The little girl painted one side of the paper green but _________ side black.

A. the other       B. the others

C. another         D. other


They are reading ________lesson on Page ________.

A. nine;Twelve            B. nine;the twelfth

C. the ninth;Twelve       D. the ninth;the twelfth


--- Excuse me. Is there        book by Mo Yan?-- Yes. It’s on         bookshelf over there.

A. a; / B. a; the C. /; the D. the; a



1.A. bench         B. machine       C. check        D. match

2.A. uncle         B. thank         C. orange       D. drink

3.A. buses         B. houses        C. glasses      D. classes

4.A. exchange      B. exit          C. exercise     D. engineer

5.A. exit          B. fridge        C. video        D. pizza

6.A. bamboo       B. foot          C. soon         D. boot

7.A. double        B. enough        C. thousand     D. country

8.A. theatre       B. bathroom      C. thanks       D. theirs

9.A. anyone        B. palace        C. flat         D. lamp

10.A. future       B. ruler         C. community    D. usually



1.His brother died three years ago. (同义句转换)

His brother has ________ ________ for three years.

2.Does the boy usually sweep the floor in the morning? (改为被动语态)

Is the floor usually ________ ________ the boy in the morning?

3.He is a clever and lively boy. (对画线部分提问)

What ________ the boy ________?

4.Tony is afraid of being alone at home. (同义句转换)

Tony is afraid ________ ________ alone at home.

5.Betty got lost on her way to the hospital. (改为否定句)

Betty ________ ________ lost on her way to the hospital.


I didn’t understand _____________, so I put up my hand to ask him.

A. what my teacher says        B. what does my teacher say

C. what my teacher said        D. what did my teacher say


There is ________ with your computer. It works well.

A. something wrong        B. wrong nothing

C. anything wrong        D. nothing wrong


—This Saturday I’ll take part in an English composition competition.


A. Well done          B. Good luck

C. Bad luck           D. You’re right.


I have a pet cat _____ Mimi.

A. called                  B. is called

C. are called              D. is named


______ useful information you gave me yesterday!

A. What               B. How

C. How a               D. What an


When I came home, my father _____ an e-mail on the computer.

A. writes                B. wrote

C. is writing            D. was writing


I know the ________of the bird because it's one of the________ birds in the world.

A. importance; important                B. important; importance

C. importance; most important          D. important; important


— Did he tell you anything ________?

— Yes, he told us the ________ of learning English well.

A. important; important         B. importance; important

C. importance; importance      D. important; importance


It was quite a job for her to ____ several children all by herself during the war.

A. dress up                 B. bring up

C. tie up                   D. add up


Don’t forget ________ the lights before you go to bed.

A. turn off                   B. turning off

C. to turn off                D. turns off



I would like to talk to you about one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. I was born and raised there and now I visit it from time to time. My family moved to the city, so I only go back to see friends or to camp and fish.

I grew up in a small town called Antonito Co. It is surrounded by mountains. So camping is a big source of happiness in the valley(山谷). There are so many beautiful places to hike.

The town itself is very small. It is said that if you blink (眨眼) when you’re going through it, you’ll miss it. This has some truth in it considering the size of the town. We have one grocery store (杂货店), a tiny post office , and a tiny bank. There are also a few gas stations, bars, some excellent restaurants, a small hospital and of course several schools. However, for clothing and shoes, you have to drive thirty miles to Alamosa to shop there.

Everyone in the town is nice and we all know each other. The crime rate (犯罪率) is zero unless you count some weekend fights that break out because some people drink too much. The classes in school are small, so you get a lot of attention from the teacher.

You’re probably wondering why I don’t live there. Well, I can’t get a job there. A lot of the businesses are family-owned. And they never fire (解雇) their employees (雇工). So the employees work there usually until they retire (退休). Most people have to go to other places to get a job.

1.What is this passage mainly about?

A. A travel guide of the writer’s hometown.

B. An introduction to the writer’s hometown.

C. The history of the writer’s hometown.

D. The scenery of the writer’s hometown.

2.By the underlined part in paragraph 3, the writer wants to show that the town is ___________.

A. beautiful        B. small

C. exciting        D. safe

3.What can you find in the writer’s hometown?

a. bank

b. a post office

c. some gas stations and bars

d. a clothing store

e. a shoe shop

f. some restaurants and a hospital

A. abce               B. bdef

C. abcf               D. cdef

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Teachers pay more attention to the students because they work hard.

B. It is great fun for the writer to go camping in the valley.

C. It’s common to see some drunken people in the writer’s hometown.

D. The writer moved to the city because he didn’t like his hometown.

5.We can learn from the last paragraph that in the writer’s hometown ___________ .

A. not many job chances are provided

B. employees don’t make much money

C. most people live a very hard life

D. only the old still live there



December _______ is Christmas Day. Christmas is an important holiday _______ the United States. On this day, most _______ get together for a big dinner. They exchange presents and visit friends. The Christmas tree is an important _______of the Christmas holiday. Most families buy a tree. The family decorate(装饰) the tree _______Many American children believe in _______ . In fact Santa Claus is _______ imaginary(想象出的) person. He has a white beard(胡须) and wears a red suit. Parents always tell their children _______ Santa Claus brings presents to all good children. He travels in a sleigh(雪橇) and comes _______the chimney(烟囱). He puts the presents _______ the Christmas tree.

1.A. 24th                   B.25th               C. 26th

2.A. at                     B. in               C. on

3.A. families               B. friends          C. students

4.A. part                  B. parts             C. holiday

5.A. alone                  B. lonely           C. together

6.A. Santa Claus            B. their father      C. their mother

7.A. a                     B. the              C. an

8.A. what                   B. that            C. If

9.A. down                  B. into              C. up

10.A. under                 B. at                C. into


___Would you mind my sitting beside you?      ______,it’s for my daughter.

A Certainly            B. You’d better not.

C You’re welcome      D. Of course not


No matter what happens, the fact that Diaoyu Island belongs to China will ______ change.

A. ever               B. never

C. seldom             D. hardly


He said he would come to see us _______the next afternoon.

A. sometime        B. sometimes

C. sometime          D. sometimes


---Could you tell me ______? _______ --- By searching the Internet.

A. how you got the information

B. why you got the information

C. how did you get the information

D. why did you get the information


_____great fun we had _______kites!

A what a ,to fly       B what ,flying

C what a ,flying      D what, to fly


None of us knew what had happened __________ they told us about it.

A. until           B. when

C. after            D. though


The poor little girl was found _____ a cold winter night.

A. died on            B. dead on

C. death in          D. dead at


______she is only three years old, she knows a lot of English words.

A. Before             B. Because

C. When               D. Although


Health is very _____and every student knows the _____of keeping healthy.

A. important ; importance            B. important ; important

C. importance; importance            D. importance; important


There’s ________ 800-metre-long road behind ________ hospital.

A. an; an             B. a; a

C. an; the             D. a; the




Ann: Thank you for the birthday gift, Dad.  It's the best gift I have ever had.

Dad: ________

Ann: I've always wanted a computer. ________

Dad: And you need it to chat (聊天) with your friends, too.

Ann: I guess you are right. ________Dad: Send an email? Er, just do like this. ________Ann: Yes, Dad. I think it's easy.

Dad: ________

Ann: I won't, I promise.

A. Have you got it?

B. Do you need help?

C. I’m glad you like it.

D. How can I turn it on?

E. I need it to do my homework.

F. Just don't spend too much time on it.

G. Could you show me how to send an email?



We should ________good eating habits.

A. develop             B. grow

C. increase          D. find


Could you help me put up the maps on the wall?----_______________.

A. No problem.                    B. I hope so.

C. That's all right.               D. That's a good idea.


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