What will the woman probably write her name with?

A. A pencil. B. Her finger. C. An electronic pen.








Dear Committee members

I wish to make a suggestion that we should start a school art gallery,


Yours faithfully,

Li Hua



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2、只允许修改10, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

As is known to all , China is the home to tea, from that tea has been spread all over the world . With a history of four or five thousand year, tea culture has been a important part of Chinese culture . Whenever guests visit , it is a custom to make and serve tea with them.

Drinking tea had a lot of advantages , one of that helps refresh yourself and improve your thinking ability . Besides , drinking tea every day is said to help you keep health and live longer .What’s more , some kinds of tea can even help people lose weight and became more beautiful , appeals to a lot of ladies.



1.Divers not only have the chance to a_____________ the beauty of the sea but also witness the changes to the environment under water.

2.Mistakes often _____(引起) from carelessness.

3.Before you take part in the activity , first of all ,you should fill in the a______ form.

4.They were s_________ in winning the match.

5.He was fired for not _______(履行) his duties.

6.Please r_____them to buy something for the party which will be held next week.

7.I must offer an a________ for not going to her party.

8.Don’t stop developing yourself .Someday ,these will be _____(有益的) to the company ,the community and all of us .

9.He thought I kept ____(撒谎) to him. In fact , I was telling the truth.

10.A live musical p________ at the exhibition hall shows the charm of Dunhuang culture.



The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys growing 1. (popular) in the international world of high fashion. The name “cheongsam” 2. (mean) simply “long dress” entered the English vocabulary from the dialect of China's Guangdong Province. In other parts of the country including Beijing, however, it 3. (know) as “qipao” which has a history behind it.

After the early Manchu (满族的) rulers came to China, the Manchu women wore 4. (normal) a one­piece dress which came to be called “qipao”. 5. the 1911 Revolution ended the rule of the Qing Dynasty, the female dress survived the political change and, with later improvements, has become the traditional dress for Chinese women.

The cheongsam, 6. neck is high, collar closed, fits well the Chinese female figure, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full 7. (long), depending on seasons or tastes.  In addition, it is not too complicated (复杂) 8. (make). Nor 9. it need too much material. Another beauty of the cheongsam is that it can be worn either 10. casual or formal occasions.  In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm, elegance (优雅) and neatness.




The journey my daughter Cathy has had with her swimming is as long as it is beautiful.

Cathy suffered some terrible____in her early childhood. After years of regular treatment, she____became healthy.

Two years ago, while Cathy was watching the Olympics, a dream came into her sweet little head—to be a swimmer. Last summer, she wanted to____out local swim team. She practiced hard and finally____it. The team practice,____was a rough start. She coughed and choked and could hardly____her first few weeks. Hearing her coughing bitterly one night, I decided to____her from it all. But Cathy woke me up early next morning, wearing her swimsuit____to go! I told her she shouldn’t swim after a whole night’s coughing, but she refused to____and insisted she go .

From that day on, Cathy kept swimming and didn’t____a single practice. She had a____intention within herself to be the best she could be. My ten—year—old was growing and changing right before my eyes, into this____human being with a passion and a mission. There were moments of____of course: often she would be the last swimmer in the race. It was difficult for Cathy to accept that she wasn’t a____---ever. But that didn’t stop her from trying.

Then came the final awards ceremony at the end of the year. Cathy didn’t expect any award but was still there to____her friends and praise their accomplishments. As the ceremony was nearing the end, I suddenly heard the head coach____, “The highest honor goes to Cathy!” Looking around, he continued, “Cathy has inspired us with her____and enthusiasm.____skills and talents bring great success, the most valuable asset(财富)one can hold is the heart.”

It was the greatest____of my daughter’s life. With all she hade been____in her ten years, this was the hour of true triumph(成功).

1.A. failure    B. pressure    C. loss    D. illness

2.A. usually    B. finally    C. firstly    D. frequently

3.A. improve    B. train    C. join    D. contact

4.A. increased    B. found    C. created    D. made

5.A. however    B. therefore    C. otherwise    D. instead

6.A. use    B. survive    C. save    D. waste

7.A. pull    B. tell    C. hide    D. fire

8.A. afraid    B. nervous    C. ready    D. free

9.A. take off    B. set off    C. give up    D. show up

10.A. attend    B. miss    C. ban    D. Start

11.A. rich    B. weak    C. firm    D. kind

12.A. trusted    B. determined    C. experienced    D. embarrassed

13.A. frustration    B. delight    C. excitement    D. surprise

14.A. beginner    B. learner    C. partner    D. winner

15.A. cheer on    B. compete with    C. respond to    D. run after

16.A. admitting    B. explaining    C. announcing    D. whispering

17.A. humor    B. will    C. honesty    D. wisdom

18.A. Although    B. Since    C. Once    D. Because

19.A. discovery    B. choice    C. influence    D. moment

20.A. through    B. under    C. across    D. around


Tips to Be an Expert at Managing Your Time

Do you have too much to do and too little time? Of course! Actually, it's the biggest problem facing most people today. The key to becoming more efficient  is the ability to set priorities (优先顺序) and focus on one task at a time. 1.

Learn from the experts.

If you want to be a big success in any area, find out what other successful people in that area are doing. 2. And do the same things until you get the same results.

Be open to new ideas.

The most foolish person of all is either the person who feels he has no time to learn about time management or, the person, who feels that he already knows all that's needed to know on the subject. 3.

Develop a plan.

Successful men and women are both effective and efficient. 4. Develop a plan, then decide what is the most important thing to do and how to do it.


Start with your top tasks. Focusing on your highest­value tasks is the starting point of getting your time under control, though small things are easier and are often more fun than the big, important things.

A. Focus on the key tasks.

B. Start from small things.

C. They do the right things in the right way.

D. But never forget to learn from their failures.

E. However, the truth is that we have much to learn.

F. Study the interviews, speeches, biographies of them.

G. Here are several ways to get organized and get started.


    Elephants have impressed us for centuries. They are big, clever, and sociable. But what if someone told you that they may also hold the key to fighting cancer (癌症)?

People have been wondering why elephants do not develop cancer, even though they have lifespans (寿命) that are similar to humans, living for around 50 to 70 years.

Now scientists believe they know why. A team at the University of Chicago, US has found that elephants carry a large number of genes that stop tumors (肿瘤) from developing. To be precise, they found 20 copies of an anti­tumor gene called TP53 in elephants. Most other species, including humans, only carry one copy.

According to the research, which was recently published on the online science network BioRxiv, the extra copies of the gene improved the animal's sensitivity to DNA damage. This lets the cells quickly kill themselves when damaged before they can go on to form deadly tumors.

“An increased risk of developing cancer has stood in the way of the evolution of large body sizes in many animals” study author Dr. Vincent Lynch told The Guardian. If every living cell (细胞) has the same chance of becoming cancerous, large creatures with long lifespans like whales and elephants should have a greater risk of developing cancer than humans and mice do. But across species, the risk of cancer does not show a connection with body mass.

This_phenomenon was found by Oxford University scientist Richard Peto in the 1970s and later named “Peto's paradox”. Evolutionary (进化的) biologists believe it results from larger animals using protection that many smaller animals do not. In the elephant's case, the making of TP53 is nature's way of keeping this species alive.

The study also found that when the same genes were brought to life in mice, they had the same cancer resistance (抵抗) as elephants. This means researchers could use the discovery to develop new treatments that can help stop cancers from spreading or even developing in the first place.

“Nature has already figured out how to prevent cancer, ” said Joshua Schiffman, an oncologist at the School of Medicine, University of Utah, US.

“It's up to us to learn how different animals tackle (处理) the problem so we can use those strategies to prevent cancer in people.”

1.Why are elephants unlikely to develop cancer?

A. They have a large body size.

B. Their genes suffer no DNA damage.

C. Certain genes in their body kill existing tumors.

D. They carry many genes that keep tumors from developing.

2.According to Dr. Vincent Lynch, what has been a risk in the evolution of large animals?

A. A risk of deadly tumors. B. Human behavior.

C. Extreme weather. D. Cells killing themselves.

3.What does the underlined expression “This phenomenon” in the sixth paragraph refer to?

A. Larger animals have protection from TP53.

B. The risk of cancer is not related to body size.

C. The larger animals are, the bigger risk of cancer they have.

D. Larger animals suffer the same risk of cancer as smaller ones do.

4.We can conclude from the last three paragraphs that ________.

A. humans are expected to stop cancer in the near future

B. depending on nature is not enough to fight against cancer

C. this new treatment is more effective than the present ones

D. the TP53 genes have proven useful in stopping cancer in mice


    A company in San Francisco, California, has found a way to turn used plastic bottles into women’s shoes.

Every day, millions of Americans drink water and other liquids from plastic bottles. More than 60 million of them are thrown away each day. Many of the plastic bottles end up in landfills or are burned with other waste products.

A San Francisco start-up company called Rothy’s, however, turns this plastic waste into environmentally friendly shoes. Rothy Martin is the company’s co-founder. He explains how they turn plastic into soft material for your feet. They take the plastic, clean it, and break it down into small pieces. Then they press it through a device that makes soft fibers. Those fibers are then combined, or knit together. This is done by a three-dimensional knitting machine. It is designed to reduce waste while making the shoes.

The knitted fabric and the inner part of the shoes are then attached to the shoes’ outer part, called the sole. This outer sole is also made from environmentally friendly material: responsibly sourced no-carbon rubber.

Rothy’s shoes are sold online. They are flat shoes, with either a rounded or pointed toe. They come in different colors and designs. They cost either $125 or $145 per pair, depending on the design.

After American actress Gwyneth Paltrow discovered them last year, the demand for the shoes grew.

Martin says there is no shortage of material to fill that demand. “We’re not going to run out of water bottles any time soon. So we have an infinite supply of material, and I think that bodes well for our future. ”

When the environmentally friendly shoes wear out, customers can return them at no cost to a company that uses the recycled materials to make other products.

For now, the shoes are only available to be shipped in the United States. However, the company says it will add international shipping in the near future.

1.Which one is the right procedure of making shoes?

pressing small pieces           

breaking down clean plastic bottles

knitting together               

cleaning plastic bottles

attaching the knitted fabric, the inner part and the outer part

A. ①②③④⑤ B. ④②③①⑤

C. ④②①③⑤ D. ②①③④⑤

2.Why did Rothy’s use a three-dimensional knitting machine to make shoes?

A. Because it is easy to operate.

B. Because it is cheaper than other machines.

C. Because it is productive.

D. Because it can reduce waste when making the shoes.

3.What can be learned from the passage?

A. This kind of shoes are sold in the shop.

B. The shoes are environmentally friendly.

C. Customers can return them with little money to a company.

D. The shoes are available in the world.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. How to recycle plastic bottles

B. Recycled bottles find newlife on women’s feet

C. How a new kind of shoes became a hit

D. How to make environmentally friendly shoes


    The world is a truly strange place waiting to be explored. In addition to offering a lot of extraordinary locations and people, it also offers interesting festivals celebrated by people in various parts of the world. Here is a list of the oddest festivals that can be found around the world.

Cheese Rolling Festival: A festival that is surely going to leave you with a sore neck if not a broken one! Celebrated in England, the Cheese Rolling Festival is something that you would rather watch than take part in.

Okay! Here’s how it goes. Officials set a big cheese wheel to roll down a steep hill and participants run after it. The first one to catch it wins the competition and the cheese. Simple? Well, try it out and you will know!

The Monkey Buffet: Now here’s a country that actually feeds monkeys to their hearts’ content instead of chasing them away. Celebrated in Thailand, the Monkey Buffet is an annual event that brings together a lot of locals who offer fruit and vegetables to over 600 monkeys. It’s a great feast as the monkeys dig into almost 3, 000 kilograms of fruit and vegetables. The people of Thailand believe this is a way to honor the Monkey King called Hanuman.

La Tomatina: Here’s your golden chance to get even with your friends who sprayed(喷洒)paint on you on your birthday. Celebrated in Spain, the month of August has nearly 250 pounds of tomatoes go down the drain(被浪费掉)in what is perhaps the largest tomato fight in the world. The event is conducted in the town of Bunyol and attracts nearly 30, 000 tourists around the world in addition to locals. Truckloads of tomatoes arrive and you are ready to go. The entire area is covered with slush and tomatoes within minutes. It’s a good time to have fun with friends and family.

1.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To discuss some foreign culture.

B. To introduce some unusual festivals.

C. To attract more people to travel to Europe.

D. To talk about the author’s interesting experiences.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Thai people celebrate the Monkey Buffet mainly to show their concern for animals.

B. The Monkey Buffet is celebrated because monkeys are endangered there.

C. The Monkey Buffet is a religious festival celebrated in Spain every year.

D. Thai people celebrate the Monkey Buffet to honor Hanuman.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. August may be a golden season to visit Bunyol.

B. People will fight with their enemy at La Tomatina.

C. Nearly 30, 000 people join in La Tomatina every year.

D. People hold a tomato-eating competition at La Tomatina.

4.The underlined part“get even with”in the last paragraph can be replaced by “_________”.

A. have a great time with B. pay back

C. get along well with D. make peace with


    Florida is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States. It is one of the most visited states in the country and the sunshine state attracts millions of visitors each year. Are you planning a vacation to it? Here our travel guide may help you.

La Nouba at Walt Disney World Resort

Duration: 90 minutes

Location: Orlando, Florida

While you're in Orlando, spend a day at the theme parks with a Cirque du Soleil show at Downtown Disney, La Nouba is the meeting of two different worlds—the fantastic world of the circus (马戏团) people who wear bright colors and the boring world of the people living in big cities who wear dark, lifeless clothes.

Kennedy Space Center

Duration: Flexible

Location: Orlando, Florida

Spend a day exploring the attractive Kennedy Space Center, just 45 minutes from Orlando. Learn about the history of the US space program and watch beautiful IMAX films. Don't miss the chance to walk under a Saturn V rocket, and experience a real moonwalk!

Sea World Orlando

Duration: Varies

Location: Orlando, Florida

Spend a day at Sea World Orlando and come face to face with the ocean's most attractive sea animals. With several up­close meetings with killer whales, sharks and turtles, you'll feel the energy and excitement of all kinds of sea life.

South Beach Cultural Food and Walking Tour

Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes

Location: Miami, Florida

On the South Beach Cultural Food and Walking Tour, you'll explore the Art Deco district of South Beach on foot and along the way, you'll taste a variety of foods that make South Beach such an internationally well­known food region.

Price information

Click the link below to check price information on your preferred travel date. Our price is constantly updated.

1.If you are interested in exciting performances, which of the following is the best choice?

A. La Nouba at Walt Disney World Resort

B. Kennedy Space Center

C. Sea World Orlando

D. South Beach Cultural Food and Walking Tour

2.What can we learn from the text?

A. Visitors can enjoy real space travel at Kennedy Space Center.

B. Visitors can enjoy foods from different countries at South Beach.

C. Some dangerous animals can be found at Sea World Orlando.

D. La Nouba is a funny person who performs in the Cirque du Soleil show.

3.Where does the text most probably come from?

A. A travel magazine. B. A travel website.

C. A news report. D. A geography textbook.


假定你是刘莹,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请给外教Trump写封邮件,邀他一同前往,内容包括:







Looking forward to your reply.


Liu Ying






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One of my happier days was hearing that I was admitted into a medical school. It has been a dream of me for as long as I can remember. My father played big role in my desire to become a physician. See him live a life of services to others inspired me from a young age. Watching him to put on his white coat with the stethoscope(听诊器)around his neck was liked looking at a superhero. Hearing him share stories of how medical care saved patients’ lives was enjoyable. As for me, medicine were the perfect mixture of wonder and science, that deeply attracted me.


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Dragon Boat Festival is a 1. (tradition) holiday that commemorates the life and death of the famous Chinese scholar Qu Yuan.

It is a day when many people eat zongzi and race dragon boats.  In  ancient  China,  the  festival 2. (celebrate) as “Poets’ Day” in honor of Qu Yuan,  3. was known as China’s first poet.

4. is commonly believed that the local people began 5. tradition of throwing sacrificial cooked rice into the river for Qu Yuan, while others hoped that the rice would prevent Qu Yuan’s body from being eaten by the fishes in the river. At first, the locals decided 6. (make) zongzi in hopes that it would sink into the river and reach Qu Yuan’s body. However, the tradition of wrapping the rice in bamboo 7. (leaf) to make zongzi began the following year.

A dragon boat, usually made of wood to various designs and sizes, is a human-powered boat. They often have brightly decorated designs that range anywhere from 40 feet in length 8. 100 feet, with the front end shaped like open-mouthed dragons, and the back end with a scaly tail. The boat can have up to 80 rowers to power the boat,  9.depend) on the length. A sacred ceremony is performed before any competition in order to “bring the boat to life” by painting the eyes. The first team  10. (gain) a flag at the end of the course wins the race.


    Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists in this century. The disabled writer of A Brief History of Time, was on his second journey to China in Hangzhou of Zhejiang Province. His first ____ was over ten years ago. The great theoretical scientist has been invited to ____ a mathematics research institute at Zhejiang University, Metropolis Newspaper reported. ____ Sunday evening, he made his appearance at a press conference ____ at Shangri-La hotel, Hangzhou. Hawking ____ at about 5: 00 pm with his wife. The elderly man answered a total of nine ____ with the help of his ____. “I find the real universe much more ____ than the one in the film Star Wars,” Hawking joked. “I ____ young people to study theoretical physics first ____ they are interested in it. M But the talented man ____ has produced such rich work suffers from ____ motor neuron disease(运动神经元病). He is one of the 350,000 sufferers in the world. The disease ____ over 100,000 people every year. “I like life and I love life, my family ,and music give me the ____ happiness,” smiled Hawking, who can ____ move two fingers.

In the speech, Hawking said he was ____ to write a new edition of A Brief History of Time ____ young children. “A Brief History of Time is my first book for ____ people. But I later found that I could write it in a ____ way,” he answered. “So I decided to rewrite it ____ all people can read it easily.” Unfortunately, he left us forever on Marchl4 this year. We remember his words “My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.”

1.A. visit B. tour C. country D. city

2.A. study B. develop C. attend D. work

3.A. Until B. After C. During D. On

4.A. made B. held C. covered D. proved

5.A. appeared B. associated C. advanced D. approached

6.A. specialists B. questions C. listeners D. journalists

7.A. assistant B. servant C. computer D. performer

8.A. dangerous B. disturbing C. terrible D. interesting

9.A. inspire B. amuse C. behave D. entertain

10.A. if B. unless C. although D. before

11.A. he B. who C. which D. what

12.A. false B. serious C. unbelievable D. poor

13.A. affects B. spreads C. kills D. saves

14.A. greatest B. saddest C. worst D. least

15.A. hardly B. gently C. ever D. only

16.A. forced B. delivered C. planned D. scheduled

17.A. for B. of C. with D. off

18.A. common B. scientific C. honored D. wealthy

19.A. proper B. simple C. difficult D. technical

20.A. as if B. as long as C. so that D. even though


How to Help Children Learn From Their Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. 1. As parents, it’s our duty to help our children learn from their mistakes. Turning a mistake into a learning experience will help your child grow. Here are some tips for helping children learn from their mistakes.

Explain exactly what the mistake is. It’s important to make your child accept the fact that he made a mistake. Talk with your child and help him exactly understand what he did is not right.2. Never imagine he knows; always talk over the problem early.

Ask your child to make an apology if his mistakes hurt others. This step takes a mistake that is connected with another person even further.3. By making your child go to see and talk with the person who was hurt, he will more fully understand the results of the mistake and learn from what bad experience.

Offer suggestion in different ways to lead your child to avoid making the same mistakes again. You can choose to share your personal examples if you had the same problem before.4. He may not want to do exactly the same thing, but it will get him to start in the right direction.

5. Having your child try to work through the problem and know how to deal with it only by himself will help develop his reasoning skills, which is good for his self - development. In this way, he will know what he should do if a similar situation appears in the future.

A. Tell your child how you deal with the problem.

B. Children need to learn the results of their mistakes.

C. Praise him if he fully understands the mistake he made.

D. Now it’s time to help him properly correct mistakes

E. Encourage your child to find a way to deal with the problem alone.

F. Learning from mistakes is what makes us become better people.

G. Sometimes a child fails to know why the things he did are wrong.


There is an English saying that says, “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.” It means not bringing up an old problem. Researchers in Hungary have found another reason to let dogs keep on sleeping. It seems the animals are learning while they sleep.

The Hungarian researchers placed tools on the dogs’ heads to know about electrical activity in the brain. The brain activity, called sleep spindles(梭状波), takes place in human begins, and has been connected with learning. The researchers hope to understand how the dogs’ ability to learn and remember changes as they get older. The study may help them understand how human brains change as we age.

The researchers found differences between male and female dogs. Iotchey, a researcher, says the females appeared much better at learning new things. Female dogs have about twice as many spindles per minute as male dogs, they also happen to be the better learners, and they memorize the task much better. But it was harder for all the older dogs to remember things, especially when several things were happening at the same time.

DoraSzabo also studies sleep spindles. Szabo is a neuroscientist in a university in Budapest. She says the older dogs have fewer spindles and are easily cheated. “If you first hide the reward into one bowl, then in another and in another, they get lost after a while. So their performance is going down, and they are getting poor in solving new problems.”

Researchers hope the study will not only help understanding of learning ability and memory changes in dogs, but also the aging of humans. Senior Researcher EnikoKubinyi adds that the aging dogs suffer from the same problems as humans who are aging. “Among very old dogs, up to two thirds of them show signs of dementia(痴呆), and this dementia is really very similar to that of humans, so we could use dog as a natural model of human aging.”

1.Why do researchers study dogs’ sleep?

A. To help the dogs sleep well

B. To study dogs’ sleeping activity

C. To control dogs’ learning ability

D. To know more about human brains

2.What is the relationship between the number of sleep spindles and dogs’ learning ability?

A. They have nothing to do with each other

B. Dogs with less spindles have better learning ability

C. Dogs with more spindles have better learning ability

D. Dogs’ learning ability is totally decided by spindle number

3.What can we know about old dogs in Paragraph 4?

A. They are easy to play jokes on

B. They can finish tasks one after another

C. They are good at solving new problems

D. Their memories are not so good as before

4.Which is the best title for the text?

A. What we can do to let dogs sleep

B. What we can learn by watching sleeping dogs

C. What the saying “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie” means

D. What is the difference between humans and dogs


    Derek Rabclo is not the only surfer to conquer Hawaii' s famous Pipeline big wave break, but while all others use their sight to do it, this young professional surfer must rely only on his other senses. That's because he is completely blind.

When Derek was born, over 24 years ago, he got his name from Derek Ho, the first Hawaiian surfing world champion. A surfing enthusiast himself, Emesto dreamed that his son would share the talent of his uncle, a professional surfer. Unfortunately, Derek was born completely blind, but this didn't slop his family from believing lhat he could do anything he wanted, even if that meant becoming a surfer.

At age 2, Derek received a bodyboard and the beaches of Guarapari, Brazil, became his backyard. He was always comfortable in the water and surfing was in his blood, but he didn’t actually try riding a wave until he turned 17, when his father bought him a surfboard. His father taught him the basics and encouraged him to keep practicing, but after successfully standing up on the surfboard, Derek knew he needed to become much better if he was going to achieve Emesto's dream and become a professional surfer. So he joined the Praia do Moroo surf  school, where he studied under coach Fabio Maru.

Standing up on a surfboard and conquering small waves is one thing, while gathering the courage to take on Hawaii's board-breaking Pipeline is another. But that’s exactly what Derek Rabelo set out to do just months after learning how to surf. Everyone told him it was too dangerous, but he felt he could do it. And he did, earning the praise of famous professional surfers like Kelly Slater and Mick Fanning. Now 24, Rabelo has been surfing the Pipeline every winter since.

1.What does the first paragraph tell us?

A. Good eyesight is necessary for becoming good suffers.

B. Nobody has ever conquered Hawaii’s big wave break.

C. Derek Rabelo dreams to conquer Hawaii's big wave break.

D. Derek Rabelo is the only blind professional surfer to conquer Hawaii’s big wave break.

2.How did Ernesto behave after Derek was born?

A. He named him after his uncle. B. He never lost confidence in him.

C. He sent him to a surfing champion. D. He started his own interest in surfing.

3.After Derek was able to stand up on the surfboard, he_______________ .

A. began to try riding a wave B. was no longer afraid of water

C. realized he still had a long way to go D. knew his father’s dream had come true

4.Which of the following words can best describe Derek according to the last paragraph?

A. Brave and confident. B. Skillful but proud.

C. Thoughtful and modest. D. Courageous but stubborn.


    Your next car might drive itself.After years of trials on city streets,driverless vehicles are now on the way.Last month,a driverless bus began carrying passengers through Lyon,France.Most in the automobile industry think self-driving vehicles will be on the road by 2020 or earlier.

Driverless cars will first be huddled with human-driven cars.But the first places where they will become dominant(统治的)are highly populated urban areas.Many advanced cities are already reducing the role of human-driven cars.Driverless cars will quicken that process and will bring us enormous benefits.

Driverless cars will reduce accidents by around 90 percent.That's big—the annual deaths on the world's roads are about 1.2 million a year.Pollution and carbon emissions will drop,because urban driverless cars will be electric.

On the other hand,driverless cars will cause problems.Over the next 20 years,the mostly low-skilled men who now drive trucks,taxis and buses will see their jobs reduced.Traditional carmakers are especially scared.The cars of the future might be made by tech companies such as Apple,Baidu and Google.Imagine Germany,where automobile making is the largest industry.

Dramatic changes are coming,and driverless cars could arrive by 2020.But governments have barely begun thinking about it.Only 6 percent of the biggest US cities have taken them into their long-term planning.A decade ago anyone hardly saw the Smartphone coming.Now what about the driverless cars?

1.The underlined phrase "be huddled with" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning with "       ".

A. turn up B. make up for

C. exist together D. take over

2.Driverless cars can reduce pollution and carbon emissions because       .

A. they will reduce the number of cars

B. they will be powered by electricity

C. they will be energy-saving by driving themselves

D. they will avoid many accidents from human errors

3.What's the author's attitude toward driverless cars?

A. Doubtful. B. Disappointed.

C. Negative. D. Objective.

4.What can we conclude from the passage?

A. Driverless cars will not hit the road until 2020.

B. Old auto industry will benefit from driverless cars.

C. Governments are unprepared for the arrival of driverless cars.

D. Driverless cars will make road accidents a past thing.


From: terri wombat. Com. Au

To: (happylizijun) yaboo. com. cn

Subject: My school

Hi, Li Zijun,

Thanks very much for your email. I really enjoyed reading it. I think we have a lot in common. I wonder if our school life is similar too.

I go to a big high school in Sydney called Maylands High School. There are about 1000 students and 80 or so teachers. My class has 25 students in it, which is normal for a Year 11 class. In the junior school there are about 30 students in a class.

In the senior high school we have lots of subjects to choose from, like maths, physics, chemistry, biology, history, German, law, geography, software design, graphic arts and media studies. (Different schools sometime have different optional subjects.) English is a must for everyone and we have to do least three other subjects in Year 11 and 12. At the end of Year 12 we sit for a public exam called the High School Certificate.

As well as school subjects, most of us do other activities at school such as playing a sport, singing in the choir or playing in the school band. We can also belong to clubs, such as the drama club, the chess club and the debating society.

We have a lot of homework to do in senior school to prepare for our exam, so unless I have basketball practice, I usually go straight home and start studying. I arrive home about 4 pm, make myself a snack and work till 6. Then I help the family to make dinner and we all eat together. I’m usually back in my room studying by 8 pm. I stop at about 10 o’clock and watch TV or read a book for half an hour to relax. On Saturdays, I usually go out with my family or with friends and I sleep in till late on Sunday morning. Then it’s back to the books on Sunday afternoon.

How about you? What’s your school life like? Do you have a lot of homework? What do you do to relax when you’re not studying? I’m looking forward to finding out.

Your Australian friend


1.How many subjects do the students have to do at least in Year 11 and 12?

A. 11 B. 3

C. 4 D. 6

2.What does the underlined phrase “sit for” in Para3 mean?

A. pass B. take

C. go for D. hold

3.On Sunday afternoon, Terri usually______.

A. read books B. play in the school band

C. play basketball D. helps her family to prepare dinner


假定你是李津,你打算参加你校下周要举行的主题为“We Are All Dream Chasers” 英语演讲大赛,你己经写完初稿,请根据以下提示用英语给你的外教Miss Lucy写一 封邮件。

(1) 参加大赛目的;

(2) 请她帮忙纠正发音、润色语言等;

(3) 约定拜访时间、地点

注意:1 词数不少于100;

2 可以适当増加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Lucy,

I’m planning to  :



Li Jin



At the age of forty-five, my usually well-ordered life became full of changes. After twenty-two years of working in a bank, a plan to use less staff led to the unemployment of over one hundred people. Unluckily,was one of them.

My once secure future became uncertain. However, I was not a single parent, so the family did not depend only on my income and my husband can support the family. My motto has always been,“Change is good; change is progress, but when it affected my livelihood, I had to change it “Accept change and make the most of it.” From the beginning, 1 chose to look at this matter not as bad luck, but as a welcome chance. I refused to become sorry; instead, I actively planned to do something new and different.

Having a positive attitude made all the difference in the way I pursued the future. First, I decided to return to college and graduate many years later than I should have. Doing this at my age took more than a little courage. Not being a graduate had never held me back in my career in the bank, but now it a personal goal I longed to achieve. With a lot of determination, I went to evening classes and became an adult student. In the class, I became more and more confident. During this time,I realized that no matter what life throws in our way, nothing can hinder our personal growth.

The second thing I did to improve my inner self was to reevaluate my past life. It used to be filled with endless,and sometimes meaningless events. But now, my heart and life are completely around people I care for.

The loss of my job led to some positive changes in my life. Revisiting the past made room for the future. I realize that I have accepted the change, and am making the most of it.

1.What made the author lose her job? (no more than 10 words)

2.What did the author do after the unemployment? (no more than 15 words)

3.How do you understand the underlined word in Paragraph 3? (no more than 3 words)

4.How would you describe the author in terms of personalities? (no more than 5 words)

5.What’s your attitude towards the “changes” in your life? Please explain, (no more than 20 words)


    Being attractive isnt usually considered much of a disadvantage in today’s world. Actually, there is the endless potential benefit about it, but researchers have found one area that being pretty makes life a challenge securing yourself a boring, low- paying job.

This stands in contrast to a large body of research that attractiveness, in general, helps candidates in the selection process. For the most part good looks is a blessing. We treat pretty people more favorably in general,often vote for them more in elections,and pay them more in their professions. The research suggests that attractive people may be discriminated against in selection for relatively less desirable jobs.

Researchers carried out four experiments involving more than 750 participants including university students and managers who make hiring decisions in the real world. Participants were shown photos of two potential job candidates,one attractive and the other unattractive. Participants were then asked a series of questions designed to measure their opinions of the job candidates and whether they would hire these candidates for a less-than-desirable job.

The less desirable jobs included a warehouse worker, housekeeper, customer service representative and the more desirable jobs included things like a manager, project director, IT elite(精英).In all experiments where they were asked, participants were significantly less likely to hire the attractive candidate for the less desirable job and more likely to hire the attractive candidate for the more desirable job.

Ms Lee said, “In the selection decision for an undesirable job, decision makers were more likely to choose the unattractive individual over the attractive individual. Co-author Dr Madan Pillutla said, “It is interesting that decision makers consider others' opinions in their decisions. They thought that attractive individuals would want better outcomes, and therefore would be less satisfied, so they favored unattractive candidates when selecting for a less desirable job.”

The research also suggests the established view that attractive candidates are favored when applying for jobs might be limited to high-level jobs.

1.What do people generally think of being attractive?

A. It is a disadvantage.

B. It is a blessing.

C. it is not important.

D. It has nothing to do with jobs.

2.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A. The participants of the experiment

B. The importance of the experiment

C. The process of the experiment

D. The result of the experiment.

3.An ordinary-looking graduate may have an advantage when applying for____.

A. a manager

B. a project director

C. a warehouse worker

D. an IT elite

4.Why are less attractive applicants preferred for less desirable jobs?

A. Because they are more hardworking.

B. Because they will be more satisfied.

C. Because they have no requirements at all.

D. Because they will want better outcomes.

5.Which of the following agrees with the research?

A. Attractive people are more fit for high-level jobs.

B. Less attractive people are easy to find high-level jobs.

C. Attractive people can always be hired when applying for jobs.

D. Less attractive people can easily get highly paid if they work hard.


    Hacking isn’t just for computers and smart phones. According to a study, scientists have found a way to hack a plant’s genes in order to make it use sunlight more quickly. Someday, the results could increase the number of food produced around the world.

Scientists used tobacco plants in the study because it is easy to change the plantsgenes. Hacked plants are larger than normal plants.

Photosynthesis is the word used to describe how plants use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to make their own food. Scientists say this is a very slow process. Plants use less than 1 percent of the energy. But by hacking a plant’s genes, the scientists were able to increase the amount of leaf growth on plants between 14 and 20 percent. Scientists hacked the plant’s protective system. Normally, this system starts when a plant gets too much sunlight When the plant senses the light, it creates more leaves. When the plant is in shade, the protective system is turned off. But the process is slow.

The new study sped up the process by changing the plant’s genes, the protective system turned on and off more quickly than normal. As a result, leaf growth on the plants scientists used in the study increased. Leaf growth on two plants increased by 20 percent, while leaf growth on a third plant increased by 14 percent. Scientists conducted the study on tobacco plants. But they think the genetic changes would produce the same results in corn and rice.

Agriculture professor Tala Awanda said the study makes sense,but cautioned the yield(产量)might not be quite so high for conventional food crops. Still,she added in an email, this study remains a breakthrough,”

1.Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 1 ?

A. We can find hacking only in digital devices.

B. A plant’s genes can be changed by hacking.

C. Hacking has been used in improving food production.

D. Hacking can be used to change whatever you want.

2.Why did scientists choose tobacco plants to study?

A. Because they are very easy to get.

B. Because their genes are easy to change.

C. Because they are larger than other plants.

D. Because they can absorb sunlight quickly.

3.What do we know about photosynthesis?

A. It helps plants to produce energy.

B. It is regarded as a productive system for plants.

C. It can increase leaf growth on plants by 14 percent.

D. It is made up of sunlightwater and carbon dioxide.

4.We can learn from Paragraph 4 that changing the plants' genes proved____.

A. useless B. deadly

C. effective D. unrealistic

5.What is Tala Awanda’s attitude toward the study?

A. Doubtful. B. Neutral.

C. Objective. D. Critical.


    At the age of seven, while his friends were spending their allowances on candy and toysJose Adolfo Quisocola, Peru,came up with the creative idea of an eco-bank which allows kids of all ages to become economically independent and financially wise while helping the environment.

Established in 2012, The Bartselana Student Bank is the world’s first cooperative bank for kids. Whoever wants to join has to bring in at least 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of solid waste (paper or plastic) and establish a savings goal. Once accepted, all bank “partners” are required to deposit at least one additional kilogram (2* 2 pounds) of recydables on a monthly basis and obey other requirements, such as attending financial education and environmental management workshops. The waste accumulated is sold to local recycling companies, who, thanks to some clever negotiation by Jose, pay a higher-than-market rate for everything brought in by Bartselana Student Bank members. The funds received are placed in the individual’s account where they collect until his/her savings goal is reached. The account holder can then withdraw his/her money, or choose to leave it and continue to grow for a bigger target.

“At the beginning, my teachers thought I was crazy or that a child could not undertake this type of project,n Jose recalls. “They did not understand that we are not the future of the country but its present. Luckily, I had the support of the school principal and an assistant in my classroom.

The youngster’s persistence paid off. Today, the eco-bank, which now has the support of several local institutions, has ten educational centers and begins accepting applications from kids all across Peru. On November 20,2018, the young boy was awarded the famous Children’s Climate Prize (CCP). “Jose’s eco-bank is a brilliant way of linking economy and climate impact,both in thought and practice. The potential impact is amazing”,a judge said.

Hopefully, Jose’s success will inspire more kids and adults to come up with new ideas that create value while helping the environment. As the boy says, “Together we can change the world. we just need an opportunity.”

1.For what purpose was the eco-bank created?

A. To educate children how to spend their allowances.

B. To help children break away from their parents.

C. To raise children’s awareness of money and environment

D. To encourage children to buy whatever they want.

2.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A. The history of the eco-bank

B. The requirements of membership,

C. The wisest way to deal with waste

D. The process of how the eco-bank works.

3.What challenge did Jose meet at the beginning when opening the eco-bank?

A. Lack of enough support B. Lack of experience

C. Lack of investment D. Lack of workers

4.What can we learn from the last two Paragraphs?

A. The boy’s efforts were made in vain.

B. The eco-bank was highly appreciated.

C. The judge thought poorly of the eco-bank.

D. The boy’s success had no practical values.

5.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Persistence Paid Off

B. Recycling does Count

C. An Opportunity to Change the World.

D. An Eco-bank, Economical and Ecological


    The Frick Collection (5th Avenue and E. 70th Street)

Many art lovers would rather visit this small art gallery than any other in New York. Henry Clay Frick, a rich New Yorker, died in 1919, leaving his house, furniture and art collections to American people. Frick had a preference for pre-twentieth century Western paintings, and these are well-represented in this excellent collection. You can also explore Frick’s beautiful house and garden which are well worth a visit

Guggenheim Museum (5th Avenue and 88th Street)

This museum owns 5,000 excellent modern paintings, sculptures and drawings. These art works are not all displayed at the same time. The exhibition is always changing. It will appeal to those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings. The Guggenheim Museum building i$ also world-famous. The best way to see the paintings is to start from the top floor and walk down to the bottom. There are no stairsjust a circular(环形的) path.

Metropolitan Museum of Art (5th Avenue and 82nd Street)

The reputation of this museum lies in the variety of its art collection. This covers more than 5,000 years of civilization from many parts of the world. The museum displays more than just the visual delights of art It introduces you (o ancient ways of living. You can visit an Egyptian templea fragrant Ming garden, n typical room in an 18th century French house and many other special exhibitions.

Whitney Museum of American Art (945 Madsion Avenue, near 75th Street)

The Whitney holds an excellent collection or contemporary American paintings and sculptures. There are no permanent displays in this museum and exhibitions change all the time. Every two years, the Whitney holds a special exhibition of new art by living artists. The museum also shows videos and films by contemporary video artists.

1.What can we know about Henry Clay Frick?

A. He once lived a poor life.

B. He had a deep love for his country.

C. He left all his possessions to his family.

D. He loved twentieth century paintings very much.

2.What do Guggenheim Museum and Whitney Museum of American Art have in common?

A. They both have stairs in their buildings.

B. They both hold art works by living artists.

C. The exhibitions in them are always changing.

D. They both display modern paintings, sculptures and drawings.

3.If you are interested in ancient civilization, you can go to ____

A. The Frick Collection B. Guggenheim Museum

C. Whitney Museum of American Art D. Metropolitan Museum of Art

4.What can we infer about Whitney Museum of American Art?

A. There are only paintings of great artists.

B. It is located in the same avenue as the others.

C. You can’t enjoy new art of living artists each year.

D. It is not as popular among art lovers as the other museums.

5.The passage is mainly about ________

A. some famous artists B. some famous paintings

C. some famous places of interest D. some famous art museums


    Mia nervously extended her small hand towards the miniature(纤小的)horse in front or her. As her palm gently touched it$ soft nose, she looked at me happily. Her bright blue eyes _______ with joy.

For children with _______, actions such as making friends and joining in activities can be_______As the leader of the Miniature Horse Project, I________to disabled children in my community and _______ them to join this project. Once a child joins, I _______instruct them how to feed and care for the miniature horses. Nol only does this_______disabled children with a fun activity, but my instruction  also allows them to build much more _______at school or when they are making friends.

I have taught many disabled children, but Mia is _______to me. What she suffers makes her fee) hard to________. Due to this,she hardly spoke at the beginning of our training,________just watched nervously as 1 explained basic horse care to her. Her mother told me that Mia had ________behavior at school: she was shy, and watched her classmates play instead of joining them.

I worked to help Mia ________ her shyness. Although she was nervous, I had her feed and clean the miniature horses________.Then I asked her to________the horses with me around the farm and to smile at everyone she ________  . Soon, she became active and ________in caring for the horses without my help. She now loves to play with her classmates.

However, i did not just influence Mia, and she ________ me as well. She showed me that any ________can be overcome with dedication(热忱).Each time I see Mia,she hugs me ________, Although she cannot say it, her happy face and bright eyes tell me,“ Thank you.”

1.A. froze B. stared C. shone D. closed

2.A. curiosity B. interest C. preference D. disabilities

3.A. difficult B. funny C. impressive D. disappointing

4.A. reach out B. look forward C. get used D. get down

5.A. urge B. encourage C. warn D. allow

6.A. extremely B. secretly C. personally D. hopefully

7.A. provide B. decorate C. equip D. combine

8.A. frustration B. pressure C. pleasure D. confidence

9.A. polite B. special C. kind D. rude

10.A. talk B. hear C. move D. jump

11.A. and B. as C. or. D. so

12.A. social B. normal C. similar D. polite

13.A. look out for B. put up with C. get rid of D. give in to

14.A. in her opinion B. by the way C. by no means D. on her own

15.A. sell B. drive C. walk D. beat

16.A. disliked B. visited C. interviewed D. met

17.A. skilled B. weak C. interested D. fortunate

18.A. accompanied B. inspired C. praised D. challenged

19.A. mystery B. fault C. puzzle D. hardship

20.A. blindly B. tightly C. sadly D. loosely


If he____ his teacher’s suggestion, he would have won the English Speech Contest.

A. had followed B. should follow

C. was to follow D. followed


    _____ ! Somebody has broken the vase!

____Don’t look at me.

A. Come on B. Hi,there

C. Thank goodness D. Dear me .


lt was in December, 2018_____Chairman Xi and President Trump met in Argentina.

A. when B. that

C. before D. since


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