love to.    2.

Daming We have dinner at half past six.      3.

Steven I have a lot of homework to do. I must do that first.     4.  May I come then?

Daming Sure. Work must come first. Well would you like dumplings?

Steven Oh yes.

Daming OK. We’ll cook dumplings with seafood for you.

Steven     5.   See you then.

Daming See you.


Now it may be difficult to predict(预言) the future but many people believe that we will live on Mars by the year 2100. Our own planet Earth is becoming more and more crowded and polluted. Well what problems will we need to solve before we prepare to go to Mars?

First of all transport should be much better. At present humans need to spend months going to Mars by spaceship. However by 2100 spaceship can travel at half the speed of light. It might take us two or three days to get there!

Secondly humans need food water and air to live. Scientists should develop plants that can be grown on Mars. These plants will produce the food water and air that we need. However there is no answer for all the problems now.

There is also a problem for us to live on Mars. Mars attracts us much less than the Earth does. This will be dangerous because we could easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space there. We will have to wear special shoes to make ourselves heavier.

In some ways life on Mars may not be better than that on the earth today. Food will not be the same — meals will probably be in the form of pills and will not be as delicious as they are today. Also space travel will probably make many people feel very uncomfortable.

1.According to the passage by the year 2100 we will possibly live_____.

A. on Mars              B. on the moon

C. in the spaceship      D. in the sea

2.So far how long does it take us from the earth to Mars by spaceship?

A. Two or three days.    B. A few days.

C. A few months.          D. A few years.

3.According to the passage which of the following is wrong?

A. A special plant which can produce water air and food should be needed on Mars.

B. We may go to Mars when transport is much better and faster.

C. We can jump higher on Mars than on the earth.

D. Food on Mars will be much better to eat.

4.We will have to wear special shoes to _____ if we want to live on Mars.

A. make ourselves lighter    B. walk faster

C. make ourselves heavier    D. jump higher

5.Why do we want to live on Mars?

A. Life on Mars is more interesting than that on the earth.

B. The earth is becoming dirty and crowded.

C. The journey to Mars is very interesting.

D. The scientists want us to do that.


Steven Jobs the designer(设计者) of Apple Computer was not clever when he was in school. At that time he was not a good student and he always made troubles with his schoolmates. When he went into college he didn’t change a lot. Then he dropped out. But he was full of new ideas.

After he left college Steven Jobs worked as a video game designer. He worked there for only several months and then he went to India. He hoped that the trip would give him some new ideas and give him a change in life.

Steven Jobs lived on a farm in California for a year after he returned from India.

In 1975 he began to make a new type of computer. He designed the Apple Computer with his friend in his garage(车库). He chose the name “Apple” just because it could help him to remember a happy summer he once spent in an apple tree garden.

His Apple Computer was such a great success that Steven Jobs soon became famous all over the world.

1.Steven Jobs was not a good student in school because he ____.

A. never did his lessons

B. was full of new ideas

C. always made troubles with his schoolmates

D. dropped out

2.The underlined phrase “dropped out” in first paragraph means _____ in Chinese.

A. 退学           B. 升学            C. 设计          D. 改变

3.Steven Jobs designed his new computer ____.

A. in India

B. with his friend

C. in an apple tree garden

D. by himself

4.Steven Jobs was famous for his ____ all over the world.

A. new ideas                  B. apple

C. Apple Computer             D. video games

5.From this passage we know Steven Jobs ____.

A. didn’t finish his studies in the college because he hated his schoolmates

B. liked traveling in India and California

C. could only design video games

D. liked trying new things and making his new ideas become true


Mr. and Mrs. Green lived in a big city. One summer they went to the country for their holiday. They enjoyed it very much because it was a quiet clean place.

One day they went for a walk early in the morning and met an old man. He lived on a farm and he was sitting in the warm sun in front of his house. Mr. Green asked him “Do you like to live in this quiet place?”

The old man said “Yes I do.”

Mr. Green then asked “What are the good things about it?”

The old man answered “Well the people here know each other. They often come and visit me and I often go and visit them. And there are also many children here.” Mr. Green said “That’s interesting and what are the bad things?”

The old man thought for a moment and then said “Well the same things really.”

1.Mr. and Mrs. Green went to the country _____.

A. to see the old man

B. to spend their holiday

C. to see the quiet place

D. to have a walk

2.Mr. and Mrs. Green enjoyed the country because _____.

A. there were many children

B. there was an old man

C. it was far from the city

D. it was quiet and clean

3.Mr. and Mrs. Green took a walk _____.

A. in the afternoon                  B. early in the morning

C. after breakfast                   D. in the evening

4.The old mall said “Yes I do.” “I do” here means _____.

A. I like to live in this place

B. I like the people here

C. I like to sit in the warm sun

D. I like to go out for a walk

5.The old man sometimes liked the people to ____ but sometimes he didn’t.

A. ask him questions

B. keep the place quiet and clean

C. come and visit him

D. make interesting things




In the future scientists would put very small computers in our heads. This can be very helpful to people. ____ these small computers the people with ear diseases will be able to hear. And the people with eye diseases can ____. These small computers will not be just for the ____. Most of us will have these computers to make our life ____. For example ____we have it we can think more clearly and we can remember more things.

For students computers can do ____ things. Maybe in the near future students ____ schoolbags. They just need to carry a small computer to ____ because the textbooks exercise books and notebooks are all in the computer. The teachers will check students’ homework with computers ____. But this can give another problem because ____ will be easier for students to copy each other’s homework.

Everything will be possible. We never know what will happen.

1.A. Because     B. Since       C. Because of     D. Thank to

2.A. to hear     B. hear      C. to see         D. see

3.A. ill         B. sick       C. old           D. young

4.A. good        B. well      C. better         D. best

5.A. if          B. so         C. though         D. until

6.A. much        B. a lot       C. lots of       D. lot of

7.A. needn’t   B. will need   C. will not need  D. don’t need

8.A. home       B. school     C. factory        D. office

9.A. too         B. either     C. as well as     D. also

10.A. that       B. it        C. they          D. this


—Wish you good luck in this English exam.


A. That’s OK.         B. Thank you.

C. Congratulations!     D. You’re welcome.


—Do you know ____ to our school?

—Next month.

A. when does the famous writer come

B. when the famous writer comes

C. when will the famous writer come

D. when the famous writer will come


We didn’t enjoy the tour _____the weather was terrible.

A. if                   B. though         C. because          D. when


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