
The Longji Rice terraces1.buildby the local ethnic groups between Yuan Dynasty and the early Qing Dynastyhave different colours in different seasonsThousands of visitors 2.attractto come here every year to admire this great wonder created by people and nature working togetherThe terraces could not only increase the areas 3. they could grow rice but also catch the rainwater and prevent the soil from 4.washawayWhat is most significant is 5. people have worked in harmony with natureThe terraces are 6.cleverdesigned with hundreds of waterways 7.connectwith each otherRainwateralong with these waterways8.movedown the mountains and into the terracesThe sun heats the water and turns it into gas9. forms clouds from which rain falls down onto the mountain terraces once again10.providea perfect environment for birds and fishsome of which feed on insects that can harm the rice crops



1.be home __________ ……的故乡

2.from the bottom __________ the very top从底到顶

3.plenty __________ 许多,大量


5.__________ harmony with……协调

6.connect __________ 连接

7.provide sth__________ sb.给某人提供某物

8.feed __________ ……为食

9.pass __________ 传下去

10.wash __________ 冲走



1.__________ vt.包,裹

2.__________ n.闪光.使闪光,使闪现  vi.闪光,闪现

3.__________ n.(一)大层(覆盖物)

4.__________ n.霜

5.__________ n.朝代

6.__________ n.地区,区域

7.__________ adv.因此,由此

8.__________ adj.浅的

9.__________ v.阻挡,防止__________ n.防止,预防

10.__________ n.土壤

11.__________ adj.重要的,影响深远的__________ n.重要性__________ adv.重大地,显著地

12.__________ n.融洽,和谐

13.__________ vt.设计,计划  n.设计,图样,计划__________ n.设计者

14.__________ vt.伤害,损害,危害  n.伤害,损害,危害__________ adj.有害的

15.__________ n.庄稼,作物

16.__________ n.传统__________ adj.传统的,习俗的,惯例的

17.__________ n.一代人

18.__________ n.农业__________ adj.农业的,农艺的

19.__________ vt.吸引,引起……的兴趣__________ n.吸引,吸引力,具有吸引力的人/

20.__________ vt.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕,欣赏__________ n.敬佩,钦佩,羡慕


    In the 1990s, when an area of Brazilian rainforest the size of Belgium was cut down every year, Brazil was the world’s environmental villain (反派角色) and the Amazonian jungles the image of everything that was going wrong in green places. Now, the Amazon ought to be the image of what is going right. Government figures show that deforestation fell by 70% in the Brazilian Amazon region during the past decade. If clearances had continued at their rate in 2005, an extra 3.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide would have been put into the atmosphere. That is an amount equal to a year’s emissions from the European Union. Arguably, then, Brazil is now the world leader in addressing climate change.


But how did it break the vicious cycle (恶性循环)? The answer, according to a paper is that there was no silver bullet but instead a three-stage process in which bans, better governance in frontier areas and consumer pressure on companies worked.

The first stage ran from the mid-1990s to 2004. This was when the government put its efforts into bans and restrictions. The Brazilian Forest Code said that, on every farm in the Amazon, 80% of the land had to be set aside as a forest reserve. As the study observes, this share was so high that the code could not be followed --- or enforced. This was the period of the worst deforestation. Soybean prices were high and there were a vast expansion of soybean farming on the south-eastern border of the rainforest.

During the second stage, which ran from 2005 to 2009, the government tried to boost its ability to police the Amazon. Brazil’s president made stopping deforestation a priority, which resulted in better co-operation between different bits of the government. The area in which farming was banned was increased from a sixth to nearly half of the forest.

The third stage, which began in 2009, was a test of whether a system of restrictions could survive as soybean expansion continued. The government shifted its focus from farms to counties (each state has scores of these). Farmers in the 36 counties with the worst deforestation rates were banned from getting cheap credit until those rates fell.

By any standards, Brazil’s Amazon policy has been a success, made the more remarkable because it relied on restrictions rather than rewards, which might have been expected to have worked better. Over the period of the study, Brazil also turned itself into a farming superpower, so the country has shown it is possible to get a huge increase in food output without destroying the forest. Moreover, the policies so far have been successful among commercial farms who care about the law and respond to market pressures. Most remaining deforestation is by small holders who care rather less about these things, so the government faces the problem of persuading them to change their ways, too. Deforestation has been slowed, but not yet stopped.

1.Brazil is considered to play a leading role in dealing with climate change because ________.

A.it has rainforest as large as Belgium.

B.it has cut down too much rainforest.

C.it has taken action to reduce deforestation.

D.it sent 3.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the air.

2.The underlined phrase “silver bullet” in Paragraph 2 most probably refers to _______.

A.a powerful weapon. B.an effective solution.

C.an intelligent device. D.a golden opportunity.

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Brazil has successfully eliminated deforestation.

B.All the farmers care much about forest protection.

C.Small farm holders are a headache for the Brazilian government.

D.Both the food output and the forest in Brazil have greatly increased.

4.What can be the best title of the passage?

A.Cutting Down on Cutting Down. B.Brazil, the World Leader in Farming.

C.Restrictions Outperforming Rewards. D.Former Awareness Working Wonders.


    Nowadays, people have a heated discussion on whether the pressure on international sports players kills the essence of sport --- the pursuit of personal excellence. Children kick a football around for fun. When they get older and play for local school teams, they become competitive but they still enjoy playing. The individual representing his country cannot afford to think about enjoying himself; he has to think only about winning. He is responsible for the entire nation’s hopes, dreams and reputation.

A good example is the football World Cup. Football is the world’s most important sport. Winning the World Cup is perhaps the summit of international sporting success. Mention Argentina to someone and the chances are that he’ll think of football. In a sense, winning the World Cup put Argentina on the map.

Sports fans and supporters get quite irrational about the World Cup. People in England felt that their country was somehow important after they won in 1966. Last year thousands of Scots sold their cars, and even their houses, and spent all their money travelling to Argentina, where the finals were played.

So, am I arguing that international competition kills the idea of sport? Certainly not! Do the Argentinians really believe that because eleven of their men proved the most skillful at football, their nation is in every way better than all others? Not really, but it’s nice to know that you won and that in one way at least your country is the best.

1.According to the passage, if a sportsman only thinks about winning, he will ___________.

A.fail to succeed. B.lose enjoyment.

C.achieve success. D.go unreasonable.

2.The main idea of the first paragraph is that ____________.

A.children take part in all kinds of sports because sports activities give them pleasure.

B.competitions between different school teams make sports no longer a personal act for fun.

C.some people believe that international competition makes sports a task, a responsibility, for the individuals.

D.some people think international competition is in a way opposite to the pursuit of personal excellence.

3.What does the speaker mean when he says “In a sense, winning the World Cup put Argentina on the map”?

A.Winning the World Cup makes Argentina a football power in the world.

B.Argentina is not important before it wins the World Cup.

C.Winning the World Cup gives weight to Argentina’s position in the world.

D.Argentina is world-famous for its football because of its obvious position on the map.

4.The word “irrational” in the third paragraph means __________.

A.passionate, B.unreasonable.

C.angry, D.happy,


Sunday, October 5

Clear, 69°F

My wife, Eleanor, and I took the train from Paris to Strasbourg, where we were met by our driver and guide, and the minibus which goes along with the boat. We stopped off in Barn for an hour on the way. Then we were taken to Nancy where the boat was kept.

After the other passengers arrived, we had our first dinner on the boat. After dinner we walked into downtown Nancy, a village with a large square and wooden houses.

Monday, October 6

Rained last night, cloudy in the morning, 69°F

We spent about two hours in Nancy, then sailed on the Canal de la Marne au Rhine. Kind of a lazy day, eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After dinner we watched a tape on Baccarat, which we will visit tomorrow.

It was pleasant to sit out on deck and watch the scenery go by at about 3 mph.

Tuesday, October 7

Light rain, 64°F

This morning we drove over to Baccarat and toured its museum and the church, which has this unbelievable lamp that is going on a world tour the next day. We did lots of shopping, then walked across the bridge to see a very, very modern Catholic church with special Baccarat windows.

We drove to the top of the Voges Mountains and started down the eastern side. Later we drove to Sorrenbourg to see the 13th century church at the Cordeliers. It contains the largest window by Marc Chagall - 24 feet wide by 40 feet high.

Wednesday, October 8

Cloud, 65 °F

Today we sailed from Schneckenbush to Saverne. We went through two caves, an extremely unusual part of the journey. This river scenery is very different. We were in a mountain valley with grassland on one side and a forest beginning to show some color on the other.

Thursday, October 9

Cloudy, 66°F

Our dependable minibus was waiting to load the luggage and take us to the hotel where everyone went their separate ways. Our boating days are over until next time.

1.Where did the author get off the train?

A.Paris. B.Strasbourg.

C.Nancy. D.Barn.

2.On which days did the tourists spend most of their time on the boat?

A.Monday and Tuesday. B.Tuesday and Wednesday.

C.Wednesday and Thursday. D.Monday and Wednesday.

3.From the text, we learn that Baccarat and Sorrenbourg are the names of ________.

A.towns B.churches

C.museums D.mountains


    In 1965, 17-year-old high school student Randy Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours to see how he’d cope without sleep. On the second day, his eyes stopped focusing. Next, he lost the ability to ________ objects by touch. By day three, Gardner was moody and uncoordinated. At the end of the experiment, he was ________ to concentrate, had trouble with short-term memory and started hallucinating(出现幻觉). Although Gardner recovered without long-term psychological or physical ________, for others, sleeplessness can result in hormone(激素) imbalance, illness, and even death.

Sleep is ________. Adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night, and adolescents need about 10. In the United States, it's estimated that 30% of adults and 66% of adolescents are ________ sleep deprived. When we lose sleep, learning, memory, mood, and reaction time are affected. Sleeplessness may also cause inflammation, hallucinations, high blood pressure, and it's even been ________ to diabetes and obesity.

How can sleep ________ cause such enormous suffering? Scientists think the answer lies with the ________ of waste products in the brain. During our waking hours, our cells are busy using up our day's energy sources with get broken down into various by-products, including adenosine(腺苷酸). As adenosine builds up, it increases the ________ to sleep, also known as sleep pressure. In fact, caffeine works by ________ adenosine's receptor pathways. Other waste products also build up in the brain, and if they're not cleared away, they collectively ________ the brain and are thought to lead to the many negative symptoms of sleep deprivation.

So, what's happening in our brain when we sleep, to prevent this? Scientists found something called the Lymphatic System, a clean-up mechanism(机能) that removes this build up and is much more ________ when we're asleep. It works by using cerebrospinal fluid(脑脊髓液) to flush away toxic by-products that accumulate between cells. Lymphatic vessels, which ________ pathways for immune cells have recently been discovered in the brain, and they may also play a role in ________ the brain's daily waste products. While scientists continue exploring the restorative mechanisms behind sleep, we can be sure that sleeping is a(n) ________ if we want to maintain our health and our sanity.

1.A.produce B.identify C.move D.discover

2.A.balancing B.reminded C.struggling D.intended

3.A.ability B.outcome C.response D.damage

4.A.essential B.healthy C.investigated D.neglected

5.A.scarcely B.temporarily C.regularly D.hopefully

6.A.occurred B.linked C.increased D.developed

7.A.deprivation B.sufficiency C.absence D.pressure

8.A.accumulation B.discovery C.resource D.prevention

9.A.symptom B.power C.difficulty D.urge

10.A.clearing B.blocking C.holding D.assisting

11.A.overload B.pollute C.protect D.explore

12.A.harmful B.active C.tense D.necessary

13.A.serve as B.block up C.tear down D.point to

14.A.analyzing B.removing C.following D.dividing

15.A.system B.priority C.opportunity D.necessity


    The modern Olympic Games, founded in 1896, began as contests between individuals, rather than among nations, with the hope of promoting world peace through sportsmanship. In the beginning, the games were open only to _______. An amateur is a person whose involvement in an activity - from sports to science or the arts - is purely for ________. Amateurs, whatever their contributions to a field, expect to receive no form of compensation; professionals, ________, perform their work in order to earn a living.

From the perspective of many athletes, ________, the Olympic playing field has been far from fair. Restricting the Olympics to amateurs has excluded the participation of many who could not afford to be _______. Countries have always desired to send their best athletes, not their ________ ones, to the Olympic Games.

A slender and imprecise line separates what we call “financial support” from “earning money.” Do athletes “earn money” if they are reimbursed for travel expenses? What if they are paid for time lost at work or if they accept free clothing from a manufacturer or if they teach sports for a living? The runner Eric Liddell was the son of poor missionaries; in 1924 the British Olympic Committee ________ his trip to the Olympics, where he won a gold and a bronze medal. College scholarships and support from the United States Olympic Committee made it possible for American track stars Jesse Owens and Wilma Rudolph and speed skater Dan Jansen to train and compete. When the Soviet Union and its allies joined the games in 1952, the ________ of amateur became still less clear. Their athletes did not have to ________ work and training because as citizens in communist regimes, their government financial support was not considered payment for jobs.

In 1971 the International Olympic Committee (IOC) ________ the word amateur from the rules, making it easier for athletes to find the ________ necessary to train and compete. In 1986, the IOC allowed professional athletes into the games.

There are those who ________ the disappearance of amateurism from the Olympic Games. For them the games ________ something special when they became just another way for athletes to earn money. Others say that the designation(命名) of amateurism was always ________; they argue that all competitors receive so much financial support as to make them paid professionals. Most agree, however, that the ________ over what constitutes(组成) an amateur will continue for a long time.

1.A.amateurs B.professionals C.men D.women

2.A.survival B.fame C.profit D.pleasure

3.A.at all costs B.by contrast C.as a result D.at first

4.A.however B.therefore C.furthermore D.instead

5.A.punished B.trained C.unpaid D.educated

6.A.youngest B.smartest C.strongest D.wealthiest

7.A.booked B.extended C.financed D.cancelled

8.A.value B.definition C.origin D.use

9.A.balance B.begin C.change D.restrict

10.A.restored B.created C.removed D.studied

11.A.field B.support C.organization D.team

12.A.regret B.investigate C.explain D.welcome

13.A.displayed B.carried C.retain D.lost

14.A.reasonable B.questionable C.unbelievable D.valuable

15.A.debate B.complaint C.concern D.inquiry


Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Vast deserts, magic carpets, and the legend of Aladdin's lamp. For most Chinese people, Saudi Arabia is a faraway land 1. (exist) only in bedtime stories.

However, connections between the two countries 2.(date) back to ancient times. The economic and cultural ties between the Tang Dynasty and the Arabian empire reached their height in the 9th century. Paper-making workshops thrived in 3. is now Saudi Arabia while Arabian knowledge of math, astronomy and medicine spread to the Middle Kingdom.

These exchanges, 4.(record) by Arabian merchants sailing along the ancient Maritime Silk Road, became material for folk tales 5.the One Thousand and One Nights stories.

Fast forward a millennium, the relationship between a modern Saudi Arabia and a progressive China 6.(enter) a new era, thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013. Saudi Arabia is one of the first countries 7.(respond) positively to the Belt and Road initiative. In terms of strategic location, Saudi Arabia serves as the central hub 8.(connect) three continents — Asia, Africa and Europe — and has been an important part of the initiative.

In fact, 9. they built diplomatic ties in 1990, the two countries have seen a sound development of partnerships. In 2015, China became Saudi Arabia's largest trade partner, while Saudi Arabia has been China's biggest crude oil supplier and largest trade partner in West Asia and Africa for years. 10. the economic gains, citizens in both countries also benefit from cultural and academic exchanges.


Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

The Greek myths are almost a myth themselves.

The great dramatists Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides drew on the myths, 1. did  the Romans after them. Since then, poets, painters, sculptors, novelists — and later on, filmmakers and even comic strip authors — 2.(find) inspiration in them. Remember film Troy (2004) starring Brad Pitt? That movie remade The Iliad, Homer's e t of the Trojan Wars.

Greek myths came from oral stories. In the beginning, people told these tales to 3.. They didn't read them in books or watch them in the theater. It seems that 4. we write, paint or make films -or simply just enjoy these products —the Greek myths have a special resonance.

The names and the stories 5. be old, but the myths continue to be relevant. We can still be moved by beauty, like the story of Paris when he stole the gorgeous Helen away from her husband in Troy.

We feel pain in our hearts 6. we remember our family and friends back home. We can therefore readily understand Odysseus—”7.(separate) from his wife and son for a decade — and his desperation to get home.

The everyday life of western culture 8.(mark) by the Greek myths in all sorts of ways. Just look up into the night sky — names of the stars and constellations you see come from Greek characters.

In English, we say someone who makes money easily has "the Midas touch". But often, character from Greek mythology, who turns 9. he touches into gold. Even the products we buy in supermarkets have names 10. (inspire) by the Greeks.



Look inside any family home in the evening, and you might see a typical enough scene: Mom and Dad, each on their own laptop or tablet, streaming movies, catching up on work or maybe answering emails on their smartphones. Meanwhile, one child is chatting online with one school friend while texting another. The other is playing a video game with a friend on the other side of the city at the same time. Each member of the family is totally absorbed in his or her own piece of technology.

According to some experts, the effect of technology on human relationships is worrying as technology becomes a substitute for face-to-face human relationships. It appears to be the case that many people would much rather spend time with their electronic gadgets(电子产品) than with one another. Young people say it is difficult to get their parents’ attention and they have to compete with smartphones, tablets and other technology.

However, a report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project offers a more helpful and encouraging view, suggesting that far from replacing human contact, technology can actually better family relationships. Just over half of the 2,253 people surveyed agreed that technology had enabled them to increase their contact with distant family members and 47 percent said it had improved the communication with the people they lived with. Moreover, even the closest members of families need time away from each other at some point to seek their own interests. Family members who might otherwise have sat in separate rooms can now be in the same one while still occupying a different mental space.

Look back at our typical family scene above. Is it any different from four people reading their own books? Or is it driving families apart? Where technology will lead us remains to be seen. Yet there is no need to worry. As a matter of fact how it affects our family relationships depends on our attitude toward technology.



阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Jane Goodall was born in London in 1934. She became interested in animal stories when she was a very young child. She always dreamed of working with wild1.(animal). When she  was eleven years old, she  decided that she wanted2.(go) to Africa to live with and write about animals. But this was not the kind of  thing young women usually did in the 1940s. Everybody was laughing except her mother. “If you3.(real)   want something, you work hard, you take advantage of opportunity, you never give up, and you will find a way,” her mother said to her. The opportunity 4.(come) at last. A school friend invited her to Africa. Jane worked as5.waitress until she got enough money to travel there.

In 1957, Jane Goodall traveled to Africa. She soon met the well-known scientist Louis Leakey and began working for him as an assistant. He later asked her to study a group of chimpanzees6.(live) by a lake in Tanzania. Very little was known about wild chimpanzees at that time.

Jane  spent many years studying chimpanzees 7.this area of Africa. It was not easy work.  They were  very shy and would run away 8.she came near. She learned to watch them from far away using binoculars   ( ). Over time, she slowly gained9.(they) trust. Watching the chimpanzees, she made many discoveries. They ate vegetables and fruit. But she found that they also eat meat. A few weeks later, she made an even more10.(surprise) discovery. She saw chimpanzees making and using tools to help them catch insects.


    I’ve always had a love for baseball. So when my daughter was born, I looked forward to the time when I could share  that______with  her.  From the time  that she  was quite______, we would spend  lots of  Sunday afternoons watching baseball games on television.  As she_____ a bit older,  we added  the regular activity  of   going out in the backyard to play catch. So it should be  no  surprise that I was_____ to take her  to see  a  live   game someday.

There  was a  baseball _______  in our town one day when my daughter was about seven years old, so we    made big plans to go to our first _________ baseball game together. The day finally came, and we had great seats. I ____ pointed out the position each player was playing and together we ______  each hit. We  shared hot dogs and soda. To our_____, finally the team we liked won.

As we headed across the parking lot to our _________  after the  game, an elderly gentleman _________  to us with a baseball in his hand and_____my daughter. “Excuse me,” he said, “I caught this baseball today and I already have a few.  Would  you like to have it? ” With ________  eyes, my daughter gratefully accepted the ball and we both___ the gentleman as he turned to go. It was the____ to a perfect day.

Years later, we were talking about things we had done when she was a kid. I remembered that first baseball game we  attended  together  and,  out  of______,  I  asked  her  what  she  remembered  about  it.  She____  responded with, “I remember that old man who _______  me the baseball!” Not the game  itself, not the players or the hot dogs, but some random (随意的) person we___ in the parking lot.

Sometimes the most___ things about the events aren’t the experiences  we  have  but  the  personal interactions we have with other people who are attending the same event.

1.A.entertainment B.advantage C.interest D.experience

2.A.modest B.young C.active D.outstanding

3.A.grew B.intended C.accepted D.directed

4.A.struggling B.waiting C.arguing D.longing

5.A.team B.coach C.competition D.show

6.A.convincing B.real C.charming D.crowded

7.A.eagerly B.calmly C.jokingly D.particularly

8.A.observed B.commented C.whispered D.cheered

9.A.amusement B.satisfaction C.kindness D.thanks

10.A.house B.place C.car D.direction

11.A.came B.waved C.explained D.pointed

12.A.searched for B.looked into C.listened to D.turned to

13.A.wide B.sleepy C.tearful D.hungry

14.A.comforted B.thanked C.encouraged D.inspired

15.A.chance B.summary C.period D.ending

16.A.curiosity B.control C.question D.freedom

17.A.coolly B.finally C.immediately D.gradually

18.A.gave B.lent C.returned D.found

19.A.respected B.supported C.met D.heard

20.A.ordinary B.practical C.meaningful D.useful


    We all know the benefits of regular physical activity. But about 80 percent of people don’t take exercise  every day. Even some say they don’t enjoy exercise.1.Here are some tips.

Find an exercise that best fits your personality. 2.  Take  a group exercise class, join a football team  or walk with a group of friends. If you prefer having time alone, jogging or yoga will be better fit for you.

Make it a habit. It can take a little while for something to become a habit.3. One way  is to  try to  exercise around the same time each day. “Exercise can become addictive in a positive way,” said Dr. Carnethon, who is also an American Heart Association Volunteer.

4. There  are  many ways to fit exercise into your life. You  can find some exercise videos online. Do  weight training with things around your home. Take a brief walk after lunch. And if you go to school or work by bus, get off a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.

Keep going. If you miss a day,  don’t worry about it.5.  Just make sure you get back the next day. It’s   easy to make something a habit again. You will see the same benefits. And any little bit you can fit in will show benefits.

A. Build exercise into your lifestyle.

B. Everybody struggles once in a while.

C. So how can you make an exercise pleasant?

D. Break up your physical activity into smaller parts.

E. Therefore, give yourself the time to create a regular routine.

F. If you are a social person, do something that attracts you socially.

G. Finding a peer group is the perfect way to share your goals, and hobbies.


    Born in London in 1825, Thomas Henry Huxley was one of the greatest men of the nineteenth century. In 1846 Thomas Henry Huxley was appointed assistant doctor aboard H. M.S. Rattlesnake. The ship had been asked to survey areas of the Great Barrier Reef and the neighboring seas. This gave Thomas Henry Huxley an opportunity to study animal life and was the start of his biological career. The voyage lasted four years, during which time he gathered much information on plankton (浮游生物).

On his return from the voyage, Thomas Henry Huxley was made a member of the Royal Society in recognition of his scientific work. Although he continued to publish papers about plankton, his interest was turning towards vertebrate (有脊椎的) animals. For some time Thomas Henry Huxley and his workmates had been discussing the possibility that animal species had evolved (进化), one from another. No satisfactory theories had been put forward, but in 1859 Darwin’s Origin of Species appeared. Thomas Henry Huxley at once realized  its importance and how the theory of natural selection provided “the working hypothesis (假说) we sought”.

For the rest of his life Thomas Henry Huxley struggled to ensure the full recognition of Darwin's work. In 1863 Thomas Henry Huxley published Man’s Place in Nature in which he compared man and great apes (). He clearly showed similarities.

Despite his many achievements, he was given no award by the British state until late in his life. From about 1870, Thomas Henry Huxley was too involved in other things to continue actual research. He had always been interested in education. He pioneered the teaching of biology and his method of selecting “type animals” is still followed today. He spent the last ten years of his life writing essays mainly on biology.

1.Why did Huxley go on the voyage?

A.To explore the deep sea. B.To do research on sea animals.

C.To work as a doctor on the ship. D.To gather information for his paper.

2.How did Huxley react to the theory of natural selection?

A.He had doubt about it. B.He thought highly of it.

C.He couldn’t understand it. D.He thought he developed it first.

3.What do we know about Huxley's book Man’s Place in Nature?

A.It discusses the importance of human beings.

B.It focuses on Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

C.It talks about the differences between man and apes.

D.It provides evidence about the evolution of man from apes.

4.What can we learn about Huxley from the last paragraph?

A.He contributed a lot to biology teaching.

B.He continued his research till his death.

C.He became a good novelist late in his life.

D.He never got awards for his achievements.


    On March 25, 2010, Kate and David Ogg heard the words every parent fears: Their newborn wasn’t going to make it. Their twins—a girl and a boy—were born 14 weeks premature (早产的) , weighing just over two pounds each. Doctors had tried to save the boy for 20 minutes but saw no improvement. His heartbeat was nearly gone and he’d stopped breathing. The baby had just moments to live.

“I saw him gasp, but the doctor said it was no use,” Kate said. “I know it sounds stupid, but if he was still gasping, that was a sign of life. I wasn’t going to give up easily.”

Still, the couple knew this was likely goodbye. In an effort to cherish her last minutes with the  tiny boy, Kate asked to hold him.

“I wanted to meet him, and for him to know us,” Kate said. “We’d accepted the fact that we were going to lose him, and we were just trying to make the most of those last, precious moments.”

Kate unwrapped ( ) the boy, whom the couple had already named Jamie, from his hospital blanket and ordered David to take his shirt off and join them in bed. The first-time parents wanted their son to be as warm as possible and hoped the skin-to-skin contact would improve his condition. They also talked to him.

“We were trying to have him,” Kate said. “We explained his name and that he had a twin and how hard we had tried to have him.”

Then something miraculous happened. Jamie gasped again, and then he started breathing. Finally, he reached for his father’s finger. The couple’s lost boy had made it.

Eight years later, Jamie and his sister, Emily, are happy and healthy.

1.From what can we tell that Jamie was still alive

A.His heartbeat. B.His face.

C.His gasp. D.His underweight.

2.What does the sentence “Their newborn wasn’t going to make it” in paragraph 1 mean?

A.Their newborn was unwilling to be their child.

B.Their newborn had very little hope of surviving.

C.Their newborn didn’t feel like coming to this world.

D.Their newborn disliked being treated by doctors in hospital.

3.What can be the best title for the passage

A.Premature Twins B.Life-Giving Touch

C.First-time Parents D.Last Precious Moments


    Every March, the country celebrates the achievements of women in American history. Even though these achievements go back a long way, most schools didn’t start focusing on women pioneers and their achievements until recently. Today, most schools teach kids about the many contributions women have made to our country.  How did this change come about?

On March 19, 1911, a German woman named Clara Zetkin organized the very first International Women’s Day. Inspired by American working women, the event took on the causes of peace in an effort to end World War I as well as women’s rights. However, people’s interest in International Women’s Day still dwindled over the years. It gained momentum (势头) again in the 1960’s when the women’s movement caused women to wonder why they weren’t included in the history books.

By the 1970s, more female historians began to look back at women’s contributions in history. In 1978, a California school district started Women’s History Week to promote the teaching of women’s history. School officials picked the week of March 8 to include International Women’s Day. It was so popular that, in 1981, Congress passed a resolution, making the week a celebration for the entire country. The concept of studying women’s history continued to grow in popularity. In 1987, a group of women asked Congress to expand the celebration. That same year, Congress declared the entire month of March National Women’s History Month.

Today, schools and communities across the country celebrate the month with special lessons and activities designed to teach the ways women have helped shape the US. The women who have worked hard to make Women’s History Month a reality would like to see women’s history studied all year, not just every March. In 1996, the National Women’s History Museum was founded. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and celebrating the various historic contributions of women. The organization is working with Congress to open a permanent (永久的) museum site in Washington, D.C.

1.What was ignored in school education in the past according to the text?

A.Popularizing American history.

B.Introducing the history of WWI.

C.Sharing Americans’ global contributions.

D.Teaching about American women’s achievements.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “dwindled” in paragraph 2?

A.Started. B.Survived. C.Decreased. D.Completed.

3.What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 3?

A.How Women’s History Month became a reality.

B.How women were included in the history books.

C.Why women’s history should be taught at school.

D.Why women’s contributions should be honored in history.



1. 书信开头和结尾的补全内容

2. 简单自我介绍;

3. 酒店服务中你觉得好的方面;

4. 酒店服务中你觉得需要改进的方面。


Dear Manager,

I’m writing in response to your invitation to guests who


I would be happy to know if


Yours faithfully,

Ji Chen



1.Good n_____ is essential if patients are to make a quick recovery.

2.This is the o_____ painting, and the others are copies.

3.In some countries, witnesses in court have to s_____ on the Bible.

4.Those who i____ hunt rare and endangered wild animals are to be sentenced to prison.

5.Great efforts have been made in ecological c____ and environmental protection in recent years.

6.As long as we are united, there will be no difficulty that cannot be o____.

7.Only when applied on a global scale can the achievements of science and technology play a m____ role and better benefit humankind.

8.A____ by cheerful music, people began to dance on the large square.

9.Over the years, overseas Chinese have enthusiastically supported and p____ in China's economic construction in various ways.

10.The research shows the urban air quality this year remains unchanged, compared with the p____ year.



An umbrella is what we easily forget and leave behind in our daily life. When the weather is fine, we certainly don’t think of it; only when it’s raining, we’ll carry it purposefully. But as soon as the rain stops, most likely we’ll forget 1. we’ve put it. It has to wait patiently and pitifully for 2. owner to claim it, otherwise it’ll remain alone as a deserted umbrella. Once I suddenly found my longtime used umbrella “disappeared”. I really  3. ( regret) quite some time for my own carelessness. Several days later, out of my 4. (expect), I saw it quietly stand in a corner of the house where I worked. I was extremely glad to regain it. Looking carefully at it, though it was so familiar 5. me, I found for the first time that its plastic handle  6. (wear) out as a result of repeated rain-wash for years. I sought for it only when I needed it. It occurred to me that I should have paid 7. (much) attention to it.

It sets me 8. (think). Around us there is always a person giving us support in silence just like 9. old umbrella that protects us from the rain or any bad weather. Will you think of those individuals 10. have helped you get through difficulty when you are leading a comfortable life?


The Gift of Forgiveness

The summer I turned 16, my father gave me his old 69 Chevy Malibu convertible. What did I know about classic cars? For me, the important thing was that Hannah and I could _______ around Tucson with the top down.

Hannah was my best friend, a year younger but much _______. That summer she _______ with a modeling agency, doing catalog and runway work.

A month after my birthday, Hannah and I went to the movies. On the way home, we  _______ at the McDonald’s drive-through, putting the fries in the space between us to _______. “Let’s ride around awhile,” I said. It was a clear night, hot, full moon hanging low over the desert. Taking a curve () too _______, I ran over some dirt and fishtailed. I then moved quickly through a neighbor’s landscape wall and drove into a full-grown palm tree. The front wheel came to rest halfway _______ the tree trunk.

There were French fries on the floor, the dash (仪表盘) and my lap. An impossible amount of _______ was on Hannah’s face, pieces of skin hanging around her eyes. We were taken in separate ambulances. In the emergency room, my parents spoke quietly: “Best plastic surgeon (整容医生) in the city…but it is more likely the _______ of her modeling career…”

We’d been wearing lap belts, ________ the car didn’t have shoulder belts. I’d broken my cheekbone on the steering wheel; Hannah’s ________ had split wide open on the dash. What would I say to her?

When her mother, Sharon, came into my hospital room, I started to cry, preparing myself for her ________. She sat beside me and took my hand. “I drove into the back of the car of my best friend when I was your age,” she said. “I completely ________ her car and mine.”

“I’m so sorry,” I said.

“You’re both ________,” she said. “Everything else doesn’t matter.” I started to explain, and Sharon stopped me. “I ________ you. Hannah will too.”

Sharon’s forgiveness allowed Hannah and me to get back in the car together that summer, to stay ________ throughout high school and college, to be in each other’s weddings. I think of her gift of forgiveness every time I tend to feel angry about someone for a perceived(可感知到的)________, and whenever I see Hannah. The scars (伤疤) are now ________ and no one else would notice, but in the sunlight I can still ________ the faint, shiny skin just below her hairline—for ________, a sign of forgiveness.

1.A.drive B.run C.wander D.march

2.A.stronger B.healthier C.taller D.smaller

3.A.competed B.chatted C.signed D.bargained

4.A.stopped B.ate C.aimed D.stood

5.A.catch B.share C.hold D.spare

6.A.fast B.seriously C.softly D.slow

7.A.across B.up C.below D.along

8.A.blood B.petrol C.water D.sweat

9.A.path B.base C.point D.end

10.A.and B.but C.or D.so

11.A.shoulders B.arms C.chest D.forehead

12.A.anger B.regret C.sorrow D.concern

13.A.attacked B.dragged C.damaged D.removed

14.A.alike B.relieved C.injured D.alive

15.A.help B.love C.understand D.forgive

16.A.sisters B.friends C.classmates D.colleagues

17.A.need B.effort C.wrong D.threat

18.A.left B.marked C.shown D.faded

19.A.touch B.see C.feel D.learn

20.A.them B.you C.me D.her


    “The calm before the storm” is a very familiar expression. It is usually used to describe a peaceful period just before a very stressful situation or a tense argument. 1. They noted that before certain storms the seas would seem to become calm and the winds would drop.

But why is it often so calm before a storm? 2. According to US website HowStuffWorks, a calm period occurs because many storms, tornadoes and hurricanes draw in all the warm and damp air from the surrounding area. As this air rises into the storm clouds, it cools and acts as “ fuel for the storm ,like petrol in a car. “

Once the storm has taken all the energy it can from the air, it is pushed out from the top of the storm clouds and falls back down to ground level. 3. So once it covers an area, it causes a calm period before the storm.

4. First count how many seconds there are between a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder, roughly three seconds equal one kilometer. A good judgement is that if your count is below 30 seconds, you should seek shelter straight away.

However, due to the complexity of storm system ,calm doesn't always go first. So, your best bet is to keep yourself updated with weather reports for any predictions regarding a coming storm in your area. 5.

A. Science has given us the answer.

B. There is no definite answer to the question.

C. Weather reports sometimes cannot be trusted.

D. British sailors coined the phrase in the late l600s.

E. As the air declines, it becomes warm and dry, which is stable.

F. The Weather Network has a tip for working out how far away a storm is.

G. That's the most reliable way to predict the next display of nature's temper.


Benefits and Problems of Genetic Engineering

Plant breeding is the science of changing the characteristics of plants in order to produce desired ones. Genes in a plant are what determine what type of characteristics it will have. Plant breeders try to create a specific outcome of plants and potentially new plant varieties by changing the genes of the plants through breeding, which is making new plants from parents of different varieties or species.

Actually, plant breeding has been practiced for thousands of years, since near the beginning of human civilization. It is practiced worldwide by individuals such as gardeners and farmers and by professional plant breeders employed by organizations such as government institutions, universities, crop-specific industry associations or research centers. They have crossbred plants to create the new types of plants that are, for example, bigger, stronger, or more attractive.

Crossbreeding can take such a long time, however, and it is inaccurate. Now, we can change exact sections of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), so the process is more accurate and faster. But people all over the world are arguing about its benefits and disadvantages. Some people use the technology to produce desired characteristics of plants and animals. Other people are concerned that the genetically engineered plants may harm the environment and worried that they may be dangerous for people to eat.

There are many reasons for changing plants in this way. International development agencies believe that breeding new crops is important for ensuring food security by developing new varieties that are higher yielding(高产的), disease resistant, drought tolerant or regionally adapted to different environments and growing conditions. For example, some genetically engineered plants can live through frost or draught. As a result, famers can make more profit because fewer plants will die.

Some genetically engineered plants are more nutritious. They have less fat, taste better or stay fresher than non-genetically engineered plants. This will allow people to buy better-quality fruit and vegetables.

Some genetically engineered plants can resist natural pests such as viruses or insects. This reduces the amount of chemical needed to kill pests, which is helpful to the environment.

However, genetically engineered plants can cause unexpected problems. Genetically engineered plants that resist pests may pass on that characteristic to a wild relative. This may cause the wild plant to spread fast, because pests are not naturally killing it.

Genetically engineered plants can also harm animals. A type of corn has been developed which kills a species of insect that destroys it. The pollen (花粉) from this corn, however, can also kill monarch butterflies—the most beautiful of all butterflies, which do not harm the corn.

To ensure the most adapted varieties are identified, advocates of organic breeding now promote the use of direct selection for many desired characteristics.

Genetic engineering is a very new science and we have a lot to learn about the good it can do and the damage it can cause. The main concern is that not enough tests are being done to ensure it is safe.

1.According to the passage, the purpose of plant breeding is to _______.

A.beautify the environment B.change the genes of plants

C.produce new plant varieties D.assess the value of the practice

2.The author thinks crossbreeding inaccurate because _______.

A.the sections of DNA are changed

B.problems are sometimes caused

C.manpower and resources are wasted

D.animals are produced using the technology

3.The author’s attitude toward crossbreeding is _______.

A.doubtful B.disapproving

C.objective D.supportive

4.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

SpSub-point (次要点)      CConclusion

IIntroduction       CpCentral Point       PPoint

A. B.

C. D.


Learning, Fast and Deep

Over the past five years researchers in artificial intelligence have become the rock stars of the technology world. A branch of AI known as deep learning, which uses neural(神经的) networks to scan through large volumes of data looking for patterns, has proven so useful that skilled practitioners can command high six-figure salaries to build software for Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google.

The standard route into these jobs has been a PhD in computer science from one of America’s top universities. Earning one takes years and requires a personality suited to academia, which is rare among more normal folk.

That is changing.

Last month fast.ai, a non-profit education organization based in San Francisco, kicked off the third year of its course in deep learning. Since its foundation it has attracted more than 100,000 students around the globe from India to Nigeria. The course and others like it, come with a simple idea: there is no need to spend years obtaining a PhD in order to practise deep learning. Creating software that learns can be taught as a craft, not as a high intellectual pursuit to be undertaken only in an ivory tower. Fast.ai’s course can be completed in just seven weeks.

To make it accessible to anyone who wants to learn how to build AI software is the aim of Jeremy Howard, who founded fast.ai with Rachel Thomas, a mathematician. He says school mathematics is sufficient. “No. Greek. Letters,” Mr. Howard intones, pounding the table with his fist for punctuation.

Some experts worry that this will serve only to create a flood of unreliable AI systems which will be useless at best and dangerous at worst. In the earliest days of the Internet, only a select few nerds, namely computerholics with specific skills, could build applications. Not many people used them. Then the invention of the World Wide Web led to an explosion of web pages, both good and bad. But it was only by opening up to all that the Internet gave birth to online shopping, instant global communications and search. If Mr. Howard and others have their way, making the development of AI software easier will bring forth a new crop of fruit of a different kind.

1.What can we learn about deep learning?

A.It replaces artificial intelligence.

B.It attracts rock stars to practice.

C.It scans patterns for large companies.

D.It helps technicians to create software.

2.Fast.ai is an organization that __________________.

A.ensures one to obtain a PhD B.teaches craft in ivory tower

C.offers a course in deep learning D.requires weeks to apply

3.The underlined words “No. Greek. Letters”in Paragraph 5 means doing fast.ai course is _______.

A.easy B.difficult

C.interesting D.boring

4.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _______.

A.it is quite reliable for anyone to grasp artificial intelligence

B.the Internet has brought forth a flood of useless AI systems

C.opening up to all leads to instant global search and online shopping

D.simplifying software development may result in unexpected outcomes


    If your life were a book and you were the author, how would you want your story to go? That’s the question that changed my life forever.

At the age of 19, I became a massage therapist(治疗师). For the first time in my life, I felt free, independent and completely in control of my life. That is, until my life took a detour. I was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis . Over the course of two months, I lost my spleen() , my kidneys , and both of my legs below the knees.

One day, I went home. I crawled into bed and this is what my life looked like for the next few months: me passed out, escaping from reality, with my legs resting by my side. I was completely physically and emotionally broken. But I knew that in order to move forward, I had to let go of the old Amy and learn to embrace the new Amy. And that is when I began to realize that I didn’t have to be small any more. I could be as tall as I wanted or as short as I wanted depending on whom I was dating. And if I snowboard again, my feet aren’t going to get cold. And the best of all, I thought, I can make my feet the size of all the shoes that are on the sales shelf. And I did!

I started snowboarding. Then I went back to work. And then I co-founded a non-profit organization for physical disabilities so that they could get involved in action sports. And just this past February, I won two World Cup gold medals, making me the highest-ranked adaptive female snowboarder in the world.

Eleven years ago, when I lost my legs, I had no idea what to expect. But if you ask me today, if I would ever want to change my situation, I would have to say no, because my legs haven’t disabled me. They’ve forced me to rely on my imagination and to believe in possibilities, and that’s why I believe that our imaginations can be used as tools for breaking through borders, because in our minds, we can do anything and we can be anything. It’s belief in those dreams and facing our fears directly that allow us to live our lives beyond our limits.

1.What can we learn from the underlined sentence in Paragraph3?

A.The author no longer wanted to make friends with Amy.

B.The author realized she had to learn to accept a new “herself” gladly.

C.The author wanted a new friend in her new life eagerly.

D.The author felt hard to choose between the old Amy and the new Amy.

2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A.The author didn’t like her job as a massage therapist.

B.The author is still very sensitive to her disabilities.

C.The author has learnt to see her disabilities as blessings.

D.The author hopes to return to her old life.

3.What message does the author want to convey with her speech?

A.Roman is not built in one day.

B.Failure is the mother of success

C.Imagination is more important than knowledge.

D.It is not what happens to you but how you respond that counts.

4.The tone of the passage is best described as ________.

A.proud but stubborn B.interesting but regretful

C.optimistic and inspiring D.pessimistic and doubtful


Adult Education Courses

Computer Studies

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and we rely more and more on computers for everything from cooking to organising our taxes. This six-week course will give you an understanding of computer fundamentals, including the use of software packages (Word, Excel and Powerpoint) and how to use the Internet.

Start: May 2,2019

Time: Wed 7 pm-9pm


Length:6 weeks

Place: Sydney College


Learn the basics of woodworking with simple hands-on projects to build your confidence and skills. Each lesson explores a different area of woodworking that will provide you with the skills needed for any woodworking project. Flexible learning allows you to choose only the lessons that interest you.

Start: April 15,2019

Time: Mon 5 pm-7pm

Cost:$30 per lesson

Length:12 weeks

Place: Adult Learning Centre

Web Design

Provides advanced training in software, design, and coding for the weB. Students must have already completed a recognised basic web design course or have at least 2 years' relevant work experience. Students completing the course will receive the Diploma in Advanced Web Design.

Start: June 1,2019

Time: Weekdays 9 am-4pm


Length:40 weeks

Place: University of Technology


This practical course is intended to help established artists take their creativity further. From sketching and colour, to composition, painting and experimenting with style, you will study and explore an engaging variety of creative media and subject matter.

Start: April 21,2019

Time: Thur 3 pm-6pm


Length:15 weeks

Place: City Art



1.Which courses are suitable for beginners?

A.Web Design and Art.

B.Computer Studies and Art.

C.Woodwork and Web Design.

D.Computer Studies and Woodwork.

2.Which course awards students an official certificate?



C.Web Design.

D.Computer Studies.

3.How much will a student who attends only half of all the Woodwork lessons pay in total?

A.$30. B.$180.

C.$250. D.$360.



1.What did the speaker decide to do after lunch that day?

A.Stay to help her friend. B.Walk alone to her car. C.Wait for the train to stop.

2.What can we learn about the speaker then?

A.She worked at a hotel. B.She had bought a new car. C.She was having a baby soon.

3.Where did the speaker meet the taxi passenger?

A.At a crossroads. B.In front of a hotel. C.Besides a car park.

4.What does the speaker talk about?

A.An exciting lunch party. B.A well-known short story. C.An unforgettable experience.



1.What will Rebecca do on June 12?

A.Go on a business trip.

B.Organize a trade exhibition.

C.Meet the people from Head Office.

2.What is John preparing for the meeting?

A.A report. B.A timetable. C.A speech.

3.When do the speakers decide to have the meeting?

A.On June 3. B.On June 10. C.On June 17.



1.What does the woman think of the living expenses in the city?

A.Fairly low. B.Just Okay. C.Very high.

2.What does the woman spend most on?

A.Meals. B.Trains. C.Clothes.

3.What does the woman do in her free time?

A.See films. B.Travel around. C.Go for a drink.



1.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Save up for the car.

B.Go to another car dealer.

C.Ask someone to check the car.

2.What is the salesman going to do?

A.Give a discount. B.Stick to a high price. C.Ask for cash payment.

3.How will the man help the woman?

A.Lend money to her. B.Drive her car home. C.Take care of her car.


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