—Lisa, what do you think of the job of being a nurse?

—In my opinion, it ____ be difficult sometimes though it seems easy.

A. should            B. can

C. must              D. need


-I’ve decided to compete in the race, but I’m afraid I won’t be the best.

-____. You never know until you try.

A. Enjoy yourself         B. Go for it

C. Take it easy           D. Take your time


—No words are strong enough to express our thanks for your coming.


A. It’s a pity.       B. It’s my pleasure.

C. With pleasure.       D. Never mind.


Stop smoking, Joe! You _____ yourself if you keep on doing it like that!

A. will kill            B. have killed

C. kill                 D. killed


My mother used to make breakfast for _____ every morning, but now I do it myself.

A. mine           B. my

C. I                D. me


Dave really likes driving. I think being a _____ is just right for him.

A. doctor              B. teacher

C. farmer              D. driver


His uncle will give him _____ birthday present. It’ll be wonderful.

A. a                B. an

C. the              D. /


A terrible earthquake happened in Nepal _____ April 25th, 2015.

A. on                B. in

C. at                D. from


There _______be anyone in the classroom. I was the last one to leave and I locked the door.

A. must            B. can

C. might           D. can’t


---________ beautiful the musical instrument is!

A. What              B. How

C. What a            D. How a


---I think students should finish their homework first before doing other things.

---________. Study is the first thing.

A. I agree            B. I disagree

C. I don't know        D. I’m not sure


The mobile phone has influenced people’s life a lot since it________.

A. invents           B. invented

C. is inventing      D. was invented


---My bike is broken. What should I do?

---You can get it________ in that bike shop.

A. repair           B. repaired

C. repairs          D. to repair


It was reported last week that a small earthquake________ in Songyuan, Jilin Province.

A. took off        B. took down

C. took place       D. took up


Parents should educate their children________ after themselves from a young age.

A. looking          B. looked

C. look           D. to look


---May I take photos in the history museum?

---No, you ________. It’s not allowed there.

A. won’t           B. needn’t

C. mustn’t          D. wouldn’t


Liu Yu said that he was serious ________ being a professional runner and his parents had    nothing ________ his running.

A. about; for         B. of; against

C. about; against     D. of; for


---Is this pink hair band ________?

---No, it’s not mine. It belongs to________.

A. your; her        B. yours; hers

C. you; her          D. yours; her


I had _____awful dream last night because I watched_____ scary movie before going to bed.

A. an; an         B. a; a

C. an; a           D. the; an



1.Changchun is known for ________ (produce) cars.

2.This piece of information is very useful. It is ________ (valuable ) than the other pieces.



Parents should keep their kids away________ the food that is bad for health.


  She found _________ to communicate with the foreigners in English.

A. it is easy             B. it easy

C. that is easy           D. that easy


Could you please tell me __________?

A. where is the guard         B. how far is it

C. when KFC closes            D. what was it


  Is Tom ill in hospital?

-- __________. He didn’t come to school yesterday.

A. I don’t think so           B. I’m afraid so

C. I’m afraid not            D. I hope so


It has been two and a half years _________ we left our primary school.

A. because        B. than

C. unless           D. Since


-__________ having a trip to Thailand during the summer vacation?

-- Sounds good.

A. Shall we                B. Could you please

C. What about             D. Do you mind


Our teacher wants us to answer these questions according ______ the text.

A. in                B. for

C. to                D. At


You__________ a lot in the past few years.

A. changed               B. has changed

C. have changed          D. Change


The silent boy has learned how to _________his shyness.

A. take care of       B. deal with

C. come on            D. turn left


You should try to avoid _________ the same mistake over and over again.

A. to make            B making

C. makes              D. Made


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