
What better way to welcome spring than by helping to clean up the town we all live in! Here in Rockland we have a Spring Clean-up Day every year in April. The Clean-up Day 2014 will be April 20th.

It will start with a town clean-up at 8 0'clock in the morning, and a tree planting activity at the Rockland Park is to follow in the afternoon. One thousand young trees are sure to make the park greener and prettier.

We will divide(划分) the people coming to help into eight teams for eight different areas. As usual, we will provide gloves, rubbish bags and other cleaning tools. You will also get free lunches and T-shirts when the clean-up ends at noon. We are going to have a friendly competition to see which team can pick up the most rubbish.

Bring your kids with you. It is a great chance(机会) to teach them to care for the environment around us. We have free drinks and chocolate candies for the children at the park.

Meeting: At the gate of Rockland Park, the town hall at 330 Jones Street, or the corner of Palace Street and North Street.

Sign-up(报名): Call 5862397 on weekdays, or visit our website below any time you like.

www. springcleanup. Com


1.The Spring Clean-up Day in Rockland is held ______.

A. once a month        B. once a year    C. twice a month

2.People in Rockland can help to ______ on the afternoon of April 20th.

A. clean up the town      B. take care of the kids     C. plant trees in the park

3.People joining in the Clean-up Day will NOT ______.

A. get lunches and T-shirts for free

B. take young trees home to plant

C. be provided with cleaning tools

4. According to the poster, the activities are a great chance to teach the kids to ______.

A. protect the environment

B. get free drinks and candies

C. pick up the most rubbish

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. People can visit www. Springcleanup. com to sign up.

B. You can call 5862397 to sign up any time you like.

C. People can meet for the activities only at the gate of Rockland Park.



One day Tony was crossing the road when he was hit by a car. He fell and broke his arm. An ambulance (救护车) soon arrived and took Tony to a hospital. There a doctor operated(动手术) on his arm. Then he put the arm in a cast (石膏). Tony couldn’t move it at all.

“You must keep your arm in a cast for a month,” the doctor said. “You’ll be all right then.”

A month later, Tony went back to the hospital. The doctor took his arm out of the cast.

“Can you move your arm, Tony?” he asked.

Tony tried to move his arm. At first it was difficult, but soon he could move it easily.

“Yes, it's fine,” he said. “Thank you very much.”

“In a few days it will be as good as before,” the doctor said. “Just exercises it a little.”

“Will I be able to play the guitar?” Tony asked.

The doctor smiled. “Of course you will,” he said. “You’ll have no problems.”

“That is good news,” Tony said. “Because I couldn’t play it at all before.”

1.How did Tony break his arm?

A. A guitar fell on him.    B. He fell off a bike.   C. He was hit by a car.

2.How long did Tony have to keep his arm in a cast?

A. Two weeks        B. About four weeks.    C. A few days

3.What could Tony do as soon as the doctor took off the cast?

A. Move his arm difficultly     B. Play the guitar     C. Move his arm easily

4.What did the doctor tell Tony to do after the cast was taken off ?

A. Play the guitar.

B. Exercise his arm

C. Come back to the hospital again.

5.Why was Tony happy at last? Because _____.

A. the doctor said he didn’t have to work again

B. the doctor gave him a guitar.

C. he thought he would be able to play the guitar.



Are you interested in mountain climbing? Perhaps you think it’s so __________ that only a few people like it. In fact, in many countries, it’s very popular with young people. They think it’s __________exciting to climb the mountains and they can get more from it—One step after another finally brings them to top. __________the way, they can stop and look around. And the higher they climb, the__________ wonderful view(风景) they will see. Most of them have met different kinds of hard problems, but instead of giving up, they try to help __________ out of danger. Aron Ralston is a famous example. He is an American. He had a terrible __________ on April 26,2003. His right arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock. He hoped someone could find him and save him. Five days later, he realized he would die if he didn’t try to save himself. He had to __________ the right arm with his knife by himself. Then, with his left hand, he bandaged himself ___________ he climbed down the mountains to find help.

Now, he still goes to climb the mountains. He says, I like taking __________ . But now I know when I meet problems, It’s important to keep a clear mind and try to face them. I must __________my life.”

1.A. safe            B. dangerous         C. sunburned

2.A. really         B. properly          C. recently

3.A. Against         B. Since          C. Along

4.A. fewer           B. more             C. less

5.A. themselves      B. ourselves         C. yourselves

6.A. development     B. journey           C. accident

7.A. cut out        B. cut off          C. cut up

8.A. so that        B. in order to      C. right away

9.A. medicine       B. breaks           C. risks

10.A. realize        B. control          C. imagine


Her son______ Coke, but now he______ milk.

A. used to drinking; is used to drink.

B. is used to drinking; used to drink  

C. used to drink; is used to drinking.


—Can we walk across the river now?

—No, we can’t. The water ______ after the heavy rain yesterday.

A.  rose         B. beat      C. dropped


Everyone was ______when they heard the______ news.

A. exciting; exciting       B. excited; exciting       C. exciting; excited


—If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.


A.  I’m not sure.     B. It doesn’t matter.      C. OK. Thanks.


       all his friends advised him to give up it, he still decided to take a risk.

A. Although         B. But         C. Or


—Could I ______ your bike?

—Sorry, I ______ it to Jim yesterday.

A. lend; borrowed       B. borrow; lent       C. borrow; lend


Though he is ______ at home, he doesn’t feel      for he has many things to do.

A. alone; lonely        B. lonely; alone       C. alone; alone


I am sure she tells the ______ because she never tells lies.

A. letter              B. truth              C. relation


My hometown is a beautiful place______ any pollution.

A. with         B. out          C. without


Most parents are always ______ their children______ others.

A.  compared; with      B. compares; with     C. comparing; with


The bell rang ______ the teacher was explaining the problem to the students..

A. after    B. while     C. before


Ben had to ______ taking a shower till tomorrow morning because of the cold water

A. put up     B. put off     C. put on


—We should provide enough food and water ______ the climbers.

—That’s right. They may be too tired after they arrive here.

A. in     B. with     C. for


I’m too tired because of too much homework.

-- ______ get enough sleep?

A. Why don’t you    B. Why don’t   C. How can you


–Which do you prefer(更喜欢), orange or coke?

–______. I want a cup of tea.

A. Both        B. Neither      C. Either





Dear Shirley,

Recently I had some trouble with my parents. Because the mid-term examination (期中考试) is drawing near, they both push me hard. They always ask me to study all the time. You see, I have a pet dog and I often play with him after school. But my parents don’t allow me to keep it now. I feel so much pressure. Can you be kind enough to give me some suggestions?


Li Hua

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2. 不少于60词,开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Li Hua,

I’m sorry to learn about your trouble.  ________________________________________


I hope what I said can be of some help to you.




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Dear Abby,

I’m a helpless mother of a teenage boy. My son is going to be 15 this summer.  He used to help me 1. the clothes or do the dishes at home. But I find that the older he grows, the2. we talk. We can’t get on well 3. each other. I feel very sad and I really need help.

My first problem is about his hobbies. He 4. almost his spare time on computer games. When he gets home, he always 5. the computer and closes the door. I’m getting more and more 6.  about him, especially when his English teacher tells me he hardly ever gets good grades in the English exams.

7., he likes new technology (科技). It seems that he tries very hard to keep up with his classmates on the new technology. But I don’t have enough money and I can’t 8. all the things he wants.

Recently, I’ve found he is always 9. . I’ve never seen him talking to his friends on the phone or hanging out with 10. on weekends. That’s the last problem I have.

What should I do to help him? Please give me some advice.

A helpless mother



My friend Peter was always having accidents. He did not pay attention to (注意) what he was doing or where he was going.

A few months ago, a car 1.(hit) him when he went home from school. The driver was a bit tired, so he 2. (not see) Peter. At that time Peter was talking on his mobile phone and3.(ride) in the middle of the road. The car ran into him. He broke his leg and was in hospital for over a month.

Last week, he 4.(fall) down a hole in the park. As usual, he was not looking where he was going. Some kind-hearted people in the park helped him 5.(climb) out of the hole and then took him to hospital because his leg hurt a little bit. At the hospital, the doctors gave him some medicine and then he went home.

I always told him 6.(be) careful, but he did not listen to me. After the two accidents, Peter promised to take my advice. Now he is very careful. He 7.look) after himself very well.



1.He has a _________________ (stomach). He doesn’t want to eat anything.

2.Aron can get a strong ______________ (feel) of satisfaction from mountain climbing.

3.Doing chores can help children to understand the idea of _______________ (fair).

4.We all know the ____________ (important) of learning English well.

5.The ________________ (die) of her grandfather makes her very sad.

6. Ben put some candles and ______________ (match) on the table.

7.When the competition started, Tom was still making _________ (he) way to school.

8.The _______________ (excite) children forgot to take the presents to Jim’s birthday party.



Once upon a time, there was a very special little witch (女巫). She was special because she was kind, but she had no idea how to put that kindness into practice. And she couldn’t find anyone to teach her how to do good. So the little witch was sad most of the time.

One day she heard that the old witches were planning to cast a spell (咒语) on a big mountain and turn it into a volcano (火山), which would destroy (破坏) a small town. The good little witch then went to tell the people about this, but they didn’t believe her and threw stones at her.

The little witch ran off, and sat crying at the side of the road. Soon a few children came by. She told them everything. The children told her that doing good was very easy. All you had to do was to help others, do good deeds (做好事) for them.

“And what can I do for you?”, asked the witch.

“You could give us some candies!” They told her, happily. The witch was very worried, because she had no candies, and she didn’t know the spell for making them. But the children didn’t mind, and they went off to play.

The little witch was encouraged (受到鼓励) by this, and decided to help everyone. On her way, she met the old witches casting their spell on the mountain. Some magic words came into her head. Suddenly the fire on the mountain turned into lots of candies and fell onto the town below.

And that’s how the little witch learned how to do good: by sincerely (真诚地) wanting to help others. From that day on, everyone made friends with her, and they called her The Candy Witch.

1.Why was the little witch always sad?

2.What did the old witches plan to do?

3. Who saved the people in the small town?

4.What do you think of the children in the story?

5. How should we do to put kindness into practice?



Many young people in China today are only worried about getting good jobs to make lots of money. In their free time, they think about what to do for fun. 1.Every year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to universities. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers. 2. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment.

Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. 3.However, now, she’s living in Belize (伯利兹,中美洲国家). Pauline says, “I’m working with other people here to save the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted, the coral dies. I’m helping to do research (研究) on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. 4.

“I’m staying with a family here and I help do some housework. I don’t get any money, but

that’s OK. I love my work here, and I’m learning a lot about the people of Belize and myself!    5. I want to travel around Belize and Central America.”

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Guide dogs (导盲犬) are a big help to blind people. A guide dog helps its owner cross the street and do many other things. But it is not easy to become a guide dog. Here’s what a dog must do to get the job:

1. When the dog is very young, trainers watch the dog to make sure it is friendly and quiet.

2. For one year, the dog goes to live with a testing (试验) family. The family teaches the dog some simple words, like “Sit!” and “Stay!”

3. Then the dog goes to school, where trainers teach the dog to lead a person. The dog must learn to stay clear of cars and other dangers in the street or in the neighborhood.

4. The trainers take the dog into town to practice going into stores and banks.

5. If the dog has done well at school, it is ready to meet his blind owner. Now they will work as a team.

1.Guide dogs learn the words “sit” and “stay” with the help of __________.

A. school trainers       B. their owners

C. their parents        D. testing families

2.The Chinese meaning of the phrase “stay clear of” is ___________.

A. 待在                B. 避开

C. 清除                 D. 接近

3.The story is probably written to __________.

A. explain how guide dogs are trained

B. tell people to get pet dogs

C. compare dogs with other pets

D. help blind people find the right pet

4.You would probably find this passage in __________.

A. a book about families

B. a book of stories

C. a book about working animals

D. a book of cartoons



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1.Which month is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in?

A. January.         B. March.

C. August.        D. December.

2.How old was King when he died?

A. 29.               B. 39.

C. 65.               D. 68.

3.What’s the purpose (目的) of the time line (时间轴)in this article?

A. To teach the students how to draw a time line.

B. To give more information of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

C. To tell more about Martin Luther King Jr.

D. To explain why King made his speech “I have a dream”.



Ms James: This morning’s class is about first aid (急救), or offering someone medical help. Let’s imagine an accident. A boy is lying on the ground. He isn’t moving or making a sound. He is in a lot of pain (痛苦万分). What can we do to help him?

Betty: First of all, find out what’s the matter with him.

Ms James: How do we do that?

Betty: Ask him.

Ms James: Ok. But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.

Lingling: Shout for help? Call 120?

Ms James: Good idea, but what should we do before help arrives?

Tony: Make him comfortable.

Ms James: And how can we do that?

Tony: Lift him up and sit him on a chair?

Ms James: No, that could be dangerous! You could drop him and hurt him even more. Betty, you must know! You did some medical training.

Betty: Make sure he’s warm. Cover him with a coat.

Ms James: That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty!

1. Not all the students in Ms James’ class know the enough knowledge (知识) about first aid.

2.We should move the boy to a more comfortable place before help arrives.

3.It is a good idea to keep the boy warm.


My grandma came over ______________ I sat down in front of the TV.

A. unless          B. until

C. as soon as       D. while


You should save some money __________ you can buy a gift for your mother.

A. in order to         B. because

C. so                  D. so that


Tom eats an apple every day __________ healthy.

A. keeps              B. is kept

C. to keep            D. kept


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