With the possible exception of equal rights, perhaps the most controversial issue across the United States today is the death penalty. Many argue that it is an effective deterrent (威慑) to murder, while others maintain there is no convincing evidence that the death penalty reduces the number of murders.

The principal argument advanced by those opposed to the death penalty, basically, is that it is cruel and inhuman punishment, which is the mark of a brutal society, and finally that it is of questionable effectiveness as a deterrent to crime anyway.

In our opinion, the death penalty is a necessary evil. Throughout recorded history there have always been those extreme individuals in every society who were capable of terribly violent crimes such as murder. But some are more extreme than others.

For example, it is one thing to take the life of another in a fit of blind rage, but quite another to coldly plot and carry out the murder of one or more people in the style of a butcher. Thus, murder, like all other crimes, is a matter of relative degree. While it could be argued with some conviction that the criminal in the first instance should be merely separated from society, such should not be the fate of the latter type murderer.

The value of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime may be open to debate. But the overwhelming majority of citizens believe that the death penalty protects them. Their belief is strengthened by evidence which shows that the death penalty deters murder. For example, from 1954 to 1963, when the death penalty was consistently imposed in California, the murder rate remained between three and four murders for each 100,000 population. Since 1964 the death penalty has been carried out only once, and the murder rate has risen to 10.4 murders for each 100,000 population. The sharp climb in the state’s murder rate, which began when executions stopped, is no coincidence. It is convincing evidence that the death penalty does deter many murderers. If the bill reestablishing the death penalty is banned, innocent people will be murdered—some whose lives may have been saved if the death penalty were in effect. This is literally a life or death matter. The lives of thousands of innocent people must be protected.

1.The principal purpose of this passage is to________.

A.speak for the majority B.initiate a ban

C.criticize the government D.argue for the value of the death penalty

2.The author’s response to those who urge the death penalty for all is likely to be________.

A.negative B.friendly

C.supportive D.neutral

3.According to the Paragraph 4, it can be inferred that________.

A.the death penalty is the most controversial issue in the United States today

B.the ban of the bill reestablishing the death penalty is of little importance

C.the second type of murderers should be sentenced to death

D.the value of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime is not to be debated

4.The passage attempts to establish a relationship between________.

A.the effects of execution and the effects of isolation

B.the murder rate and the imposition of the death penalty

C.the importance of equal rights and that of the death penalty

D.executions and murders

5.The author’s attitude towards “death penalty” is________.

A.opposing B.supporting

C.neutral D.not clear


    In many aspects, nowadays business environment has changed greatly since the late 1980s. The end of the cold war completely altered the very nature of the world’s politics and economics. In just a few short years, globalization has started a variety of trends with profound consequences: the opening of markets, true global competition, widespread deregulation (解除政府对……的控制) of industry, and an abundance of accessible capital. we have experienced both the benefits and risks of a truly global economy, with both wall street and main street (平民百姓) feeling the pains of economic disorder half a world away.

At the same time, we have fully entered the information age, starting breakthroughs in information technology, which have irreversibly altered the ability to conduct business unconstrained by the traditional limitations of time or space. Today, it’s almost impossible to imagine a world without intranets, e-mail, and portable computers. With amazing speed, the internet is profoundly changing the way we work, shop, do business, and communicate.

As a consequence, we have truly entered the post-industrial economy. We are rapidly shifting from an economy based on manufacturing and commodities to one that places the greatest value on information, services, support, and distribution. That shift, in turn, attaches great importance to “knowledge workers,” a new class of wealthy, educated, and mobile people who view themselves as free agents in a seller’s market.

Beyond the field of information technology, the increasing pace of technological change in virtually every industry has created entirely new business, wiped out others, and produced a great demand for continuous innovation (创新).New product, process, and distribution technologies provide powerful levers for creating competitive value. More companies are learning the importance of destructive technologies-----innovations that hold the potential to make a product line, or even an entire business segment, virtually outdated.

Another major trend has been the consumer and business markets. There’s a growing appreciation that superficially similar groups of customers may have very different preferences in terms of what they want to buy and how they want to buy it. Now, new technology makes it easier, faster, and cheaper to identify and serve targeted micro-markets in ways that were physically impossible or prohibitively expensive in the past. Moreover, the trend feeds on itself, a business’s ability to serve sub-markets fuels customers’ appetites for more and more specialized offerings.

1.According to the first paragraph, the changes in the business environment in the past decades can be due to __________.

A.technological advances B.worldwide economic disorder

C.the fierce competition in industry D.the globalization of economy

2.What idea does the author want to convey in the second paragraph ?

A.The rapid development of information technology has taken businessmen by surprise.

B.The internet, intranets, e-mail, and portable computers have entered every corner of the world.

C.Information technology has removed the restrictions of time and space in business transactions.

D.The way we do business today has brought about startling breakthroughs in information technology.

3.If a business wants to boom in the post-industrial economy, ________.

A.it has to invest more capital in the training of free agents to operate in a seller’s market

B.it should try its best to satisfy the increasing demands of mobile knowledgeable people

C.it should not overlook the importance of information, services, support, and distribution

D.it has to provide each of its employees with the latest information about the changing market

4.In the author’s view, destructive technologies are innovations which _________.

A.demand a radical change in providing services

B.can eliminate an entire business

C.may destroy the potential of a company to make any profit

D.call for continuous improvement in ways of doing business

5.With the consumer and business markets, ________.

A.an increasing number of companies have broken down

B.manufacturers must focus on one special product to remain competitive in the market

C.it is physically impossible and prohibitively expensive to do business in the old way

D.businesses have to meet individual customers’ specific needs in order to succeed


    Allen Cook and his daughter Melissa were renovating(整修) her house, when they found a beautiful, heart-warming love story. “The envelope in the ceiling was old and yellow. It had never been opened, It was unbelievable when my son-in-low started reading it. In the letter she was talking about the baby she was going to have,” Allen Cook said.

The story began in May 4, 1945, the typed letter was written by a woman named Virginia to her husband, Rolf Christoffersen. At the time, he was a sailor in the Norwegian navy. The envelope was marked “return to sender” and never found its way to her husband. Allen’s daughter used the Internet to find the phone number of someone named Rolf Christoffersen and gave him a call, leading her to his son in Santa Barbara, California.

“Someone called me at my office. They just googled my name because I have the same name as my father. Melissa asked me where I grew up and I told her. She told me she had the letter,” Christoffersen’s son, 66 now, said. The younger Christoffersen wasn’t yet born when his mother Virginia wrote the letter, but he said her words were very special to him. His mother, who died six years ago, wrote about her love for her husband.

“I love you Rolf, as I love the warm sun, and that is what you are for my life, the sun about which everything else revolves around me,” she wrote. Seventy-two years later, her words were finally heard by her husband. Christoffersen immediately called his father, who is now 96. And read the letter to him over the phone. “I was so surprised after all these years. I was very emotional,” the elder Christoffersen said.

The long-lost letter was finally received just before Mother’s Day; it was another tangible connection to Virginia Christoffersen. “It’s Mother’s Day and reading her words reminded me just what a wonderful person she was and how much she loved us” her son said, through tears.

1.The envelope found by Allen and his daughter ________.

A.was hard to believe for everyone

B.told a pretty and touching love story

C.told a story about Melissa and her husband

D.was written by a man whose wife joined the services

2.How did Allen’s daughter find the phone number?

A.By searching the Internet. B.With the help of the public.

C.By the address on the envelope. D.With the help of the Norwegian navy.

3.It can be inferred that the baby Virginia mentioned in the letter might be ________.

A.the father of Melissa who found the letter

B.the younger Christoffersen in Santa Barbara

C.6 years older than the younger Christoffersen

D.a younger brother of the younger Christoffersen

4.Elder Christoffersen knew the details of the letter through ________.

A.his neighbor telling him face to face

B.his son reading to him on the phone

C.the email that Melissa sent to him

D.the post on the Internet posted by Melissa

5.What did the younger Christoffersen think of the long-lost love letter?

A.A reminder of his mother. B.A precious gift to his father.

C.A present from his mother. D.A precious gift of Mother’s Day.


    The movie theater is a fantasy land that takes the dreams of anyone. It attracts groups of different tastes. There are certain characteristics that distinguish these people from one another. And the characteristics also help guide directors towards what is going to be the next big cinematic presentation.

The Regulars

They are basically amateur movie critics themselves due to the amount of movies they watch. They do not decide more between movies and can generally see two or even three in one sitting. So older people are the regulars due to their plenty of free time they have.

The Young Parents

Children’s movies are their entertainment of choice, and they tend to choose light-hearted humor over everything. Usually friendly, this group are great at socializing. As for the movie category for children, directors trust this group as they know what is wanted and expected in the types of movies.

The Couple

They are quick to get into the cinema and usually buy what is required by the female partner. What is usually a similar theme in their movies is at least a hinting at a love story of some sort. These groups are excellent test subjects for the production of Nicholas Sparks type movies as they feel like their love story is the next big production and thus directors are drawn towards them.

The Noisy Teens

These types can interrupt a movie countless times. Though they may buy tons of food, they seem somehow not to send the food into their mouths and employees find much food is left on the floor as if a food fight went on during the film. Action and adventure movies come out usually for this crowd because the plot and fast-paced nature of the film usually keep the teens at bay for that time period.

1.The text would most benefit ________.

A.film lovers B.movie directors

C.theater visitors D.cinema bosses

2.What do we learn about the Couple?

A.They are required to get into the cinema soon.

B.Both of them enjoy movies of different themes.

C.The female partner often decides what they see.

D.They like to judge the quality of the love-story films.

3.Which group will probably pay little attention to the subject of the movie?

A.The Regulars. B.The Young Parents.

C.The Couple. D.The Rowdy Teens.

4.What kind of movies most likely attracts the teens?

A.Light-hearted humor movies. B.Nicholas Sparks type movies.

C.Exciting movies about the war. D.Romantic love-story movies.

5.What’s the text mainly about?

A.Analysis of movie theater goers.

B.Movies for people with different tastes.

C.Approaches to attracting audiences.

D.The recipe to pick a popular movie.


    Have you ever been asked the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I am someone who’s _________ been able to answer the question. The problem wasn’t that I didn’t have any _________ ---- it was that I had too many. In high school, I liked English, math and art and I built websites and I played the guitar. This _________ after my high school, _______ at a certain point, I started to get bored. And usually I would try and _______ anyway, because I had already devoted so much time and energy and sometimes money to this field. But eventually this sense of _______ would get to be too much. And I would have to let it go.

This pattern caused me a lot of _________ for two reasons. The first was that I wasn’t _______ how I was going to turn any of this into a career. I thought that I would eventually have to _______ one thing, deny all of my other passion. The __________ reason was that I worried that there was something wrong with this, and something wrong with me for being __________ to stick with anything. I was afraid of commitment. ________, there is nothing wrong with me. I am just a multipotentialite(多重潜力者). A multipotentialite is someone __________ many interests and creative pursuits. It is easy to see your multipotentiality as a limitation that you need to __________. But what I have learnt is that there are three multipotentialite __________: Idea synthesis(综合), rapid learning and adaptability.

In fact, some of the best teams are made up of a specialist and multipotentialites. The specialist can dive in deep ideas, __________ the multipotentialite brings a width of knowledge to the project. It is a __________ partnership. So what I hope is this: If you are a ________ at heart, then by all means, specialize. But to the multipotentiallites, please __________ your many passions and follow your curiosity. The world __________ multipotentialites.

1.A.always B.sometimes C.never D.still

2.A.thoughts B.interests C.questions D.subjects

3.A.happened B.changed C.stopped D.continued

4.A.because B.but C.so D.when

5.A.insist B.agree C.save D.compare

6.A.satisfaction B.achievement C.freedom D.boredom

7.A.desperation B.surprise C.excitement D.anxiety

8.A.curious B.brave C.sure D.careful

9.A.know B.control C.involve D.pick

10.A.other B.important C.simple D.same

11.A.unable B.pleased C.easy D.willing

12.A.Personally B.Actually C.Perfectly D.Luckily

13.A.for B.like C.with D.regarding

14.A.refuse B.guard C.search D.overcome

15.A.powers B.results C.weaknesses D.restrictions

16.A.since B.while C.because D.although

17.A.real B.new C.beautiful D.limited

18.A.thinker B.specialist C.scientist D.student

19.A.achieve B.discover C.combine D.accept

20.A.needs B.fears C.annoys D.challenges


The poor girl, ________ for not finishing homework on time, is in low sprits now.

A.scolding B.being scolded

C.having been scolded D.to be scolded


---- I am going to Hainan for my holiday.

---- OK. Have fun ________ you can. The hard times are approaching.

A.until B.before C.unless D.while


Professor Smith, for ________ work matters most, is devoted to his research work.

A.whose B.him C.whom D.what


The shopkeeper wanted to sell me the dress for 30 dollars, and I wanted to pay 20 dollars for it, so we ________ on 25 dollars.

A.communicated B.compromised C.bargained D.concentrated


Due to the present school shootings, the only way the president could imagine ________ such tragedies was to ban guns across the US.

A.to prevent B.preventing C.prevented D.having prevented


My computer ________ start this morning. There must have been something wrong with it.

A.wouldn’t B.shouldn’t C.couldn’t D.mustn’t


---- I am leaving for America to attend a trade fair tomorrow.

---- ________. See you in a couple of weeks.

A.Congratulations B.All the best C.All the better D.All in all


The recent cold weather has prevented residents from going out, which may ________ the decline in customer flows at the shopping mall.

A.make up B.account for C.apply for D.take up


One of the proudest moments in my life is ________ I was rewarded for my courage after saving a drowning child.

A.that B.when C.what D.which


An energy ministry official says all of the country’s nuclear plants have been________ and are capable of standing natural disasters.

A.arranged B.appreciated C.inspected D.performed


—Did you meet Mr. Smith?

—Yes. When I arrived, he ________ for New York to attend a press conference.

A. was just leaving B. just left

C. just leaves D. had just left


—Oh,my English novel is missing.

—I saw Tom leaving with ________,but I am not sure whether yours was included.

A.one B.it

C.some D.that


Most of his works didn’t gain the international ________ they deserved until his death.

A.reputation B.impression C.recognition D.measure


________ its health benefits, dancing is a fun way to release positive energy and make society more pleasant.

A.As a result of B.In view of C.In terms of D.In addition to


---- Honey, I promise to take you to Hong Kong this summer vacation.

---- Really? ________. Have you ever been there?

A.It’s a deal B.It’s my guess C.That’s all right D.That’s terrible



As the development of science and technology sped up, people had a much 1.  widerange of places for their travels. They began to feel bored with the 2. attractionon the earth. Going to the space station became 3. dream of many people. Zhang Qiang was no exception. After taking up the prize he 4. winthe year before, he was taken into the future in a time capsule. 5. immediatehe arrived there, he was amazed at 6. the future looked like. Luckily, it was under the 7. directthat he became familiar with the new surroundings in space in no time. Having been shown around a strange-looking house, he was then guided to a space station consisting 8. three parts. Inside the space station were the most up-to-date inventions of the 3l st century. In addition, there was a system where the waste was dealt with by 9. usethe theory of ecology(生态学理论). Though troubled by lacking oxygen, Zhang Qiang was 10. satisfywith his journey and optimistic about the future.


    When you use our university libraries there are different learning spaces available, so you can decide what is best for your purpose.

Social learning areas

We recognize that you can learn from your friends so we have provided social study areas in all our libraries. Here you can discuss your studies with your friends without worrying about disturbing others as a reasonable level of noise is accepted, though we do ask that you're considerate(替他人着想的)of other students and staff.

Group study rooms

There are bookable(可预订的)group study rooms of various sizes in the libraries. These rooms are well equipped so that you can easily work in groups or practice presentations.

·Bookings are available to groups of 3 or more students.

·Bookings can be made by houra maximum of 2 hours per group per day.

·Bookings can be made for the current week and the following week.

·Contact the library's Help Desk to book a room in person. Bookings are restricted to student use only.

Silent study spaces

We know that on occasion you may prefer to stud yon your own. To help you achieve this we have individual quiet or silent study areas.

In order to preserve the quiet study environment and avoid disturbing other students, discussion about your course or exams, or using mobile phones isn't permitted anywhere in these areas.

Food, drink and phones

Cold drinks and snacks can be consumed(消费)in most areas of the libraries though we ask that you help keep the learning environment clean and pleasant for everyone by clearing rubbish into the bins provided.

Mobile phones can be used in the social learning areas and group study rooms but not in the silent study spaces or the hallways or stairs that lead to those areas. We ask that you switch your phone to silent mode when you come in the library.

1.What is the purpose of social learning areas provided in the library?

A. To give suggestions on how to contact library staff.

B. To help students learn to be considerate.

C. To keep students free from disturbance.

D. To enable students to learn from each other.

2.What is true of bookings of group study rooms in the library?

A. They can only be made by phone.

B. They are available only to students.

C. They can be made several weeks ahead.

D. They are available to groups of any size.

3.What should students pay attention to when using the library?

A. Taking rubbish out when leaving.

B. Avoiding having cold drinks and snacks.

C. Keeping their mobile phones silent all the time.

D. Using mobile phones only in the hallways or stairs.

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. Introducing official rules of a university library.

B. Showing how to make use of a university library.

C. Introducing a university library the author visits.

D. Explaining why a university library is a good place for study.


    When I was young, my mother began to write poetry, books, and letters to the editor to try to change the world. Some were _______ and others were still manuscripts(原稿)that she wrote and edited with reviews that she asked from writers she _______ .

When, at ninety-three, _______ left her only a short time to live, she told me that she had submitted(提交)her recent book of poetry to a publisher. _______ , she hadn’t received an _______ from him. So I called the publisher, only to learn that the company had gone out of _______ . As my mother’s health was falling quickly, there wasn’t time to find a _______ publisher. After a few weeks of feeling _______ , I finally stopped sitting on my hands and ______  another solution.

I found a wonderful company and a printer who ________ to produce twenty poems of my mother’s book as quickly as they could. Sandy and Bernie were ________ by my mother’s story and quickly moved into action ________ me. We worked together to complete the book just a few hours ________ I went to my mother for the last time. I handed it to her gift-wrapped. Her pain made it hard for her to see and think _______  . When she finally ________ the title, The Wrinkled Nest, she truly looked surprised. Then her face softened into a smile.

Not finding a solution wasn’t a choice. And this has ________ me through so much of my life. I live in the world of education and chances, and this is a daily challenge. When faced with ________ ,I can’t simply shrug my shoulders and    _____  .

While I can’t change the world alone, I work on making it better by _______  problems that mean a great deal to me. And I thank my ________ for putting this belief in me.

1.A.destroyed B.valued C.published D.impressed

2.A.respected B.admitted C.imagined D.met

3.A.trouble B.illness C.pain D.health

4.A.Otherwise B.Instead C.Besides D.However

5.A.award B.answer C.instruction D.order

6.A.business B.work C.control D.fashion

7.A.familiar B.responsible C.different D.special

8.A.homeless B.loveless C.useless D.helpless

9.A.got along with B.came up with C.put up with D.went on with

10.A.imitated B.adopted C.agreed D.refused

11.A.upset B.annoyed C.shocked D.touched

12.A.with B.around C.beside D.by

13.A.before B.when C.after D.since

14.A.carefully B.clearly C.completely D.quickly

15.A.read B.remembered C.recognized D.realized

16.A.guided B.supported C.pulled D.offered

17.A.disbelief B.problems C.accidents D.death

18.A.give away B.give back C.give up D.give off

19.A.discussing B.choosing C.replacing D.solving

20.A.classmates B.parents C.friends D.teachers


假定你叫李华,在你校就读的来自美国的交换生杰克很想学习中国书法(Chinese calligraphy),想找一位中国书法教师。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:

1. 已为他找了一名教师李先生;

2. 简单介绍李先生;

3. 询问什么时候开始学习。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I will never forget my first day at high school. That day, one of my new classmate was late. He stood outside the classroom silent before our teacher let her in. He cried on his desk. I asked him what happened. He hesitated for a while, but then told me that his father had died several days ago. After a moment, he added that his mother is now badly ill. Heard his words, I felt sorry for his sufferings. So I decided not to organize an activity to raise money for him. It is really happy for me to be help to other people.



Plastic is a huge problem for our planet. It is really 1. (challenge) to get rid of and a lot of it ends up in nature or in the ocean in particular. There, it is a threat 2. our animals and plants.

Now a company from the Netherlands, a small country in western Europe, says that it will use plastic 3. (find) in the ocean to build roads. Volker Wessels 4. (turn) the plastic into building blocks for the roads. They will be like puzzle pieces 5. fit into each other.

Not only will this be good for the environment, but also it will be good for the people who look after roads. If a part of the road 6. (damage), it will be easy to remove it and replace it with another piece. The company says that nearly any type of plastic can be used 7. (make) the road pieces.

Scientists 8. (work) on the project say that they are in the final stages of testing the materials for 9. (safe). They say that the first road built will be 10. bicycle path somewhere in the Netherlands.


    When I was growing up, there was a pizza shop right down the street from me, The pizza shop was _________ by a Chinese woman who opened the place around 11:00 a. m. and closed it around midnight every day. The food was good, and its _________ were a right size. As far as I knew, the menu never _________. The woman would take an _________ and then return to the kitchen and make it while the customer stood _________ at the counter.

One day the woman _________ the pizza shop to a man. The man _________ on running the pizza shop with his wife. I was around fifteen and one day I went inside the pizza shop and began talking with the new owners. Within minutes of my starting the _________ , the man and his wife offered me a(n) _________ They’d printed many paper menus and they wanted me to hang them on the doors in the area.

I enjoyed the work as it was fun. As I did this with them one Sunday afternoon, they told me about how __________ the Chinese woman had been. They told me she used too expensive cheese. They were planning to stop __________ chicken because chicken was expensive and pizza was really __________ to make. They were __________ the business was going to be a cash cow for them.

As I listened to all this, I decided these people must be very smart. __________ , within several months, they were out of __________ completely, and the pizza place sat there vacant for over a year __________ it was turned into flooring store. The new owners thought only about how the business could __________ them, and how they could reduce __________ to fatten their own wallets. This is why they ended up __________ . After all, everyone loves people and businesses that are more __________ with serving others than themselves.

1.A.purchased B.expanded C.operated D.frequented

2.A.populations B.portions C.measures D.surroundings

3.A.improved B.extended C.worsened D.altered

4.A.order B.chance C.walk D.dish

5.A.resting B.admiring C.waiting D.observing

6.A.transferred B.sold C.referred D.donated

7.A.focused B.went C.insisted D.planned

8.A.trade B.argument C.discussion D.deal

9.A.recommendation B.job C.assignment D.reward

10.A.stupid B.intelligent C.awkward D.hardworking

11.A.preparing B.buying C.serving D.consuming

12.A.swift B.cheap C.interesting D.convenient

13.A.worried B.lucky C.hopeful D.sure

14.A.Instead B.Additionally C.However D.Consequently

15.A.business B.sight C.place D.control

16.A.Unfortunately B.Instantly C.Suddenly D.Eventually

17.A.influence B.benefit C.promote D.involve

18.A.costs B.bills C.prices D.ingredients

19.A.declining B.quitting C.failing D.compromising

20.A.satisfied B.concerned C.patient D.familiar


    Continuous learning benefits us in many ways. First of all, it allows the increase in knowledge and ability in our career. For example, watching someone work can make us a better worker. 1. For example, we can learn about the general workforce and how the application process works to better prepare us for job searching. This can help if for some reason you lose your job and need to find other work.

What’s more, continuous learning can open our mind. Having an open mind and willingness to take on new ideas can do wonders. First of all it builds your attitude towards change. 2. Second, when you take continuous learning into account, you can begin to understand how others feel about a particular issue.

3. They are always looking for new experiences and do different things. Moreover, they not only have knowledge on various topics that aren’t always related to present roles but also know about the latest trends and technologies in the industry.

To develop continuous learning, you have to begin with setting a clear and specific goal. 4. Once your goal is set, build a system to help support your strategy. You want to be looking for different sources of information, but also to be picky about it, In other words, try to learn within your specific field but ensure the information is coming from a trustworthy source- At the same time, do use tools to help improve your learning system. 5. Seminars (研讨会) workshops, and live classes are the tools that modern learners need as they make learning effective.

A. Learning can improve other areas in our lives.

B. Besides, learning can prepare us for the unexpected.

C. If always learning, you are always improving.

D. Excellent continuous learners behave in a specific manner.

E. Being excited about change can affect others around you positively.

F. There’re various tools to help you present information and learning.

G. Knowing what you want to achieve can encourage you to keep learnings.


    When you think of a national park, you generally picture fresh air and wild animals, right? Well, now you're going to have to add tea shops and something called "the Tube" to your definition, because London, England has signed up to be the first "National Park City."

London was established by the Romans around 2,000 years ago and has been continually inhabited (居住于) since then. In all that time, however, nobody had the idea to replace all the parks with big box stores or high buildings, which means London already has a much lower urban density (密度)than most of the worlds cities. Nowadays about a third of the city is green space,

In July 2019, London announced its willingness to become the world’s first National Park City. Now the city is moving toward the goal of achieving 50% green space by the year 2050 by connecting and expanding public parks, greening up unused parking lots and the private yards of existing and new houses, fixing some green roofs on existing buildings and even cutting holes in fences for wildlife to pass through.

"Inspired by the aims and values of our precious rural national parks, the London National Park City is basically about making life better in the capital through both small everyday things and long-term strategic thinking," Daniel Raven-Ellison, who began the campaign to make London a National Park City six years ago said in a press release. "We've been doing that in London for centuries, which is why London is so green and diverse. "

London will have a much easier job achieving this type of green transformation than more densely-urbanized cities like Paris and New York, which have 10% and 27% greenspace, respectively. But that doesn't mean it's not possible——the National Park City Foundation hopes to employ 25 more cities in addition to London by the year 2025. Glasgow, Scotland and Newcastle upon Tyne in northeast England are both currently considering becoming National Park Cities.

1.What makes London more likely to become a national park city than other cities?

A.Its smaller population. B.The government’s efforts.

C.Its less dense urbanization, D.Its citizens’ great support.

2.Where can we find the data on London’s measures to achieve its goal?

A.In Paragraph 1. B.In Paragraph 2.

C.In Paragraph 3. D.In Paragraph 4.

3.What is Daniel Raven-Ellison trying to talk about in the fourth paragraph?

A.London’s long-term strategic thinking.

B.The significance of London’s campaign.

C.The effects of national parks on London.

D.The resources of London’s green space.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Trying to be a national park city is turning new trend.

B.National park cities are springing up around the world.

C.It is so easy for London to become a national park city.

D.National park cities are making improvements to our life.


    Two years ago Kiirsat Ceylan was in New York to give a talk about disability rights at the U N Blind since birth the Turkish man was struggling to find his hotel holding a cane in one hand and pulling his luggage with the other

"Not surprisingly suddenly I bumped into a pole, and he says, "It was a bit bloody"

The problem with a cane is that while it can tell you what's on the grounds it doesn't help with objects at the body or head level It wasn't the first time Ceylan had run into something injuring himself

"" I have no problem with my scars which make me more handsome I guess" Ceylan says laughing "But I don't need hew ones"

With WeWalk a new smart cane Ceylan hopes to help other blind people navigate their environments more easily.The cane uses an ultrasonic(超声波)sensor which detects objects at body or head level and gives a warning vibration WeWalk users pair the cane with their smartphones and then use the cane's touchpad to access features like voice assistant or navigation*Before leaving home they can plug their destination into Google Maps and get spoken directions as they walk In the future Ceylan hopes to connect WeWalk with public transportation and ridesharing services

Assistive technology is often expensive for blind people says Eelke Folmer a computer science professor at the University of Nevada! Reno "But developers fail to realize their devices are out of reach for many blind people To Folmer the price point- 500-- sets the WeWalk cane apart from other technologies

Ceylan sees WeWalk as part of an attempt to help blind people achieve greater freedom of movement which he believes will give them greater access to education and jobs The canes are already having an impact on users Ceylan says He recently received an email from a teacher in Ireland who had become blind as an adult He'd been depressed and housebound But since getting a WeWalk cane your device forced me to go out It became my anti- depressant " he wrote

1.Why is a story about Kursat Ceylan given at the beginning of the text ______

A.To stress the difficulty caused by blindness

B.To show his reason for developing his cane

C.To indicate the problems with present canes

D.To show his positive and humorous character

2.What can WeWalk do at present according to the text ______

A.Provide fast Internet access

B.Start conversations with users

C.Tell users what is around them

D.Connect with ridesharing services

3.What does Folmer think is the advantage of WeWalk over other assistive technologies ______

A.It is easily affordable B.It is easily controllable

C.It works better for users. D.It looks more attractive

4.What is the text mainly about ______

A.The increasing demand for smart canes

B.A blind man’s devotion to smart canes

C.A smart cane's effects on blind people.

D.An assistive technology for the blind


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