If everyone plays a part in protecting the environment our world ________more and more beautiful.

A. become     B. becomes    C. became    D. will become


Her brother is only two years old so he is ______young ________dress himself.

A. as; as    B. so; that     C. too; to    D. so; as


-When ______you come to Jinan?

-Two years ago. I have been here for two years.

A. do     B. will    C. did      D. Were


-How long does it _________to get to the village by bus?

-About two hours.

A. spend    B. cost     C. pay    D. take


The silk dress ________so smooth. It’s made in China.

A. tastes     B. smells   C. feels     D. Sounds


-It seems that Jacky has nothing to do at the moment.

-Let me give him ________to read.

A.everything   B. nothing   C. something   D. Anything


-Excuse me where can I buy a skirt?

-You can go to the Women’s Clothing Store on _______floor.

A. twice   B. two    C. second    D. the second


Kobe played his last game in NBA several days ago do you know which game he was in?

A. 满分5 manfen5.com    B. 满分5 manfen5.com    C. 满分5 manfen5.com    D. 满分5 manfen5.com



The boy saved all his classmates in the earthquake. ________brave he was!

A. What    B. What an     C. How    D. How a


-Which do you like better juice or coffee?

-__________is OK. Thank you!

A. Both    B. Neither     C.Either     D.All


-______can I give out “Red envelope” (红包)on WeChat?

-Let me show you.

A.Why    B. How    C. Where    D. What


It’s getting dark outside could you please _______the light?

A. put on     B. get on     C. turn on    D.work on


The well-known actor often plays _________his children in the park.

A. with     B. in     C. about    D. At


-Sorry I don’t have enough money to buy the watch.

-Look! We have some other watches here. They’re _______and nice.

A. big     B. old    C. cheap    D. small


-Is she a teacher or a nurse?

-__________. She has worked in the hospital for three years.

A. Yes she is       B. She’s a nurse

C. No she isn’t     D. She’s a teacher


Money is very important_________it’s not the most important thing in our life.

A. or    B. and   C. but    D. so


-Listen! Someone is talking in the meeting room.

-It________be Thomas. He has gone to Europe.

A.may    B. needn’t   C. must    D. can’t


Mike and his friends are going to the ________to see the new movie tonight.

A. bookshop   B. restaurant

C. cinema    D. Concert


Let’s do it _________. There is only five minutes left.

A. slowly    B. quickly     C. hardly     D. Politely


-Whose iPhone 6 is this?

-_______ thanks a lot. I am looking for it here and there.

A. Me     B. I     C. Mine    D. Myself


-Why do you look so excited Timmy?

-I’ve just got a good________.

A. news    B. job    C. advice   D. Work


Song Joong-ki is becoming one of__________actors in Korea.

A. popular         B. more popular

C. the most popular   D. much popular


-Gina do you like playing_______guitar?

-Yes I do.

A.a      B. an      C. the      D. /


Talking with foreigners is a good way to _________/Imˈpru:v/our English.

A. important     B.invite    C. improve     D. impolite


We should eat more vegetables and fruit to keep___________/ˈhelθI/.

A.happen    B. happily     C. hardly     D. healthy


Go along the_______/rəʊd/and turn left. You’ll see a bookstore in front of you.

A. red    B. road    C.ride     D. read


My favorite show is at eight I don’t want to ________/mis/ it.

A.miss   B. make     C. mix    D.meet


I have a lovely _________/pet/. His name is Jacky.

A. pen   B. pig    C. pet   D. Put




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One evening when my mother










Playing is serous business for children. In fact it’s what they do best! Ask them why they do it and kids will probably say “Because it’s fun!” But it’s much more than that. It’s also good for them.

78)Studies show that from birth babies begin learning through play. They use their five senses to get know their new world. Touching allows them to discover how different things feel. Brightly colored toys and clothing help develop a baby’s sense of sight(视觉).

When small children choose which toy to play with they begin developing their abilities in making decisions.

Children love toys that allow them to use their imagination. Sometimes an empty box is more fun than a high-tech toy. That’s because a box can become anything a child imagines it to be.

Crayons paints and Play-Doh (彩色塑泥) are also good because they allow children to crate. Traditional building blocks teach important pre-math skills like problem-solving.

79)Playing doesn’t become any less important once children start school. Many valuable(有价值的) lessons about life are learned on the school playground. Kids learn how to share take turns and play by the rules.


1.What can children do best in their childhood?


2.What kind of toys do children love?








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