Sometimes, people are required to fill in personal information when they register online, which may lead to some unexpected trouble. Recently, the BBC is reporting that a 17-year-old girl in Australia posted a(n)  36  of her grandmother at home counting a large sum of cash that she   37   hidden in the house. Just eight hours later, two armed men   38  the girl’s house. They demanded to speak to her to find out where the grandmother’s house was,   39  they could get the money they had seen.    40  , the girl was not home at the time, so the robbers   41  a small amount of cash from the mother and left.

Because the   42  is still under investigation, local police aren’t saying   43  else about it. It’s not known yet whether the girl had used privacy setting on the Facebook profile page, and even whether the robbers   44  the girl in the past.

Two other   45  were at home then, a 58-year-old man and a 14-year-old boy, the girl’s father and brother. Luckily, no one was   46  . The robbers left peacefully after   47  that the girl was not home and that no one else there knew anything about the   48  that had appeared in the photo.

Police in both Britain and Australia are using the case to  49  citizens of the dangers of posting personal information on social networks and to suggest users of websites   50   doing so. The police say it is   51   that the girl posted a comment in the past that gave clues to the address,    52  that the robbers knew the girl in another way.    53  , they suggest, a posting by a friend on their site could have    54  such information. To find it, the robbers would only have had to search for those posting on other pages that   55  the girl’s name.

1.                A.picture         B.story 


2.                A.kept           B.made          C.let


3.                A.knocked at      B.looked at        C.broke into D.ran into


4.                A.even if that soon as case


5.                A.Usually         B.Suddenly        C.Fortunately    D.Finally


6.                A.spent          B.left            C.asked    D.took


7.                A.robber D.girl


8.                A.few            B.many           C.little D.much


9.                A.ignored        B.knew           C.remembered  D.followed


10.               A.members       B.adults          C.characters D.neighbors


11.               A.escaped        B.harmed        C.killed D.buried


12.               A.showing        B.realizing        C.discovering D.recognizing


13.                B.grandmother


14.               A.inform         B.accuse         C.rob   D.warn


15.               A.enjoy          B.stop           C.keep D.consider


16.               A.possible        B.important       C.necessary  D.strange


17.                  B.or             C.and  D.but


18.               A.Besides        B.However       C.Therefore D.Instead


19.               A.taken up        B.set up          C.put away  D.given away


20.               A.included        B.drew          C.contained  D.attracted



____ of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend ____ her.

A.Warned; accompanied                   B.Having warned; accompanying

C.Warning; accompanying                  D.Having been warned; accompanying


Is there a hospital around ____ I can get some medicine for my wounded hand?

A.that              B.which            C.where            D.what


---Did you watch the movie Tangshan Earthquake last night?

---I had planned to, but it ___ hard all the time. raining          B.was raining        C.has rained         D.had rained


--Can you let these new graduates take on the task?

---I’m afraid not. While they are energetic and ambitious, ____of them seems to be suitable for this demanding job. one           B.any one           C.none             D.few


There is ____ as a free dinner in this world, as the saying goes, “No pains, no gains.” such a good thing                     B.such no good thing such good thing                      D.such no a good thing


They say “____”, but there is every chance that Usian Bolt will strike again later this week, when he will try to break the 200 meters world record he set in Beijing.

A.A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

B.Lightning never strikes twice in the same place

C.Where there is a will, there is a way

D.Failure is the mother of success


His heart racing, and tears ____ his eyes, Jack carefully unlocked the box.

A.filled             B.filling    fill             D.being filled


I can spare you only a few minutes. Just tell me ____what happened.

A.personally         B.spiritually          C.thoroughly        D.briefly


I realized the purpose of the whole experience: I needed to learn to open my heart and give love without requiring anything _____. design         B.for once return a consequence


On the international market, the price of petroleum has been falling down, which is now _____ it used to be. one third as                third as much as third more than            one third much as


We can no longer ____to consider water an almost free resource that we can use as much as we like.

A.permit            B.afford            C.expect            D.offer


After talking with his father for about half an hour, he felt better and began to know how to ____ this kind of situation.

A.strengthen        B.explore           C.handle            D.arrange


---I failed today’s math test! What shall I do?

---____! Try once more.

A.Come on          B.Hurry up          C.Take it easy        D.Don’t mention it


He lost his job three years ago; _____, he was seriously injured in an accident last week. the first place    B.worse still         C.on the contrary other words


Of all the subjects, I like ____ history best because it gives us ____ useful knowledge of things in the past.

A.the; a            B.不填; a           C.a; the            D.a; 不填




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I like travel very much. I had been to most

of the interested places in Britain already and I just

don’t want other cold English summer. So I’ll go

abroad for change this year. Where I’d like

to is France, Spain, or Italy. Though going abroad

has the trouble of changing money abroad. But

when I just think of the sun I’d enjoy for, the new

places I’d see, the people I’d meet, I get excited.

In fact, which I’d really like to do is to practice my

French and Spanish. It would do me a lot at work.


When I was seven my father gave me a Timex, my first watch. I loved it, wore it for years, and haven’t had another one since it stopped ticking a decade ago. Why? Because I don’t need one. I have a mobile phone and I’m always near someone with an iPod or something like that. All these devices(装置)tell the time—which is why, if you look around, you’ll see lots of empty wrists; sales of watches to young adults have been going down since 2007. 

But while the wise have realized that they don’t need them, others—apparently including some distinguished men of our time—are spending total fortunes on them. Brands such as Rolex, Patek Philippe and Breitling command shocking prices, up to £250.000 for a piece.

This is ridiculous. Expensive cars go faster than cheap cars. Expensive clothes hang better than cheap clothes. But these days all watches tell the time as well as all other watches. Expensive watches come with extra functions—but who needs them? How often do you dive to 300 metres into the sea or need to find your direction in the area around the South Pole? So why pay that much of five years’ school fees for watches that allow you to do these things?

If justice were done, the Swiss watch industry should have closed down when the Japanese discovered how to make accurate watches for a five-pound note. Instead the Swiss reinvented the watch, with the aid of millions of pounds’ worth of advertising, as a message about the man wearing it. Rolexes are for those who spend their weekends climbing icy mountains; a Patek Philippe is for one from a rich or noble family; a Breitling suggests you like to pilot planes across the world. 

Watches are now classified as“investments”(投资). A 1994 Philippe recently sold for nearly £350, 000, while the 1960s Rolexes have gone from £15, 000 to £30, 000 plus in a year. But a watch is not an investment. It's a toy for self-satisfaction, a matter of fashion. Prices may keep going up—they’ve been rising for 15 years. But when fashion moves on, the owner of that £350, 000 beauty will suddenly find his pride and joy is no more a good investment than my childhood Timex.

1.It seems ridiculous to the writer that_______________.

A.people dive 300 meters into the sea

B.expensive clothes sell better than cheap ones cars don’t run as fast as expensive ones

D.expensive watches with unnecessary functions still sell

2.What can be learned about Swiss watch industry from the passage?

A.It’s hard for the industry to beat its competitors.

B.It targets rich people as its potential customers.

C.It wastes a huge amount of money in advertising.

D.It’s easy for the industry to reinvent cheap watches.

3.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A.Watches? Not for Me!                    B.My Childhood Timex

C.Timex or Rolex?                        D.Watches—a Valuable Collection


O. Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. As a young boy he lived an exciting life. He did not go to school for very long, but he managed to teach himself everything he needed to know. When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas, where he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank, when some money went missing from the bank O. Henry was believed to have stolen it. Because of that, he was sent to prison. During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing. He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because simple as the tales were, they would finish with a sudden change at the end, to the reader’s surprise.

1.In which order did O. Henry do the following things?

a. Lived in New York.   b. Worked in a bank.      c. Traveled to Texas.

d. Was put in prison.    e. Had a newspaper Job.      f. Learned to write stories.

A.c. e. b. d. f. a                           B.e. c. f. b. d. a

C.e. b. d. c. a. f.                           D.c. b. e. d. a f

2.People enjoyed reading O. Henry’s stories because __________.

A.they had surprise endings

B.they were easy to understand

C.they showed his love for the poor

D.they were about New York City

3.O. Henry went to prison because_____________.

A.people thought he had stolen money that was not his

B.he broke the law by not using his own name

C.he wanted to write stories about prisoners

D.people thought he had taken money from the newspaper

4.What do we know about O. Henry before he began writing?

A.He was well-educated.                   B.He was not serious about his work.

C.He was devoted to the poor.               D.He was very good at learning.


On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xi’an with his bicycle. The hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager, for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel ball before though they lived in “the kingdom of bicycles.”

Robert Friedlander, an American, arrived in Xi’an on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last December in New Delhi, India.

When he was 11, he read the book Ma-rco Polo and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road. Now, after 44 years , he was on the Silk Road in Xi’an and his early dreams were coming true.

Robert Friedlander’s next destinations (目的地) were Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Urumqi, etc. He will complete his trip in Pakistan.

1.The best headline(标题) for this newspaper article would be________.

A.The Kingdom of Bicycles                  B.A Beautiful Hotel in Xi’an

C.Marco Polo and the Silk Road              D.An American Achieving His Aims

2.The hotel workers told the manager about Friedlander coming to the hotel because

A.he asked to see the manager

B.he entered the hall with a bike

C.the manager had to know about all foreign guests

D.the manager knew about his trip and was expecting him

3.Friedlander is visiting the three countries in the following order,       .

A.China, Pakistan, and India                 B.Pakistan, China, and India

C.India, China, and Pakistan                 D.China, India, and Pakistan


Most Chinese people these days know what it is like to have an “English teacher”, since almost all pupils study English from their third year. Usually that first English teacher will be a young and lovely lady in primary school. But my first English teacher is no other than my father. Looking back, I can see that, when I was only a little girl, he created an English environment by providing me with flashcards,fun English- language toys and even dolls which can sing English songs! My interest in English had certainly been awakened (唤起) when I began to learn English at school. Just imagine, he went a step further and asked me to learn New Concept English by myself! I was puzzled and even angry. I could not understand why a father could be so strict with his little girl. All the same, he never gave up and he gently insisted that I follow through with his idea. At first, I read stories with tears and I actually hated them because they were too difficult for me. In the end, I came to love the funny stories and, to be honest, my father was always there with a helping hand. I am sure that my English would never have got so far without his support. And that’s why my father is not only my first English teacher but also my lifelong teacher. He is one who awoke my interest, and who gave me much confidence .

1.Most pupils in China begin to learn English________. primary school   B.from parents three years old home

2.The underline part ”no other than my father” in the passage probably means________. my father      B.not my father father himself   D.not only my father

3.From the whole passage we can see that________.

A.the girl preferred playing to learning English

B.the girl hates her father because he was strict

C.the girl is very thankful to her father

D.the father gave up after knowing his daughter could not understand

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The girl’s father is her first English teacher.

B.The girl had been interested in English before going to school.

C.The girl’s father was always ready to help her with her English.

D.The girl could have learned English well by herself without her father.

5.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.How I learned English at school

B.My father---my first and lifelong English teacher

C.The relationship between my father and me

D.I’ve made progress in English learning


At present time, roller skating (滑旱冰) is easy and fun. But many years ago, it wasn’t easy at all. Before 1750, people never tried skating on wheels. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlin’s work was making instruments (工具). In his free time he liked to play the violin. Merlin was a man with many ideas and many dreams. People called him a dreamer.

One day Merlin received an invitation to go to an important party. He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think. He wanted to find a way to make a wonderful entrance at the party. Merlin had an idea. He thought that he would attract much attention if he could skate into the room.

Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll (滚动). Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skate shoes. Merlin was very proud of them. He dreamed of arriving at the party and skating into the room while playing the violin. He was sure that everyone would be very surprised.

On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room, playing his violin. Everyone was really surprised to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skating. He rolled on, playing the violin. Then, with all eyes on him, Merlin hit into a huge mirror on the wall. The mirror broke into many pieces with a very loud noise.

Nobody forgot Merlin’s wonderful entrance after that.

1.The first paragraph tells us that people began to skate on wheels from 1750 because (of ) _______. is very easy                 is very exciting

C.Joseph Merlin’s instruments     is very popular

2.People called Merlin a dreamer because ___________.

A.he slept and dreamed a lot

B.he was full of different ideas and dreams

C.he invented the first roller skates

D.he always made people’s dreams come true

3.___________ made Merlin think of skating on wheels.

A.Merlin’s work     B.Merlin’s violin     C.A huge mirror      D.An important party

4.What was Merlin’s problem after he rolled into the room?

A.He couldn’t stop his roller-skating.

B.He couldn’t attract a lot of attention.

C.Everyone was surprised at him.

D.He couldn’t play the violin while rolling.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Joseph Merlin’s Story

B.How Roller Skating Was Invented

C.A Surprising Entrance to the Party

D.Violin and roller skating


I went to the classroom with great confidence when I gave my first lesson to my English literature class. Since I had taught in America for many years, I had no 36 ______ about my ability to hold their attention and to 37 ______ them my admiration for the literature of my native language.

I was 38 ______ when the monitor shouted,“ Stand up! ” The whole class 39  ______ as I entered the classroom. I was somewhat 40 ______ how I could get them to sit down again, but once that embarrassment was over, I quickly 41 ______ my calmness and began what I thought was a fact- packed lecture, sure to gain their 42 ______  — perhaps even their admiration. I went back to my office with the rosy glow(满面红光)which came from a sense of 43 ______ .

All ray students 44 ______ diaries. However, as I read their diaries, the rosy glow was gradually 45 ______ by a strong sense of sadness. The first diary said,“ Our literature teacher didn't teach us anything today. Her next lecture will 46 ______ be better. ” Greatly surprised,I read diary after diary, each expressing a 47 ______ theme. “ Didn't I teach them anything? I described the entire philosophical framework of Western thought and laid the historical 48 ______ for all the works we'll study in class, “ I complained. “ How should they say I didn't 49  ______ them anything?"

After a long term ’ I gradually learned that my ideas about 50 ______ were not the same as those of my students. I thought a teacher's job was to 51 ______  questions and provide enough background so that students could 52 their own conclusions, while my students thought a teacher's job was to provide 53 information as directly and clearly as possible. What a great 54 ______ !

However, I also learned a lot, and my 55 ______  with my Chinese students has made me a better American teacher, knowing how to teach in a different culture.

1.                A.idea           B. doubt         C.trouble   D. difficulty


2.                A.fix on          B. hold on        C.focus on  D. impress on


3.                A.shocked        B. amused        C.interested D. excited


4.                A.laughed        B. shouted        C.rose D. whispered


5.                A.puzzled         B. confident      C.anxious   D. curious


6.                A.covered        B. hid           C.regained  D. won


7.                A.satisfaction      B. support        C.concern  D. respect


8.                A.failure         B. achievement    C.embarrassment D. sadness


9.                A.liked           B. kept D. exchanged


10.               A. replaced       B. held          C.controlled D. caught


11.               A. surely         B. naturally       C.obviously  D. possibly


12.               A. normal        B. special        C.similar D. disappointing


13.               A. knowledge     B. background    C.development   D. information


14.               A. explain        B. tell           C.provide   D. teach


15.               A. education      B. learning       C.culture    D. literature


16.               A. discover       B. consider       C.raise  D. answer


17.               A. draw          B. decide   D. share


18.               A. useful         B. related        C.exact D. standard


19.               A. concept       B. situation       C.challenge  D. difference


20.               A. discussion      B. experience     C.argument  D. growth



At last they climbed up the mountain,on the top of which     an old temple dating back to 1,500 BC.

A. is lying    B. there lies    C. does lie    D. 1ies


Generally speaking,prices of daily goods     through the Internet are lower than store prices.

A.bought           B.are bought         C.buying   buy


—I may go to the market this afternoon.

—Could you please buy some fruit for me     you are there?

A.since             B.if                C.while             D.fits


Mary used to listen to music that     the 0ld times.

A.called for         B.called on          C.called up          D.called in


—The place of interest is really beautiful。

—Yes,Mr White     a right place.

A.introduces        B.introduced        C.had introduced     D.was introducing


It was reported that the problem had been settled without much     .

A.affect            B.affair             C.effect            D.effort


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