I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached _________ looked like a large market.

A.that              B.which            C.what             D.where


According to the air traffic rules, you ___ switch off your mobile phone before boarding.

A.may              B.can              C.would            D.shall


— Do you think another Korean War will break out?

         Only through peaceful dialogues can a war be avoided.

A.No way.           B.That’s for sure     C.Why not?          D.It depends.


While studying, fix your mind on what is really important, or you will

         remembering nothing.

A.take up           B.lead to            C.stick to           D.end up


Advertising is different from other forms of communication in that the advertiser pays for the message         .

A.to deliver         B.having delivered    C.to be delivered     D.delivering


— Hi,Michelle, I can’t find my e-dictionary.

— Sorry,I           it. I guess I put it on the top shelf with my things.

A.had used          B.used             C.was using          D.am using


-Do you know why Michael resigned from the board?

-He held out for higher wages, but was ____ in the end.

A.put down          B.broke down        C.cut down          D.turned down


He flew to Paris two hours ago,           he would stay for three days.

A.there            B.which            C.when             D.where


— I didn’t go to class last night because my car broke down.

— You            mine. I wasn’t using it.

A.should borrow                         B.might have borrowed

C.could have borrowed                    D.must have borrowed


____ the numbers in employment, the hotel industry was the second largest industry in this country last year.

A.In spite of         B.In case of          C.In terms of         D.In praise of


Is English Literature a(n)____ lesson, or does everyone have to learn it?

A.potential          B.typical            C.optional           D.critical


Traveling is a good way to           different cultures and broaden the mind.

A.expand           B.explore           C.expose           D.export


The children were required to wear new school clothes, but Kim couldn’t afford         .

A.one              B.some             C.any              D.that


_____news that the national football team was disqualified for the next World Cup finals came as no___ surprise at dll .

A./;a             B.The; /            C.A; a              D.The; a


在我们的生活和学习中,与人合作是非常重要的。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为 “Cooperate with others”的英文演讲稿。请写在答题纸相应横线上。

















1.对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2.词数150左右。

参考词汇:合作者 partner 高效地efficiently

Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Cooperate with others”.


Thank you for your listening!





Made In The USA: An Export Boom

In his State of the Union address two years ago, President Obama argued that in order to recover from the economic recession, one of the few things the U.S. needed to do was to export more goods around the world. That night, the president unveiled a new goal: to double U.S. exports over the next five years. It would be an increase that the president said would “support two million jobs in America.”

Most economists dismissed the promise at the time as something unrealistic, but two years later, the U.S. is on pace to meet that goal. American exports are up 34 percent since the president gave that speech, and the number continues to rise.

Competitive In A Global Market

Marlin Steel, a metal working business in Baltimore, makes parts that ship all across the world. “We export to 36 countries,” owner Drew Greenblatt tells All Things Considered Host Guy Raz.“We're working around the clock, and we're growing.”

It's not just advanced manufacturing exports on the rise, but pork, cattle and all kinds of agricultural exports are up as well. Even American craft beer has found an export market.

Flying Dog CEO Jim Caruso says that increasingly, people all over the world are trying the beer from the Maryland-based brewery. Caruso says,“Even in those top beer-producing countries, a competitive American product is finding a market.”

Services Are Exports, Too

Another place exports are coming from is New York City—in particular, the 30th floor of a Manhattan skyscraper on 5th Avenue and 52nd Street. That's where the consulting firm Kurt Solomon lies. It doesn't actually produce a product for export; it provides management advice and strategy.

“Four out of every five Americans is now employed in the service industry,” the nation's top trade official, Ron Kirk says, “Services are a significant part of our exports, and make up about a quarter of our exported goods.” These services can include everything from legal consulting, finance, information technology and even engineering.

And There Are Other Factors

So why has there been an increase of more than 30 percent for exports in almost everything? Part of the increase, at least for the manufacturing side, is due to better technology, says Tyler Cowen, an economist. “A lot of it is being driven by smart machines,” he tells Raz,“The U.S. has high wage rates, which is a disadvantage, but if machines are doing a lot of the work, that doesn't matter.”

China factors a lot in America's export economy, too.“Wages in China have been going up as the country becomes more productive. Thus China is losing the cheap labor advantage it has held for some time.” Cowen says.

Will Jobs Grow, too?

“Companies have become more productive by dismissing workers and lowering costs.”Cowen says.“So I don't view exporting as a way of creating a very large number of jobs, but it will create more profits.”

So not every business or worker is necessarily benefiting from the export boom in the U.S., and Cowen says that could ultimately lead to a polarization(两极) of economic outcomes.

Made In the USA: An Export Boom



The purpose of  increasing exports

*To help America make a (1)______ from the economic recession

*To help raise the nation's (2)______ rate

The current situation

*American exports have risen (3)______ thirty-four percent up to now

*There has been an increase in exports in everything

*The export boom does not necessarily (4)______ every business or worker

(5)______ contributing to the export boom


Even in those top beer-producing countries, people try craft beer from Flying Dog, a brewery (7)______ in Maryland

Various products

A variety of products are provided around the world,services (8)______ for 25%

Lower costs

*(9)______ take the place of labor, helping companies reduce wages

*China, who used to take (10)______ of cheap labor, has given way to America in exports to some extent because of its increasing production


The teacher was leaving the village, and everybody seemed sorry. The miller at Cresscombe lent him the small cart and horse to carry his goods to Christminster, the city of his destination, such a vehicle proving of quite enough size for the teacher's belongings. For his only article, in addition to the packing-case of books, was a piano that he had bought when he thought of learning instrumental music. But the eagerness having faded he had never acquired any skill in playing, and the purchased article had been a permanent trouble to him.

The headmaster had gone away for the day, being a man who disliked the sight of changes. He did not mean to return till the evening, when the new teacher would have arrived, and everything would be smooth again.

The blacksmith, the farm bailiff and the teacher were standing in confused attitudes in the sitting room before the instrument. The teacher had remarked that even if he got it into the cart he should not know what to do with it on his arrival at Christminster, since he was only going into a temporary place just at first.

A little boy of eleven, who had been assisting in the packing, joined the group of men, and said, ‘Aunt has got a fuel-house, and it could be put there, perhaps, till you’ve found a place to settle in, sir.’

‘Good idea,’ said the blacksmith.

The smith and the bailiff started to see about the possibility of the suggested shelter, and the boy and the teacher were left standing alone.

‘Sorry I am going, Jude?’ asked the latter kindly.

Tears rose into the boy’s eyes. He admitted that he was sorry.

‘So am I,’ said Mr. Phillotson.

‘Why do you go, sir?’ asked the boy.

‘Well—don't speak of this everywhere. You know what a university is, and a university degree? It is the necessary hallmark (标志) of a man who wants to do anything in teaching. My scheme, or dream, is to be a university graduate. By going to live at Christminster, I shall be at headquarters, so to speak, and if my scheme is practicable at all, I consider that being on the spot will afford me a better chance.’

The smith and his companion returned. Old Miss Fawley's fuel-house was practicable; and she seemed willing to give the instrument standing-room there. So it was left in the school till the evening, when more hands would be available for removing it; and the teacher gave a final glance round.

At nine o'clock Mr. Phillotson mounted beside his box of books, and waved his friends good-bye.

1.It seemed that the teacher _____.

A.was not getting on well with the headmaster

B.had lived a rather simple life in the village

C.was likely to continue to practice playing the piano

D.would get help in the city on arriving there

2.The motivation of the teacher’s moving lay in his _____.

A.ambition          B.devotion          C.admiration         D.inspiration

3.The boy named Jude may be described as _____. 

A.polite, generous and cheerful              B.active, modest and friendly

C.kind, bright and helpful                   D.calm, confident and humorous

4.In the passage the writer describes both the teacher’s _____.

A.love for music and his dislike for musical instruments

B.hard work in the village and his strong interest in city life

C.friendship with some villagers and also conflicts with others

D.eagerness to go to the city and his affection for the village


Why does a large education nation like China have so few world renowned scientists as the US? Educationists from China and the US try to find out the answer to questions like this at a forum on the basic education strategy.

The forum, held recently, was jointly organized by the Education Development Research Center of the Ministry of Education in China and the Postgraduate School of the University of Pennsylvania in the US. It aims to find out similarities and differences that exist between two countries in their educational system.

While some educationists in China keep a doubtful eye to the country’s educational system in recent years. Their American counterparts give a positive answer to the basic education in China, saying that it is still one of the best in the world.

An American educationist told reporters that the basic education in the US was criticized in recent years due to its political tendency. On the contrary, Chinese government’s stress on basic education and qualified teachers has set a good example.

At primary and middle school, pupils in China did better in math and science lessons than the US pupils. However, few grow to be world “masters”. Why? Educationists attributed this to China’s stress on examination rather than students’ interest.

Deputy Director of the postgraduate school of Pennsylvania University said American teachers encouraged students to focus on their strong points. In China, students are driven to study to pass the entrance examination test and they do not pay much attention to their own interest.

At the forum, director of the Education Development Research Center Mr. Zhang said in the future, the research center would make its middle and long-term basic education strategy by taking some references from other countries including the US.

He also revealed that for a long time in the future, China would make a breakthrough in setting the policy for quality education.

1.This passage is mainly about _________.

A.quality education development in the future

B.why China’s education cultivates few world masters

C.China’s good basic education

D.genius education at the primary stage

2.The underlined word “renowned” in the first paragraph probably means ________

A.famous           B.active            C.qualified          D.experienced

3.The following statements are true EXCEPT that _________

A.basic education in the US is associated with the government’s political interest.

B.the forum aims to find out the reason why there few world masters in China.

C.all the educationists in China cast doubts in the country’s educational system.

D.Chinese government’s stress on basic education is spoken highly of.

4.China’s educational system will _______ in the future.

A.help students to study even harder to pass the examination

B.apply more attention to quality education referring to systems of other countries

C.allow students to pay more attention to their own interest without their test results

D.copy the educational system in the US


Master of Science in Information Systems (MS INSY)

University of Texas Arlington College of Business Administration                     

说明: 满分5 manfen5.comIntroduction                                                 

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com1. Learn how to develop and manage computer-based information    Start date  01/05/2008

systems                                                End date Request info

2. Learn how information systems support general business activities        Place  United States

3. Prepare for careers in business, industry, government, or non-profit            of America,

organizations                                                    Arlington, TX

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com4. Electives (选修课程) available:                              Application deadline

●expert systems                                                 01/01/2008

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com说明: 满分5 manfen5.com●decision support systems                                     Start date  01/09/2008

●system concepts                                        End date  Request info

●computer science                                          Place  United States

●information systems                                                    of America,

●management science                                               Arlington, TX

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com●business logistics                                         Application deadline

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com说明: 满分5 manfen5.com●enterprise resource planning (ERP)                                 01/04/2008

Requirements                                                Start date  01/01/2009

For those students holding a BBA or equivalent, this program requires   End date  Request info

a minimum of 30 hours (holders of non-business degrees will likely      Place  United States

require additional coursework):                                            of America,

12 hours of coursework in:                                                Arlington, TX

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com●management information systems                             Application Deadline

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com说明: 满分5 manfen5.com●database management systems                                        01/09/2008

●system analysis and design                                    TYPE  Campus

●distributed information systems and data communications               Level  Master

6 hours of Thesis research on a major project (or substitute 9 hours of   Duration Request info

advanced electives)                                            Part time  No

6 hours of research/statistics courses                             Full time  Yes

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com6 hours of electives                                            Price  Request info

1.If you want your program to start from September 2008, you’ll have to apply before _______.

A.May 1st           B.September 1st      C.January 1st        D.April 1st

2.Students of non-business degrees are required to spend _______ hours on the program.

A.at most 48         B.at least 42         C.more than 30      D.not less than 60

3.What do we learn from the above web page?

A.You won’t be admitted to the university if you are working in a company.

B.This program will prepare you for your further study in business.

C.Expert systems, computer science and business activities are available as electives.

D.Detailed information about the end dates can be obtained by phone.


I have been consistently opposed to feeding a baby regularly. As a doctor, mother and scientist in child development I believe there is nothing to recommend it, from the baby's point of view.

Mothers, doctors and nurse alike have no idea of where a baby's blood sugar level lies. All we know is that a low level is harmful to brain development and makes a baby easily annoyed. In this state, the baby is difficult to calm down and sleep is impossible. The baby asks for attention by crying and searching for food with its mouth.

It is not just unkind but also dangerous to say a four-hourly feeding schedule will make a baby satisfied. The first of the experts to advocate a strict clock-watching schedule was Dr Frederic Truby King who was against feeding in the night. I've never heard anything so ridiculous. Baby feeding shouldn't follow a timetable set by the mum. What is important is feeding a baby in the best way, though it may cause some inconvenience in the first few weeks.

Well, at last we have copper-bottomed research that supports demand feeding and points out the weaknesses of strictly timed feeding . The research finds out that babies who are fed on demand do better at school at age 5, 7 , 11 and 14, than babies fed according to the clock. By the age of 8, their IQ(智商)scores are four to five percent higher than babies fed by a rigid timetable. This research comes from Oxford and Essex University using a sample(样本)of 10,419 children born in the early 1990s,taking account of parental education, family income, a child's sex and age, the mother's health and feeling style. These results don't surprise me. Feeling according to schedule runs the risk of harming the rapidly growing brain by taking no account of sinking blood sugar levels.

I hope this research will put an end to advocating strictly timed baby feeling practices.

1.What does the author think about Dr King?

A.He is strict

B.He is unkind

C.He has the wrong idea.

D.He sets a timetable for mothers

2.The word copper-bottomed in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _________

A.basic             B.reliable           C.surprising         D.interesting

3.What does the research tell us about feeling a baby on demand?

A.The baby will sleep well.

B.The baby will have its brain harmed.

C.The baby will have a low blood sugar level.

D.The baby will grow to be wiser by the age of 8.

4.The author supports feeling the baby_______.

A.in the night

B.every four hours

C.whenever it wants food

D.according to its blood sugar level


A boy was walking home from school when he saw a large, tempting (诱人的)apple on one of the branches of an apple tree hanging out over a tall fence. The boy wasn’t much of a fruit-eater, 36  a bar of chocolate if given the choice,    37   , as they say, the forbidden fruit can be tempting. Seeing the apple, the boy wanted it. The more he looked at it, the   38   he felt and the more he wanted that apple.

He stood on tiptoe(脚尖), 39   as high as he could , but even as his tallest  40  he was unable to touch it. He began to 41  up and down , as high as he could, at the  42  of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple . Still it remained out of  43  .  

Not giving up , he thought , if only he had something to  44  on . His school bag wouldn’t give enough height and he didn’t want to  45  the things inside , like his lunch box , pencil case , and Gameboy . Looking  46  , he hoped he might find an old box , a rock , or ,  47  luck , even a ladder , but it was a tidy neighborhood and there was nothing he could use . 

He had tired everything he could think to do .   48   seeing any other choices , he gave up and started to walk   49  . At first he felt angry and disappointed thinking about how hungry he had become from his  50  , and how he really wanted that apple . The more he  51  like this , the more unhappy he became.

52  ,the boy of our story was a pretty smart guy, even if he couldn’t always get what get he wanted .He started to say to himself ,“This isn’t   53  .I don’t have the apple and I’m feeling miserable as well. There’s  54   more I can do to get the apple ---that is unchangeable---but we are supposed to be able to  55  our feelings. If that’s the case, what can I do to feel better?”

1.                A.preferring      B.offering         C.receiving D.allowing


2.A. so          B. then         C. but           D or

3.                A.sadder         B.angrier         C.hungrier  D.tastier


4.                A.expanding      B.stretching       C.swinging  D.pulling


5.                A. strength       B.length          C. range   D.height


6.                A.jump           B.look           C.walk D.glance


7.                A. tip            B.stage           C.top  D. level


8.A hope         B. hand         C. sight        D.  reach

9.                A.put            B.stand           C.get  D. hold


10.               A.break          B.shake          C.take  D. strike


11.               A.up            B.forward        C.down     D.around


12.               A.for            B.with           C.on   D.of


13.               A.After          B.Through        C.Without   D.Upon


14.               A.back           B. away          C.up   D.down


15.               A.wishes         B. beliefs        C.efforts    D.goals


16.               A.thought        B. imagined       C.tried  D.claimed


17.               A.Therefore      B.However       C.Moreover D.Otherwise


18.               A.skilful          B.cheerful        C.harmful   D.helpful


19.               A.something      B.anything        C.everything D.nothing


20.               A.change         B.express        C.forget D.describe



We missed our train, and ________ the next train was delayed, ________ we had to wait for another two hours.

A.on top of that; so                       B.as a result; thus

C.what was worse; therefore                D.apart from that; then


-I’ll come to see your performance at 9:00 tomorrow morning.

-I’m sorry, by then my performance ______ and I _______ reporters in the meeting room.

A.will end; will meet                       B.will have ended; will be meeting

C.will be ended; am going to meet            D.is to end; will be meeting


-You seem to know little about Yancheng Middle School. Aren’t you a teacher here?

-No, but I ________.

A.hope to           B.hope that          C.hope it           D.hope to be


Never should we forget the war and sufferings ________ caused to the people.

A.it                B.which            C.that              D.what


________Yan yanhong, a kindergarten teacher in Zhejiang Province ________ the boy by holding up him by his ears, his feet about 10 cm off the ground, she ________ free to live her own life now.

A.If; didn’t abuse; would be

B.Had; not abused; would have been

C.If; shouldn’t abuse; should have been

D.Had; not abused; would be


The employers often give the job to ________they believe have work experience with strong sense of duty.

A.whichever         B.those who         C.who              D.whomever


_______, and students having returned, the school will start with ________ effort in the work that lies before it.

A.The summer vacation is over; refreshing

B.As the summer vacation over; renewed

C.The summer vacation being over; renewed

D.With the summer vacation being over; refreshing


Staying in hospital and taking special medicines ________ drug users an opportunity to stay away from drugs, which is________ the key to breaking the addiction to drugs lies.

A.serves; where      B.provides; what      C.give; that          D.allow; where


With the fight against piracy ________, more and more people find that authentic CDs and DVDs deserve ________.

A.furthered; buying                       B.furthered; to buy

C.furthering; to be bought                  D.furthering; buying


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