Which skirt will the man buy?

A. The green one. B. The brown one. C. The red one.


假定你是李华,是校学生会主席,想邀请外教 Rick先生一起参加学校举办的五四青年节庆祝活动。请给他写一封信,内容包括:

1. 介绍写邮件的目的;

2. 活动时间,地点:54日上午9点,学校报告厅;

3. 活动内容:同学们表演节目,同时邀请Rick一起表演一个中西合璧的节目。

注意:1. 词数100字左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mr. Rick,


I really hope you can come and we can’t wait to see you!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua





注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Today the number of the netizens in our country have increased rapidly, yet many of them do not pay enough attention to the family. It is no doubt that we benefit much from the Internet. For an example, it’s convenient for us to get the informations we need and communicate with our friends and relatives. Meanwhile, it could help us learn that is happening both at home and abroad. Therefore, no matter how attractive the Internet is, we shouldn’t separated from our loved ones. We should stop surf the Internet and spend time with our families, enjoying the time when you are together.



On February 14, it is a custom for a boy to take his girlfriend out to dinner, buy her flowers and chocolates! This is what you see on Valentine’s Day, a day named 1. Valentine who was a priest in the third century Rome. When the king decided that single men could become 2. (good) soldiers than those with wives, he didn’t allow 3. (marry). But Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers 4. secret. When his actions 5. (discover), the king sentenced him to 6. (die). While in prison, it is said that Valentine 7. (fall) in love with the daughter of his prison guard. Before he died, he wrote her a letter, 8. he signed “From your Valentine”, an expression that is still in use today.

Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is also popular among Chinese young people. Some students are planning to make Valentine’s cards for parents, teachers and friends. Others want to hold parties 9. small gifts will 10.(exchange). The idea is to have fun and encourage people to share in the spirit of St. Valentine.



1.Our school is widely ______(赞美) for its excellent teaching.

2.He could not ______ (说明原因)for his foolish mistake.

3.Mary gave him ______(允许)to use the car.

4.______(宗教的)groups are now able to meet quite openly.

5.Meg was ______(发现)coming out of the building.

6.Have you ______(咨询) your lawyer about this?

7.I need to pay off all my ______(债务)before I leave the country.

8.It was ______(明显的)to everyone that the child had been badly treated.

9.The ability to keep calm is one of her many ______(长处).

10.He later ______(道歉)for his behavior.


    Food is so much a part of daily life that people often take eating for granted. 1.Now is a good time for you to think carefully about this question: What kinds of needs does food meet?

2. Food supplies the energy needed for day-to-day activities. Eating the right foods each day helps your body perform important functions.

Physical needs are not the only ones people satisfy by eating every day. People often eat even when they are not hungry. Some people eat to comfort themselves whenever they are upset or nervous. 3.

Food serves social needs as well as physical and emotional ones. People often combine eating with the company of friends and family because both experiences are pleasurable. In some families, mealtime is the only time of day that the whole family can be together. 4.Many social occasions are associated with specific foods---birthday cakes, Thanksgiving turkeys, or Fourth of July cookouts. 5.

A. Food also plays an important role in keeping social traditions.

B. Food has many purposes.

C. They are not even aware of their own eating habit.

D. These traditions provide links between food and social activities.

E. Like other living things, people need energy to live.

F. No matter what your age, a strong body can protect you from diseases.

G. Others eat to remove boredom.


    Do you enjoy eating ketchup on your fries? If so, you must like the essential ingredient in the sauces, tomatoes. The tomato originally comes from South America and has been eaten by people there for thousands of years. Today, tomatoes are popular all over the world. However, when they were first introduced, there was quite a bit of controversy and apprehension surrounding them.

Tomatoes were first planted by the Aztecs (阿兹特克人)in Central America. In fact, ancient Aztec writings mention recipes for dishes of tomatoes. Spanish soldiers conquered the Aztecs and brought tomato seeds back with them to Europe. In Europe, these yellowish tomatoes were first called “apples of gold “. For a long time, people in Northern Europe and North America did not eat these “apples of gold”. The tomato plant looked similar to the nightshade plant, a deadly poison, so they were afraid to eat them. German people even thought that if someone ate tomatoes, he or she would change into a werewolf(狼人). But finally, by the mid-1800s people all over the world had accepted the tomato.

However, the tomato was due for more controversy. Do you think the tomato is a fruit or vegetable? Actually the tomato is a fruit. But in America, the tomato is a vegetable by law. Why is the tomato legally a vegetable in America? In the 1800s, there was no import tax in fruit from other countries. At that time, many tomatoes were coming from other countries into America, and American tomatoes farmers became worried about making a living. The government made the tomato a vegetable by law so that non-American tomatoes would be taxed.

Actually, it is easy to tell that the tomatoes is really a fruit. Cut into a tomato and look inside. You can see many seeds in the center, which is one sign of a fruit. In fact, tomatoes are similar to strawberries. Both have seeds inside, and both grow from the flowers of a plant. And both have delicious flesh surrounding the seeds. Tomatoes and strawberries are actually in the same family.

1.What is the main idea of this reading?

A. How our ideas about tomatoes have changed

B. How to grow tomatoes

C. The history of tomatoes planting.

D. The history of famous tomato dishes.

2.What is NOT a reason why people didn’t eat tomatoes at first?

A. They thought tomatoes could change them into monsters.

B. They though tomatoes were similar to a deadly plant.

C. They thought tomatoes cost too much to grow.

D. They thought tomatoes were poisonous.

3.What does the US government say tomatoes are?

A. Both a fruit and a vegetable B. A kind of vegetable

C. A kind of fruit D. Neither a fruit nor a vegetable

4.How are tomatoes like strawberries?

A. Tomatoes do not grow very bug

B. The inside parts are similar

C. They grow on tree.

D. Summer is the best time to pick them


    This year I’m buying presents for 16 children, as well as my own daughter, Mia-Grace, who will be two on Christmas Day. My tree will be beautifully decorated, I’m bringing the turkey to the family Christmas lunch and having an open house activity on Boxing Day. And the whole thing’s only going to cost me £150.

I’ve been careful with money since I was a teenager, for I came from a poor family with many children. I had to drop out of high school to earn money to support myself. I remember well that I went a bit mad back then when I got my first credit card and my parents had to leave me from home and cared little for me from then, which taught me a real lesson.

We’re very careful now and we don’t overspend or owe anything on credit cards. I work for an electrician and my husband Neil, 33, works in the construction business. We’re concerned about our jobs because our companies are quiet at the moment.

We’ve also been hit by rising prices, particularly food, petrol, gas and electricity. Everyone I know is worried. One of my friends’ husbands has just gone self-employed and if he doesn’t work, they have no money coming in.

Christmas has been playing on my mind for the past three or four months. We decided on a budget of £150 because that’s just under my weekly wage and it meant we could afford Christmas while using Neil’s salary for our essential bills.

We quickly realized that we buy some things every year just for the sake of it. Even though we have lots of decorations already, we usually buy something new for the tree but this Christmas we’re not going to. We’ve already got our tree – a big man-made one which I bought half-price in the January sales. It will last us for years.

After all, no one can escape from this financial crisis which is spreading throughout the globe.

1.We can infer that Boxing Day most probably falls on ______.

A. January 20 B. May 5

C. October 24 D. December 26

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the author according to this passage?

A. She has bought Christmas presents for 16 children in total.

B. She has bought a man-made Christmas tree at a low price.

C. Both the author and her husband are already out of work now.

D. She would like to buy a new Christmas tree for this Christmas.

3.The second and third paragraphs mainly tell us ______ .

A. why the author has been very careful with money

B. how she finished her education of high school

C. where she earned her first money in her teens

D. when she left home and got married to her husband

4.We can conclude from this passage ______.

A. the author often quarrels with her husband about their little earnings

B. nobody but the author was worried about the rising prices

C. the author has never been worried about losing jobs

D. the author and those around her are suffering from the financial crisis


    It seems school children all over the world complain about their school food. Cherie Blair, the wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, said that she would prepare a packed lunch for her son if school dinners do not improve. So what do students of your age eat for lunch at school?


High schools have canteens, which serve everything from noodles to rice, but not burgers and chips. Other children bring food from home such as cold rice balls, meat or fish, pickles and vegetables.

Students take home a menu for the coming month containing notes on nutrition value. Twice a year parents are invited to have a taste of the food. The class with the fewest leftovers at the end of the month receives a prize.

United States

A typical menu from a US school is made up of a hamburger with fried potatoes or roast chicken, lettuce and pickles, fruit and cookies. School lunches must also provide at least one-third of the daily dietary allowances(定量) of protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium and calories.


Meat pies, sausage rolls and hot dogs are all traditional dishes in Australian school shops. But as the nation pays more attention to children’s health, healthier foods have started to find their way onto school menus.

Many schools have used a traffic light system. The sale of red-labelled foods, including pastries, chocolate and soft drinks, is served only twice a week. Healthier green-labelled foods such as sushi, sandwiches, corn and watermelon, however, are available every day.

In some schools, students have a choice of up to 89 foods to choose from, including popcorn and rice.

South Africa

Most of South Africa’s schools do not serve meals at all. Classes end at 1:30 p.m. and students get their own lunches. Many students bring food from home, usually sandwiches.

Fast food and fried food sell the best among students, which has led to a rise in obesity among children. But as more people began to realize the fact that being too fat may cause different diseases, some schools in towns have led the way towards better nutrition(营养). Now students at these schools are provided with lunches of porridge with vegetables, such as cabbages, onions, beans, carrots and tomatoes.

1.We can infer from the text that __________.

A. many schools in Australia have traffic lights outside their school

B. most students in South Africa eat their lunch at home

C. a typical menu from a US school has enough nutrition

D. you can have whatever you like in school canteens in Japan

2.What does the underlined word “obesity” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Fighting B. Overweight

C. Food shortage D. Sadness

3.What is the main idea of the text?

A. Schools should try to satisfy the needs of students.

B. School children all over the world dislike their school food.

C. Food served in the US is the best of all

D. Schools serve different foods from country to country.

4.The text is written for _______.

A. students of your age B. schoolmasters

C. school lunch sellers D. parents


    There are some simple safety tips that you should follow to ensure your visit to Australia is as enjoyable as possible.

On the road

* If you wish to drive in Australia you must hold a current, valid driving license issued in the country in which you live. Carry it with you at all times when driving.

* Always travel no faster than the signed maximum speed limit.

* The drive is not allowed to use a mobile phone while driving in Australia.

* Do not pick up hitchhikers at the side of the road, who get free rides from drivers of passing cars.

At the beach

* Always swim with others.

* Never swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or in darkness.

In the bush

* Drink plenty of water (allow at least one litre of water per hour of walking) when walking outdoors. Wear sturdy shoes and socks, a hat, sunscreen lotion, comfortable clothing for long bushwalks.

* Never walk alone. Read maps and signs carefully.

* Do not feed or play with native animals. You might get bitten or scratched.

In the Outback

* When planning each day of travel spend some time to calculate how long it will take to drive between destinations. Be realistic about how far you can drive in a day.

* Always carry a current road map.

* Always carry a spare tyre, tools and water.

* During daylight hours always drive with your headlights on low beam, as outback conditions can make it difficult to see oncoming vehicles.

1.If an American wants to drive in Australia, he has to get ______.

A. a car B. a mobile phone

C. a valid Australian driving license D. a valid American driving license

2.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the article?

A. Do not pick up strangers when you are driving on the road.

B. Do not swim alone or in the dark.

C. You are welcome to give food to native animals in the bush.

D. When in the outback or in the bush, remember to take a map with you.

3.Which rule should you follow when you are in the bush?

A. Drink at least one litre of water per hour.

B. Be realistic about where you can go.

C. When you are driving, you can’t use a mobile phone.

D. Eat as much as you can.


    I remember when I was young, people often asked me, “What are you going to be when you grow up?”

It ______ being a cowboy or some super hero. Later it was a fireman, a policeman, a lawyer. As I grew older, my dreams for the future ______ .When, I was in college, I set my heart on becoming ______ like my father. ______ I studied and prepared for that. I reached the ______ in the end and I was teaching ______ full-time for much of my adult life.

However, there is a “thief” that goes around stealing our ______ . Sometimes, the thief will come as a parent, or a friend, but the ______ thief is usually ______ .

We find ourselves just about reaching the top, and a “small” ______ inside says, “You’ll never make ______ .” “You ______ possibly do this.” On and on the “small” voice predicts our failure. Failure, ______ is one of the most important tools we have may teach us valuable ______ . When we learn these lessons well, we are ready ______ success.

I always tell my children that you are ______ to do anything that your heart desires. Remember the saying, “Nothing is ______ to a willing heart.” There are ______ “overnight” successes, but with determination, they will come. Imagine ______ a life you dream of. Then in your heart, believe it will happen to you. Then work, work, work. You’ll get the picture.

So, be true to your dream, and don’t let anyone ______ it from you---especially yourself.

1.A. insisted on B. kept on C. felt like D. started out

2.A. changed B. planned C. failed D. left

3.A. a doctor B. an engineer C. a musician D. a teacher

4.A. But B. Or C. So D. As

5.A. aim B. agreement C. decision D. position

6.A. hardly B. nearly C. slightly D. extremely

7.A. money B. plan C. dreams D. friends

8.A. greatest B. poorest C. tallest D. oldest

9.A. themselves B. ourselves C. yourselves D. itself

10.A. sound B. noise C. speech D. voice

11.A. it B. her C. him D. me

12.A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t

13.A. where B. who C. when D. which

14.A. stages B. lessons C. suggestions D. choices

15.A. to B. for C. at D. with

16.A. able B. ready C. likely D. necessary

17.A. interesting B. important C. impossible D. necessary

18.A. many B. some C. different D. no

19.A. spending B. planning C. living D. changing

20.A. buy B. fool C. steal D. borrow



1.What is a major challenge that Stevie Wonder has had to face?

A. His unsuccessful records.

B. Pressure from other musicians.

C. Not being able to use his eyes.

2.When did Stevie Wonder start his professional career?

A. At the age of 6. B. At the age of 11. C. At the age of 19.

3.How many Grammy Awards did Stevie Wonder receive?

A. 10. B. 25. C. 30.

4.What kinds of songs did Stevie Wonder often record?

A. Rap songs about life.

B. Sad songs about death.

C. Happy songs about love.



1.Who got a new job?

A. Anna. B. Anna’s father. C. Anna’s mother.

2.What do we know about Anna’s new house?

A. It has small rooms.

B. It has few windows.

C. It has trees around it.

3.How does Anna feel about the old house?

A. She misses it.

B. She thinks it’s pretty.

C. She loves it the most.

4.When is Dave coming over probably?

A. This summer. B. This weekend. C. Next weekend.



1.What does Emma need?

A. Dresses. B. T-shirts. C. Pants.

2.Why is Emma unsure of the store?

A. She wants the latest styles.

B. She wants a lot of choices.

C. She wants helpful clerks.

3.What does Emma often do?

A. She often goes to fashion shows.

B. She often reads the fashion magazines.

C. She often shops in the department store.



1.Who lost the car keys?

A. Kelsey. B. Tim. C. David.

2.Where are the speakers ?

A. In a car. B. In the main office. C. In Tim’s office.



1.What does the man take to school?

A. Five books. B. Three pens. C. Two rulers.

2.Why does the man’s back hurt?

A. He studies for too long.

B. He picks up some dictionaries.

C. He carries a heavy backpack.


What are the speakers talking about?

A. A new TV set. B. A TV program. C. A radio program.


What will the woman work as?

A. An assistant B. A lawyer. C. A teacher.


What is the woman going to do?

A. Play baseball. B. Watch a game. C. Do her work.


What did the man like about the movie?

A. The acting B. The music C. The scenery.


What will the speakers take to the picnic?

A. Some drinks. B. Some fruit. C. Some desserts



Recently, I told my 7-year-old grandson that I wouldn’t get to see him for a week because I was going away on business. He knows I often travel, but the “business” part caught  his attention.

“Can’t you write your articles at your house?” he asked. He knows I write some articles each week. “I’m not writing on this trip,” I said. “I’m speaking; it’s part of my job.”

For many years, my children knew me as simply their mother.

In kindergarten (幼儿园), when asked to tell his class about his family, my oldest child said, “My dad teaches chemistry and coaches basketball. And my mom drives us to his games.”

My own mother worked as a waitress to put food on the table and second-hand shoes on our feet. I was proud of all she did, but I loved her most for being my mother.

The best way to think of someone is never by their job description; it’s a celebration of the reasons why they’re loved and the ways they make the world a better place.

My children lost their father to cancer when they were just becoming adults. They admired  him greatly as a teacher and a coach. But they loved him most for simply being their dad.

We are defined ( ) not only by our job, but also how we treat people we work with and

deal with along the way.

I’m thankful for my job. But I’d like to be known to my family and friends and myself for the reasons that they love me and the ways I try to make their world a better place.


1)根据短文内容,用自己的语言以第一人称写一篇 60 词左右的英文摘要;






假定你是学校团委主席李华。你校决定于五四青年节当天举办系列活动,其中包括英语演讲比赛,希望邀请学校外教 Susan 担任评委。请给她写信,内容主要包括:

1. 邀请 Susan 担任评委;

2. 简介青年节 时间:每年 5 4 由来:纪念 1919 年的青年运动

3. 演讲主题(My Youth My Dream)、时间、地点和参加对象(青年教师和学生)

注意:1. 词数 80 左右(首尾句均已给出,不算词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Dear Susan,

I’m Li Hua, president of the Youth League of our school.


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

According to the “Big Bang” theory, after settling into a solid globe, the earth exploded so 1.(violence) that it was not clear 2.the shape would last.     Meanwhile, the explosion produced many gases, which were in time 3.(make) the earth's atmosphere. The continued presence of water appeared as the earth cooled  down, making possible the 4.(develop) of life on the earth. Many millions of  years later, with tiny plants 5.(multiply) on the surface of the water, green    plants began to grow on land, 6.(follow) by insects, amphibians, reptiles and   dinosaurs. After the age of the dinosaurs ended, all mankind, in 7.(it) turn,      became the  most  important  animals 8.the  planet. Unfortunately, however, human beings put too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. As  9.result,  the increasing heat from the sun was prevented from escaping into space. So whether life will continue on the earth 10.(remain) unknown.


    My father was born in a small town in the US. He wasn’t sure what he      ________from life,   but something  told  him  to  get  out and begin  a(n)  _____.  He  took his  wife  and three daughters with him and went wherever the road took him.

It’s  easy to feel_____when you’re on the road. As my mother said repeatedly,    “We made lots of new friends on our trip – most of them were mechanics ( )”,  ____we often spent hours in      ________shops. But that was way      ________than sitting by the roadside  while waiting for the engine (发动机) to       _________when it was 40 outside.

_______on sometimes seemed impossible. There were always a lot of     ________,      especially among us back-seat passengers about who had to sit in the middle.

But even if it was hard, we did learn a lot about_____.

When we were traveling in the Philippines, we drove to Quezon City one day. It should have been a one-hour drive but was nearly three,       _________bad roads and worse traffic. “Did you     put our   _____in the car?” my father asked my mother as we arrived. “No,” she said, slowly turning toward my father. “I thought you did.” That was     ________a seven-hour car trip turned  into a 16-hour car trip, which was mostly        __________in silence.

On occasions like that, we had to learn to_____our anger because we were stuck (困在) in a rolling box with the same people for the     ________of the journey. Even if I sometimes felt  like opening the car door and        __________one of my sisters out, I kept my feelings to myself.

This is why road trips were like       _________universities to us. We earned our degrees in how  to get on just by traveling in that old car.

And if we were     ________given a second chance at life, we would do it all over again. Only this time,        __________would put the suitcases in the car.

1.A. wanted B. gained C. received D. learned

2.A. adventure B. cooperation C. voyage D. business

3.A. curious B. relaxed C. lonely D. exhausted

4.A. until B. since C. when D. if

5.A. corner B. repair C. beauty D. coffee

6.A. less B. more C. worse D. better

7.A. scream B. start C. cool D. stop

8.A. Staying B. Getting C. Going D. Carrying

9.A. discussions B. arguments C. weaknesses D. ideas

10.A. forgiveness B. independence C. balance D. patience

11.A. apart from B. according to C. regardless of D. thanks to

12.A. backpacks B. suitcases C. containers D. handbags

13.A. when B. because C. how D. where

14.A. driven B. spent C. taken D. made

15.A. hold on to B. give way to C. lose sight of D. let go of

16.A. half B. part C. rest D. end

17.A. letting B. leaving C. pushing D. taking

18.A. local B. public C. open D. mobile

19.A. somehow B. therefore C. anyhow D. otherwise

20.A. I myself B. my father C. my mother D. my sister


    Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear people speaking Chinese aloud.1. After walking into a store, it’s possible that you’ll see Huawei smartphones for sale. This isn’t referring to  China, but Manchester, UK.2.Indeed, Chinese  products have gone global.

3.But to meet local people’s tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes. “One example is the meat”, said Yin Hang, who is studying at the University of Wollongong in Australia. “We like to eat meat with the bone in, but people here don’t. So Chinese restaurants provide big pieces of meat without bones, even for fish.”

4.In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers, reported Reuters. More than half of US-owned drones (无人机) are Chinese models, according to China Daily. They’re not simply made in China, but designed and developed in  the country.

In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and unreliable. But things  have changed greatly.5.“For  example,  Huawei,  one  of China’s major smartphone makers, overtook Apple in global smartphone sales for the first time in June and July last year,” noted consulting firm Counterpoint Research.

A. Many Chinese brands (品牌) are also becoming more popular.

B. Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a long time.

C. “Made in China” has become cool and more people trust Chinese brands.

D. Meanwhile, international brands are still enjoying great success in China.

E. Turning to the right, you may see a Sichuan-style restaurant.

F. In fact, you might see similar things in many other cities around the world.

G. What is the biggest problem with many Chinese brands?


    Today, with the increasing use of social media, teachers and students have greater access to one's personal history than ever before.

While social media users in education argue that teacher-student connection on social networks are harmless, Carole Lieberman, a psychiatrist (精神科医生) in Beverly Hills, Calif., believes any one-on-one private relationship out of the classroom begs for improper behavior to begin. Iris Fanning, a family-counseling provider ( 家庭关系咨询师) for school districts in Albuquerque, N.M., says major concerns arise when students begin to see teachers as friends. “When I entered education, there was a clear wall of boundaries ( ) between students and teachers,” Fanning says. “You still have to have those boundaries, and I think we've got away from that.”

In response to some of the possible threats of social media, some school districts are now limiting after-school dialogue between students and teachers.

“I think teachers should be allowed to add us on social media because that's how we communicate,” says Brown, a high school senior in Ohio, who hasn't befriended any of her teachers on social networks. “But I also think that some teachers would cross the line. I do agree that it needs watching over but they shouldn't be cut off completely.”

Most recently, in Missouri, the state passed Senate Bill 54, which bans students  and teachers from having any connections on social media. The bill was created as a strong measure to protect children from entering into improper relationships with teachers. Dave Childers, head teacher at ACEL Fresno Charter High School in California, says it's disheartening to see laws  that limit the ability for teachers to connect with students through social media. “We could go as far as saying teachers shouldn’t be allowed to coach sports or advise a club, because when you  do that you have extra connections and stronger relationships,” he notes.

1.One-on-one private teacher-student connection may give rise to concerns because it  .

A. highlights teachers’ role as friends

B. encourages the threats of social media

C. clouds the necessary teacher-student boundaries

D. places fewer responsibilities on teachers than before

2.Sami Brown would probably agree to  in teacher-student connection.

A. ban social media B. move across the dividing line

C. keep an eye on social media users D. heavily punish improper behaviors

3.The underlined word “disheartening” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to  .

A. shameful B. understandable

C. encouraging D. frustrating


    Why not give your dragon boat season a jump-start with a paddling vacation in Orlando, Florida? Spring camp is suitable for all ages and levels, perfect for those looking for a break from the ordinary days. The 2019 Florida Training Camp promises to be a week of fun and fitness on and off the water.

The week will close out on Saturday with a camp BBQ and a racing regatta (赛艇会) !

Opening festivities begin on the evening of Sunday May 15th with camp check-in. Training begins on Monday May 16th  and ends on Saturday May 21st.


Dates: Monday May 16th  to Saturday May 21st, 2019

Price: $400 or a 30% discount over two months ahead of the opening

Features include daily schedule, twice daily dragon boat training sessions, daily video analysis, and additional daily group sessions.


The choices below can be booked as an add-on. Add-ons can be included in your registration(注册) or bought at a later time through the online system.


Choice 1: High Performance Program Cost: $75

This choice covers three one-hour sessions completely focused on racing skills and techniques, with the goal of increasing your overall boating speed.

Choice 2: Steering Clinic Cost: $100

This clinic is designed to provide steerspersons with skills and techniques they need. The Steering Clinic covers several 1-hour evening sessions during the week .

1.According to the first two paragraphs, you  in the camp.

A. should be over a certain age B. can have fun on land

C. need basic boating skills D. can enjoy a BBQ at the opening

2.How much does the camp with Choice 2 cost if you pay on Valentine's Day this year?

A. $500 B. $380

C. $ 355 D. $220

3.What can be learned from “CUSTOMIZE YOUR CAMP EXPERIENCE”?

A. Add-ons can be bought during registration.

B. Choice 1 includes a three-hour session.

C. Choice 2 is for steerspersons with advanced skills.

D. Steering Clinic offers racing techniques.


    The sun is going to expand into the orbit of Mercury according to scientific calculations, which will result in the entire Earth catching on fire. Who will save the world?

This imaginative tale is at the heart of the latest Chinese sci-fi movie The Wandering Earth. Unlike many American space-themed films where the solution to a disaster Earth faces is always fleeing (逃离) the planet in spaceships, this time we’re taking the Earth with us. The film, which has made it the country's most successful film of all time, has offered a different and more ambitious idea.

The “ambition” didn’t come from nowhere. For thousands of years, “homeland” has had a soft spot in the hearts and minds of Chinese people. One old idiom that shows a strong feeling that Chinese people have had for their homeland is “luoyeguigen”, which means returning to one’s homeland in old age, like fallen leaves returning to the roots of their tree.

“What is Chinese sci-fi?” Guo Fan, the film’s director, said in an interview. “A vehicle that really expresses our cultural and spiritual core ( ) can be called Chinese sci-fi. Otherwise, we’re just following others and telling the same Hollywood stories.”

And the makers of The Wandering Earth may have chosen the best time to tell its Chinese sci-fi story. The film was released on Feb 5, the first day of Chinese New Year. It was a time when many people had just made the hard journey back to their hometowns. So to them, there is only one possible way to tell the story: Earth goes wherever humans go, because it’s our home.

1.The main purpose of the opening paragraph is to  .

A. give a brief account of the film B. warn people of the coming threat

C. explore ways to avoid the disaster D. introduce the topic of the passage

2.The underlined phrase “a different and more ambitious idea” refers to  .

A. fleeing the Earth in spaceships B. bringing in huge success

C. filling the gap in Chinese sci-fi movies D. helping Earth make its escape

3.Which of the following is unlikely to account for the success of the film?

A. The rich imagination of the story. B. Hollywood-style space stories.

C. The special cultural background. D. The time chosen to release the film.

4.What is likely to be title for the passage?

A. Chinese Sci-fi Catches Up B. The Most Successful Chinese Sci-fi

C. Chinese Sci-fi Sets a New Path D. Chinese Sci-fi Challenges Hollywood


假如你是李华,你的笔友 Jane 最近总是感觉身体不适,因此写信向你询问如何保 持身体健康,请你根据以下要点提示用英文给他回一封信。






词数:100 左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总数)

Dear Jane

I’m glad to receive your letter. But at the same time, I’m sorry to hear that you are not very well these days.


Yours sincerely

Li Hua


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