You ______ have carried all these parcels yourself. The shop would have delivered them if you had asked them.

A.may not B.needn't C.can't D.mustn't


Shakespeare’s play Hamlet              into at least ten different films over the past years.

A.had been made B.was made

C.has been made D.would be made


The hall had no spare seats left last night. ______, the performance achieved a great success.

A.Immediately B.Fortunately C.Surprisingly D.Obviously


As teachers, we should be ______ of our students' feelings. And then they will trust us.

A.anxious B.afraid C.delighted D.considerate


When he was still very young, Ba Jin ______ the reputation he still enjoys today as one of China's greatest writers.

A.founded B.started C.established D.made


I remember a _____ famous scientist said that we should believe in ourselves first of all.

A.some B.certain C.sure D.other


A hearty laugh relieves physical tension, _____your muscles relaxed for over half an hour. leave B.left C.leaving D.leave


The man pulled out a gold watch,_____were made of small diamonds.

A.the hands of whom B.whom the hands of

C.which the hands of D.the hands of which


It makes no ______ to me whether he will go to the city or not. Anyhow, I will go.

A.thing B.difference C.matter D.affair


We forbid ______ here. Who has permitted you ______ here?

A.smoke; smoking B.smoking; to smoke

C.smoking; smoking smoke; smoking


—He is a real sportsman______ he is not very well-known.

—______. Besides, he is young.

A.though; I am afraid not B.since; You are sure

C.even if; I agree absolutely D.because; That's that point


Tom was so wild about computer games that he would stay online for ten hours ________ a day. the end particular

C.on end D.on purpose


Sorry, I would have come earlier, but I ______ that you were waiting.

A.didn't know B.hadn't known

C.don't know D.haven't known


David asked his nephew to ______ his bag while he headed for a drink at the airport. out of B.keep an eye on C.make up for D.take advantage of


The new law has come into effect, and   number of wild animals here is on____increase now.

A.the; the B.a; the C.the; / D.a; /



1. 垃圾分类的意义

2. 在学校如何进行垃圾分类(如将可回收垃圾单独收集)

3. 希望大家积极参与



1. 文章的开头已经给出

2. 参考词汇:垃圾分类rubbish classification

My fellow students:

I’m Li Jin, chairman of the Students’ Union.




It’s not easy to be a stay-at-home military mom. From military bases to apartments to mobile home communities, the one thing we could always count on was moving. Goodbye to old friends, hello to new ones. From climate to climate and town to town, I found myself wondering if my children would ever be able to put down roots.

It’s true that I would be there for them, but money was always short, and sometimes my husband’s pay record would be lost for months. Pinching pennies became an art form. From dusk to dawn, I made my children’s clothing, often redesigning hand-me-downs (旧衣服). I was once asked what made me so creative. My answer was both brief and honest: desperation.

My children adjusted with courage and humor. Their strength amazed me. But with no extended family, I often wondered if they would ever feel that they had roots. Would my children be harmed in the long run without feeling roots? What could I do?

Then I began gardening. We planted an apple tree. South Carolina is not exactly the perfect apple state. But that was never the point. We just knew the tree we planted really set root there. We lived in the Charleston for nearly eight years and our garden grew larger each year.

Not long ago, we did a search on Google Earth, and we found the house that had contained the laughter and dreams that we shared for eight years in Charleston. We scanned closer and closer down, down, and down and there it was, our little apple tree, alive and well.

Bittersweet tears rolled down my cheeks as I remembered the day we planted that tree. It had survived hurricanes, drought, and much sorrow, and so had we. At that moment, I finally understood. The apple tree’s roots, growing deep in South Carolina soil, were much like our family. Deep in the soil of shared joys and sorrows, our roots are strong in one another, in faith and in love.

1.What bothered the author as a stay-at-home military mom?(no more than 5 words)

2.How do you understand the underline sentence in Paragraph 2?(no more than 10 words)

3.Why did the author begin gardening ? (no more than 10 words)

4.What did the author and her children search for on the Google Earth?(no more than 10 words)

5.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?(no more than 10 words)


    We may be living in the digital age, but reading books is still a big part of growing up. When they’re in primary school, children read books that really challenge them. But once they reach secondary school, the level of difficulty doesn’t change much. Secondary school students tend to read books which are also read by upper primary students. They are not challenging themselves enough.

To discover these trends, I analyzed data collected by Accelerated Reader (AR) software, which asks pupils to check their understanding of the books they’ve chosen to read. The difficulty — which I call “readability”.

I also created two lists of books: one for the books that most secondary pupils had chosen to read, and another for the books they had voted as their favorites. According to the readability, these students’ favorite books tend to be much more advanced than the other books they chose, but they could still understand them. The rest of the books most often chosen by them are quite simple.

You might think that students who read harder books might make more mistakes and understand them less well. But students’ quality of comprehension does not depend on the difficulty of the book, no matter what year of secondary school they’re in. Having an interest is the most obvious factor here — if you like the book, you try hard to really understand it.

As children become teenagers, they listen less to advice from adults and more to advice from kids of their age. So, rather than trying to lecture young people on the benefits of Jane Austen, we should make the nature of the problem clear to them. Students should challenge each other to read more difficult books. Adults could help by setting up noticeboards or organizing social media networks for young people to share their recommendations. And teachers can lend a hand by setting aside time for reading in school. Young people will realize the problems that come when they don’t challenge themselves to read difficult books.

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Children spend little time on after-class reading

B.Secondary school students seldom read tough books

C.Children’s reading interest tends to decrease as they grow up

D.Primary students have difficulty choosing good reading materials

2.The author made use of AR software to ________.

A.understand children’s different reading styles the average time children spend on reading

C.find out the causes of children’s reading difficulties

D.make clear the difficulty levels of books read by children

3.What can we infer about secondary school students from the readability scores?

A.They find some advanced books interesting

B.They often make mistakes during advanced reading

C.They prefer to read books recommended by their parents

D.They can hardly improve their scores on reading comprehension

4.According to Paragraph 4, what is vital for improving reading comprehension?

A.Basic knowledge

B.Reading skills



5.What does the author want to express in the last paragraph?

A.Designing relatively difficult textbooks is necessary

B.Improving students’ reading is a shared responsibility

C.Advanced technology should be used in reading reaching

D.Students should be encouraged to read more literary works


    When author Nicholas Carr began researching his book on whether the Internet is ruining our minds, he restricted his online access and e-mail. His new book argues the latest technology renders us less capable of deep thinking. Carr found himself so distracted (分心的) that he couldn’t work on the book while staying as connected. After first feeling confused by his sudden lack of online connection, he was able to stay focused on one task for a long period within several weeks.

Reading on the Internet has changed how we use our brains. Facing much text, video, music, links to other web pages and blogs, our minds have become used to skimming and scanning information. As a result, we have developed sharper skills at making fast decision, particularly visual ones, Carr wrote.

But now most of us seldom read books, long articles that would help us focus. We are becoming more like librarians than scholars who digest and interpret information. That lack of focus hinders (妨碍)our long-term memory, leading many of us to feel distracted, he wrote.

“What we are losing is a whole other set of mental skills, the ones that require not the shifting of our focus but the maintaining of our focus,” Carr said, adding that for centuries books shielded (保护)our brains from distraction, focusing our minds on one topic at a time.

But with devices such as Apple’s iPad becoming common, Carr predicts books too will change. “New forms of reading always require new forms of writing,” he wrote. Carr has a suggestion for those who feel web surfing has left them incapable of concentration — slow down, turn off the Internet and practice the skills of contemplation (思考)and reflection. “It is pretty clear from the brain science that if you are constantly distracted, you are not going to think in the same way that you would think if you paid attention.”

1.The underline word “renders” can be replaced by ________.





2.What topic is Carr’s new book mainly concentrating on?

A.Whether there is no need for us to surf the Internet

B.How the Internet changes our method of writing

C.Whether our minds are being influenced by the Internet

D.What we should do when we are surfing the Internet

3.What did Carr feel after he limited his time online several weeks later?





4.Carr says we are becoming kind of librarians mainly because__________.

A.we are able to find information online quickly

B.we often feel bored of the information online

C.we are good at using our mental skills online

D.we have to focus on so much information online

5.For those who are often distracted by the Internet, Carr suggests that they should _________. more books besides surfing the Internet

B.spend less time in surfing the Internet at a deep night

C.often slow down their pace of modern living

D.often get away from the disturbing of the Internet


    A federal judge in California has dismissed a lawsuit against the Coca-Cola company which argued that Diet Coke misled people to believe the drink would help them lose weight.

The case was brought by Shana Becerra who said that she had bought and drank Diet Coke because she believed it would contribute to weight loss and healthy weight management. She alleged that Diet Coke had the opposite effect, citing studies that she claimed showed sweeteners with no nutritional value like those used in Diet Coke caused weight gain and increased risk of certain diseases.

Although Coca-Cola’s arguments against the suit were not adequate, Judge William Alsup said the prosecutor (检察官) failed to show that consumers were likely to be deceived by the advertising.

Alsup dismissed the case because Becerra had not met the requirement that “members of the public are likely to be deceived”. “In supermarkets, Diet Coke is displayed next to regular soft drinks and is not sold in the health-food section. Reasonable consumers would understand that Diet Coke merely deletes the calories usually present in regular Coke, and that the caloric reduction will lead to weight loss only as part of an overall sensible diet and exercise regimen (养生法) dependent on individual metabolism (新陈代谢),” Alsup said in the decision.

Alsup said the studies cited by Becerra suggest a connection between Diet Coke-type drinks and weight gain, but they do not suggest causation. He added that one of the studies even says that weight gain is “due to the behavior of consumers, rather than the effects of non-nutritive sweeteners.” Alsup also rejected the idea that Diet Coke advertising would suggest advertising will feature healthy and attractive consumers enjoying the subject products and will not star the unhealthy and unfit.”

The decision on Tuesday, said that the prosecutor has until March 22 to file a motion to amend the complaint. A spokesperson for the Coca-Cola company said they were content with the fact that the court dismissed prosecutor baseless complaint.

1.What was the lawsuit against?

A.One of Coca-Cola’s drinks made people think it would make them thinner.

B.The Coca-Cola company misled people to believe the safety of its products.

C.The advertisements exaggerated the health effects of Diet Coke.

D.The judge discriminated the consumers in favor of the Coco-Cola company.

2.What are the side effects of sweeteners?

A.They stimulate people’s spirits and make them energetic.

B.They increase people’s weight and the potential possibility of getting sick.

C.They provide nutritious refreshment for fat consumers.

D.They add a nice touch to the soft drinks and make them popular.

3.Why did Judge William Alsup dismiss the charge?

A.Because the prosecutor couldn’t provide solid evidence to support her lawsuit.

B.Because the Coca-Cola company didn’t do anything wrong.

C.Because he was reasonable enough to know the effects of soft drinks.

D.Because the consumer made no sense in this lawsuit.

4.According to Alsup, how can people lose weight with Diet Coke?

A.They should reduce the calories they take in.

B.They should replace the regular Coca with Diet Coke.

C.They should reduce their drinking of Diet Coke.

D.They should pay attention to their diet and do exercise.

5.What was the Coca-Cola company’s attitude towards the Judge’s decision?






The Adventures of Amilya Rose: The Lie

By Chavonne D. Stewart, Jasmine Mills, published in 2014

Enter for a chance to win a copy of the book. It is the first book in a surprising series of children’s books. That’s fun and exciting but teaches kids valuable lessons.

Chester and Gus

By Cammie McGoven, published in 2017

Chester has always wanted to become a service dog. When he fails his certification test, though, it seems that dream might never come true--- until a family adopts him to be a companion for their ten-year-old son, Gus. But Gus acts so differently from anyone Chester has ever met. He never wants to pet Chester. Chester’s not sure how to help Gus, but he’s determined to figure it out and show he’s the right dog for the job.

Invisible Emmie

By Terri Libenson, published in 2017

The novel tells the story of two totally different little girls in a class — quiet, shy and artistic Emmie and popular, outgoing, athletic Katie-- and how their lives unexpectedly connected one day, when an embarrassing note falls into the wrong hands. Emmie eventually learns to speak up for herself, realizing that being social isn’t as impossible as she thought.

Ocean Meets Sky

By Terry Fan, Eric Fan, published in 2018

“Young readers will be attracted.”— The Washington Post.

Finn lives by the sea and the sea lives by him. Every time he looks out of his window, it’s a constant reminder of the stories that his grandfather told him about the place where the ocean meets the sky. Finn’s grandfather has gone but Finn knows the perfect way to honor him. He’ll build his own ship and sail out to find this magical place himself! And when he arrives, maybe he’ll find something he didn’t know he was looking for.

1.Which book is related to the loss of loved ones?

A.The Adventures of Amilya Rose: The Lie

B.Chester and Gus

C.Invisible Emmie

D.Ocean Meets Sky

2.Why is Chester adopted by a family?

A.To make him accompany a boy

B.To make him do the right job

C.To help a boy realize his dream

D.To help him pass his certification test

3.What can we know about The Adventures of Amilya Rose: The Lie?

A.It may be gained for free

B.It’s the first children’s book in 20015

C.It’s only for children’s fun

D.It’s mainly about teacher’s lessons

4.Who wrote the story about the relationship between classmates?

A.Chavonne D. Stewart and Jasmine Mills

B.Cammie McGovern

C.Terri Libenson

D.Terry Fan and Eric Fan

5.What kind of book do these four books belong to?

A.Adult novel

B.Children’s literature

C.Moral stories

D.Adventure literature


    In October, I told the eight-year-olds about my plan. “I’ d like all of you to do extra jobs to __________ some money. Then we’ll buy food for a Thanksgiving dinner for someone who might not have a nice dinner ___________.” I wanted the children to ____________ that it’s more blessed to give than to ___________. I wanted them to understand that religion is ____________ nice theological (神学的)ideas; that people somehow have to make it come _____________.

Early in the week, the boys and girls arrived in class seizing their hard-earned money and couldn’t wait to go shopping. I watched ____________ they ran up and down the supermarket aisles. ____________, we headed toward the checkout. Then someone ____________ a “necessity” that sent them racing.

“Flowers!” kristine cried. The group rushed toward the holiday __________. I pronounced, “You can’t eat flowers.” “But Mrs. Sherlock, we want flowers.” ________, I sighed as the children moved a pot of purple mums (菊花) into the cart.

Then we set off for the house of a needy grandmother and finally _________ in front of a small house in the woods. A woman with a tired face came to the door to _________ us. My little group hurried to get the turkey and the trimmings. As each box was carried in, the old woman thanked us — much to children’s _________. When Amy put the mums on the counter, the woman seemed surprised.

We returned to the car. Fastening seat belts, we could see the kitchen window. The woman inside waved goodbye, then turned and walked across the room, past the turkey, past the trimmings, ________ to the mums. She put her face in the flowers. When she raised her head, there was a __________ on her lips. She was transformed before our eyes. The children were quiet. In that one brief ________, they had seen for themselves the _________ they possessed to make another’s life _________. The children had ________ that sometimes a person needs a pot of funny flowers on a dark November day.

1.A.spend B.earn C.withdraw

2.A.either B.though C.otherwise D.anyway

3.A.experience B.expect C.advocate D.clarify

4.A.enjoy B.receive C.accumulate D.share

5.A.better than B.rather than C.other than D.more than

6.A.alive B.wrong C.fresh D.fair

7.A.until B.before D.since

8.A.Gradually B.Eventually C.Frequently D.Occasionally

9.A.observed B.confirmed C.recognized D.spotted

10.A.plants B.lights D.foods

11.A.Panicked B.Moved C.Defeated D.Determined

12.A.pulled up B.settled down C.turned out through

13.A.accompany B.welcome C.inspect D.instruct

14.A.puzzle B.astonishment C.pleasure D.disappointment

15.A.straight B.abruptly C.gradually D.close

16.A.terror B.shock C.pain

17.A.chance B.decision C.moment D.condition B.power C.talent D.interest

19.A.wealthier B.healthier C.easier D.better

20.A.sensed B.noticed C.marked D.checked


—I can drive you home.

—____ , but are you sure it’s not too much trouble?

A.That would be great B.Don’t bother

C.I’m afraid not D.Take care


The prize winner described to the class ________ he had managed to achieve excellence in his study.

A.what C.which D.whether


Music treatment involves a specialist playing an instrument or singing _______ the patient’s mood. means of

B.on behalf of

C.on account of response to


--- I called you last night, but no one answered.

--- Sorry, I _______ sleeping.

A.must have been

B.would have been

C.must be

D.could be


The tea-picking opera _____ developed from the tea-growing regions in Jiangxi where the tea pickers would sing songs while working.

A.luckily B.skillfully C.originally D.rapidly


It was the middle of the night _______ the sound of the piano woke me up.






Dennis turned up at the hospital ________ gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby, who appreciated his visit and good will.






What difficulty _____you have ______the problem?

A. you think; solving    B. do you think; to solve

C. do you think; solving    D. you think; to solve


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