
1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Employer and employee.    B. Husband and wife.    C. Neighbors.

2.Why does the man feel nervous?

A. He wants to breathe in some fresh air.

B. He has heard his neighbor’s phone.

C. He’s been waiting so long for a phone.



1.Where is the man’s mother now?

A. At home.    B. In the office.    C. In the hospital.

2.How long does the man need before going back to work?

A. A week.    B. A few weeks.    C. A few days


What is the man’s suggestion about serious pollution?

A. Don’t breathe the poisonous air.

B. The government should take action.

C. The government should protect the environment.


What does the man want to do?

A. Buy a light.    B. Get to the nearest light.    C. Go to the supermarket.


What does Laura need at the moment?

A. Blame.    B. Encouragement.    C. Help with her chemistry.


How many pills should the woman take at a time?

A. 5.    B. 3.    C. 2.


What will the woman do this Saturday?

A. Go to see her sister.    B. Go to the concert.    C. Look after her brother’s son.



1. 倡议目的;

2. 倡议内容(如注意个人文明、马路文明、环境卫生等)。

注意:1. 词数不少于100

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇: 全国文明城市: National Civilized City

Dear fellow students:


Students Union








A Chinese scientist, Mr. He Jiankui claimed that he has successfully created the world’s first genetically-edited babies. In a interview, Mr. He said he had edited the genetic substance, or DNA, of twin girls born a few weeks early. Though Mr He’s claim was immediately condemned by some scientists as unsafe and unethical, but he defended his work. He said the gene editing, that was to help protect the babies from their future infection of HIV, the virus responsible with AIDS, was perfectly safe. Many scientists working in genetics say he believe any experiments performing this way are dangerous.

In the United States and other country, this kind of gene editing is strictly banned. What scientists are worried about that such changes to a person’s DNA may harm his/her other genes and lead to deadly diseases.


在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Daisy was a little girl longing to help endangered wildlife. One day, she found 1. flying carpet by her bed when she woke up. She 2. (beg) the carpet to take her to a distant land where she could find the animal 3. fur was used to make her sweater. So the carpet flew to Tibet with her.

In Tibet, she saw an antelope that told her they were being killed 4. mercy by people for their wool and were now an endangered species. 5. (feel) sad, Daisy traveled to Zimbabwe with the carpet to see the elephants there. Much to her relief, the 6. (Africa) living there protected the elephants well and their number was growing. Happy and 7. (satisfy), Daisy came to a thick rainforest, in which she saw a monkey rubbing a millipede insect over its body. Daisy asked the monkey 8. it was doing that. The monkey responded that it was protecting 9. (it) from mosquitoes, because the millipede contained a natural drug which affected mosquitoes.

10. (hope), no more endangered animals will be killed someday.


    Twelve-year-old Allen decided to leave home city and make a living by himself because his family was too poor.

Before he left,his father asked him what he was going to do.Allen answered,“I want to learn____ performance.”

His father was___ with his answer, “What? No, you can’t do that. Circus is the place for clowns in many people’s eyes. Our family will be __ of you.”

But Allen __,  “Our family is so poor right now. Which is more important to you, ___or clothing and food? I will give you some money every month from the circus. It probably will be a huge __.” His father was very __, “If you go there, somebody will know about it very soon and I’ll be very __.”

After going __ a lot of difficulties,Allen finally found a circus and convinced the __ to let him stay. He worked very hard studying magic and lived with animals.

Every month, his parents would get a__from him. But they never knew his address. They knew the money was from Allen but when people asked them about Allen’s __, they never told them the truth. Later, his parents received more and more money from him.

Then,a __ named Albert became very famous in the whole world.Everyone thought__ of his performance. Lots of people hurried to see his performance from far away.

One day, Allen’s father went to visit a relative in another __. The relative paid a lot of money for tickets of Albert the magician’s show. Allen’s father went to the show with the relative. During the show, Allen’s father got totally __ by the magician’s tricks. When the magician took off his__,the father found Albert was his son,Allen.

Allen recognized his father. His father __ him, “Why did you change your name?”

“Because you said you would be embarrassed for me.”

“But nobody will __ the famous magician is my son Allen.”

We want all the best things in life and avoid the bad past. However, every good thing comes at a __. You can’t have them all without giving up something.

1.A. music B. theatre C. circus D. animal

2.A. satisfied B. unhappy C. curious D. hopeful

3.A. guilty B. proud C. tired D. ashamed

4.A. insisted B. demanded C. added D. declined

5.A. dignity B. popularity C. name D. money

6.A. career B. success C. fortune D. performance

7.A. convincing B. stubborn C. understanding D. confused

8.A. embarrassed B. disappointed C. annoyed D. frightened

9.A. over B. after C. beyond D. through

10.A. guard B. owner C. trainer D. performer

11.A. letter B. photo C. check D. note

12.A. job B. performance C. address D. boss

13.A. clown B. magician C. musician D. writer

14.A. badly B. ill C. highly D. nothing

15.A. village B. city C. circus D. country

16.A. affected B. addicted C. persuaded D. impressed

17.A. jacket B. glasses C. mask D. gloves

18.A. hugged B. praised C. thanked D. blamed

19.A. know B. doubt C. admit D. acknowledge

20.A. reason B. point C. reward D. price


The modern competitive sport of weightlifting originated in 19th-century Europe and was included in the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. 1. At that time, simple competitions were held to see who could lift the heaviest weight.

The first worldwide weightlifting championships were held in London in 1891. At that time, there were no female competitors. Today, the World Weightlifting Championships, organized by the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF), are held every year. 2.

Weightlifting as an Olympic event got off to an unsmooth start. It was not held as a separate event in the first games held in 1896, but as a field event. 3. The sport returned to the Olympics again in 1904, this time as part of the athletics program. Not until 1920 did weightlifting make its real Olympic comeback. The 1920 Olympic Games, held in Antwerp, Belgium, marked weightlifting’s debut(首次露面)as a separate event. 4. Previously, weightlifters in the Olympics were all required to compete against each other, regardless of their size. One-hand lifting was dropped from the sport in 1928. Various weightlifting exercises were added and later removed over many years until 1972. 5. The 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney saw the introduction of the women’s competition, although the IWF has held the World Weightlifting Championships for women since 1987.

A. The 1940 and 1944 Games were canceled.

B. It is a sport in which barbells are lifted competitively.

C. The 1900 Games had no weightlifting presence at all.

D. The championships include 15 separate weight types for both men and women.

E. The 1972 Olympic Games finally presented the weightlifting program in its present form.

F. The sport, however, dates back to ancient civilizations including China, Egypt and Greece.

G. The Antwerp Games also introduced one-hand lifting and weight divisions to the new event.


When you search Google or use Amazon, you might assume the results you see are the same as those viewed by your friends, family and other Internet users. But you’d be wrong. Websites and social networks track your location and search history and make assumptions about your age, race, sex and political views. They then show ads they believe to be the most relevant, in order to maximize clicks, but personalize which results you see by eliminating what they think is irrelevant.

This is sold to the public as positive, making each web session relevant and interesting, yet it is leading researchers to fear this could widen divides between the North and South, rich and poor, and young and old. For example, in terms of wealth, if users are only ever shown particular products and job advertisements based on how much they earn or where they live, these users will never be given the opportunities to increase their wealth, or how much they spend on items.

Princeton University has created bots(自动程序), each with their own fake profiles. These bots have different fake ages and sexes, earn different levels of money, are virtually(虚拟地) based in various locations around the world and have different interests. By using these bots to scan and research the web, the researchers hope to create a picture of not only what each of them sees, but also what sites they are missing out on.

According to lead researcher, Arvind Narayanan, “Our goal is a web privacy census(普查)which will be a comprehensive map of who are collecting what information, what they are inferring from it, and who they are sharing it with. It is an important step in our final goal of figuring out how users are treated based on that information.”

Personalization also has its benefits. Shopping sites such as Amazon and eBay can scan a user’s search and purchase history to offer suggestions. This can help find similar, cheaper items or items that are more suited to their needs at a glance. It’s also possible to disable personalized ads and results. Google’s search engine lets you switch off personalization, for example.

Researchers from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and Yahoo felt the issue was so potentially damaging, and they have also created a way to “burst the filter(过滤) bubble”. They believe that just because people have opposing views on certain topics it doesn’t mean they won’t share interests with others.

1.The underlined word “eliminating” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_______”.

A. decorating    B. removing

C. personalizing    D. protecting

2.Princeton University created bots to ______.

A. explain why different websites are personalized

B. offer users some advice on how to protect privacy

C. assess how personalization is affecting Internet users

D. stress the advantages and disadvantages of personalization of websites

3.Which of the following websites have done something to cut off personalization?

A. Google and Yahoo.    B. eBay and Google.

C. Amazon and eBay.    D. Amazon and Yahoo.

4.What is this passage mainly about?

A. Different websites are doing something to offer quality service.

B. Personalized ads and search results could be creating different web pages.

C. Personalization of different sites will lead to users’ privacy being violated.

D. Personalization of shopping sites makes online shopping more convenient.


Many people may have watched the film “March of the Penguins”, which shows a real group of birds in Antarctica. Imagine a group of fat black and white birds walking in a line. Suddenly, one penguin loses his balance and falls on the ice. Every time penguins fall down, people laugh. The animals are cute!

People like the film very much. So much, in fact, that police in England think that it may be the reason behind a crime. A man went to a zoo in London and stole a baby penguin. Authorities think that the man stole the penguin after seeing the film and believe he wanted to give it away as a Christmas gift.

Michael Gauthier-Clerc, an expert studying penguins, thinks that many people like penguins but some people do not understand them. He told The New York Times newspaper, “People love the penguin’s colors, its way of standing straight upright and the way it walks.”

These things make penguins seem cute to people, but there are good reasons for all of these things. For example, penguins move from side to side when they walk and may seem to be out of balance. But Doctor Gauthier-Clerc says that the penguins waddle to save energy. The penguin’s colour also has a special purpose. It protects the penguins when they are swimming. From below, larger animals cannot see the penguin’s white underside because it looks the same as the bright sky or ice. And from above, other animals cannot see the penguin’s black back against the dark ocean floor.

The penguins’ colors protect them in nature. But scientists have found that some of these physical details also have an effect on humans. They make animals seem cute to people. Scientists believe that humans are very sensitive to things that are cute, such as human baby and even objects that may look like parts of a baby.

Recent studies show that cute images affect the brain in a special way. A study done at the University of Michigan tested young people’s reactions to images. It found that young people believed a message more if the message was joined by a cute picture. The researchers showed the young people two messages. One was a simple anti-smoking message. The other showed a cute animal telling them that smoking was bad. The conclusion turned out that the young people trusted the cute message more than the simple message.

1.In the film “March of the Penguins”, ________.

A. a baby penguin is stolen    B. a penguin is sent out as a gift

C. penguins are cute and attractive    D. penguins have a bad sense of balance

2.It can be inferred from the passage that _______ .

A. a walking penguin has more energy than a swimming one

B. a penguin walks in a funny way to prevent itself from falling

C. a shop selling baby products are likely to make more money

D. a website with cute pictures may attract more young visitors

3.Scientists have found that the penguins’ color can ________.

A. change at different places    B. help them keep warm

C. make people have pity on them    D. protect them from being hunted

4.The study carried out by the University of Michigan shows that _________.

A. cute messages mislead people

B. cuteness influences people’s judgment

C. humans react to anything that is cute

D. a simple message is more convincing than a cute message


One evening last summer, when I asked my 17-year-old son, Ray, for help with dinner, his response surprised me, “What’s a colander(漏勺)?” he asked.

I could only blame myself. Nobody’s hands went in the sauce except my own. But that night, as I explained with a touch of panic that a colander is the thing with holes in it, I wondered what else I hadn’t prepared Ray for. I felt confident that I’d raised a self-reliant boy, as we all try to do. But could he boil water? Sew on a button? Wash his clothes without turning them pink? No, no and no. Suddenly it hit me: He’d be leaving the house in a year to attend college. No way was I going to set a spoiled prince into the world.

As parents, while we focus on our child’s confidence and character, we perhaps don’t always consider that we are also raising someone’s future roommate, boyfriend, husband, or father. I wanted to know that I’d raised a boy who would never ask the woman in his life, “What’s for dinner?” So I came up with a plan: I would offer Ray a private home economics course. I was delighted to find that he didn’t say no.

For two hours, three days a week, Ray was all mine. One day, as his tomato sauce reduced on the stove, he washed and seasoned a chicken for toasting. Then he rolled out the piecrust(馅饼皮)and filled it with apples, all while listening to my explanation on the importance of preheating an oven.

Three of my four grandparents were tailors, so Ray was genetically programmed to quickly master the basics, like mending a split seam or refastening a button. One day we covered Advanced Laundry, in which I taught him never to mix a red sweatshirt with white shirts or put sweaters in the dryer. I knew that he would rather have been shooting hoops in the driveway than learning to mend socks with his mother -- he tried to beg off sewing lessons, even though I insisted that one day, someone would find the sight of him fixing his own shirt very attractive -- but it couldn’t be denied that he was learning, and more than just housekeeping. “I appreciate more what you do as a mom,” he told me one day.

Ray now understands the finer points of cooking, and more important, he realizes there’s nothing masculine(男子气的)about being helpless. Not only can he make his own dinner, he can make it for his family, too. That’s what I call a man.

1.Hearing her son’s question, the author felt _______.

A. shocked    B. angry

C. disappointed    D. calm

2.We can learn from the text that Ray ________.

A. made great progress in cooking

B. preferred sewing to cooking

C. was unwilling to take the course at first

D. always thought it attractive to do housework

3.The underlined part “more than just housekeeping” shows that Ray _______.

A. fell in love with housework    B. did other work in the house

C. acknowledges the author’s efforts    D. began to be more independent

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Are Women Programmed for Housework?    B. Should Boys Be Involved in Housework?

C. I’m Proud I’ve Raised a Curious Son    D. A Present for My Future Daughter-in-law


What’s best to read this year?

Secrets I Know (Random House Children’s Books, ages 3-7)

This tale written by Kallie George and pictured by Paola Zakimi follows a young girl and her little friend as they move from rain to sunshine, from pleasant loneliness to sweet friendship, and finally from adventures on earth to an exploration of the sky above. The colors of Zakimi’s pencil drawings are calming and George’s poetic text tells her story with simple language.

Pandora (Clarion Books, ages 3-7)

The award-winning author Victoria Turnbull tells the story of a little fox Pandora. Pandora lives alone. She makes herself a handsome home, but no one ever comes to visit. Then one day something falls from the sky -- a bird with a broken wing. Little by little, the bird helps Pandora feel less lonely. Turnbull’s watercolor and colored pencil drawings make this story of friendship and growth an atmospheric delight.

Prince and Pirate (G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Younger Readers, ages 5-8)

A different kind of friendship is described in this book, by Charlotte Gunnufson with pictures by Mike Lowery. Prince and Pirate are a pair of mismatched fish put into the same aquarium(水族馆). At first it seems that they’ll never learn to be friends. It’s only when both take pity on a frightened dogfish that they learn the benefits of cooperation, and soon all three fish become good friends.

The Giant Jumperee (Dinal Books, ages 3-5)

The story was written by the award-winning British author Julia Donaldson. When Rabbit hears a loud voice bellowing(吼叫)threateningly from inside a cave, he gathers Cat, Bear and Elephant to help him decide what to do. But it’s Mama Frog who fearlessly confronts(面对)the unknown creature. Helen Oxenbury’s soft watercolors create a beautiful countryside and her characterizations of the animals are impressive.

1.Who pictured the book Pandora?

A. Kallie George.    B. Victoria Turnbull.

C. Paola Zakimi.    D. Charlotte Gunnufson.

2.Which book tells a story about courage?

A. Pandora.    B. Secrets I Know.

C. Prince and Pirate.    D. The Giant Jumperee.

3.What do the four books have in common?

A. Their publishers are the same one.    B. Their characters are all animals.

C. They all have pencil drawings.    D. They are all for younger readers.






















Li Dan was trying to wake up from her sleep. She sat up slow, yawning with her eyes closed. Though she knew that she would be later for the ballet lesson if she did not hurry up, but she was still very sleepy. She falls back on the bed and went back to asleep. She even began to dream, and in her dream, she was dancing.  She became a elegant swan in Tchaikovsky's ballet, Swan Lake. Then his mother came into the room. Annoying to see Li Dan still sleeping, she said in a loud voices, “Li Dan, get up!” Li Dan struggled to get out of bed. At last, after a quick breakfast, Li Dan left her ballet lesson.



With the amazing development in China, all China's major cities have good transport networks. There are the tour buses, mini buses, taxis, as well as public buses.

Buses in Chinese towns are always 1. (crowd). The fare depends on distance, and is payable to the 2. (conduct) of buses.

A taxi is often 3. most convenient means of travel in the city. They are available at airports, railway stations and hotels and even in urban areas. The total fare depends on the starting meter price, 4. can range from 5 to 12 yuan, and the distance. Extra fees 5. (charge) for waiting and low speed driving during traffic jams. If you take a taxi after 11 pm, a 20 percent surcharge 6. (apply) over the basic fare.

The minibus is a compromise between the 7. (relative) expensive taxis and full public transport. Their charge is a little more than that of the bus, about 2 yuan or more 8. (depend) on distance, but it is very convenient, because it can stop 9. any point you want along the route.

Tour buses, normally 10. (equip) with air conditioning and TV, are managed by travel agencies, hotels and airports and provided for short tours. A tour guide is usually present on such buses.


A small dog's loyalty recently melted the hearts of millions of Japanese people. It was reported that it had been waiting for his owner to __________ for three years, not knowing that she __________ would.

A few years ago, an old lady from Osaka, Japan, __________ a cute little lost dog that she named Fu Shi. The two lived __________ for a while, but tragedy came three years ago, when the old lady __________ a brain disease which eventually led to dementia (痴呆). She had to be taken to a nursing home to be under constant special __________, and the small dog found itself all alone again. But he had no __________ that the old lady was never coming back, so he __________ the last three years waiting for her.

__________ told news reporters that, every day, Fu Shi could be seen waiting for his __________ at the corner of the alley-to her house. He would sit there all day, until nightfall, and would then return to the now-abandoned house that they had __________ Touched by the animal's loyalty, one of the neighbors contacted an animal __________, and told them his touching story. Apparently, Fu Shi __________ on the food that the neighbors left for him ever since his owner __________, but they couldn't do anything about his __________.

After giving Fu Shi a check up, a vet __________ that he was 8-years-old, and suffering from intestinal worms. He was given a __________ and made a full recovery.

Fortunately, this heartbreaking story has a __________ ending. After full media __________ in Japan and other Asian countries, Fu Shi has been adopted by a loving family. He also has a new __________ now, Sky.

1.A. pass away    B. come back    C. calm down    D. wake up

2.A. ever    B. even    C. never    D. just

3.A. adopted    B. supported    C. bought    D. fed

4.A. curiously    B. seriously    C. harmoniously    D. anxiously

5.A. avoided    B. hated    C. cured    D. got

6.A. care    B. love    C. judgment    D. experiment

7.A. thought    B. hope    C. doubt    D. idea

8.A. wasted    B. spent    C. deserved    D. lasted

9.A. Strangers    B. Friends    C. Neighbors    D. Relatives

10.A. turn    B. mother    C. food    D. owner

11.A. borrowed    B. experienced    C. shared    D. owned

12.A. rescue    B. research    C. market    D. park

13.A. appeared    B. survived    C. waited    D. moved

14.A. went away    B. came up    C. ran away    D. set up

15.A. mercy    B. pleasure    C. fiction    D. sadness

16.A. doubted    B. determined    C. wondered    D. added

17.A. treatment    B. praise    C. reward    D. gift

18.A. unique    B. simple    C. funny    D. happy

19.A. advertisement    B. interest    C. report    D. conversation

20.A. life    B. name    C. place    D. master


I used to roll my eyes many times before I could get up. Recently, things have changed after I read stories like this one, “Getting up early changed my life”. Here are the benefits I’ve seen so far from changing my workout routine.

I have more energy

As I said, I’ve been a sleepy person while I still love sleeping. I now have an extra burst of energy. I’m less weak in the office, and my brain is more attentive and ready to work. Once, 1., not even coffee could get me ready for the day. But now a good workout can.

I have more confidence

The enough energy rolled into more confidence. I feel better after a workout. Also, after getting especially sweaty, I have to take time to shower, of course. 2..


Getting up earlier and using my energy earlier make me so unbelievably ready for bed by the end of the day. My old routine would consist of getting up at the last possible minute before work and being absolutely exhausted to try to fall asleep. Have you ever felt so tired that you can’t fall asleep? 4..

I have more time

5.. Now that I’ve shifted my schedule, I have a little more time after work to take care of myself, whether that’s spending time with friends, cooking a healthier meal, reading and studying, or even just watching a movie.

A. I sleep better

B. I’m more consistent

C. It sound ridiculous, but it happens

D. I’d have to skip my workout -in favor of a social life

E. I had a hard time to try to wake up physically and mentally

F. Speaking of that old routine, my days used to consist of work and sleep

G. This means I go through my full morning routine instead of just rolling out of bed


Eldon Musk, the entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla and Space X, may have a little more time on his hands, as he's leaving his position on the board of the Open AI, according to a blog post.

The departure is likely the result of Tesla's moving into the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which he said in 2017 would be the “best in the world” and would even be able to “predict your destination.” Musk will continue to “donate and advise the organization,” Open AI said in a blog post on Feb. 20, adding that “As Tesla continues to become more focused on AI, this will avoid a potential future conflict for Eldon.”

Musk and Y Combiner CEO Sam Altman co-founded the nonprofit enterprise in December 2015, its mission is to develop safe artificial general intelligence and ensure those developments are made public. Open AI researchers published a paper on the site ArXiv. org, detailing the possible secure threats that come with “malicious” AI. In fact, Musk has heard the “evil AI” alarm several times. On Aug. 11, 2017, he warned that artificial intelligence poses a bigger threat to humanity, and he told a gathering of state governors that the government needs to regulate AI before robots start “killing people.”

Musk's departure from the Open AI board could mean big things for Tesla. As Eton Goodbye, a financial reporter, noted on Futurism, the move “could signal that Tesla is more deeply committed to their own AI projects than we thought.” He added, “Those who have had their ears to any rumors (谣言) that Tesla is ready to deliver vehicles capable of Level 5 autonomy could take this new Open AI development as a sign that the company is inching closer to that unapproachable goal.” No company has reached that level of autonomy, which means that a driverless car could navigate any road under any conditions and that all the human “driver” would need to do is to input a destination.

1.Why does Eldon Musk leave his position?

A. To create safer AI.

B. To build powerful Internet.

C. To develop social communication.

D. To avoid a possible conflict with Tesla.

2.What is the Eldon Musk's attitude towards the AI?

A. Ambiguous.

B. Supportive.

C. Negative.

D. Sympathetic.

3.What does the underlined word “malicious” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Advanced.

B. Unpopular.

C. Poisonous.

D. Traditional.

4.What can we infer from Eton Goodbye's comments?

A. Level 5 autonomy is impossible.

B. The rumors about Tesla is meaningless.

C. He has no confidence in Open AI.

D. Level 5 autonomy could set human drivers free.


Australia is a developed country and the future of its solar industry is looking bright after a record 3.5m panels (嵌板) were installed on rooftops last year, giving the equal output of a medium-sized coal-fired power station. The record 1,057 MW of capacity (生产能力) in small-scale systems installed across the country broke the previous record set in 2012, figures from the Clean Energy Regulator showed on Tuesday.

Australia's solar power prosperity could almost double capacity in a year. The data also revealed that the average system size has also doubled since then from three to six kilowatts as average prices continued to fall. A fully installed 5KW system costs an average of $5,930 in Australia, according to the energy broker Solarchoice. net. au. Its records show that the price has roughly halved in many capital cities since 2012.

The regulator's executive general manager, Mark Williamson, said there was increasing interest in renewals as a way to take control of electricity bills. But more importantly, he said it was also good news for reducing carbon emissions.

“We are seeing a wide cross-section of Australians-households, community centers, schools, and small businesses-receiving rewards under the small-scale renewable energy scheme,” Williamson said. “Our data shows consumers are embracing renewable energy to take control of their electricity bills.”

In 2017, there was a 41% increase in installing renewable energy capacity across all states and territories compared to 2016. Queensland led the way with installed capacity at 295MW, with the Australian Capital Territory taking top place for the biggest annual increase by 57%. “The data collected by the Clean Energy Regulator in 2017 reflects the industry is going from strength to strength. It looks like 2018 will be another big year for the solar industry.”

The total of installed capacity for last year is expected to rise to 1,070MW when all the data is collected. A large coal-fired power station such as Loyd Yang A in Victoria's Latrobe Valley has a capacity of 2,200MW.

1.What do we know about the Australia's solar industry from the first paragraph?

A. It's still risky.

B. It's promising.

C. It's unpredictable.

D. It's within expectation.

2.What's the reason for the Australia's solar industry's development?

A. The entire decrease of the carbon emissions.

B. The autonomous control of the electricity bills.

C. The doubt about the capacity of coal-fired power station.

D. The continuous fall of the average price of installing a solar energy system.

3.What does the underlined phrase“ from strength to strength” in Paragraph 5 suggest?

A. Australia's solar industry is being accepted.

B. Australia's solar industry is developing rapidly.

C. Australia's solar industry is more practical than before.

D. Australia's solar industry is more advanced than other countries.

4.What is the biggest feature of the renewable energy according to Mark Williams?

A. Reducing pollution.

B. Providing enough energy.

C. Lowering electricity bills.

D. Simplifying installed equipment.


It's pleased to receive gifts from your loved ones. I have received many Christmas gifts over the years. But the best gift I ever received was presented to me by a stranger. I never even knew his name and I only had contact with him for less than 60 seconds. His Christmas present to me changed the way I had thought about people and Christmas.

It was several years ago when my wife asked me to meet her at the local department store on Black Friday morning. They had advertised a child's bike that she wanted to purchase for our son. We stood with a very large crowd, waiting for the manager to blow the whistle. After a while, the whistle blew. It was like throwing a bucket of fish into a tank of sharks. I told my wife that if we obtained a bike, fine, but if we did not, I was OK with that too.

As the shelf of bikes began to gradually decrease in size, I saw my polite opportunity to wrap my hands around the corner of one of the boxes. I lifted it off the box and suddenly felt some mild resistance. I looked up to see one of the largest gentlemen I had ever seen in my life. Threat was not the word to describe his presence. He was decorated with numerous belts of metal pointed leather around both arms and even his neck. Tattoos (文身) were an obvious passion of his.

I started to return anxiously the box but he gently pushed it back in my direction and back into my hands. He then directed it into my shopping cart. He looked at me, smiled, and said, “Merry Christmas. ” My wife and I went to the checkout, paid for the bike and went home. All the way home I was thinking that this moment was by far the best Christmas gift I had ever received. The kindness of a stranger that broke all previous views I may have had of stereotypes and prejudices. I will never forget the tenderness of a human heart in a simple act.

1.Why does the author view the gift as the best one?

A. Because it was given by a stranger.

B. Because it was donated by a charity:

C. Because it improved his level of living.

D. Because it changed his opinion on people.

2.What can we know about the bike mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A. It sold well that night.

B. It was attractive to women.

C. It was sold at a lower price.

D. It was equipped with a whistle.

3.What can we infer about the stranger with tattoos?

A. He was awful in appearance but kind in heart.

B. He was handsome and good-mannered.

C. He was big but cautious in behavior.

D. He was lovely and energetic.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. A True Gentleman I Met

B. The Best Gift I Ever Received

C. A Choice That Changed My View

D. A Stranger Who Gave Me a Gift


The best bikes for the beginners

When it comes to purchasing your first bike, the choice is endless, making it tough to know what to go for. Here are the the best buys on the market right now.

1. Boardman Cx Comp

This is a cross country bike, and it’s so multifunctional that you can handle any terrain(地势) on it , making it a great choice for those wanting to try various cycling subjects. If you leave on the thick tires it comes with, it can ride on various paths and can even handle some less demanding mountain bike routes. Alternatively, put on thin, smooth tires and treat it asa road bike. It has a basket and comes with Shimano Sora gears (变速器), which are outstanding for its price.

£650, Halfords

2. Planet X RT-58 v2

Planet X is based in Yorkshire, which means you’d probably have to buy this bike without seeing it. But it’s worth it,because this is an excellent machine at a lower price, Planet X is a highly rated manufacturer and this model comes with Shimano Sora gearing.

£585, Planet X

3. Specialized Allez E5

Specialized is one of the biggest and most popular brands in cycling, and this is its hugely popular primary road bike. It comes with solid components from front to back and you’ll look great out on the road.

£ 75, Evans Cycles

4. Boardman Road Team Carbon

If you can push your budget further still, this bike is worth the extra investment. The frame is made entirely from carbon, which is lighter, faster and more comfortable than the composition metal models above and gives you an all round and more enjoyable ride. It also means that if you get really serious about cycling, you don’t have to upgrade as quickly as you would with a cheaper bike.

£800, Halfords

1.What is special about Boardman CX Comp?

A. Its Shimano Sora gears.

B. Its reasonable price.

C. Its various functions.

D. Its firm tires.

2.Which one has the lowest price but with Shimano Sora gears?

A. Planet X RT-58 v2.

B. Specialized Allez E5.

C. Boardman CX Comp.

D. Boardman Road Team Carbon,

3.What can we learn about the bikes mentioned in the text?

A. Planet X RT 58 v2 has been sold out so far,

B. Boardman Cx Comp is actually a mountain bike.

C. Specialized Allez E5 is designed for senior cyclists.

D. Boardman Road Team Carbon is made by special materials.



1. 中国的首都,是政治、经济、文化中心;

2. 主要景点有长城(世界上最长的人工建筑)、故宫(世界最大、最完整的木质古建筑)、颐和园(园林杰作)等,它们均被列入了世界遗产名录。

注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:杰作masterpiece;世界遗产名录the World Heritage List。

Dear Jonah,

How is everything with you?



Li Hua







2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last summer, I got a part-time job like a waiter. I worked hardly and was very helpful. Everyone in the restaurant including some regular customer liked me. One day, a foreign couple, which were in their fifties, entered the restaurant. I was happy to have a chance to practice my spoken English. I went up to greet them warmly. After I took their order, I told them their food will be served quickly because us Chinese respect the elderly. Hearing my words, a look of displeasure was appeared on the wife’s face. Seen my confused look, her husband explained to me the westerners disliked the description “old”. I made a apology to them, keeping in mind the lesson cultural differences should never be ignored (忽视).



My husband and I were paying a visit1.my parents in Tucson. We went to a fast﹣food restaurant for dinner together.My husband went to the counter2.(order) dishes and I stood with my parents.

My dad is 90years old. He can hardly see very well and walks with a stick. I was scanning the restaurant,3.(wait) to sit at the first table that was4.(convenient) than others.A woman who was sitting with her son made eye contact with me and asked me to come to her. With a5.(puzzle) look on my face, I pointed to myself and said, "Me?" She6.(nod) and said, "Yes,you." I walked to the table and she said," Bring your family here. I can finish eating at the counter. My son is in7.hurry to leave anyway." My eyes8.(fill) with tears as she wiped down the table and guided my dad to the seat.

I always believe that there are9.(nature) kind people in this world.This woman has set a good example to her son,10.is a really lucky guy.


You’ve heard the saying: “Love is patient and kind.” If love is ______, it may be because love is truly understanding .

Much of our  ______ is simply misunderstanding. As a new bride, Marge Piercy moved into the small home on her husband’s farm in the mountains .She ______ a shoe box on a shelf in her closet and asked her ______ never to touch it.

For 50 years he left the box ______ , until his life partner was ______ and dying. One day when he was putting their affairs ______ , he found the box again and ______ it might hold something important.

____ it, he discovered two doilies and $82,500 in cash. He ______ the box to her and asked about the ______.

“My mother gave me that ______ the day we married,” she explained. “She told me to make a doily to help me feel better every time I got ______ at you.”

Her husband was ______ that in 50 years she’d only been upset enough to make two doilies.

“What’s the $82,500 for ?”he asked.

She ______ , “Oh, well that’s the money I’ve made selling the doilies.”

A famous poet said, “Everyone will get three ______ in life. Life is the first gift, love is the second and ______ is the third,” But it is love that gives us life and understanding that brings about love.

____ doilies might take your mind off the problem, ______ it won’t change anything .The path from conflict to love is not by way of arts and crafts, but ______ the valley of understanding.

1.A. real    B. patient    C. remote    D. romantic

2.A. conflict    B. worry    C. selfishness    D. love

3.A. measured    B. threw    C. damaged    D. put

4.A. child    B. husband    C. parent    D. friend

5.A. on    B. out    C. alone    D. abroad

6.A. loyal    B. mild    C. old    D. young

7.A. in order    B. on fire    C. into practice    D. on purpose

8.A. sold    B. declared    C. rejected    D. thought

9.A. Destroying    B. Opening    C. Closing    D. Finishing

10.A. took    B. invented    C. bought    D. dug

11.A. structures    B. colors    C. contents    D. materials

12.A. box    B. shoe    C. money    D. doily

13.A. fearful    B. mad    C. strict    D. shameful

14.A. amused    B. disappointed    C. moved    D. confused

15.A. complained    B. begged    C. admitted    D. explained

16.A. ideas    B. messages    C. gifts    D. chances

17.A. kindness    B. concern    C. understanding    D. consideration

18.A. Washing    B. Making    C. Discovering    D. Collecting

19.A. but    B. if    C. and    D. unless

20.A. in    B. under    C. behind    D. through


For the love of reading

The importance of nurturing (培养) young children as readers has become more and more apparent. Here are four ways to help your child become a reader.

Read aloud.

A six-year study found reading aloud to children every day puts them almost a year ahead of children who do not receive daily read-alouds. 1._ Using texts above the children’s levels gives them the chance to hear high-level vocabulary and absorb complex language structures. Reading aloud below their levels also allows them to relax and enjoy beloved texts.

Encourage close reading from the youngest age.

2._ Use picture book illustrations to strike up deeper questions and conversations. Ask questions you don’t know the answers to so that children will be able to answer in ways that reflect their own ideas.


Entering the world of stories and knowledge should feel like an exciting discovery process. Create visual ways to track the journey. From a reading minute tracker to a “words we learned” or “our big ideas” chart, we can use these visuals to pause for “hip hiphooray (欢呼)” moments.

Honor each child’s unique identity.

Children become great readers by finding connections as they read. 4._ “I notice you like books where animals are the main characters.” “I notice you like books where girls are strong characters.” Even the youngest child will begin to recognize that each person’s reading choices matter.

5._ A child who sees reading as a lifelong, constant companion is more likely to have a lifetime of success.

A.It is a way to bathe children in the power of the written words.

B. Name what you notice about why a child is drawn to a text.

C. Young children can read early and should be reading all year.

D. Hand them a pen when it is necessary.

E. We can do this by asking them questions.

F. Make the journey a celebration.

G. The child builds the knowledge that is necessary for being a reader.


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